Questions And Answers...

By NikkityNakNoo

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A collection of stand alone chapters of what, if, when and why's of Chicago Fire episodes that have left more... More

What About Rene?
Take My Breath Away
The Scars We Hide...
The Lieutenant's Test..
Put My Focus Back Where It Belongs...
Whose Shadow You Walk In.
We've Come A Long Way
The Man You Deserve
It's Her Home Too...
Give Me Everything I Need
My Girl..
Funny The Things You Get Used To..
You Were Made For This..
Pictured Rocks
Wake Up The Rest Of The Building
Lieutenant Kidd
Not Like This...
Don't Ever Let It End
Just Give Up
Saving Water
Important Person Stuff
No One Like You.
I can't go through this again...
Help Me Forget
At Last
I've Got You
.................The Epilogue...( to the last chapter!)
Mistletoe And Wine
Christmas Wish List
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Happy New Year, Babe.
You've Lost That Loving Feeling
The Bachelor

Sub Zero Temperatures....

673 17 7
By NikkityNakNoo

S9 Ep 7 Dead of Winter.

This was requested by romanogers_stucky forever.❤️

Given that we are heading for the s11 finale tomorrow....... and well.... who knew?

And guess we still don't.

This is for every Stellarider that believes, every Stellarider who is hurting and it's for all of us after tomorrow...... whichever way it goes...

Because it's been one hell of a ride.❤️

This is from me to all of you with love because we deserve some Stellaride fluff, and we deserve to see them as this....


The best part about having a row with your girlfriend is the making up part, Kelly decided as he parked Stella's jeep outside the cabin, the claustophobia of the city already forgotten. A small bag each, some supplies to keep them fed and hydrated and just the two of them alone in the cabin and the three inches of snow that covered Illinois. It was his idea of heaven.

However, even heaven has its heating challenges because it was positively arctic when they got inside Benny's old wooden structure.

"Oh my god, it's freezing!" Stella shivered, rubbing her gloved hands together, her breath vaporising in the cold air.

Kelly laughed at her exaggeratedly pained expression."Anyone would think you've never experienced a Chicago winter."
Bending down, he grabbed pieces of wood from the basket and placed them in the grate to start up the fire.

"Yeah, but my days off are usually spent in a warm and cosy apartment not spent freezing my butt off in the back of beyond!" She retorted, wrapping her arms around herself. "I swear it's warmer outside!"

"What happened to icy roads, snow-covered driveway, sub zero temperatures, and the two of us... sounds hot?!"

"Think I may have pictured it a bit differently in my head." She muttered with a wince wrapping her arms around herself. "I forgot how cold this cabin gets!"

"Grab me some newspapers from the table over there." He pointed to the dining table at the far end of the cabin, still trying not to laugh at Stella's overt face pulling.

Crumpling up some sheets, she handed them to him to add to the fire.

He put down some kindling into the grate before lighting it, waiting for it to catch alight, and then leaned back on his haunches to look at her.
He loved the simplicity and the solitude of the cabin for when he needed it, but since they had been together, he wanted her to love it too and in his head he had pictured them using this as their escape from the madness of their other life.

"Sorry, babe. Maybe I should have taken you somewhere with proper heating."
His murmured apology was muted.
Her knit hat was pulled down low on her head, a red woollen scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and chin, a big padded jacket all but burying her. There was no way a breath of cold air was getting inside Stella's winter defences. He had an overwhelming urge to wrap her in his arms and, for the thousandth time, felt the excruciating guilt of how he had pushed her away during the Lieutenant's test. And she had forgiven him. Like she always did.

'So listen up, I'm the one who is never gonna let you get away again."

Her face had been so solemn after his fuck up of cataclysmic proportions when standing in Brett's apartment his pathetic attempt at apologizing had left him terrified that he had pushed her too far.

"Your'e not the decider."

But if there was one thing, Kelly Severide was good at, it was being Stella's archilles heel.

