The Breakers

Av FadedRonin

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Info: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 1: Life Behind Bars
Chapter 2: Alex Forza - Origin
Chapter 3: Bryce Larsen - Origin
Chapter 4: Vasily Sechenov - Origin
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part I
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part II
Chapter 6: Izuku and Izumi
Chapter 7: Fight Club
Chapter 8: The Great Escape
Chapter 9: Setting up Shop
Chapter 10: Plan of Action
Chapter 12: Family Reunited
Chapter 13: Long-awaited Reunions
Chapter 14: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Season 1 Finale)
#BaldurLivesOn (Season 2 Teaser Trailer)

Chapter 11: Another Round

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Av FadedRonin

Ronin: ladies and gentlemen, I have returned to bring more content after a long time in Purgatory (my break, to be honest). While I was in Purgatory, I have been thinking about a lot of things, thinking about my stories and which ones must I delete permanently and which ones must be remade. I am just announcing this because you all must be prepared for what to expect from me, and bid farewell to some of the greatest stories that I made, I AM NOT RETIRING FROM WRITING, DON'T PANIC.

Deadpool: if you retire without anyone knowing bro, I swear to God, I will send Zarbon after you and peg you for not informing the readers about your retirement from writing good books on Wattpad.

Ronin: alright, alright, don't panic, you nan. I am not going to retire just yet, because I still got so many things to write, so many authors to help out with story ideas and all that shit, you know what I am saying? 

Deadpool: yeah, we know, Ronin. But anyways, it's good to see that The Breakers is back from the dead, after your time in Purgatory.

Ronin: yeah, I nearly forgot about this story to be honest, so I always keep tabs on my PC, just in case.

Deadpool: okay then, I guess it's about time to reveal Chapter 11 of The Breakers' story.

Ronin: yeah. Narrator, come on over here, bruh, it's about time for the big one.

Alright, I am here, Ronin. Where the fuck is the script?

Ronin: by the desk? *points at desk*

Oh right, thanks for reminding me where the script is. *Picks up the script*

Narrator's POV

Last time on The Breakers, ever since the destruction of Tartarus Prison and the prison break, the Heroes and the Police Force have been on the edge. The streets are no longer safe due to the rise of villains and the word of a potentially dangerous organization. Nezu decided to call a meeting to address this matter. The HPSC President has given the Heroes and the Police Force direct orders to capture as many escaped prisoners, however, they must remember that the Crown Killer (Alex), P-3 (Vasily), the Nomad (Bryce), Stain, and Ronin (Izuku) are the priority targets. And so, many new laws were being in place, such as a curfew for the students of UA, along with the citizens, there was also speculation that the Heroes might lock down Japan, but it's all rumors, but how does this affect Izuku and the Breakers? Well, it doesn't affect them at all, they couldn't care, but the Heroes should worry because they've locked themselves in a cage with the world's deadliest. 

But anyways, back in Hackerspace, Izuku and the boys were being called by Bryce, who informed them that several Hero Associations around the world were terminated by an anonymous hacker under the name of "Cypher". But Alex had an idea, what if they decided to recruit Cypher and add him to the team? They all agree but that's not all of the news, meanwhile in I-Island, Melissa Shield was on a phone call with Izumi and Momo, who were discussing ways to clear Izuku's name, but someone broke into Melissa's lab and stole the Full Gauntlets, a project that she's been working on for Izuku before he was framed. The perpetrator who stole the Gauntlets left a note and this figure was known as "Swiftsilver". 

Our story begins a week after the escape. It was a sunny afternoon in the city of Musutafu. Izuku was patrolling the streets, together with Alex and Delsin.

Izuku: "It's been a week since we've broken out of prison."

Delsin: "I know, and we're all over the news."

Alex: "Not quite, actually. We know for a fact that the Heroes, the Police Force, the students of UA, and the citizens of Musutafu know that we broke out of prison and destroyed it at the same time."

