The Breakers

Af FadedRonin

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Info: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 1: Life Behind Bars
Chapter 3: Bryce Larsen - Origin
Chapter 4: Vasily Sechenov - Origin
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part I
Chapter 5: A Cruel Test, for New Power - Part II
Chapter 6: Izuku and Izumi
Chapter 7: Fight Club
Chapter 8: The Great Escape
Chapter 9: Setting up Shop
Chapter 10: Plan of Action
Chapter 11: Another Round
Chapter 12: Family Reunited
Chapter 13: Long-awaited Reunions
Chapter 14: Two Sides of the Same Coin (Season 1 Finale)
#BaldurLivesOn (Season 2 Teaser Trailer)

Chapter 2: Alex Forza - Origin

2.1K 51 3
Af FadedRonin

Deadpool: I saw the chapter's title! Does it mean that-?

Ronin: yep. The first origin story that we get to learn first is actually my greatest OC, Alex Forza.


Ronin: yes, many readers asked me if I could write Alex's origin as a separate MHA x OC book, but I couldn't make the time because if I did, that story would get stolen immediately without my permission if you know what I mean.

Deadpool: clout chasers and thieves. *Sighs* I understand. 

Ronin: but anyways, we can begin the story. Narrator!

I'm coming and I just came!

Ronin: Ewww...

Narrator's POV

Last time on The Breakers, Izuku Midoriya was arrested for various charges, charges that he didn't commit but he ended up in county jail and now awaiting trial, as the trial commenced, Izuku took a look around the courtroom and noticed something was not right, first of all, his defense attorney, the prosecutor and a few people that Izuku doesn't like were acting strange, so Izuku had to pick up the pieces and found out what happened. But then, after the court proceedings, the judge delivered his verdict and Izuku was guilty of all charges and was sent to Tartarus Prison for 15 years. Izuku grew angry at the outcome and emit a bit of bloodlust to scare everyone in the room, including the judge. The guards took Izuku away in handcuffs and sent him to Tartarus, when he arrived, he was reunited with Stain, and they had a conversation about how they gonna kill All Might and the rest of Hero Society. As the conversation continued, it was revealed that Iida was the one who bribed both sides of the court and put Izuku in jail, the corrupt lawyer returned to his car and drove off after getting paid by Iida, but his time ended as he got sniped from a long range and died, all thanks to one "lovely' lady. 

Our story begins a week after Izuku's arrival in Tartarus Prison. We see Izuku and Stain sitting down in the cafeteria.

Izuku: it's been a week since I arrived and I'm already a target of several people around the prison. 

Stain: yeah we can see, you're the guy who apprehended 15% of villains here. So, we basically have our right to be pissed at you.

Izuku: figured as much.

NOTE: I've changed the rules of Tartarus, a tad bit and used the rules of Green Dolphin Street Prison from JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean. Prisoners can roam around the joint but they still got their quirk-cancelling cuffs by either the arm or the ankle, you know what I mean?

Villain#1: well, well, well, if it isn't that bitch, Deku? 

Villain#2: yeah, that kid broke my nose when I was out there in the street!

A couple of villains surrounded Izuku and Stain, there were six of them.

Villain#3: Come on, Stain, let's team up and beat this little shit.

Villain#4: yeah! Let's waste him!


The villains turned around and saw a teenage boy with blonde hair and green-goldish eyes, he put his feet on the cafeteria table while eating a pie and drinking a can of Coca-Cola. When the villains saw him, they were frightened, so they went down on their knees and bowed to the teenager.

Villains: we're sorry, Jefe! We didn't see you there!

It's alright lads, I forgive you. Do me a favor, leave Deku to me, understand?

Villains: yes, sir!

The villains got up and resumed their usual things, leaving Izuku and Stain with the young visionary.

You good, lads?

Stain: we're fine, I never thought we ran into you, Alex Forza.

The Visionary! The Revolutionary! Alex "Freakin" Forza, makes his arrival in  The Breakers! Known as the Crown Killer. Quirk: Chaos Magic (Age: 16)

Alex: it's good to see you again, Chizome. *Looks at Izuku* So you're Izuku Midoriya, right? The hero that everyone loved, now, he's here, in Tartarus, with us.

Izuku: I figured as much. So, what happened to you, Forza-san? How did you end up here?

Alex: you want to hear my tale? Well, I can tell you one thing before we begin. Do you know most villains fear me?