"You could warm me up?" She offered in a small voice, undone by his uncertainty and visible disappointment about her lack of enthusiasm now that she was in the cabin.

He said nothing for a long moment just watching her, his eyes softening with an all-encompassing love that had her pretty much ready to strip down naked and push him down onto the cold floor and to hell with the freezing temperatures.

He leant forward and brushed his lips against hers. Christ! She was cold! Even the tip of her nose had gone a little red.

"Let me get this fire going for you, and I'm all yours."

"Well, that was what I was kinda hoping for when I agreed to this break." She grinned wickedly, making him laugh.

To Stella's relief, it wasn't long before the fire was roaring in the grate, and suddenly, the bone chilling cold had been replaced by a warm glow, and more like a place to escape to and spend two days loving every last inch of him and have him to do the same for her. Which had kinda been her plan!

It was also time out for them to reconnect after the drama of their fallout over the Lieutenant's test.

Unpacking their supplies, brunch was a joint effort of french toast, bacon, eggs and warm Cinnamon rolls, the latter of which Stella couldn't resist biting into as Kelly hovered over the eggs on the stove, letting out a groan of pure delight.

"I swear these are better than sex." She licked her lips, closing her eyes, her tongue savouring every last sprinkle of frosting from her mouth.

Kelly turned around from the stove and raised an eyebow at her, his mouth open in mock outrage at her statement.

"Did you just say those rolls are better than sex?!"

Stella looked sheepish.

"As good as?" She amended.

"I might just make you regret you said that later." He turned that look on her, those wickedly blue eyes that could turn her into slush with an unspoken promise, looking right through her sweater and underneath.

And suddenly, the cinammon roll seemed forgotten, and the heat that swept through her and up her face had nothing to do with the fire in the grate.

Laughing, he sensed where her mind was going and deliberately turned back to the eggs. Better than sex! Huh! He smirked to himself. He was gonna make her come so hard that she'd never look at another cinammon roll without thinking about him!

And later that afternoon, while the snow fell down in big thick flakes outside, that's exactly what he did.
They had been clearing away after brunch, and Kelly had looked over at her, elbow deep in soapy water, cleaning dishes, her back to him , her jeans hugging her ass.
His groin tightened suddenly, and the blood rushed to his dick. Putting down the dishcloth, he walked up behind her and turned her around surprising her, slinging her over his shoulder, and dumped her on the couch.
Not taking his eyes off her, he pulled off his sweatshirt and unsnapped his jeans, while Stella stared at him wide-eyed, and then a slow smile spread across her face.
Sitting up, she put her arms up, pulling off her sweater and threw it on the floor, and then fell back as he put one knee on the couch and moved on top of her.

The warmth from the fire bathed them with its glow, locked inside the cocoon the cabin had become, his hands and mouth moving over her in a deliberate plan to arouse and hold back until she became mindless and ready to give in to him and the electrifying orgasm that he had carefully orchestrated. And when she did, he slid back up her body and inside her, her legs wrapping around him, fucking her until she gasped for another release and she gave him his.

The early afternoon slipped into evening, and winter darkness descended, but the inches of thick snow cast an ethereal light in all directions.
Sweat poured from their bodies, his hands gliding up her back. She was on top now and showed him with a slower ride that she could break him equally, her movements working his dick, her inner muscles clenching around his erection, loving the way his hands gripped hers above him helplessly, as she leaned forward to take his mouth at the same time as she ground down on him, hearing and swallowing his groan inside her mouth.


"So I brought a book with me...."

They were on the rug in front of the fire. The smell of sex and burning wood pervaded the air and clung to their skin. If anything, it was a heady aphrodisiac as hands and lips continued to connect.

"Okay?" He was wondering where this was going.
Stella was someone who flicked through magazines or studied station manuals for her Lieutenants test, but other than that, she didn't like to read books. She was far too fidgety, and she didn't have the patience to wait to find out what happened at the end.

