Know Better - A Stydia AU

By you-make-me-wander

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Lydia is a single mom and has to move miles away to escape her abusive ex-husband. In a new city, her life ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 2

4.4K 159 186
By you-make-me-wander

Lydia chooses a small coffee shop down the street. Stiles knows the place, a friend of his is the owner. He just hopes he's not there right now or it will be weird. The coffee shop is small, cozy, more rustic than the other ones, almost more private. It suits them. The way Lydia and Stiles touched was something he never experienced before but it felt right, familiar somehow. But that can't be. If they had met before, he sure wouldn't forget about that.

Feeling like she imposed on his own alone time, Lydia insisted on getting their drinks while he picked a table for them by the window, but Stiles nods to his friend - who of course had to be working - letting him know that he'd be the one paying for the coffees, not her. The guy behind the bar nods in agreement, smiling. As the woman waits for their drinks, her back facing him, Stiles stares at her frame. She's probably the most beautiful woman he's ever met. Her long hair is not so much red, more like strawberry blonde, and those green eyes... Her skin looks like marble and she's much shorter than him, her head reaching about the height of his shoulders. She's sexy but her clothes hide her frame a little, with skinny jeans and a large long shirt hanging loose at her waist. And her lips, so full and rosy... Stiles blushes. And of course that's the time she'd choose to come to the table. He quickly lowers his head and stares at his hands like they are the most interesting thing in the world.

"Here," she offers him one of the mugs. "Black coffee, two sugars, right?"

He nods. "Yes, thank you." He notices she's drinking the same thing and raises his eyebrow, doubtful. No one he knows likes their coffee just black.

"Just one sugar," she says smiling. "I like my coffee strong." They are staring at each other and it's disconcerting, but neither wants to look away. It's like they have to.

The guy from the bar brings them some toasts, hiding a smirk when Stiles gives him a glare because how dare he interrupt their moment? When he leaves, Stiles turns to Lydia. "Did you order this?"

"Yes, I skipped breakfast. Guess I got distracted with the muffins this morning. You can have some, if you want."

"You baked those muffins this morning?" He tilts his head. "What time did you get up?"

"Around four." She says biting her lip but breaks out laughing as he stares at her, a skeptic look on his face. "I was a little nervous about today and I can't sleep when I'm nervous... It's her first day here."

"Oh. How old is she?"

"She just turned four last month. Eric?"

"He'll be five in a few weeks. She's beautiful." Lydia smiles, taking a sip of her drink. "It's obvious where she got the looks." Stiles didn't mean to say it like that, so openly, and now they are both blushing. He chuckles. "I mean, she's adorable."

Lydia blushed not because she was embarrassed, but because he complimented her. And, go figure, the way he said it, she almost believed him. And it's been a while since someone saw her that way. Years, actually. "Thank you. You two are not so bad yourselves," she says grinning.

Stiles gasps, almost spilling his drink and they both laugh. Sure, he has had a few girlfriends but he's not the you're-so-hot-i-wanna-sleep-with-you type of guy, he's usually the friendzoned one, so he's not really used to hear such things. "Oh my god, don't say things like that when I'm drinking. I'll just make a fool of myself." He scratches the back of his neck and tries to hide a smile.

"Sorry," she mutters. "I think you're doing just fine, though."

Their cheeks are red again, but it doesn't matter. They feel comfortable. "So did you two move here? I don't think I've seen you around before..."

"Yeah, we've only been here a week. My office is close and we needed a change anyway, so we moved. An old friend of mine has been talking about Beacon Hills forever, so why not?"

"And what do you do? Your job, I mean..." he asks curious.

"I'm a translator. Mostly just written stuff. I work from home for a publishing house about thirty miles from here, so it's easier for us this way. When I had to fly here to meet them, Ariel had to stay with my mom and it used to be a few days in a row that I didn't get to see her and I'd miss her to death, so it's better this way."

It doesn't escape him how she hasn't mentioned a fatherly figure. "And hmm, her dad?"

"Not in the picture. Let's leave it at that." She pauses and he's obviously embarrassed he asked. "And you?"

"Hmm I'm a carpenter. Family business. We have this handcrafted furniture shop that's more my dad's thing. I take care of the toys, I make wooden figures. Tourists love them. It's kind of an iconic thing around here." He smiles shyly and looks down at his hands. "It keeps my hands busy, and my mind. I love it."