Izuku: "However, the League of Villains is still out there, you know."

Alex: "I know lad, but right now, we just focus, gather some information revolving around the Heroes, and stay out of sight."

Izuku: "Yeah, you're right. Bryce, any results or information you've managed to gather on Cypher?"

Bryce (comms): "I found nothing, Cypher tends to hide his tracks, you're talking to one of the most dangerous hackers of all time, a guy who literally demolished several Hero Associations around the world. So finding him would be difficult"- *cuts off*

Izuku: "Bryce? Bryce, come in."

Izuku heard static in his comms.

Izuku: "Shit, lost signal."

Delsin: "Internet is kinda shit here."

"So, you thought it was a nice idea to come after me, eh?"

Izuku: "Who the fuck is this?" 

"Izuku Midoriya, right? I know for a fact that you are Ronin."

Izuku: "So you know me, eh? Who are you supposed to be and how the fuck did you gain access to our comms?"

"It's a bit of child's play, tell that to Bryce Larsen the next time you see him, but do not worry, Izuku, I don't mean to hurt you in many ways, I just wanna talk."

Izuku: "You still haven't answered my question."

"Fine, I'll answer all of your questions, but we can't do it in your current location."

Izuku: "Why?"

"I just saw Mirko and Ryukyu earlier today, they're heading toward your position."

Alex: "Come on, let's go. Mirko and Ryukyu are on their way here." 

Izuku was surprised that the anonymous caller predicted that Mirko and Ryukyu are almost at their position.

Izuku: "Okay fine, where must we meet?"

"I'll send you the address on your phone and be on the lookout for Heroes because after that stunt you pulled in Tartarus, the entire city is on edge and the Heroes are looking for you like a wild pack of wolves."

Izuku: "Fine, I am on my way."

"Good, see you later, Ronin."

The caller ended transmission with Izuku, and with that out of the way, the three decided to scatter around the city, preventing Mirko or Ryukyu from finding them. 

Mirko: "Are you kidding me? This anonymous guy sent us info that Ronin, the Crown Killer, and some guy in a beanie were hanging around here."

Ryukyu: "Maybe the information was false or we were too late, but calm yourself, Rumi."

Mirko: "If I ever find the guy who fooled us here, I swear to God he's going to get a kick to the face."

After that sudden outburst from Mirko, we continue our story. Izuku was on his own, chilling on a different rooftop. He sent a text message to the lads.

>Message thread, with Bryce, Vasily, Alex, and Delsin<

Bryce: Okay, what the fuck happened out there? I've lost comms with you lot, is everything okay?

Alex: we're fine, Bryce, don't worry about us here.

Bryce: so what's the issue?

Izuku: I managed to gain contact with Cypher.


Delsin: he didn't. Cypher hacked our comms and just talked to Izuku and us.

Vasily: what does he want, comrades?

Izuku: he wants to meet me.

Bryce: alone?

Izuku: yeah, he sent me the address and everything, he has eyes everywhere and he's going to act as if I wasn't alone and didn't follow his instructions.

Bryce: shit. Okay, once you meet Cypher, ask if he can join the Breakers, we can use his expertise and skills to get the job and recreate a new society and destroy our enemies while we're at it.

Izuku: Alright, I'll get it done.

Vasily: be careful out there, Izuku. We do not have enough information on Cypher, which makes things difficult for all of us and we don't have time to prepare in case Cypher tries to do something. 

Izuku: any words of wisdom?

Delsin: just stick to your gut and pray for the better.

Bryce: be on the lookout for anything, Cypher may be a hacker, but he can be dangerous. 

Izuku: got it.

Vasily: and do not kill him.

Izuku: fine, fine.

Alex: good luck, little brother.

Bryce: be careful out there, buddy.

Izuku: thanks, guys.

