Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian Jo...

By ASongOfIceAndFandoms

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Book 3 of the One of You series Henry is in danger. After Greg and Tamara's attempted destruction of Storybro... More

Only Be Dark
The Heart of the Truest Believer
The Heart of the Truest Believer pt 2
Lost Girl
Lost Girl pt 2
Nasty Habits
Good Form
Dark Hollow
Think Lovely Thoughts
Save Henry
The New Neverland
The New Neverland pt 2
Going Home
New York City Serenade
Witch Hunt
The Tower
It's Not Easy Being Green
It's Not Easy Being Green pt 2
The Jolly Roger
The Jolly Roger Pt 2
A Moment in the Woods
A Curious Thing
Snow Drifts
Snow Drifts pt 2
There's No Place Like Home
There's No Place Like Home pt 2

Snow Drift pt 3

646 34 13
By ASongOfIceAndFandoms

Y/n watched Hook from afar as she sat in the dusty tavern inn, watching as he play a game of chance surrounded by fair ladies and men of his crew. Except this wasn't really Hook. This man was Hook from the past, with a red vest under his usual black leather jacket, and that tell tale hook upon his left arm. A burning feel erupted in her gut, and she shook her head to turn away once present Hook started talking.

"There I am," he stated, watching himself. He turned to Y/n and smirked, saying, "Rather dashing, don't you think?"

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" she asked, her gaze turning away from past Hook to look at her Hook. "Isn't the entire idea of what we're doing here to be preserving the future? Not to cause more anachronisms?"

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum," Hook replied, once again casting his eyes towards his past self. "Just make sure that I-... he remains occupied and doesn't return to my ship. I'll take care of the rest."

Y/n sighed, saying, "I guess considering Emma is a little busy trying to find King Midas' castle with Rumple..." She trailed off and took off the cloak over her shoulders. She began undoing the front laces of her corset to loosen her bosom a little bit for show.

"Wha- What are you doing?!" Hook quickly asked, stopping her with his hand up. His eyes glanced from her breasts to her eyes, and she knew her plan would work out just fine.

"Making sure that I keep him occupied," Y/n replied with a little smirk. "Given our history, I think we both know I'm his type."

She stood, intending to go over to the past Hook, but present Hook stood and stopped her by saying, "Adler, that man sitting there, you don't know him. Be careful." His voice was strained, as was his expression as he looked her over.

Y/n's grin widened as she met his eyes. "My God, Captain. Are you jealous?" Hook didn't respond, and instead gazed down to the floor. "Killian," she said, and drew up his gaze. "We both know that I met you at your worst. I could handle you just fine then, I can handle him just fine now. I'll just need to take a different course of action than last time." Killian hesitated, but moved past her to leave the tavern. Y/n took a deep breath, looking from the bar to the pirate. Hook had another lady in his arms, and she knew she couldn't just walk up to him to get them away from one another. He most likely was intending to sleep with her for the night. A plan struck inside her head, and she walked up to the bar to give the innkeeper a smile and say, "Excuse me, sir. What's your best ale?"

"Why that would be our Cintran Ale. Comes imported from the Continent," the innkeeper replied, and Y/n held her tongue at exclaiming that even The Witcher was a real story in this realm.

"Order one for that handsome pirate over there, please. Tell him who it's from," she said and took out a few coins she managed to find in her dress. She was lucky. The person these clothes belonged to forgot to take out a small bag of coin she could use.

Y/n watched the innkeeper take the money and pour the ale, waiting patiently for the drink to be delivered to the pirate captain. Outwardly she kept her cool, but inside she was panicking over her idea. What if it didn't work? What if past Hook saw Killian while he was still at his ship? What if he sent back the ale with no interest in her? That thought alone made her heart crumble as she imagine a life without-

"Hello, love."

She turned her head, and was struck by the sultry expression the captain was giving her. Hook, leaned against the bar, a smirk dotting his lips as his blue eyes trailed her figure, stopping at her exposed bosom. She rejoiced a little inside, for her plan was working. Now all she had to do was keep him occupied. "Good evening, sir," she replied with as well a soft voice as she could make.