It sounds genuine, the way he says it. And she's looking at his hands too. His long, skinny fingers, small bruises and cuts here and there, probably from all the woodwork. The way he moves his hands is a little clumsy, but somehow precise. Oh the things he could do with those hands...

She startles out of her reverie when his phone beeps. He checks the text message and starts standing up. "I'll be right back."

As Stiles heads to the bar, Lydia watches him walk away. His figure... Well, he's hot. She'd say he's a player with the ladies if he hadn't blushed so hard before, but he sure is nice to look at. Very, very nice. And he probably has a girlfriend. Not a wife though, no rings. But Lydia shouldn't be paying attention to such details. What am I doing?

At the bar, Stiles is trying to keep himself together, but the other guy - his friend - is already onto him.

"Are you finally getting out of that drought?" he teases.

"Shut up," Stiles retorts.

"I'm just saying. You got yourself a good one."

"Oh my god, will you stop?" Stiles is hissing at him. "Scott just wanted me to tell you we're meeting at 5:30pm. You weren't checking your phone, as per usual."

"Whatever. Just make sure you're focused later or we might take you down on the field."

"You wish." Stiles is smiling now. He's a hell of a soccer player and his friends haven't been able to take him down. Yet. He looks at the redhead, who is now finishing her breakfast. "It's just coffee. She just moved here a couple days ago and she has a little girl. I'm just trying to be nice."

"Yeah, right. Such a gentleman."

"Just remember. 5:30pm. I gotta go." The man nods and Stiles pays their bill. "See you later, Derek."

Approaching the table, Lydia looks a little uncomfortable. "Stiles, did you just pay? You didn't have to do that..."

"I wanted to. I hope that's okay."

She wants to argue but finds herself smiling as she gets up from her seat. "Thank you. Next time is on me then."

She doesn't know why she said it but for some reason their interactions feel natural, easy. He feels exactly the same, but still scratches his neck. "Sure. Hmm I have to head out to work..."

"Of course. I have to go too. I have a meeting with Mr. Lahey..."

"So I'll see you around?"


They are all smiles when they leave the coffee shop.


"Dude, dad's gonna kill you. You're late again." Stiles says, gesturing to the man that just came in running.

"I know. I'm sorry. We fell asleep."

"She's been crying again?"

"Yeah, it's been crazy lately."

Stiles can't be mad at him. His baby niece has been giving his brother a hard time lately.

"Why don't I babysit tonight? You guys could use a night off..."

His brother's eyes get so big he looks like a pleading puppy. "Are you serious? You'd do that?" Scott is so sleep deprived that Stiles is not even sure he notices how desperate and oblivious he sounds.

He chuckles. "Of course. You're my brother. And I already babysit all the time anyway."

"Not all the time," Scott protests.

"Right," he says, a grin on his lips. "And how's Allison?"

"Tired. She can't get much sleep. And she's a little bored, we haven't been out much..."

"We'll think of something," Stiles smiles. "Now come on, let's get to work."

"Not yet. Derek texted me."

Stiles is already blushing, foreseeing what's coming. "And?"

"You tell me. I was just told you went out with some girl."

"I'm gonna kill him. I had coffee with this girl I met when I took your son to preschool, by the way. So it kind of makes this whole situation your fault..."

"Yeah, I totally set you up without even knowing. My bad." They both laugh.

"I don't know. It was just coffee. She is easy to talk to."

"Derek said she's gorgeous. Didn't know you were into redheads, though."

"Shut up."

"So, are you seeing her again?"

"Ariel is in Eric's school so yeah, probably."


Stiles' excitement overcomes him. "Her daughter. She's four and she's so cute. You have to see her. A great catch for Eric. Allison's gonna love her."

"You two need to stop that. He's not even five and you keep offering his hand in marriage." Allison and Stiles have developed the habit of encouraging Eric to talk more to girls when they're at the park because he's always so shy with the opposite sex.

"He'll thank me one day, you'll see."

"And what's her mother's name?"


Stiles knows the way he said her name was a little too enticing, especially for someone he just met, so he blushes, lowering his head. Scott noticed his tone too, but doesn't say anything about it.

