The Breakers

By FadedRonin

40K 776 402


Info: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 1: Life Behind Bars
Chapter 2: Alex Forza - Origin
Chapter 3: Bryce Larsen - Origin
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part I
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part II
Chapter 6: Izuku and Izumi
Chapter 7: Fight Club
Chapter 8: The Great Escape
Chapter 9: Setting up Shop
Chapter 10: Plan of Action
Chapter 11: Another Round
Chapter 12: Family Reunited
Chapter 13: Long-awaited Reunions
Chapter 14: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Season 1 Finale)
#BaldurLivesOn (Season 2 Teaser Trailer)

Chapter 4: Vasily Sechenov - Origin

1.1K 34 28
By FadedRonin

Deadpool: well, this is it, the last member of the Breakers to get their origin story. Now let me explain a bit more about Vasily, he's the youngest member of the Breakers and he's a bit special in his own ways, unlike Izuku, Alex, or Bryce, Vasily is a trained killer.

He was supposed to be revealed in Project Light and Fire, one of Ronin's stories that are in the Draft but he is not ready to release that story because it's kinda dark.

Deadpool: so yeah, we just wanna let you all about that, in other news, a story that Ronin is currently is called Me and the-


Deadpool: but Ronin, they just wanna-


Deadpool: are you trying to pull a Samuel L Jackson quotes?

Ronin: you wanna go to the Hashi?

Deadpool: *keeps quiet* 

Ronin: good, now let us begin.

Narrator's POV

Last time on The Breakers, it has been two weeks since Izuku was imprisoned in Tartarus, throughout his time in prison, he met an old friend and two other prisoners who are currently infamous for what they did. Alex Forza who's known as the UK's No.1 Villain, the Crown Killer. And finally, we encountered the Nomad, Bryce Larsen, the new Keeper. Bryce shared his story with Izuku, he was born quirkless and was neglected and abused by his parents, he escaped home when he was 10 years old and met the previous Keeper. He trained Bryce in the skills that he needs to survive and endure this cruel world of ours, but what if I told you that the previous Keeper, revealed to be Hisashi Midoriya is Izuku's father? Well, if you want to see how Izuku would react to meeting his father using a bracelet given to him by Bryce, that allows him to communicate with Hisashi and enter the Realm of the Keepers? Let us find out for ourselves.

Our story begins a day after Izuku's encounter with Bryce Larsen, Izuku was sitting down in his prison cell one night, looking at the bracelet.

Izuku: (So Bryce said that if I put on the bracelet and I meditate or sleep, I can enter the Realm of the Keepers. Alright, let's go see Dad.)

Izuku puts the bracelet on his wrist and began meditating, once he wakes up, he arrived at a very azure landscape. It feels like Izuku was surrounded by an endless void, an entire ocean.

Izuku: is this the Realm of the Keepers?

Welcome to the Realm of the Keepers, Izuku.

Izuku turned around and saw a middle-aged man with black hair, he had freckles on his face that matches Izuku and he was smoking a cigarette. Izuku couldn't believe his eyes, after 15 years of being fatherless, but now, he finally gets to meet him.

Hisashi: hey son. It's been a while.

Izuku: Dad...

Izuku ran toward his father, Hisashi opened his arms for a hug but that's not Izuku's intention, instead, he got something else.

Hisashi: NGH-!

Izuku: where the FUCK have you been? Do you have any idea what I've been through for the last ten years of my life? You were never there for me, or Izumi, or even Mom. I have suffered for so long, I've been bullied for so long but I had to be strong, for them. So then, just-

Izuku continued to cry after seeing his father, telling him what he felt, the pain that he had to suffer for so many years. Hisashi placed his hand on Izuku's cheek.

Hisashi: I'm sorry kiddo, I know that I was never there, I know I don't have the words, but all I could say is that I am sorry. I never wanted to leave you, your mother, and your sister. I never wanted to leave all of you.

Hisashi: I'm sorry, my son.

Izuku: then why?

Hisashi: First off, I left because I had a mission in the United States because there has been mass criminal activity there and it becomes a threat to our country, so I was deployed to investigate, but then, it turns out one long investigation is actually a set up just to get rid of me. So, basically, the Hero Association took note of my quirk and they see that as a threat, so, they exiled me and I was forced to stay in the US. But more things happened as time progresses.

Izuku: what do you mean?

Hisashi: Izuku, when I heard that you and Izumi are turning ten years old, I was diagnosed with stage four cancer, so I didn't have enough time to live but then, I wanted to reflect on my life, and thought about what would it be like if I was there with you. 

Izuku: now I see why you needed a successor for the Keeper. Every hero is afraid of your quirk and what would happen if you went rogue, so you decide to give your quirk to Bryce when you found him in that cavern and trained him to be what he is today.

Hisashi: correct. 

Izuku: I knew it...I knew that Hero Society is now corrupted. First, we have villains, now we have a corrupted Hero society, damn them all.

Hisashi: I know.

Izuku: I don't know what I am gonna do, but I want to make changes.

Hisashi: changes?

Izuku: yeah, those heroes should pay for what they did to you, Dad. All of them. Not all heroes are good, some are in for the fame, some are in for the money and more heroes are in for power, and Endeavor is a great example of a hero who's in it for the power.

Hisashi: what about All Might?

Izuku: fuck him. He didn't believe me when I was clearly innocent, after all those months of training, after hearing his sad story about him being quirkless, some Symbol of Peace, he is.

Hisashi: *sighs* Society has ruined us, son. But, the fate of society rests on your shoulders, son.