"That's Captain to you," he replied, but with no malice in his voice. "Usually, lovely ladies who wish to vie for my attention are more... forward. More aggressive."

"Is it a problem, then, Captain," she emphasized the word, and could so obviously see his inhale, "that I took the more quiet route?"

"Not at all," he shook his head, setting down the ale that she had bought for him. "Every once and a while, a man likes a change of scenery."

"A man such as yourself must get that a lot then."

"You'd be surprised," he grinned, and sat down beside her. "What say I buy you a drink as a payment for such a fine ale?"

"Why stop at one?" she questioned him with a shrug of her shoulders, causing him to beam with a glint in his eye.

This Hook certainly didn't spare any expenses when it came to buying them drinks. Y/n had managed to glance over to the table he was sitting at, and saw that the woman he used to be courting for the night was gone. She brought him over to a corner table for a little more privacy between the two of them, also making it harder for him to simply stand and leave. Sitting at the bar meant they wouldn't be there long. A table meant they were meaning to stay a longer while.

As Hook downed drink after drink in their tiny shots, Y/n sat up straighter, closer to him, and said, "I've got a small confession."

"Most women do, although they're rarely very small," Hook said with a little wink. She could tell the alcohol was starting to fog his mind.

"I've been wondering... how you got the hook," Y/n said as she ran her finger up and down the metal. "So many stories going around, but who better to ask than Captain Hook himself?"

"Mhm," Hook said, although dodging the question as he leaned close to her and said, "So, you know who I am, and yet you haven't even told me your name."

"The mystery is more fun, isn't it?" she replied, pouring him more alcohol. "Can't stand the enigma?"

"We're just two ships passing in the night, then?"

"I hope more than just passing. Where's the thrill in that?"

"You do love to look for fun, hm?" he questioned her, somehow managing to lean in closer. "Speaking of ships, what do you say we leave this place and I'll... show you mine?"

She panicked when he went to stand, and quickly put a hand on his thigh and said, "Hold on. Shouldn't we have a few more drinks first?"

"You are quite the riddle, aren't you, love?" he said as he took the shot she handed him.

"I do hope you like riddles, then," she spoke back, watching as he downed the drink.

His eyes scanned her over, and he rasped out, "I know I certainly like you."

"I thought as much," she winked, although basing on the emotions she knew her Killian had for her. She could feel a slight buzz overcoming her senses, and knew it was best to pull back on the drinking. She was becoming just a little too bold, wanting to do just a little more than she needed to in order to keep this Hook occupied. While he downed another shot, she threw the drink over her shoulder, bringing down the cup to make it seem as though she drank it.

Hook struggled his sentence out, still recovering from the hard liquor. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get me drunk, which is usually my tactic."

"What's the matter, Captain? Can't hold your rum?" Y/n teased with a raised eyebrow.

"No, not only can I hold it," Hook said with a pointed finger as he nudged her nose, picking up the near empty bottle of rum, "but I can carry it out the door. What do you say we set sail?" He stood, and held out the hook to help her up. "Come back with me for a nightcap, or should I find someone else?" Y/n had a moment of hesitation, but did the one thing she could think of to keep him occupied for just a little while longer.

She kissed him.

Drawing him in by his hook, their lips met in a heated kiss as Y/n tried her hardest to keep her emotions at bay. Kissing him again, even if it wasn't really him, was almost painful. And it made her realize how much she missed it. How much she loved the feel of his lips on hers, holding her closer by his hook as her back pressed against the wall. She became suddenly aware of the inn patrons around them, even if they weren't bothering to look their direction. Pulling away, she opened her eyes to see him chasing her lips just a tad, a grin on his face. "Does it seem like I want you to find someone else?" she questioned him, playing with the leather lapel.

Hook gave her a light chuckle, using his hook to brush some hair away from her shoulder. "Good. The Jolly Roger hasn't had a lady as lovely as you in quite some time," he stated, and leaned in to brush his nose against hers gently before giving her another kiss. If she could keep him here just a few more minutes, it was worth the pain in her heart.

"Does that line work on all the women?" she asked him as he took another swig of the rum, guiding her out of the tavern by her back with his hook resting low upon it.