>end of message thread<

And so, after escaping Mirko and Ryukyu, while being split up with Alex and the rest of the Breakers, Izuku put on his black straw hat and mask, while making his way to the location Cypher sent him. And so, Izuku made his way to Cypher's coordinates while being under the radar and not encountering Heroes. The coordinates that Cypher sent him led him to one of the city's most popular bars, Izuku sighed and walked inside the bar, upon entering, customers were looking at him but they resumed with their activities, they were either drinking, socializing with others or watching the TV with their friends, but anyways, Izuku sat at one of the bar stools, waiting for Cypher. One of the bartenders walked toward Izuku.

Bartender: "Good afternoon, sir. What can I get for you today?"

Izuku: "Mine's in the shop".

The bartender kept quiet for a moment and began serving Izuku, a drink. He whispered toward Izuku.

Bartender: "I will inform him of your arrival, Mister Ronin"

Izuku nods his head and began taking a sip of his drink, he waited for a few moments for Cypher to arrive, but things were taking forever. Izuku looked at his watch and realized that 25 minutes have passed and Cypher is nowhere to be seen. Izuku sighed again and thought about leaving the bar after paying for his drink.

Izuku: "(He's not gonna show up, isn't he? What a waste of time.)"

Izuku was about to get up and leave, but someone who sat on another bar stool right next to him, place their hand on Izuku's shoulder and pushed him back down on his seat, at first, Izuku started to get antagonized, but he kept his anger in check and looked at the stranger who pushed him down back to his seat. When he looked at the stranger, he was wearing a black cap and a blue mask, covering his face.

Izuku: "Oi, what's your problem?"

"Sit down, mate. Let's talk"

Izuku: "Fine. So you're Cypher, correct?"

"Who's asking?"

Izuku: "A group of prisoners who hated this current society for what it did to all of us. It broke us, shattered us and it made us what we are today."

"The Breakers, huh? I see that you've been trying to communicate with me, and how did it work out for you?"

Izuku: "Quit being a dick."

"You suck for not using discretion around here, you know that, right?"

Izuku: "Whatever. Listen, I am being marked for shit I didn't do and the whole city is on edge, the country is on the verge of locking itself down, Heroes are patrolling the entire city like wolves, curfews are being implemented and villains are running around the whole place like zoo animals and if I wanted to change this society for the better, I need help from potential allies who are willing to spark a flame to a revolution that will echo across the world."

The stranger kept quiet for a moment and took a sip from his drink. He looked at Izuku and thought of a solution.

"Alright, you do make some valid points. Come with me."

Izuku: "Where are we going?"

"Your initiation test."

Izuku: "Initiation?"

Izuku began following the stranger until they reached the parking lot. The stranger began hopping onto his motorcycle.

Izuku: "Damn, that's a nice set of wheels, where did you get that?"

"I built it, Midoriya. Do yourself a favor and catch up, mate." 

Izuku: "Why?" 

The stranger didn't say a single word to Izuku as he starts up his motorcycle.

"I am deadass when I say...Catch Up."

The stranger began riding out of the parking lot and into the roads, Izuku began sighing and flew above the stranger, following him in the process. The two of them got past the Heroes and the Police Force as they patrol the streets in search of the villains and the Breakers. After a 10-minute bike ride/flight, Izuku and the stranger at their location: a run-down abandoned warehouse, which is outside the city. Izuku looked around the place.

Izuku: "Nice place, so what is this Initiation Test, that you kept on mentioning?" 

"Well, this test is actually simple and it actually determines your fate if I wanted to join the Breakers, so I wanted to test you for a moment because I know for a fact that those quirks are from the Four Hearts."

Izuku: "I am not surprised that you know all of this."

"I have eyes and ears all over the city, Midoriya. The test is simple: Face me in combat and if I am pleased with your results, then sign me up."

Izuku: "Is that it?"

"Yep, simple, right?"

Izuku smirks at the stranger's test, he thinks that this is going to be easy, so he began levitating and took flight toward the stranger, preparing to strike, however, something was not right as Izuku flew toward the stranger, Izuku felt like he was losing momentum, he realized that his flying abilities stopped mid-flight, so he landed on the ground.

