Kit x Lop x Ruth (Unforgetten...

By NLhindriiani

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Another Part story from unforgetten night -Author YoeNim -🔞 Adult Konten -BxB -Not for HomoPhobic Author Tra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 🔞

Chapter 11

1.4K 28 13
By NLhindriiani

"Ah uh then shut up," said Lop. Lop's hand was trembling now, slowly reaching out. wiping Kit's back from where he was sitting," hugged his waist and buried his face in Lop's stomach. Kit smiled a little secretly. Before gently kissing Lop's stomach through the cloth. Lop remained hard.

"What are you doing now?" Lop immediately asked.

"Nothing, your clothes smell nice. What brand of fabric softener did you use?" Kit asked before sniffing Lop's belly again.

"Well, it's the same brand as yours," answered Lop.

"Why don't my clothes smell like yours?" Kit said while looking at Lop. Lop also bent down to see Kit's red face.

"Why would I know? Don't hold on tight, or I can't wash you" Lop said quietly. Then Kit loosened his arms a bit. Lop dried off to continue his work.

The loop stops again. When Kit's strong hand gently squeezed Lop's waist and rubbed Lop's buttocks.

"What are you doing to me?" he said in a shaky voice.

"Are you thinner?" Kits asked in a normal tone.

"I don't know, I think I'm normal," replied Lop, with a trembling heart. He felt a hue red everywhere he touched.

"Fine, but what I can touch is very thin. Don't you try eating some more?" said Kit, tucking his hand into Lop's shirt. So he kindly stroked Lop's waist. It gave him goosebumps.

"Stop, you don't have to touch me." Lop quickly took Kit's hand. The corner of his mouth turned up in a faint smile with regret in his mind.

"I don't want you to be so skinny" Kit said again.

"Okay, I'll eat fat right away," Lop said hastily to cover up his embarrassment.

"Well it's nice to have a handful of sticks," Kit said, his voice floating.

"What do you mean? How about a handful of sticks?" Lop immediately asked. Kit just laughed out loud, refusing to say anything.

"Nothing, quickly clean this up" Kit said with a smile. Lop pursed his lips before cleaning Kit.

"Are you going to wash your face or shave?” Lop asked thoughtfully.

"Um I'm going to wash my face. No need to shave my beard first" Kit said. who slowly stood in front of the mirror looking at his own face in the mirror.

"Could you test it? You should know if I should shave it well or not." He used both his hands to lock Lop's shoulders tightly. Then he quickly lowered his head to the gap in Lop's neck. A protruding nose and beard filled Lop's neck until Lop shivered. Kit smells a bit the scent of Lop's neck.

"What are you kidding me? This is giving me goosebumps, you brat!" Lop hastily pushed Kit aside, his face turning bright red. With Lop's hand gripping his neck, Kit smiled.

"Why are you shivering, from disgust or excitement?" Kit pretended to ask because he was thinking about arguing with his best friend.

"Wash your face and work on your own ass too. I'll get some stuff to clean the wound" Lop said as he rushed out of the bathroom. Kit turned and smiled. He had to stop himself, but how? Lop quickly walked out of the bathroom and placed his hand on the left seal.

//Damn it, you two are making my heart work so hard, Lop muttered to himself before reaching over and grabbing the medicine box to clean the wound//

"And Kits?" Ruth who had taken off his shirt and was wearing pajamas, came out of the room to ask questions when he saw Lop sitting alone.

"Lop," Ruth called again when he saw Lop still sitting.

"L... Loppp!" Ruth shouted a little louder. Lop was surprised and turned to look.

"Why are you talking so loudly? Me close from here." Lop turned and asked.

"You are close, but I have called you many times. Didn't you hear?" asked Ruth, swallowing a little.

"Oh sorry, I'm just sitting here thinking about something," Lop said to Ruth who was sitting next to him.

"What do you think, what do you think are we shot?" He asked.

"Nothing," replied Lop, not wanting to telling anyone what he thinks about what happened to Kit. He started behaving strangely.

"And Kits?" Ruth asked

"He's washing his face in the bathroom. He'll be out soon." Lop finished talking and Kit came out of the bathroom and went straight to get dressed in his own room.

"You'd better come and wash the wound first," said Lop, before moving on Ruth. Then, slowly unwrapping the bandages on his arm, Lop's face turned slightly pale at the sight of Ruth's gunshot wound and the bandage the doctor had given him. Not disgusted or scared, but he felt sick seeing his friend like this. Ruth was sensitive enough to understand Lop's feelings. Then he raised his other hand to rub her head gently.

"You think too much." Ruth said with a smile, but felt Lop's concern.

"I didn't want you to get hurt like that," Lop said softly, before proceeding to gently clean the wound Ruth felt no pain.

"It's normal, you know," Ruth said with a smile. Lop just sat down and sighed, finishing too. After a while, Kit came out and took off his shirt too.

"Wait a minute, let me clean Ruth's wound first." Lop turned to tell Kit. Kits nodded. Apart from sitting behind the Lop.