"Only when it's true," Hook claimed, once more giving her that debonair smile.

"Ooh," Y/n looked to him. "You are a bold one, aren't you?"

"You'll find out just how bold I can be," Hook replied back to her, taking another large drink of rum. The bottle was nearly empty, and they were getting closer and closer to the ship. She could see the familiar white sails and beautiful painted wood from here. It was undoubtably the Roger they were nearing, and too fast.

Aiming to buy some more time, given that she didn't see Killian anywhere nearby, she stumbled slightly into Hook, causing him to toss his now empty rum bottle into the harbor. "Oh, apologies," she said with a drunken sigh. "The rum must finally be making it's mark. I should sit for a moment-"

"Oh, no need. I've carried rum barrels heavier than you," Hook said gleefully, easily picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way to the ship.

"I'm feeling better now you can..." Y/n began, but trailed off when she watched Snow White rushing off of the ship, her hood held low on her face. "...put me down now."

"Behold! The Rolly Joger!!" drunken Hook exclaimed as he crossed the bridge to his ship.

"Captain!" a voice cried out, and Hook set Y/n down. This allowed her to see a thoroughly confused Mr. Smee staring dumbfounded at her and past Hook. "How- How did you...? I thought you were still below deck? And why does your vest keep changing?"

Distracting Hook needed to be the one thing she did. Grabbing him by the lapels, she grinned and said, "I remember you promising me a nightcap. Find one, and I'll be waiting for you."

She slipped away from him as he once again tried to follow her with his lips. Stepping away, she walked up to the quarterdeck and down into his quarters. She knew this ship better than many now, and easily climbed down the ladder expecting to find an empty room, but when she saw Killian staring her in the eyes about to leave, she gulped. "What are you doing here?? I saw Snow leave!"

"I could ask the same of you. I thought I told you to keep him occupied," Killian gritted out, looking from the ladder to the woman in front of him.

"This is- I'm- I am!" she managed out.

"By taking him back to my ship?"

"His ship."

Killian gave her a bored yet frantic look as he replied, "You know what I mean."

"I'm sorry I stalled as long as I could but past you was really into one night stands," Y/n snapped out, taking a breath as Killian rolled his eyes slightly. "I thought you'd at least be gone by now. I'll see if I can keep him on deck for a little while longer but-"

Killian ducked down under his desk when they heard Hook start down the ladder, giving Y/n a suave look as he rested against the steps with a grin. "And where might you be going?" he asked playfully, and she panicked at him having noticed her sudden change in demeanor. "I do hope you're not having second thoughts."

"Not at all, Captain," she said, taking him harshly by his lapels and kissing him once more. She could almost feel Killian's eyes on them. She maneuvered them away from the ladder to allow Killian to escape. She glanced over to him, but instead of leaving, he was glaring over their form, making her turn so that Hook was facing away from him. "Getting a little eager, are we?" Y/n said once they pulled away. She could feel him pushing her closer and closer to the desk behind her.

"My apologies," he replied, beginning to push her down onto the desk. It was clear he wanted to take her here and now on this desk. "A woman as beautiful as you deserves my full and prompt attention."

Y/n didn't have much time to respond to his words, for as soon as he said that, she saw a hook appear on his shoulder, pulling him away from her. Hook's shocked face at seeing himself was quickly relieved by the punch Killian landed to his cheek, knocking him out and to the ground. "What the hell was that for?!" she exclaimed as Killian shook off his now sore hand. "How is that not going to have consequences?!"

"He was asking for it," Killian claimed simply. "And like I said, he'll blame the rum. Now let's get out of here."

"I don't think it was a punch to the face he was asking for," Y/n mumbled to herself, but it was just loud enough for Killian to hear and clench his jaw at her words. Sure, it was him she was kissing, but it wasn't him.


They met back up with Emma, telling her how they were able to get Snow on the path to stealing the ring in order to get their story back on track. Emma, in turn, was able to lead them to where King Midas was having his grand wedding feast for his daughter and David. They sat on the edge of the forest, watching the party from afar as they set off fireworks of grand colors and explosions. They could hear the music played by their bards from far away.

