The Breakers

By FadedRonin

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Info: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 2: Alex Forza - Origin
Chapter 3: Bryce Larsen - Origin
Chapter 4: Vasily Sechenov - Origin
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part I
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part II
Chapter 6: Izuku and Izumi
Chapter 7: Fight Club
Chapter 8: The Great Escape
Chapter 9: Setting up Shop
Chapter 10: Plan of Action
Chapter 11: Another Round
Chapter 12: Family Reunited
Chapter 13: Long-awaited Reunions
Chapter 14: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Season 1 Finale)
#BaldurLivesOn (Season 2 Teaser Trailer)

Chapter 1: Life Behind Bars

2.4K 52 20
By FadedRonin

Deadpool: *Shooting everything* DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!

Ronin: *Sighs and sips coffee*

What the fuck Ronin? Why is Deadpool emptying his pistol magazines all over the place? AND WHY IS THAT MANIAC SHOOTING BULLETS ALL OVER THE PLACE?!

Ronin: because he is upset that Izuku got set up and framed for crimes he didn't commit, remember the Prologue?

Yeah I know but still though? Do we know who the conspirators are?

NOTE: whoever sets Izuku up is known as a "Conspirator" I know this is not the right word for the right situation, but still, it's perfect for those who try to set up Izuku

Ronin: we don't, but the readers have an idea of who they are.


Ronin: yeah, but I can give the readers, one hint: there's MORE than one conspirator.


Ronin: what? What do you want me to do?

Deadpool: make Izuku, into a cold-hearted, vengeance-seeking, ruthless Ronin, who makes his enemies pay for setting him up, framing him, and making his life hell!

Ronin: you're kinda spoiling some events of the story, but I will see-


Ronin: *sighs* Fine, I'll see from there. 

Deadpool: good! Now where was I? Oh right! *Pulls out a minigun and fires toward the targets* DIE, YOU UNGRATEFUL PIECES OF SHIT!

Ronin: *sighs* at this rate, he's beyond pissed. Narrator, begin the story while I make myself another cup of coffee.


Narrator's POV

Last time on The Breakers, in this story, we see our protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, being the iconic role model and hero that he was destined to be. At first, he was born quirkless but after meeting All Might, he became the ninth wielder of One For All, as time passed, Izuku and his sister, Izumi made their way to UA and significant events happened there. Izuku was the highlight of every story. From saving his class in the USJ to winning the Sports Festival and making Katsuki jealous every moment, then saving Eri after defeating Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai, Izuku was truly an icon and the talk of the town, but every hero has enemies, hiding in corners.

After returning to UA after being called by Aizawa, Izuku was attacked by All Might and the rest of the boys from Class 1A and 1B. They surrounded Izuku, ready to attack all at once, but Izuku stood his ground and defeated everyone until Aizawa, Nezu and the rest of the heroes showed up, but this was a good opportunity to make Izuku's life go downhill, the boys exposed Izuku committing crimes, the Heroes believed the boys so they made the decision to arrest Izuku for the charges, framing him at the process. But now, let us begin.

Our story begins after Izuku was arrested.

Izumi: ughhh where am I? 

Izumi rubbed her eyes and looked around the place, she woke up in her dorm room.

Izumi: am I back in my dorm? What happened yesterday? It's difficult to remember...


Izumi: SHIT!

Izumi heard the sound of the girls screaming, so she dashed out of her room and went directly to the common room, where most of the girls are.

Izumi: girls, what happened? 

Shoka: Izu...

Katsumi: no, no, no, no! Zuzu!

Izumi: what happened? Where's Izuku?

The girls looked sad as they looked toward Izumi.

Momo: Izuku has been arrested and now he's on trial for crimes he didn't commit. 

Izumi: what?

Momo: yeah, your mom called me today, she said that she's at court, watching the proceedings with the jury.

Izumi: that doesn't make any sense! Onii-chan...

Momo: I'll provide an update.