Izuku: hmm...thanks, Dad. 

Izuku woke up, out of the Realm of the Keepers, and returned to reality.

Are you awake, comrade?

Izuku: huh? Who are you?

Izuku looked and saw another teenager with silver hair and grey eyes, he wore glasses too.

Oh good, you're awake. A pleasure to meet you, Comrade Midoriya. I am Vasily Sechenov.

Vasily Sechenov (Age: 14). Vigilante name: P-3. Quirk: Atomic Heart. (NOTE: Ronin has played Atomic Heart, NOT because of them robot girls or that damn horny fridge, he did it because of the story AND NOTHING ELSE.)

Izuku: good to meet you, Vasily.

Vasily: likewise, comrade.

Izuku: how do you know who I am?

Vasily: I've seen you in the news, comrade. You were that great Pro Hero: Deku, right?

Izuku: *scoffs* "Deku" died that day when he was framed for false charges. 

Vasily: I see. Sorry about that, comrade.

Izuku: it's fine. How did you end up here, Vasily?

Vasily: how did I end up here in Japan? Well, my story was actually a rollercoaster, what you people would call it. Back in Russia, I was the most cold-hearted mercenary that ever existed, I grew up in Sergiyev Posad, northeast of Moscow. Every member in my family grew up and served to protect the motherland, my father, and my older brothers, I wanted to be like them, so when my time came in, I was actually the youngest member to join the military, as a youth, I've learned marksmanship, hand-to-hand and gun combat by my superiors, then I fought many battles together with my comrades in the army, all of those years of blood, sweat and tears, all of it was to protect the motherland.

Izuku: (A real patriot of his own country.)

Vasily: but anyways, after my years of service, I returned home to my family, only to see them dead on the floor.

Izuku: what...?

Vasily: yeah, my family is all dead right in front of me, but that's not all, I've lost so many people that same day. My comrades died, and my lover died too, all because of one man ruined my whole life, broke me, and shattered me into a million pieces, and that same man is someone that I will never forgive.

Izuku: who?

Vasily: All For One.

Flashback. One year ago, Vasily was thirteen years old, returning home after his service to the Russian Army, only to see dead corpses in his home, his parents, brothers, and girlfriend died, Vasily was shaken by all of this, but when he turned around, he saw a man with white hair and red eyes, he wore a black suit and had an evil grin on his face once he saw Vasily.

Vasily Sechenov, how predictable. Yes, I know who you are. Your past, your history with the Russian army, and most importantly, your quirk: Atomic Heart.

Vasily: so you've killed my family, can I ask why?

All I wanted is your quirk, Vasily.

Vasily: well then...if you want my quirk so bad...

Vasily began activating his quirk: Atomic Heart, as a red star, glowed in his chest. 

Vasily: then come and get it.

With quick lightning speed, Vasily rushed toward the powerful villain and delivered a punch to the gut, but he didn't feel a thing.

Is that all you got, Sechenov? Allow me to show you true strength.

The villain used his quirk and transforms his fingers into black tendrils that have red prominent cracked lines that extend from his fingers, although they can also emerge from other parts of the body such as the spine. These appendages can easily pierce bodies, however, the user may choose whether to wound the target or not. He used his quirk on Vasily, as the tendrils pierced his body.

Vasily: *Coughs blood*

Now, you've lost this fight, Sechenov. Please do not worry, I do not wish to kill, I came here to get what I want and that is Atomic Heart.

The villain was about to steal Vasily's quirk, but then it failed as Vasily began spraying polymer toward the stranger, blinding him and giving himself time to break free from the tendrils.

Agh! What is this?!

Vasily: that is the power of Russian science, that substance is known as Polymer. It's part of my quirk and I've been using it against many enemy forces throughout my time in the army. You see, the polymer is a conductor for many elements, for example.

Vasily pulls out a flamethrower that he found on the ground and used it on the mysterious villain, delivering devastating damage and burning him in the process, the villain screamed in pain.

Vasily: Polymer plus any element, equal triple damage. And now, I will make you pay! DIE!

Vasily rushed toward the villain with a combat knife, the villain tried to use his quirks but he failed as Vasily stabbed him in the leg and used another quirk to electrocute the stranger. Vasily was blinded by anger, and he continued to attack the villain with everything that he had, using his fists and his quirk, he finally had the villain in the rope and was about to finish him off, but then, the villain had a last ditch effort and used an air cannon quirk to push Vasily far away from him, sending him flying toward a farmer's field.

(So Polymer prevents me from using my quirks for a period amount of time?! Damn you Sechenov!) *Coughs blood* (I don't have time, I got to get out of here before the Heroes come here and finish me off.) *Creates a portal* Vasily Sechenov, remember the name: ALL FOR ONE. I'll come back for you soon, mark my words!

All For One leaves Russia via a portal, as for Vasily, he passed out due to blood loss after getting stabbed by those tendrils.

Flashback ended: present day.

Vasily: from that day, after my fight with Japan's No.1 Villain, after the deaths of my comrades and family members, I knew what I had to do, I wanted revenge and I had an idea of where All For One is, and that is Japan. So, a few months later, I managed to get myself into Japan and started my search, but then, as I continued to kill any villain who stepped in my way, the Heroes came in, surrounded me like dogs, and arrested me.

Izuku: damn Vasily. 

Vasily: Izuku, you must must decide on what's worth fighting for. All For One...Tomura...the League of Villains...all of these villains must die.

Chapter Done
Next: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part 1+2
Then: Izuku and Izumi
After: Fight Club

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