Izuku: no, why?

Stain: Kid, Forza is known as the Crown Killer, the UK's No.1 Villain.

Izuku: *shocked* UK's No.1 Villain?

Alex: yeah, I'm pretty dangerous and I could kill you if I wanted to, but I know you all too well, Izuku Midoriya. But anyways, allow me to tell you my story.

Narrator's POV - Alex's story

16 years ago, there lived a young boy who was destined for greatness, he was destined to be a visionary, a revolutionary, a true leader that inspires the hearts of others, and that boy is Alex Forza. He was born in Oslo, Norway, and he was the son of two great Pro Heroes in the United Kingdom. His mother was Sigrun Forza, known as the UK's No.1 Hero, Valkryie, and his father, Bjorn Forza, known as the UK's No.2 Hero, Ivor. Alex was born with great parents and he was born with a powerful quirk known as Chaos Magic, a combination of Fire, Ice, and Lightning, inherited from his parents. So, as a young boy, Alex started training under his parents' wings, they taught Alex, how to fight, craft, hunt and cook, Alex trained diligently and learned a lot, sure he failed a few times but the boy learned from his failures and became a great one. 

Alex and his family moved to London, England, due to the rise of crime here. While Alex's parents were doing heroics, Alex continued training and crafting new gear that he needed when his moment called him, but one night, that was the night that changed everything for him. 


Alex and his parents woke up to the sound of an explosion that blew up a section of their home. 

Bjorn: what was that?

Sigrun: Alex!

Bjorn: I'll go check what's going on, go to Alex, now!

Sigrun: okay.

Sigrun barged into Alex's room

Alex: Mama! What's going on?

Sigrun: I do not know, come quickly! You must hide!


Alex: *whispers* Mama, who is that?

Sigrun: *whispers* I do not know. Your father is outside, checking on what's going on. But you must hide.

Sigrun opened a hidden door underneath Alex's floor. To be honest, it's the same crawlplace that Atreus used to hide from Baldur back in God of War (2018) for those who remembered.

Alex: but you and Papa told me not to go down there.

Sigrun: I know, little cub, get in.

Alex entered the crawlplace.

Alex: Mama, I'm scared. Is Papa okay?

Sigrun: he'll be fine, little one. Here, take this.

Sigrun handed over an axe to Alex, he was shocked to see that Sigrun handed her main weapon.

Alex: Mama, don't you need this more than me?

The Leviathan Axe, a powerful frost axe, made for a Guardian and a God which now belongs to Sigrun

Sigrun: I'll be fine, Alex. Don't worry, let the axe protect you, okay?

Alex: okay Mama.

Sigrun kisses her son on the forehead.

Sigrun: stay safe, okay?

Alex: Okay.

Sigrun closes the door panel and covered it with Alex's bedroom carpet. Sigrun got up and regrouped with her husband. As for Alex, he was busy hiding in the crawlplace, holding the Leviathan Axe. What he heard upstairs was the sound of a bloodbath, there was screaming, yelling, shouting, swords were clashing, quirks were being used, and finally, the sounds of the house being destroyed. Alex got frightened, but he found a tunnel, in the crawlplace, so he went into the tunnel until he found a ladder that leads to the surface, once he arrived at the surface, he was in for a shock, he saw his home burned down to the ground and his parents, were lying on the floor dead. Alex ran toward them.

Alex: Mama! Papa! No, no, no, no!

Alex checked for a pulse, but there was nothing. Sigrun and Bjorn are dead. Alex sat there and cried, but he sensed another presence watching from the distance. He looked at the flaming stranger and saw his face.

The kid is still alive, kill him.


I am leaving, call me once you're done.

Okay, boss.

The stranger sent five mercenaries after Alex, they were ready to kill the young boy, but Alex's rage consumed him. He grabbed his mother's axe and began killing all of the mercenaries in a blood rage.


The mercs rushed toward Alex, but they would end up dead, as Alex brutally killed each mercenary one by one, in a cruel and vicious way. After killing the mercenaries, Alex looked around and saw that the flaming stranger escaped. Alex looked at his parents, he took the necklaces off their necks and he kept them in his pocket.

Alex: Mama, Papa...I'm sorry that I wasn't there to save you, but I promise, I'll make things right and I will find whoever did this to us, they will pay for what they did. I'll see you two in Valhalla. 