"Yeah.... It's called a 'Year Of Us.' The premise is to stimulate conversation between couples by asking each other all kinds of questions....some playful, some psychological....present, past..future. it's meant to be one a day for a whole year....but we can cut corners and pick a few out?....."

Stella felt him tensing behind her and could imagine the uncomfortable look that took over his face.

"What kind of questions?" Anything to do with communication petrified Kelly Severide!

"Don't worry. It'll be painless. See it as us bonding! " She kissed the fingers of one hand that were resting on her stomach.

She looked at him, hopefully. "It's a bit of fun?"

"Hmmm.... "Kelly huffed out a disagreeing sound, deciding if they were going to do this, he needed beer.

"Pour me a large glass of wine." She teased into his ear as he got up, Kelly liking the way that her eyes trailed his nudity and clung to strategic parts of him which wasn't a bad way to get around him.

She pulled on a vest and her underwear and grabbed the book from her purse, waiting patiently sitting cross-legged in front of the fire and when he came back he did the same handing her a glass of red wine, his expression telling her that he was still uncertain about this.

Stella reached over and brushed her lips against his. "I promise it will be fun."

Kelly held up his beer to his mouth, not so sure and thinking maybe it would be easier to do this drunk!

"Ok....soooo....." Opening the book, she flipped through some pages. "Let's start with one for the ego." She gave him a wink.
"What would you enjoy hearing me say to others if I brag about you?"

Kelly stared at her mutely while Stella waited, prompting him with her eyes. And then.
"O.k, I'll go first......" She offered. "I would enjoy hearing you say that I'm a great firefighter. And that I'm going to ace my Lieutenant's test."

"That is what I would say." Kelly agreed.

"You would?"

"Yeah, I would."

"Awwww babe! I love that!" She leant over and kissed him. "Now, what would you want to hear me say about you?"

"I'm shit hot in bed?"

"Kelly! You're not taking it seriously."
Stella rolled her eyes at him.

"I am serious!" He argued, but when she glowered at him, he relented. "O.k. O.k.... uhmm...... That I'm the best boyfriend you've ever had?"
Kelly had a small twitch around his mouth, and Stella abruptly closed the book and gave him an injured look.

"Sorry! Let's start again. " He took the book out of her hands and changed his expression to a solemn one. " I would be made up if I heard you say that I'm a damn fine rescue squad 3 Lieutenant?"

"Anything else?"

"I'm loyal and a good man?"

"Yes! Exactly right!. Because you are! "
Kelly felt a dig in his chest of pride, acknowledging how much it meant to him that she thought that.

" And yeah.....also.. I would say he's shit hot in bed and the best boyfriend I've ever had." Stella added with a smirk, making him laugh out loud.

"Who was your first memorable crush, and why did you like them?"

"Easy. Sofia Estevez. Third grade. She shared her candy with me and let me hold her hand underneath the desk."

Stella couldn't help but smile picturing an eight year old Kelly. She bet he was breaking hearts then, too.

"Mine was Marc Patterson. Fourth grade. He had the prettiest blue eyes, and he was kind to me."

Kelly's chest knotted. There wasn't a heap he knew about Stella's past, but what he knew wasn't good. He didn't miss the blue eyes similarity or the way she had just looked at him then.
That's how he should have answered the bragging question he thought. He wanted her to brag that he was kind.

" Your turn." She prompted.
They were working their way through the beer and wine, and both started to get into this.

Kelly flipped through the book, and his face stretched into a knowing smile.

"Can you recall and describe the moment you first suspected I was attracted to you?"

"Oh easy!" Stella clapped her hands in delight. "You breaking into my house and telling me you had fallen for me was a dead giveaway!"

Kelly laughed with her, both recalling the night when not knowing she was married he had broken into her house with a six-pack and flowers, only to be chased out by her husband.