Meanwhile back in the courtroom.

Izuku's POV

So I got nicked by my so-called friends back in UA, I figured that this whole thing was a setup. I got arrested and sent to jail just to await my trial, as I sit down by my jail cell back in county jail, I was trying to figure out and process what just happened. Nezu didn't believe me, or any other fucking Pro Hero did. I got framed for drugging the girls, kidnapping them, and "bruised" them, then framed for being associated with the League of Villains, even though that photo was CLEARLY made using Adobe Photoshop, and finally stealing files from UA and delivering them to the League? Nah, you got fucked up, all of this was just a setup, everything. And if I bet my two cents that Katsuki, Shoto, and all of those boys were the ones who planned everything, damn it, I can't do shit without One For All. Ass Might took it away from me. 

Right now, the court is now in session and I sat down in the defendant's chair. The jury looked at me with shock and disgust and guess who showed up at the party? Seven of my least favorite people: Katsuki, Shoto, Iida, Monoma, Awase, Mineta, and that dumbass, Kaminari. The judge came in.

Judge: Court is now in session for the trial of Izuku Midoriya.

Prosecutor: the prosecution is ready, Your Honor.

Attorney: the defense is ready, Your Honor. 

As the court proceedings continued, I took a look around the courtroom and noticed something is not right. First of all, my defense attorney.

I met him back in the Detention Center back in the police department. This motherfucker is friends with the judge and he said that if shit goes wrong, the judge will give me a short prison sentence of 1-2 years, so I took his plea bargain, took it, and let the proceedings go through. As Katsuki and the rest of his boys spread nothing but bullshit about me doing heinous shit like hurting the girls and drugging them, being part of the LoV, and most importantly, stealing files from UA, which was all lies but the judge and the jury bought into that. I sat there, sighing and facepalming at the fact that no one in this courtroom had a functioning brain at the time. But things go awry in moments, the judge called me out.

Judge: before we conclude this trial, I want the defendant to stand at the court.

I stood up from my seat and walked toward the stand, I looked at the judge when he looked at him, he was not amused with me, as he sees me as some lowly trash.

Judge: Izuku Midoriya, I never thought a hero like you would commit such atrocities. First, you used their status as a Hero just to get benefits, earning everyone's trust just for you to betray the Hero Code and be associated with villains. You used your status as a Hero because you can get away with the law, by kidnapping girls from a hero school and abusing them, and finally, stealing classified documents from UA High School. You disgust me, sir. So instead, I hereby sentence you to 15 years in Tartarus Prison!

I clenched in fist due to anger, I am innocent of everything that's happening! My suspicions came true as I saw Iida, smirking at me and looking back at the judge, I knew something was fishy but I can't do anything about it. I picked up the pieces and realized something, Iida bribed both the defense and prosecution, making me the bad guy in front of the jury, it makes so much sense!

Judge: do you have anything to say to yourself?

Izuku: *takes a deep breath* I do. First of all, this society is nothing but a joke, No one in his court had a functioning brain to see that all of the evidence was forged and it's all used to frame me.


Judge: Mr. Bakugou, keep quiet when you're in my court! Do you want to get arrested for being in contempt of court?

Katsuki: no, Judge. I apologize.

Judge: good, now-

I grew angry when I heard the outcome, I got framed for shit I didn't do. When the judge saw my face, I was pissed, furious to the point where I emit a bit of bloodlust to scare everyone in the room, including the conspirators. The guards took me away from the court while I was handcuffed. They dragged me to a prison van outside the courthouse, threw me in there, and sealed the doors shut, from there, I know for a fact that I am being sent to Tartarus, home of many infamous convicts, including Stain. Fucking hell...

-End of Izuku's POV-

Izuku arrives at Tartarus Prison, the home of Japan's most vile, evil, and dangerous criminals in Japan. It is also the home of Japan's No.1 Villain: All For One, who was placed under heavy restraint and needed to be watched at all times. At first, when Izuku arrived at Tartarus, he knew this place would break him but he kept his sanity in check. The whole prison is designed as a fortress, guards patrol the place, making this place inescapable. We continue with Izuku.