Alex took some time to give his parents, a proper farewell. He found some white cloth and wrapped their bodies in it. He then built two funeral pyres for his parents. After a few moments and last words, Alex used his fire quirk and cremated them.

Something like this

That was the night that changed Alex forever, with his parents dying in front of him, there was only one thing that was floating in Alex's mind: Vengeance. And that was the night that the Crown Killer was born. We timeskip, a year later after the deaths of Alex's parents, Alex is now ten years old and embraced his new identity as the Crown Killer, a vigilante who's out for justice and is willing to kill anyone who was involved in the destruction of his family. 

Alex managed to find a place to stay and plan his next moves, he went on the hunt in the streets of London, killing villains and fake heroes who only cared about money, power, and sex appeal. Alex killed many people in the UK, marking himself as a target of the UK Hero Commission, which is good because no hero from the UK saved his family after that incident. People were scared of the Crown Killer, but Alex did more things, making moves and recruiting allies all over the world. (you'll see why) Here's where things get interesting, it all happened when Alex was fourteen years old.

He is currently, interrogating a conspirator behind the death of his family.

Alex Forza - Villain Name: Crown Killer. Quirk: Chaos Magic (Age: 14)

Alex: alright, you're making things a lot worse for yourself now. Talk or else I will burn your organs and play jump rope with your fallopian tube!

Conspirator: okay, okay! I'll talk! I was there that day, the death of Valkyrie and Ivor!

Alex: who planned their deaths?

Conspirator: it was Endeavor, Japan's No.2 Hero! 

Alex: Endeavor, why would he do that?

Conspirator: he did it because he wanted to gain a reputation around the underworld! He has a personal grudge against both Valkyrie and Ivor, but that's not all, he's not the only one who planned it. The entire UK Hero Commission planned the deaths and the current Top 10 UK Heroes helped him too! They all hated the Forza family!

Alex: I see...(So Endeavor wanted reputation just to be feared when it comes to criminals and people, he wants to intimidate them all, but I got your number, you wanker.) Thanks for telling me all of this, now say hello to Hel once you meet her.

Alex sliced the conspirator's head off and walked away from the scene. After discovering the truth, Alex sets his plans in motion. First off, destroying the UK Hero Commission. Alex arrived at their building late at night, because he knows that everyone was there, including the Top 10 Heroes of the UK. Alex broke into the building and killed everyone on sight, no hero was safe from the Crown Killer, no member of the UK Hero Commission was safe from Alex, and he killed everyone in cold blood, all by himself. And then, once he killed everyone in that building, he set it on fire and waited for the news to kick in. The death of the UK Hero Commission sent shockwaves around the world, it's enough to scare the British Monarchy, Hero Associations around the world, and finally, the world population itself. Alex is now infamous for what he did and is now feared by everyone. Alex finally moves on to his final target: Endeavor. 

Present Day

Izuku: damn, now I can see why you're infamous and feared here in Tartarus.

Alex: hmm.

Izuku: but you didn't answer my question.

Alex: I actually nearly killed Endeavor when last year when I was here in Japan. I had in the ropes and I was about to kill him, but the bastard called in his bodyguards and fired quirk-canceling bullets, meaning that I wasn't able to use my quirk at the time.

Izuku: cheeky son of a bitch.

Alex: yeah, they managed to knock me out and throw me in here with the rest of these guys. But once they saw my face and my reputation, I was considered a dangerous threat. But I managed to gain the respect of a Hero Killer *looks at Stain*

Stain: *chuckles* 

Izuku:'re a dangerous guy, Alex Forza. But anyways, since you know me and I know you. Why don't we all team up?

Alex: you wanna get out of here?

Izuku: yeah, we're all used to be heroes, but now, we want to change society and it's best if we team up.

Alex: what do you think, Chizome?

Stain: the kid accepted my ideology and I was correct. Plus, there's another person who wanted to meet the kid, you know, the Nomad?

Izuku: who's the Nomad?

Alex: another kid who was on the hunt for vengeance, like me. He's not here at the moment, but you'll meet him soon, little brother.

Izuku: okay Alex.

Alex: but anyways, I am in. 

Izuku: welcome aboard, Alex.

Oooh, what is Izuku planning? First, he recruited Stain and now, the Crown Killer is joining forces? Are we gonna see a revolution happening in Tartarus? Find out in the next chapter of The Breakers!

Chapter Done
Next: Bryce Larsen - Origin
Then: Vasily Sechenov - Orign
After: A Cruel Test, for New Power

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