Killian was looking through his spyglass, watching and saying, "A predictable excess of pomp and grandeur. Snow should have no trouble sneaking inside."

"What about us?" Emma asked, shrugging her shoulders. "We're supposed to just sit here and hope that she pulls it off? I don't like leaving things to chance."

"You know, I feel exactly the same way," they suddenly heard, and turned with a shock to see Rumplestiltskin sitting right beside them. "Which is why I never do." Bringing his hand down, two small pieces of paper appeared in his hand. "See? Invitations to the ball."

"So you'll be able to make sure Snow gets the ring?" Y/n questioned.

"No, no. I'll be far to busy sorting out how to get you home," Rumple replied with a shake of his head and his usual grin.

"Well, who's the invitations for?" Killian asked back.

"Well, isn't it obvious? The three of you," Rumple griped at him. "Better pick your pair wisely, dearie. One of you is going in alone."

Y/n looked between the three of them, watching as Killian continued. "So when we're done inside, you can open our portal?"

"There's a powerful wand which... I came to possess," Rumple quickly answered. Y/n could only imagine how many people he killed to get this certain wand. "Anyway, legend says it can recreate any magic that's ever been wielded. Now, with a little work," he stood and walked towards them, making Killian step back, "I can use it to recreate whatever portal brought you here."

"Please do it quickly," Emma begged as Killian snatched the invite from Rumple. "We'll be in and out before you know it. I want to get out of here."

"Ooh, confidence," Rumple tittered with a wiggle of his fingers. "I like it." Just as they were about to head off towards the castle, they heard Rumple call them back. "Not like that." With a wave of his hand, all three of them were overtaken by a deep red smoke, and suddenly were in fanciful garbs that any princess or prince would beg for. "The savior can't come this far and not play princess for a day."

Y/n looked down at the deep purple dress Rumple had given her. The layers of the dress were thick, and it held many gems from the top to just below her waist. Her hair was put up in an do to keep it out of her eyes, topped with a tiara. Looking over at Emma, she had a bright red dress. Killian was long brown coat with a fancy vest and trousers, a new sword hanging on his side and a fake hand in place of his hook.

"We aren't supposed to stick out," Y/n claimed, looking down at the large dress. "What if someone sees us now and remembers us in the future?"

"Because what you had before was such an intricate disguise?" Rumple fired back at her, and Y/n stood up stiffer. "Now speaking of which, I've returned those stolen rags luckily before they were missed. I mean, it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amateurs."

"Right. Because you've had so much practice in time travel, which has never been done before," Y/n sniped back at him, causing him to let out a giggle.

"Question my resolve or my knowledge of magic all you like, dearie. It'll get you nowhere," Rumple stated. "Allow me," he said, and a mirror appeared in his hand. Looking into it, the woman Y/n saw there was not her. Looking in confusion, she saw Killian and Emma appeared different as well, but when she gazed to them beside her, they were the same old Killian and Emma as always. "Glamor spell. This is how you shall appear to one and all. Now run along, and do everything you can to make sure Snow White gets that ring. Once they're back on track, everything else will be, too."

He disappeared from their view, and the three of them looked between one another. "All right," Emma started, nodding her head towards the castle. "Let's get going. We're running out of time."

They entered the castle, Y/n keeping her head high as she walked through the doors to make it appear as though she were confident. She held onto Killian's arm, the three of them agreeing that they would be going in as a pair while Emma searches for Snow White or David. The castle was certainly gold, but what could Y/n expect? It was King Midas' castle, the man who's touch could turn anything into gold. He would spare no expense for his daughter's home, nor her wedding.

Walking into the ballroom, Killian placed the invitation on a silver plate with the others, Emma later following before steering off to search for David or Snow. Killian cast a glance to Y/n and grinned, saying, "You cut quite the figure in that dress, Adler."

"Why, thank you," Y/n said with a grin. "Thankfully I spent a year in these things, getting used to them at constant balls. I might not be able to move, but I can at least walk."

Killian gave her a small laugh, but their conversation was cut off when they heard a voice say, "Greetings." Looking to their left, they saw a man with long, curly blonde hair and a beard. The golden state of his clothes and the crown upon his head told them who he was without him needing to say his name. "I am King Midas, father of the bride. Who do I have the honor to welcome into my home?"

