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By bigbahongaloos

16.8K 749 565

Tommy had just recently moved homes. The one he left was one full of memories. Not good ones, but not necessa... More

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1.1K 30 35
By bigbahongaloos

TW// cussing, getting lost, spiking/messing with someone's drink, implied kidnapping, talk of deceased family and friends
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy unpacked his bags in his new apartment. He had just moved in the day before, and had fell asleep before putting his things away.

As he put some socks into a drawer, his stomach growled at him. He hadn't ate since yesterday morning.

He exhaled, scanning the room for his phone, seeing it on his bed. He walked over and picked it up, seeing that it was only on six percent battery. He had fell asleep with his earbuds in playing music last night, which drained the battery, and forgot to plug it in when he awoke.

He figured, 'oh, well, I can live without it if I have to', and he stuffed it into his pocket, grabbed his off brand AirPods, and left the small, three-roomed apartment. It was tiny. One bedroom, one bathroom, and the sitting room and kitchen were basically the same room.

Tommy walked down the streets, searching for some fast food place he could go to, but there wasn't much of anything. It was mainly shops.

He eventually found a pizza parlor and went inside, as if pizza wasn't the only thing he had been living on for the past two weeks. The parlor was decorated nicely. Black and red checkered floors and checkered tiles going about half way up the wall until they stopped at a line of just red tiles, then transitioning into black walls, if that makes sense.

There was only three other people in the parlor, one being a worker.

Tommy walked up to the counter, and was greeted by the employee.

"Welcome, what would you like?" He asked. "What's good?" Tommy asked. The worker shrugged. "Pizza, I suppose?" This made Tommy chuckle. "Can I just get the one big slice of cheese pizza?" Tommy asked. The employee nodded, and Tommy paid.

A while later, he had his pizza. Honestly, it was sort of bland. Pizza Plus was definitely better, and that's bottom level pizza. He took just a few bites and threw the rest of it in a bin. It was actually horrible, the pizza.

Tommy stepped out of the parlor. Now, if he was on the right side of the street, he would have to go left to get back home. If he was on the left side of the street, he would have to go right.

Tommy went left.

But he was on the left side of the street.

As he walked, he noticed that he, well, didn't notice where he was. He looked around, scrunching his eyebrows.

He pulled out his phone to pull up his GPS, and his phone was on one percent battery. Why do phones' batteries have to go down even when you're not using them? He quickly went to his GPS app to at least try to get general directions back home, but before he could type in the address, his phone shut off.

"Damnit!" He whisper-scolded himself, hitting the side of his phone. He huffed, putting his phone into his pocket and looking around. He had no idea which way to go. His brain told him to just walk and hope he doesn't get even more lost, and his heart said to stay where he was until someone passed by so he could ask for help.

He obviously listened to his brain. His stupid, stupid brain.

So he walked and walked, and never even came across that pizza parlor.

And then, as if this were a book or a movie, it began to rain hard. And Tommy doesn't like storms. Really, who even does?

Tommy was still hungry; he didn't eat his pizza. He was now getting drenched, and he had no idea where to go. Plus, it was getting dark.

He put his hood over his head so he could maybe not get as wet, and he kept walking.

But nobody can walk forever, especially when your wet and possibly getting a cold from it, so he cut into an alley and sat against the cold, brick wall under a small canopy. He just hoped he'd be able to get home in the morning or whenever someone found him.

He sat there for a while before he began to somehow drift off to sleep despite the cold and his fear of storms.

But he heard footsteps and three voices that became more hushed as they neared.

Tommy looked up, seeing three men at the end of the alley, who then began to walk towards him. One had pink hair, one brown, and one blonde, who seemed to be quite older than the others.

The old blonde crouched down next to Tommy, muttering something that sounded like 'oh, my, look at you poor thing...'

He then makes direct eye contact with Tommy.

"You look awful...Come with us, mate." He said in a soft, caring voice. But he seemed off. The other two did as well. Like they were up to something. The man sounded concerned, but his face showed otherwise. His face was weirdly stern.

"No, I'm alright, thank you." Tommy replied, shifting where he sat a bit. "But you're all cold and wet. You'll catch something. At least let us get you something to eat. There's a cafe down the street from here."

His brain said they'd help him, and his heart said to stay away.

He, again, listened to his brain, but he also listened to his heart.