"Well maybe you should give her a call, ask her out."

Stiles freezes, looking panicked. "Shit."


"I didn't get her number. Didn't even think of it." He curses himself for being so out of his game. Sure, he wasn't really good at flirting, but that was kind of a basic move. If she wasn't so distracting, maybe he would have remembered. Yeah, totally her fault.

"Then it's a good thing you're picking up Eric later. Just make sure you don't forget about him while you're swooning."

Stiles throws something at Scott that gets him right on his stomach and he bends in pain, but laughing. They get to work.


Lydia gets home almost three hours later. Her meeting with Mr. Lahey - Isaac - was, as expected, spotless. His preschool had been greatly recommended and he had a good reputation in the community. Still she hadn't expected him to be so young. He was only a little older than her but highly educated and well-spoken. She liked him instantly. And she also got a chance to talk to Miss Hale, Cora, while the kids were at the playground. They are engaged, Cora and Isaac, and will be married soon. And Cora was so nice to Lydia that she couldn't be happier about her choice. Sure enough, Ariel would be too.

After the meeting, she did some grocery shopping and drove home, then prepared a light meal while she cleaned up the kitchen from the mess she left that morning. Lydia dedicated her afternoon to unpacking some more of their belongings. She's been dragging the task for days, afraid somehow they might have to leave again soon. The thought terrifies her. Unpacking is also a great excuse not to focus on something that has been on her mind all day. Or a certain someone. Without even noticing, she finds herself several times looking nowhere, lost in thoughts again, until she snaps out of it and reminds herself that she's moved here for Ariel and not for herself. As long as Ariel is happy, she's happy.

Almost ready to leave and pick her daughter up from preschool, Lydia stares at her reflection in the mirror. She is beautiful, she knows that. But caring about her image has not been her priority for years now. She can't even remember the last time she put up an effort. But a pair of brown eyes and messy brown hair invade her mind and she finds herself wondering. It wouldn't hurt if she tried, right? Just a little bit?

But then she looks at the time and seeing it's almost time to pick up Ariel, she runs out of the house. Across town, she can't find a place to park near enough the building, so she leaves the car a few blocks away. Half walking half running, Lydia is panting when she finally arrives and goes inside. Slowing her pace and steadying her breathing, she's looking for a certain redhead amongst the other kids when she bumps into someone. Again.

"Oh, I'm sorry."



They both smile, nervous. "I think we have to stop meeting like this, or one of us might end up getting hurt," Stiles says, letting out a chuckle. She looks beautiful, red all over her cheeks. "You okay?"

Lydia purses her lips together. "Yeah, sorry, I was looking for Ariel."

He turns around. "She's over there, on the sandbox..." Lydia gets closer to him to try and get a better look. The little girl didn't spot her yet. She's playing with Eric and three other kids. They look happy. "I noticed you weren't here and they were playing together anyway so I figured I could stay a little longer, wait for you. To come get her, I mean."

"Oh." Great, I'm blushing again. "Thanks. Hmm..." Lydia feels uneasy around him like she's not sure what she's supposed to do, but it's not a bad feeling, not at all. "Should we go get them?"

He feels the same way towards her. "Yeah, of course."

Noticing the grown-ups nearing the sandbox, both Ariel and Eric start running, throwing themselves at them. She kisses the girl on the cheek while the boy shares his handshake with his uncle.

"Eric, why don't you go get your things? And take Ariel with you. We'll wait by the front door, okay?"

The little boy takes the little girl by the hand as they head to their classroom to go get their backpacks and Stiles and Lydia walk the way back to where she bumped against him. It's strange how Ariel feels so comfortable around Eric, almost how Lydia feels towards Stiles. It's not something they do lightly, trust someone so implicitly like that. It's not natural to them. But Ariel seems happy, and Lydia is inclined to say she might feel the same way. They came here to start a new life, after all.

They wait for the kids to come back while making small talk, and when they are ready to go both Stiles and Lydia want to say something else, both not knowing exactly what to ask for.

That's when a voice comes from behind them breaking their somewhat awkward moment, a high-pitched shout that Lydia could recognize anywhere. "Lydia Martin, is that you?"

And she's already turning around, smiling wide. "Allison?"

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