"I am..." Killian began, and Y/n internally cursed. They should've come up with names for themselves before so to not get into this situation. "I am Prince..." Killian gave a sigh of struggle at Midas' confused expression.

"Charles," Y/n quickly remedied. "This is Prince Charles, my husband. And I am Princess Diana." She grimaced a little bit inside.

She curtsied, and Killian bowed as Midas bowed his head down as well. "An honor to have you both," he said and turned to his herald beside him. "Announce Prince Charles and Princess Diana."

Y/n let out a breath as she strode past Midas with Killian, who gave her a smirk and repeated, "Husband?"

"Oh, quiet," Y/n replied with a shake of her head. "I accidentally just ripped off the royal family from our world."

Killian dropped his head slightly and nodded, "Ah." Looking around, he noticed she was glancing at the people around them, shifting slightly under her dress. "How does it feel being back at on of these?"

Y/n tilted her head a little bit with a shrug, saying, "I was never one for the balls my mother threw when we were stuck here for the missing year. What could I really do? I never had anyone there with me..."

She trailed off a little bit as the crowd broke and allowed them to see the dancing figures on the ballroom floor. The princes handled their princesses with care, gently twirling them as the music called for it. Killian took her hand in his and said, "Well, now you do."

He began leading her to the floor, and she gave a slight laugh as she said, "Hold on, are you telling me you know how to waltz?"

"Perhaps," he spoke back to her, taking her hands in his. She seemed reserved, and her gave her a look of concern. "Are you all right, love?"

She hesitated, and let out a sigh. "I... never learned how to waltz," she confessed, and he gave her a slight grin. "What? Okay, I never had anyone at these stupid parties to dance with," she said with a light ironic laugh. "I didn't feel the need. I was more prone to my father teaching me the art of the sword than of the dance floor."

"Don't fret," Killian grinned, putting her hand on his shoulder and taking her other. "There's only one rule. Pick a partner who knows what he's doing."

Killian began to move his feet, Y/n following behind him in the dance. They moved in a box, and she managed not to step on his toes. She remembered watching her parents dance at one of these, their form impeccable and their dancing smooth. Killian eased her into the dance, soon becoming more complicated as the music changed. Bringing her back into his arms, she gasped slightly as his hand curved around her back, inhaling at his touch. He smiled down at her, once more bringing her into the three step combo of the original waltz. "I think I'm finally getting this," she said with beaming lips. It took everything in Killian to not reach down and kiss them.

"You appear to be a natural, your Highness," Killian teased, pulling her royal name and causing her to huff a laugh. "Any prince would vie for your attention."

"Princes and suitors," Y/n mocked the idea as she was twirled. Her hand touched his arm as she said, "We know that life never suited me fine."

His heart raced in his chest as he looked into her eyes. "Indeed, love," he managed out, a smile gracing his lips.

"You're lucky," Y/n claimed, and he gave her an expression of confusion. "You get my first royal dance."

"Unfortunately, I didn't get your first royal ball, did I?" Killian countered, although with a tease in his voice.

Y/n happened to glance over his shoulder, and spotted the familiar face of her father through the crowds, standing on the side. "Killian, it's Charming," she whispered to him and found her sister's eyes across the room as Killian looked over to see the prince. Y/n motioned for Emma to look towards David, and she did, the elder twin nodding and keeping to the outskirts of the dance floor.

"Hopefully Snow is near the castle," Killian said, his voice lower than before.

She caught the change in his tone, her brows furrowing as she asked, "Are you all right?"

Putting on a face, he nodded and replied, "Just fine, Adler."

Y/n sighed, her expression turning from concern to disappointment. "Please don't lie to me," she gently asked him, catching his eyes through the dance. Neither of them noticed Charming walking past them and out of the room.