"What's wrong, Midoriya? It seems like you're losing momentum."

Izuku: "Quiet!"

Izuku tried using his first quirk: Bullet Club and made an attempt to summon his dual-wield pistols but it wasn't working.

Izuku: "(What the fuck? I can't use Brightburn or Bullet Club, wait...don't tell me...does this guy, Cypher? Does he have a quirk that is similar to Aizawa's quirk: Erasure?)"

"Well then, since you look like you're about to have a stroke when you feel like you're losing power, I guess it is my turn to fight."

The stranger began rushing toward Izuku at quick lightning speed, Izuku had little time to react so he had to be on the defensive. The stranger began punching and kicking Izuku, Izuku was waiting for that right moment to counterstrike, once he found a window, he took it and attempt to attack the stranger, but he failed, as the stranger kicks Izuku in the hip and did a six-strike combo attack on Izuku, delivering some damage across his body. Izuku was on the ground, panting for air, coughing out some saliva after being punched in by the stranger.

"Hey, do you need a minute, or two? Because I can wait."

Izuku: "Shut the fuck up, why the hell can't I gain access to the Four Hearts, what did you do? Did you erase my quirk?!"

The stranger smiled and looked at Izuku.

"Well...I temporarily erased your quirks. But I won't lie to you, I've been bullying you for quite some time, so here's what I am going to do...I am going to give you one free shot. Pull out your sword, punch me, kick me, do whatever you please! Just, don't waste it."

Izuku: "(One part of me thinks that he's playing around with me, tricking me or some shit, but still...I feel like ripping his eyes out because he's playing me like a fool. Keep your anger to a minimum, Izuku, this is just a test. Just a test...)"

Izuku began unsheathing his sword and began taking up a fighting stance against the stranger.

"I see that you're taking a sword, that's great. I wonder what should I do?"

Izuku began throwing a couple of shuriken toward the stranger, but he dodged them all and began to take the offensive once more the moment Izuku threw those shurikens at him, so the stranger went up close to Izuku, punching him by the gut and kicked Izuku in the face, the stranger grabbed Izuku by the collar and looked toward him.

"Is that all you got, Midoriya?"

Izuku was panting for air, in his head, he thought of another opportunity to strike, so the moment that the stranger grabbed him by the collar, Izuku secretly pulled out a combat knife while the stranger wasn't looking, and once the window was open, Izuku strikes! He took the knife and stabbed the stranger in the shoulder, forcing him to let go of him. Izuku got up quickly and began rushing the stranger once more, but he was in for another surprise as the stranger began throwing a smoke grenade on the floor, disappearing from the area. Izuku searched his surroundings. Izuku heard something being thrown toward him, an axe was being thrown toward him, so he dodged it, when he looked at the axe, he instantly recognized it because it belonged to someone.

Izuku: "(That's Alex's axe! The Leviathan Axe!)"

Izuku tried to pick up the axe, but it was recalled by the stranger, who emerged from the smoke and stared down Izuku.

Izuku: "I know that axe, where the hell did you get it from?"

"So you know this axe, huh? This axe belonged to a friend of yours?"

Izuku: "Yes, but now, seeing you with it...kinda pisses me off."

"If you want the axe, come and take it."

Izuku: "Gladly.."

Izuku's fight with the stranger was interrupted as Alex Forza appeared behind the stranger and stabbed him in the chest by using his sword. The stranger began coughing out some blood but the moment Alex pulled his sword out of the stranger's chest, he began decapitating the stranger, separating his head from his body with one single strike.

After decapitating the stranger, Alex picked up the Leviathan Axe.

Alex: "This will never leave my hands again."

Izuku: "Alex!"

Izuku began coughing up blood and passed out on the floor.

Alex: "IZUKU!"

Chapter Done
Next: Family Reunited
Then: Long-awaited Reunions
After: Two Sides of the Same Coin (FINALE)

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