Soul Couple [TAEGYU STORY] ✓

By AvywnWrites

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Their souls are bound to each other. Their bodies belong to the other. Their love is only for each other. A... More



462 35 40
By AvywnWrites

• Adventures With Hueningkai •



Beomgyu turns around when he hears Kai's voice calling him from behind. He placed his hands on his hip as he looked at the younger running towards him.

"I was just about to look for you, Kai." He said as soon as the said younger stops in front of him panting for air. Kai looked up at him surprised. "That's funny, I was looking for you too." He chimes.

"Why were you looking for me?" He asked Beomgyu who only shrugs his shoulders. "Taehyun kicked me out and now I don't know what to do while I wait for him to finish work. I assume you got something fun for me to do?" He said as he looked at the younger hoping that he does have something in mind.

And he does.

Kai lips curved an excited grin which raised a brow on Beomgyu's left eyebrow.

"In fact, I do." His grin spreads wider.


The next thing Beomgyu knew, he was riding on a horse who really doesn't like him as it sprints forward into the forest. Kai catched up to him from the side seemingly very relaxed.

Beomgyu begged in panic as hold onto the saddle for dear life. Kai laughed at his suffering as he spoke up, "Just deal with it for now. It won't take long anyway." He jokes and Beomgyu looked at him eyes wide pleading for help. Was Kai serious right now?!


Both of them jumped off a cliff.

— • —

"Argh~ Sooo tired!" Soobin drags his feet into Taehyun's work room with a groan. Taehyun looked up from his paperwork and saw the blonde has thrown himself on his couch with his face slammed into the soft pillow.

"Keep up the good work." Taehyun sang monotonously, not even trying to cheer the older up as he continues his scribbles on the paper in front of him.

Soobin lifts his head up from the pillow to glare at the younger before he nonchalantly got off the couch and sighed. "Thanks to last night chaos, I have a lot of Beomgyu's mess to clean up. Geez, I know you're powerful Taehyun but sometimes I forgot how powerful you can be."

Taehyun raised his brow at this as he looked at the blonde curious. "What makes you say that?"

"Taehyun, he literally disintegrated an entire forest and destroyed the tip of a mountain. And don't get me started on all the giant holes he made on the ground that is about 50 acres wide." Taehyun stared at Soobin wide eyed in shocked of the news. He blinks in baffled.

"Damn, that is quite a mess..." He utters. Taehyun wasn't aware of this happening because last night had a lot of things going on so he did not notice it. For all he knows, Beomgyu had a power outbursts and is using his flight ability and mind mapping powers.

He was unsure what to feel about this information. He feels that he is held responsible for Beomgyu's action and wants to scold him for using his power so carelessly while at the same time he feels proud that Beomgyu can handle his powers in such a way.

As he already knows, no one can control his bloodline's power that easily unless they are the children of the White Dragon himself like Taehyun.

Soobin sighed at this again as he leaned on Taehyun's desk. "Don't worry. Everything is settled and done for. Now, we need to discuss about the kidnapping. Who the hell would dare to kidnap you directly?" Soobin questioned and hummed as he tries to think of any possible suspects.

"It was Lex." Taehyun answered and Soobin instantly froze. He snapped at Taehyun in disbelief. "No way, you mean the Sun's Crown Prince himself?" Taehyun nods in affirmation as he leans forward with his hands crossed on the table.

"Beomgyu told me that he wanted to meet me and made promise that once he becomes the next Sun King, he will start a war between with our empires. Specifically, he wants to fight me to see who is better. To continue the fight from the past." Explained Taehyun as he recalls their conversation this morning in his room.

Soobin was beyond shock before he fisted his hands and punch the table. "The hell? All of that, just to declare a war to continue what almost cause the end of the world? Risking innocent lives of his own people just to entertain his curiosity? Is he crazy?"

"Beomgyu said he's crazy too. But you're right, we can't just make a war just because we want to end this ongoing nonsense of rivalry. It's not worth it." Taehyun said lowly. His eyes now darken seriously.