"Shut up," said Lop, his voice wouldn't be like that.

"I'm sleepy," Kit replied.

"Wait a minute," said Lop, continuing the wound. As soon as Ruth's wound was clean, he immediately turned around to clean Kit's wound. Kit and Ruth's injuries weren't too bad.

"Okay, that's done, you two can sleep and rest," said Lop, dismissing his two friends as they must be very tired. Kit and Ruth got up easily and went to their own room. Lop breathed a sigh of relief before putting down the first aid kit, then leaning back and watching television.

He breathed a sigh of relief. The thought of home without the sounds of Ruth and Kit makes Lop feel oddly lonely because Ruth and Kit have to be there to play with and waiting to annoy each other. Lop walked over to gently open Kit's bedroom door. He saw Kit fast asleep on the bed. Lop then closed the door slowly and went to check Ruth's room, Ruth was also asleep. Lop decides to go back and sleep in his own room. Now time to rest.

A soft voice sounded, making Lop slowly open his eyes, before seeing his two best friends, sitting across from Lop's room. Both were bare-chested, and only wearing pajamas.

"Oh, you guys are awake?" Lop asked his best friend who now turned to him.

"Um, I want to sleep with you, okay?" Ruth said quietly.

"Why don't you sleep in your room? We will sleep together and the wound will open," said Lop, still lying there. Lop felt he didn't want to get out of bed; it felt strange when the two friends were silent.

"What is wrong?" Lop asked curiously. Ruth moved to look at Lop again.

"Lop... who do you think is better between me and Kit?" Ruth asked in a serious tone. Lop frowned.

"Why are you asking that?" he asked in an irritated tone.

We both want to know who you like the most," Kit asked.

"How much does it cost?" asked Lop with a hot face. Ruth and Kit's stares made him feel hot all over. Ruth reached out and used his fingers to gently spread Lop's shining cheeks, making Lop feel warm by Ruth's touch, until he had to close his eyes slightly.

"Ask your heart, who do you like the most?" Kit said while gently stroking Lop's arm with his palm, Lop was wearing a tank top, he touched it until he shivered, he felt the heat of Kit's hand.

"Why are you two joking? Are you making fun of me?" she asked in a trembling voice,

He looked at his two friends from side to side as their gazes were filled with tenderness, the intense gazes from the other two made Lop's heart flutter.

"We both don't make fun of each other. We both just want to know who you like best." said Ruth again. Lop stared at his two friends in disbelief. His heart pounded as they approached like this.

"Lop. If you like me I will make you feel hot" Kit said hoarsely and with a strong hand stroked Lop's arm tensely.

"If you like me, I'll make you feel sweet," Ruth said softly, caressing Lop's shining cheek gently. Lop swallowed the saliva that had stuck in his throat with difficulty.

"Forced...gently...what did they say!?" Lop shouted with a trembling heart from before.


"What the heck are you doing?" A voice screamed, making Lop jump up and sit on his bed. As well as seeing the faces of Kit and Ruth standing in the doorway. However, not in your bed.

"Stop! Don't come in" Lop quickly raised his hand to stop his friends. He stops Kit and Ruth before entering Lop room and they stopped immediately, Lop heaved a sigh of relief like someone running a long distance.

"What's that?" Kit asked in an irritated tone.

"When did you two come into my room?" Lop asked while sweating.

"Now. We both woke up and watched TV for a while. We heard you scream, what were you talking about? It was only until then that we both rushed over. We thought someone had entered and fought you," Ruth replied, making Lop realize that it was now only dream. This caused Lop to let out a soft sigh.

"Oh well, I think I had a bad dream," said Lop quietly. He didn't dare look much into the children of his two friends. Kit and Rurh looked at each other in confusion.

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (nice nightmare)

"What's the time?" Lop asked the three. Feels late.

"One afternoon. Are you hungry?" Kit answered in a soft voice.

"A little," Lop said, taking a deep breath deeply.

"Then let's eat. Get up, take a shower. You sleep late" Kit said again before heading to the kitchen.

"Really?" Ruth asked tone-deaf worry.

"I'm fine, go first, I'll follow you later Lop I said to Ruth, who nodded and left Lop's room.

// Hey, what was I dreaming of? Lop wondered. Before sitting down, he put his hand to his face and thought about the dream for a moment.//

"Who do I like?", Lop asked in a low voice, before sitting down and thinking about his two friends, the same Lop knew that the two friends had started to approach each other in strange ways, being more lovey-dovey, caring and accurate than before. They are always friendly, they make Lop feel warm and comfortable.

As Kit stubbornly approaches Lop, he teases and sometimes scolds him, but makes Lop feel like heaven. He felt safe when he was around him. Although the two approach Lop in different ways. Lop felt his heart skip a beat and he was ashamed of them both.

Why do I feel so uncomfortable?" he asked again. It wasn't strange since the two best friends were very close to him. Lop was uncomfortable with the fact that he still couldn't find an answer. After sitting down and thinking for a moment, he shook his head to stop thinking. Before get out of bed, wash your face and go out to meet your two friends outside the room.