Killian seemed to lean closer to her, their foreheads nearly touching as they continued to dance. "I won't lie to you," he told her, bringing her closer to him. She could feel the room disappearing as their lips neared each other. They were so close. Her heart raced in her chest, beating drums in her ears as she felt his draw nearer to her-

The doors to the ballroom slammed open with a loud thud, drawing everyone's eyes towards the entrance. Y/n and Killian jerked their heads towards the scene, and Y/n's gut lurched forward when she saw the Evil Queen's familiar face standing in the doorway. She eyed everyone with a sense of superiority, Midas approaching hereafter recovering from her sudden appearance. "What a pleasure, my Queen," he said with a hand on his chest and a bow. The ball resumed as the Queen gave him a small smile. "I thank you for honoring your daughter with my presence."

"Oh, crap," Y/n mumbled to herself when she saw them speaking. Soon enough, the Queen brought in ranks of her own Black Knights to watch over the party, the music abruptly ending. "This was not a part of the plan!"

"Breathe, Adler. She's a guest," Killian soothed, her hand still gripped in his. "The King's head would vanish to another realm if he didn't invite her."

"Okay, fair point."

"Guys," they heard a whisper and looked to see Emma approaching them which made Y/n pull away from Killian. "Charming's disappeared."

Y/n looked around the room, trying to spot that familiar face of her father, but cursed under her breath when none of them could find him. "Damn it, this is bad," she said, but watched as a few of Midas' guards walked over to their king with purpose. "And I think it just got worse."

"My lord," they heard. "Snow White was spotted in the castle."

"The bandit, Snow White? Here?" Midas replied with gritted teeth. "Get her!"

"Yeah. It just got worse," Y/n finished her thought.

She shared a glance with her companions, and the three of them snuck away from the ball and ran through the castle to a lookout. They arrived just in time to see her climb over the edge of the wall and speed down by her rope. Emma ran to the edge, her sister following, and watched as Snow reached the bottom and ran away from the castle. "She did it. She must have stolen the ring," Emma grinned happily. Their story was so close to getting back on track.

As Snow hurried away on her horse, they heard the familiar words from the book echoing from the castle windows. "You can't hide from me! Wherever you are, I will find you!" David shouted, and Y/n managed a smile as Emma looked her way.

"Mission accomplished!" Emma beamed. "Now all we have to do-"

Emma was cut off by one of the Black Knights pushing her to the side, a bow and arrow in his hand aimed directly at Snow. "You'll find her sooner than you think, milord!"

"No!!" Y/n shouted out and pushed the man to the side. His arrow flew free, but hit a tree beside Snow. Sitting up, Y/n glanced down at the floor, her heart dropping to her feet when she saw the familiar gold band laying down on the floor. Picking it up, she showed it to Emma and Killian with a sharp gasp. "The ring. She lost the ring."

"You've got to get it to Snow," Killian said, pushing both women away from the incoming Black and Gold Knights. "Go! I've got this!" He let free his sword and engaged in his attack, Y/n casting a glance behind her before Emma pushed her towards the ballroom once more.

Running through the golden halls, the sisters stopped when the knight with the arrow ran into the ballroom and shouted, "There they are! They helped the bandit escape!"

They tried to turn around, but surrounding them was the Queen's Black Knights, their faces covered by black masks. Turning once more, Y/n paused when she saw the Evil Queen standing in front of them, her dark eyes looking them over with a malicious grin upon her red lips. "Going somewhere?" she questioned them with a sneer.

"Regina, I-"

"That's a bit informal, wouldn't you say?" Regina barked at Emma, cutting her off. "Show some respect! It's Your Majesty." They were grabbed from behind, the Black Knights' grip tight on their arms as both girls tried to escape. "Uh-uh. You're not going anywhere." Y/n tried one more time to escape the hands upon her, but was only brought closer to her captor with rough hands. "Snow White may have left the party early, but I suspect your night has just begun." She chuckled darkly, sneering at the women as she said, "Take them away."

Y/n glanced down at the ring in her hand as she was dragged out of the ballroom with her sister at her side. She couldn't figure out how she was going to get this ring to Snow now. Turning her head backward, she managed to catch sight of Killian in the crowd, watching as she was taken away. She shook her head, telling him not to do anything. At least, not now. Holding the ring tightly in her grip, Y/n was shoved into a carriage with her hands bound, hoping to God that Killian would manage to find a way to break them out of the Evil Queen's clutches.

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