"But what if it will happen? Kai said that the current Sun King is sick right now. If I'm not mistaken he's also quite old too." Soobin asked worriedly. "Lex will be King no matter what anyway." Taehyun hums.

"It seems we have some troubles we need to prepare for." He said firmly as he leaned back on his chair. He crossed his legs and intertwines his fingers together as he rest them on the arms rest.

"What are you suggesting?" Soobin perked up his words curiously, still a little bit uneasy that a war might breakout somewhere near in their future.

Taehyun took a deep breath before saying, "For now, we don't do anything. I'll get Kai to investigate their kingdom again tomorrow and spy on Lex. Now, we need to strengthen the castle and empire's protections and trained all the knights in the land. We'll just be prepared if anything happens." Taehyun sent out his order firmly with a voice that asserts authority and power.

Soobin nods his head agreeing to the plan before he bows. "Yes, your highness." He said before writing down the order in his leather file in his left hand. He will execute the plan later but for now, he wants to rest for a while on the couch.

With that in thought, he returns back on the couch and slumped down on it, melting tiredly on the soft fabric. Taehyun only smiles at his way, admiring how Soobin is doing a great job. He too returned to doing his paperworks as he arranged another stacks of paper in front of him.

Soobin lifts his head up and finally realizing a certain brunette was not here. "Where'd Beomgyu go?" He asked as he looks around. "I thought he said he'll wait here until you're done?"

Taehyun flips through his paper and sighed. "I told him to leave because he was getting bored. His whining was getting annoying." He jokes and chuckles to himself which Soobin find very amusing. Taehyun was not the type to laugh easily over small stuff as that so to have him chuckling was already a miracle in and of itself.

Taehyun looked up from his paper as he felt like he was being stared at and saw Soobin looking at him with an odd gaze. He furrowed his eyebrows on him.

"What?" Soobin quickly shook his head saying it was nothing before slouching again on the couch. Taehyun looked at him weirdly but shrug it off before he looks down again on his paper.

Seeing Taehyun acting with emotions was such a weird sight to see for Soobin but he likes it. He adores how Taehyun's stoic expression can scrunched up with expressions that he never thought he would witness in his life. Especially the scene he saw this morning.

Damn, was he stunned to the core. But he likes it when Taehyun would break out into emotions. It makes him feel like Taehyun is just as normal and fragile as anyone can be. He is not invincible as people thought him to be. He's just a young boy who was given too much responsibility too early in his life.

Maybe having Beomgyu around him will make Soobin see more of Taehyun's true emotions. And to be honest, Soobin is quite excited for that.

— • —

Beomgyu leaned his weight on the tree for support as he tried not to puke his breakfast out of his stomach. The whole horse ride was torturing for Beomgyu and Kai has the audacity to laugh at his pathetic ass as he pats him on the back soothingly.

"I will not ride that thing again. It despises me." He glares at the horse not far from them and flipped it off. Almost as if the horse understands him, it glares back at Beomgyu and flipped its mane at him like one of those spice girls with attitude.

"That little shit!" Beomgyu was about to stomp his way to the horse, ready to throw hands at it when Kai stops him by dragging him away, laughing. "My god, Beomgyu, it's just a horse! Are you really going to fight a horse for your dignity?" He wheezed.

"It's not about dignity, Kai! If that horse wants problem, I'll give it to him! I'll show that oversized donkey why we humans are more superior!" He declares with utmost seriousness as he tried to pry himself off of Kai's hold who only laughed louder by Beomgyu's words.

"Wow, you're so funny, Beomgyu! Damn, now I wish to have you as my soulmate now." He chuckled as they walked through the vines of leaves on the way.

"I knew taking you with me will make it more fun!" He beams and suddenly halted his steps making Beomgyu to knock his back.

"We're here!" Beomgyu stepped aside from behind him and his eyes instantly sparkled at the sight in front of them. "Woah..."

There hides in the middle of the forest was a stone ruin of what looks like an old church. Vines growing around the stones walls that looks like it was going to crumble with just a kick. It was a big building too.

Kai saw how impressed Beomgyu was and smiled brightly. "Taehyun told me that the guards found this sitting here when they were out training the new knights on survival skills. He said to go check it out if I was curious since I mostly don't have anything to do right now so I'm always bored. And who knows? We might find some old treasures or something interesting."