Officer#1: alright let's see it.

Izuku: tch.

NOTE: let us pretend you didn't see One For All.

The guards took his mugshot and dragged him to his cell.

Officer#2: Welcome to Hell, you fuck!

They threw Izuku inside his cell and locked it. Izuku sighed and sat down on his bed.

Izuku: (Fuck! Fifteen years of jail time, here in Tartarus. Tch, damn those fuckers! They will pay for putting me into his hellhole. Maybe I should just exercise, I should be cautious around here.)

Kid, is that you?

Izuku got off the bed and heard a voice, which was right next to his jail cell, well another jail cell next to his jail cell.

Izuku: Stain? Is that you?

Stain: yeah, holy shit, kid. I never thought I'd see you again.

Izuku: you too, old friend. 

Stain: how the fuck did you get into Tartarus?

Izuku: well, long story short, some idiots from my class decided to frame me and locked me up in Tartarus for shit I didn't commit. My attorney did nothing but set me up.

Stain: do you see why I hate this society so much?

Izuku: now I can see, also, the hero you like to simp so much, Ass Might, decked me in the face and he didn't believe me that I was innocent of my crimes, he lost trust and faith in me.

Stain: goddamn it...

Izuku: yeah sucks ass, doesn't it?

Stain: well...guess All Might is on the list.

Izuku: leave him to me.

Stain: you wanna kill All Might?

Izuku: maybe...maybe not...but we'll see.

Meanwhile outside the courthouse.

Iida: you did well today.

Attorney: thank you, Tenya-sama *bows down*

Iida: consider your debt cleared, you and your friend have done brilliantly for making that idiot, Deku look stupid and set up in Tartarus for many years, soon, my associates and I will run UA and do what we desired for so long.

Attorney: I wish you, the best, Tenya-sama.

Iida: also, what was the original punishment for Deku?

Attorney: he was supposed to be in jail for life, but unfortunately since the judge has short-term memory, he changed the sentence to fifteen years.

Iida: I see. But it doesn't matter now. *Hands over an envelope* Your payment for what you did today.

The attorney took the envelope from Iida and smiled at him.

Attorney: thank you, Tenya-sama! You're such a kind fellow.

Iida: It's my pleasure, all I could say is: "All in a day's work" am I right?

Attorney: yes, sir.

Iida: good, now I am heading back to UA, I'll call you if I need you again.

Attorney: of course, Tenya-sama.

Iida: see you around, my friend.

Iida walks away from the attorney and entered the backseat of a black luxury car, he drove off and headed toward UA, leaving the attorney all alone. The, well let's call him the "corrupt lawyer". JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fans, stand up! Anyways, the corrupt lawyer walks toward his car and drove away from the courthouse and into the city roads. He smiled and remembered his recent accomplishment: "Help Iida frame Deku and get paid". He thinks that nothing bad is gonna happen to him, and everything is okay for him since he got paid by Iida, but let me put this in words that many of you would understand. "If you hurt the Cinnamon Roll, you would be an instant target to many "dangerous" individuals." And that's what happen, suddenly!


The corrupt lawyer got shot in the head with a bullet, and he lies face first into the steering as he lost control of the car, the car crashed into a city building as the car got on fire due to the impact, many civilians panicked and some of them seek refuge somewhere else, just to avoid the accident. But there was one individual who completed that assassination.


That was for you, Izuku.

Deadpool: hot damn! That was a clean hit! Thanks for that, Mommy!

Ronin: yep, that's what I meant by "Dangerous individuals who are going to kill you if you hurt the Cinnamon Roll". Well, I hope you've learned from today. See you in the next chapter.

Chapter Done
Next: Alex Forza - Origin
Then: Vasily Sechenov - Origin

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