// 1 year later //

A lot has happened in one year. final. Now in Kamol's house there are two more members: Baiboon, Aunt Nee's grandson, and Kamol's big man.

"Ruth, and Kit?" Lop asks about his other friends as he passes Kamol's house, who is home today so no one has to go.

"He works at the mansion. You have to just target Mr. Kim," Rut answered.

"We'll meet at the main house this afternoon," Ruth said again, remembering the warning.

"I thought he would introduce his wife," said Lop with a smile.

"His wife is so cute, even though he's a man, his face is so beautiful, his skin is so smooth," Lop said, thinking about Kim's face, his boss's wife.

"Are you interested in khun kamol's wife?" Ruth pretended to ask, Lop made a surprised face.

"I didn't want to die prematurely there," said Lop immediately. Ruth stared blankly.

"By the way, what do you think of his wife being a man?" Ruth also asked Lop's opinion.

"What do I think? Why should I think? It's normal for him, isn't it?" Lop replied, because everyone knows exactly what Kamol likes.

"I wonder if you find it awkward, or you don't like relationships between men?" he asked again. Lop silent for a few moments.

"It's not dirty. So I see it as normal," Lop said in a normal tone. Made Ruth smile slightly knowing that Lop wasn't annoyed by this kind of thing, but he didn't know whether Lop would accept the problem of having to be with two people at the same time or not.....

Bengal tiger Kamol roars loudly, causing Lop and Ruth to turn their heads and immediately run towards the tiger enclosure. When they arrive, they find Kamol standing in front of him, stunned by Kim, along with Kit, Khom and the others.

"Go meet in the center aisle now!!" Kamol screams loudly. Before pulling Kim's arm to follow him, Lop immediately ran to find Kit.

"What is it?" Lop asked in a worried tone.

"That's fine, go to the big house first" Kit said quietly before walking to lead Ruth and Lop into the big house.

Upon entering, Kamol punched Kit hard in the face, when he found out that Kit was the one who took Kim for a random walk, when Kim entered into the tiger cage and almost got bitten by a tiger. Lop wants to go over to Kit's side. But Ruth pulled him first, because he didn't want Kamol to stay. Dissatisfied, Kim also came to defend Kit. When Kamol leaves, Lop and Ruth rush to support Kit. Kámol led Kim into the living room and quickly Lop, Kit and Ruth returned to the house.

"I'm going to get some medicine," Ruth said as he walked over to get the pill box. Kit was sitting on the couch at home with a calm expression on his face.

"What's wrong? You look like you're about to cry" Kit asked quietly. Lop felt his eyes so hot from the moment he saw Kamol hitting Kit. Kit has never done anything to offend Kamol since he started working for him.

"That hurts?" he asked softly, reaching out to gently touch the corner of Kit's mouth.

"It hurts," Kit said curtly. Making his face look even worse than before.

"Where does it hurt? I'll give you some medicine," said Lop hastily.

"Pain in the part that is pressed for a while ago. You can touch it lightly, don't press too hard," said Kit to relieve Lop's stress.

"Shit, I'm worried. Just now, I touch it lightly," Lop shouted at once, making Kit smile a little. Lop watched as the newly formed frown appeared. Ruth took the first aid bag and handed it to Lop.

"I'm going to hurt him," Ruth told Lop.

"You two think I'm a private nurse, don't you?" Muttered Lop. But his hands opened a box and took out cotton ball.

"Um, is it possible that you always do?" Kit asked, making Lop stop looking at his two friends, he saw Ruth and Kit looking straight at him.

"Can you look after me? Lop pretends asked, more as a joke, but his heart dance.

"We can both look after you for the rest of your life," Ruth said. Lop fell silent

"Why are you silent? Say something," said KH. then Lop sat up and wiped the corners of Kit's mouth as usual. Kit and Ruth looked at each other for a moment, because that was enough to know what Lop was thinking.


After that day, everyone lived a normal life. Lop was very close to Baiboon because he was under Khom's care and when Kom was busy, Lop would go to pick up Baiboon from school. This morning, Lop met Kom at his house to ask about Baiboon.

"P'Khom, how are you today?" Lop came in and asked when he saw a tall figure coming out of the village.

"Well, how are you?" Kom asked him.

"Are you going to send me to leave Baiboon to school?" Lop asked subconsciously. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"No need, I'll send it myself," Khom replied, making him smile.

"Oh, sure! That means you're on good terms with Baiboon, right?" Lop joked, because Fabia Khom is sensitive to Baiboon.

"What's so good about it? Baiboon and I didn't fight," Khom replied with an expression still on his face.

"Oh Khom, don't lie to me. I know everything," said Lop, making Kom smile slightly.

"Wait, do you know everything? Did you know that bastard Kit and Ruth tried to get you to marry them?" Khom immediately walked towards the garage, smiling. Left him alone.

(OHH MY GODD phii khom you made it surprised )

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