He explains with a shrug. Beomgyu snapped his head at him and held onto his shoulders. His eyes beams with excitement. "What are we waiting for?! LEZZ GET IT!" He exclaimed with full energy before running out from their spot with glee.

Kai watches him with amusement before he too jumped out between the leaves and joins in with a very happy Beomgyu at the front of the church. They stood in front of what's left of the entrance and carefully pushed the two very big wooden doors open.

Both doors creaked open and the one Beomgyu was pushing has given up on life as it fell forward creating a loud thud that startles the two. They watched in shock, frozen for a second before they cautiously went inside.

Both of them gawked in awed of the inner part of the building. Indeed it is a church. With the iconic stain glass window at the end of the alter but there was no cross around. The stones around them still stand firm but can see cracks on it. The brick floor below them all were taken out with leaves growing over them.

But with the ray of sunlight shining upon its crumbling beauty, the ruin looks very ethereal and somewhat comforting. It was peaceful as calm wind blow past them. "This is so cool." Beomgyu grin like a child getting his candy.

"Shall we explore the inside?" Kai raised a brow in interest as he found an archway that leads further in to the ruins. Beomgyu nods excitingly as both he and Kai skips further into the mysterious church.

There they found themselves in a long hallway with doors all closed on each sides. It oozes out adventures and unsolved mystery that both brunettes were very thrilled to uncover.

The two decided to enter the first room. Beomgyu careful opens the door but it broke off and fell hardly on the floor yet again. Their gaze looked down on the broken door on the floor before glancing up to see the inside of the room.

There was nothing special about the room other than it has a broken desk at the end as well as rumbles of debris from the ceiling above. The window was broken and overgrown with vines. The room was empty but it still as the eerie feeling to so it wasn't that disappointing to the two.

They then made their way to the room next to it and Beomgyu again opens the door slowly. The door detached itself from the wall and fell hardly again on the floor. Beomgyu now was more confused than shocked as he was before when the entrance door falls because of him.

"What the hell, Beomgyu? This is the third time a door was broken by you?" Hueningkai chuckles brushed passed Beomgyu to step inside the room first.

"Don't blame me for it. The door is old so it's bound to be broken anyway by a single touch." Beomgyu defends as he joins Kai into the room. Unlike the previous room, this one has more contents in it. Specifically, old rusty armoury.

All of the things were scattered everywhere in the room while some was hang on the wall. Beomgyu observed every inch of the room until he accidentally bumps Kai on the back.

"There's a skeleton." Kai points and Beomgyu immediately snapped his gaze over his shoulder. He follows Kai's finger and was shocked to see a a well preserved skeleton bones laying on the right side of the wall, still dressed in its rusty old steel armour. In its grasps were what look like a crossbow with an arrow whose tip has turned rusty and was positioned on standby.

"Holy shit." Beomgyu said intrigued as he happily skips towards the skeleton and kneels in front of it. He examines it with sparkles in his eyes before looking down on the crossbow, grazing his fingers on the weapon. "This is so cool." He repeated in a quiet voice.

Suddenly, his finger accidentally grazed over the trigger, releasing the arrow from its hold. Beomgyu quickly acted out with his fast reflexes and threw his head back, avoiding the arrow that barely missed the tip of his nose as it fly towards Kai who ducked his head. The arrow flies over his head and hit the stone wall behind him before falling to the ground with a soft thud.

The two of them froze in shock as they exchanged wide eyed glances at each other, surprised from their nearly death occurrence.

"Get the hell away from there."
Kai commanded firmly still stunned by the scene. Beomgyu obediently follows his orders and hopped back, putting a great distance between him and the skeleton.

"Sorry." Beomgyu utters sheepishly while Kai only stared at him blaming everything on the latter. "Don't touch anything anymore, Beomgyu, please. I'm too young to die." He begs while looking at Beomgyu with genuine fear in his eyes.