He'd let them get him food, but he definitely wasn't going anywhere else with them. Just the look in the pink-haired ones eyes looked bad.

Tommy would take free food whenever. Nothing is better than free food.

"I...suppose I am pretty hungry. And I don't have any money on me, either." Tommy cleared his throat. "We can pay!" The man said. Tommy slightly nodded.

"C'mon, then," The old man said, helping Tommy to his feet, "I do hate to see people, especially kids, out in the rain like this." He said. "Kid?" Tommy raised an eyebrow, taking off his wet hoodie since it was highly uncomfortable. "Well I would guess you're no older than fourteen, are you?" The man asked. "I'm sixteen." "Oh, you look so young." "Yeah, uh, I get that a lot."

Tommy saw the two younger ones whispering amongst each other.

"It not really raining much anymore. I suppose we'll be alright without a hood or anything." The blonde one said. Tommy just nodded.

Then, the four of them walked swiftly down the street. The blonde one was in the front, and the two others were behind Tommy. He felt trapped between them.

"Here we are! We come here often. It's a nice little hang-out spot." The old one said.

Tommy looked at the sign on the door. It was literally just called 'Café' in pink and blue letters. Like they couldn't come up with a better name?

The four walked inside. It was decorated nicely.

"You three go sit. I'll get you something." He said to Tommy, who nodded.

Tommy and the two younger guys went over and sat down at a table, and the old one walked over to the counter to get some food or whatever.

Tommy was uncomfortable. The way they (especially the tall one with brown hair) looked at him made him feel uneasy. Yes, they got him out of the cold rain and are buying him food, but they just seemed weird.

There was a phone charging thingy in the wall next to the table, so Tommy grabbed his phone and began to charge it.

Tommy saw the guy at the counter hand the old guy a cup with some steaming liquid inside.

"Hey," The pink-haired one said, making Tommy turn his head to him.

While Tommy wasn't looking, the old guy slipped something into his drink and stirred it up with a coffee stirrer.

"Hm?" Tommy replied to pinky. "Oh, never mind, I forgot what I was going to say." He said with a chuckle. Tommy nodded as the old one sat down the cup in front of him.

"Not sure what you like so I got you some hot chocolate. Is that ok?" He asked. "Fine, thank you." Tommy smiled, picking up the cup.

"So what were you doing out in the rain like that?" He asked. "Oh, I...got lost. I just recently moved here and I don't know the area." Tommy replied. "Ah, I see. I assume your parents are worried about you. How long were you out there?"

Tommy's grip tightened on his cup a bit.

"I don't have any family. Moved here myself." He cleared his throat, not looking up at the three. "Oh, I'm so sorry."

Tommy shrugged, raising his cup and taking a sip of his drink. It felt grainy in his mouth. He made a face, looking down into the cup. There was a chalky film on the top.

"Is something wrong?" Pinky asked. "No, no, there's just a film on it that I didn't notice. Caught me off guard when I drank it." Tommy replied with a smile. "Tastes fine, still." He added. Pinky leaned over, looking into the cup. "Looks like cocoa powder to me. They probably put too much in it." He said.

Tommy nodded, continuing to drink. It still tasted fine.

"What's your name?" The old one asked. "Uh," Tommy hesitated to tell the strange people his name, "Tommy." He said, earning a nod.

He wondered why the tall one with brown hair hadn't spoke at all.

"So where do you live? We can take you home." Pinky said. Tommy glanced over at his phone, seeing that it was already at eight percent battery. "Oh, no, that won't be necessary. My phone is charging so I'll just get on my GPS. Thank you, though."

"We insist, though. What if you get lost again? Not many people would help you like we did." The old one pushed.

"No, I'm fine, really. I should probably go, actually. It's awful late. Thank you so much helping me out, but," Tommy began to stand up, "I should really..."

He suddenly became very lightheaded. The floor spun under him, making him feel sick. He immediately sat back down. He looked over and everything seemed to multiply. He saw three of his cup.

"Are you alright, mate?"

Tommy looked up at the voice.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just...not feeling so well." He said, shaking his head to try and clear it.

Tommy then remembered the chalky, grainy film on his drink, realizing they had put something into it.

He knew these people were up to something. And he still went with them. He mentally cursed at himself.

He turned and began to get back up to call at the café employee for help, but the sudden elevation caused him to black out.

Words: 1,830

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