He was enjoying himself now. "I knew you were lusting after me when I came out of the showers at 51, and you pretended to chat to me and made out that you weren't staring at me.... but you were pretty much salivating...."

"I was not!" Stella hotly denied shaking her head, making Kelly laugh even more.

"Ok...then... " He put it another way. "When did you first realise you wanted to fuck me?" The blue of his eyes had darkened from the shadows in the room and from something else.

Stella sat back and took a sip of her wine and met his eyes, unflinchingly. "The first time I met you."

There was silence. And unspoken regret for the time inbetween. For her heartbroken days of being married to someone she knew she didnt love. And him for the lonely days of thinking he loved anyone but her.

Stella cleared her throat and took back the book.

"What do you do with your friends that you wish you could do with me?"

"Fish." Kelly said immediately.

" Dance." Stella responded with a laugh.

"What words are you most afraid of hearing from a person of authority?"

"I didn't pass my Lieutenant's test." The fear of failure was already palpable in the way she was looking at him.

"Its never gonna happen." He assured her, taking her hand and kissing the palm.

"You?" She prompted.

"You're fired." His face hardened. I remember when Tara Little accused me of sexual harassment. I genuinely thought she was going to get away with lying......" He took another swig of his beer. "Im not sure what I'd do if I wasn't a firefighter."

"It's never gonna happen." She repeated his words and he realised with a jolt how easy it was opening up to her with the insightful questions he had never thought to ask....or answer.

"If you could write a letter to the person you feel made the most positive impact on me...who would it be and what would it say?"

"Boden." He leant forward and pushed a stray curl away from her face. " I'd tell him thanks for looking out for my girl. For seeing in her what I see in her every day."

Stella gulped and her eyes filled. Moving onto her knees she climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

" And I would write to Boden and say. Thank you for nurturing Kelly Severide, for being his mentor and his father figure when he needs it, whipping his ass when he needs it but most of all for giving him a family whenever he needs it."

She cupped his face and kissed him sweetly, tasting the wine and the beer on their lips. It was a kiss of love and a kiss of gratitide to each other, for each other.

Stella took the book from him and picked a random page.

Her eyebrows raised. "Hmmmm... interesting one..."

"What world record for the longest couples activity do you think we'd be best at setting...holding hands, kissing, engaging in foreplay, savoring amazing food, or cuddling in bed?"

"Ahhh.... back to cinammon rolls?!" Kelly teased, nibbling her ear. " I know what my answer is... but I kinda think I know what yours is too!"

"Oh do tell... what is mine?!"

"Savoring food, obviously!"

"What?! " Stella pouted. "Just because I like my food a lot, it doesn't mean that there aren't other things I like more..." she murmured." She ran a slow finger down his chest and then kissed his neck slowly, letting her tongue lick his salty skin.
"Shall we see if we can break the longest foreplay record?"

He was hard underneath her, grabbing her hand and pulling it down to his dick.

"Yeah....I can go with that." His breathing was already erratic.

"Or we could go for the food one? She offered, taking him in her hand and starting to pump slowly and then stopped, threatening to take her hand away.

"God, Stella! Don't stop!" He groaned against her mouth.

"I've got another question though..."

"Not now.... later....." Kelly countered and picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom.

"What are the words you'd most like to hear me mutter about you in my sleep?" Stella was wine lazy, turned on and happier than she could ever remember feeling.

"Fuck me, Kelly." He replied.

He put her down gently down on the bed and followed, taking a moment to encapsulate this feeling and keep it locked somewhere safe inside him so that he never ever lost it.

At some point during the night, they came awake, the room lit by the reflection from the snow scattering light into the darkness. Stella was cuddled up against his side, her nose in his chest, his arm underneath her holding her close.

"Describe your ideal day from morning till night." Her softly tired whisper broke into the silence.

He turned over towards her and buried his head against her heart.




' The book, 'A Year of Us,' really does exist....... Give it a go.... and may be you will have as much fun as Kelly and Stella!

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