The older looked at him and rolled his eyes. "I said I was sorry, didn't I? It's not like I was doing that on purpose. Believe me, it was an accident!" He states in defense of his actions but Kai only looked at him pleadingly.

"Let's just get out of here before I touch anything dangerous again." Beomgyu sighed and Kai was the first out the door. He follows him out as the walked up to the third room next to the armoury.

Beomgyu was about to open the door until Kai stops him. "I'll do it." He said. Beomgyu furrowed his brows at him offended. "Seriously, the doors were just very old! It's not my fault it broke—"

Beomgyu cuts himself off as he saw Kai opening the door with ease as it still stays in place unbroken and fine. Beomgyu was baffled. Kai smirks at this as he gaze teasingly at the older.

"Yeah, the doors were just really old, huh?" He mocks the older who only gave him a glare making Hueningkai to burst out laughing. Beomgyu rolls his eyes as they walked into the room. "You're just lucky."

This continues on with two of them exploring each room. Most of them were empty mostly while the others were just mainly rubble and old furniture that was overgrown with leaves just like every other thing in the church.

They follows the path of the long hallway and found themselves in a 'T' junction path. Both path has doors that was yet to be open. The two looked at each other for affirmation.

"I'll take right you go left?" Beomgyu suggests and Kai hummed in agreement. They splits ways according to Beomgyu's suggestion.

Kai went straight to the door at the end of the hallway and opens it. Unlike the other rooms on this side of the hallway, this door was doubled and bigger. It was not align with the others as it was placed facing the hallway so Kai doesn't have to turn left to go towards it.

As he stepped in, he heard the familiar sound of a door falling on the stone floor, fully knowing what caused it. He laughed. "God, Beomgyu! If possible, try not to break all the doors in this place please? It's been through enough already!" He shouts so Beomgyu could hear him.

"Shut the fuck up, Kai!" Beomgyu shouted back in a passive aggressive tone which made Kai laugh even more.

He then proceeds to turn back to the room and was surprised to see the size of the room. It was bigger and spacious but small. At the end was a rusty stain glass that was missing a few pieces. The marroon curtain around it was torn and dusty. In front of the window was a slightly worn off working desk. There were also broken bookshelves with worn out books inside it. Some of them looked burnt and dusty.

Kai sparkles at the discovery as he scanned the whole room while carefully skipping over the broken floors beneath him. He then stop by the working desk and observed if there's anything on top of it. There were papers but the writings have been dusted over so it was unreadable for him. Kai then tried to open the drawers slowly afraid that a small movement might break the whole desk completely.

It was stucked for a second but Kai managed to nudge it open and to his surprise there was a book. The cover was not that worn out like the other books on the bookshelves but it was still torn. He gently flipped the cover open and little specks of dust came flying to his nose. This caused Kai to sneeze onto the page of the book, blowing off all the dust that was on it.

He sniffles and looks back at the page and his eyes widens. There written on the page in beautiful cursive writings was a sentence that raise every curiosity in Hueningkai to the max.

Training Catalogue of
The Kangs' Moon Powers

"BEOMGYU!!" Kai beams excitedly as he ran out of the room with the book clasped securely in his right hand.

Truly this was a great discovery! Like what the hell?? The Kangs' Moon Power? Did someone made a research about the White Dragon's powers?

There's so much to uncover and Kai was very much giddy to read it but first he needs to show off to Beomgyu about his founding. He ran down the hallway where Beomgyu was in charge of searching and saw one of the doors open.

Specifically, a door that was left broken on the floor and instantly knew that Beomgyu was here. He chuckled amusedly and went inside. There, he was surprised to see that it was a library.

He gazed around in awed even though most of the books are rotten and scattered messily around the place. The bookshelves broken and looked like it can break with just a tap of a finger.

"Beomgyu! Look at what I got?" He calls as he starts to look around for the older who he noticed was not answering his calls. That's when he start to feel a little off about the room. It was too quiet.

"Beomgyu?" He calls again but there was no reply. A heavy feeling began to rise from the pit of his stomach as he hastily looks between all the bookshelves until the last row but Beomgyu was nowhere in sight.

"Shit." Kai utters now worried as to where the older had gone to.


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