By Channing2321

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Book 1- String of fate series ~Emerson Haneul Wordsworth, the eldest son of the most powerful pack, is anythi... More

1. The only blessing
2. Pain in ass
3. Best Friend's brother
4. Angry Alpha
5. Father Dearest
7. Full Moon Night
8. What the hell...
9. This will not go anywhere
10. Roses and Hyacinths

6. Family Lunch

74 2 0
By Channing2321

~Phoenix Augustus

"How are your studies going on Phoenix?"

I heard a voice, which made me regain my attention on the dining table and the people sitting there. I then noticed that there was a plate full of spaghetti in front of me, while I was mindlessly fumbling with the fork in my hand. I redirected my gaze towards the people sitting there, when I noticed my grandfather's sharp gaze on me. I know the food kept in front of me would taste like heaven; still, I haven't even grabbed a spoonful of spaghetti to have its bite.

Family lunches just aren't for me.

This started happening when I my revisited to my grandfather's house after three months of no family lunch. Entering this place always gave me a gloomy, scary feeling which never fails to make a shiver run down my spines. It wasn't the case before since I used to pretend that I did not just peed in my pants and replace it with a very toothy smile, hoping for having only happy and peaceful memories associated with this place.

But, since my dad's visit in my room, there's just something inside me that tell me that everything happening right now, with me and everyone, is like a planned strategy of someone. And my grandparents are definitely part of this underground gang.

The shower thoughts of my last two brain cells.

I then tried to not have a whole board meeting of my brain and its brain cells right here, as I redirected my attention towards the dining table, where I was currently (unfortunately ) seated. I looked at my grandfather, then my plate, again at my grandfather, and then the plate. This cycle continued for 5-6 times when finally, I released a long sigh, shaking my head.

My grandfather narrowed his eyes, looking at me while his eyebrows furrowed together. His face expression was quite readable, for the very first in my whole life, as it radiated a strong emotion of confusion at my behavior.

I then looked around, realizing I just did something very stupid, as I just rubbed a hand on my nape and laughed awkwardly, totally forgetting the question he asked.

"Ha-ha... P-pardon?"

I somehow managed to slip my question between my awkward and ugly laughs, as I looked around the table to see my aunts about to laugh their asses off; the only thing that was stopping them was my grandmother's sharp glare. I then quickly averted my gaze towards my father. Although he was facing downwards, where his food was kept, I could see the stretch of his lips on his face.

My grandfather's loud, aggressive coughing made my attention snap back towards him, as I straighten my back, and kept both my hands on the either side of the dining table.

"This is not good, Phoenix. How can you behave so indecently? You're not just any small kid now; you're finally a legal adult. You've stepped on the age of finally having your mate. You should be more responsible and mature; you're not just living a life which is only yours. It's a life of several people of our pack. If you can't understand your responsibility, how can you take care of your mate when you'll have her, and further, the pack? You shouldn't have to be reminded that you're the next leader of Blue Crescent Pack and the next heir of G.C.A Industries."

My head snapped towards his direction with my wide eyes that showed confusion with a hint of anger.

When did this happen?

Wasn't Hunter the next heir of G.C.A Industries?

It isn't necessary for the next C.E.O of the company to be the True blooded alpha.

And it's never the leader of the pack to inherit the company.

It's always the first child, no matter what.

Then, what the hell is this bullshit?

I glanced around the table at the chair where Hunter was sitting, and I saw her image was even worse than mine. Her eyes weren't having her original black orbs anymore, but was replaced with a shade of light red, as her fists were clenched tightly, making her knuckles go white. I just gulped looking at the sight of an angry and unstable alpha, who was releasing their pheromones in a tremendous amount. The whole surrounding reeked of an unhealthy and overwhelming amount of charcoal and petroleum, as my uncle just grabbed Hunter's wrist under the table.

The atmosphere around us suddenly tensed. Everyone's gaze was fixed on the table now. It was as if, the time had stopped. There was not a single movement around, only the ticking of clock, and enraged breathes, which belonged to Hunter.

"Grandfather, what are you saying?" Hunter finally broke the silence, her voice showed rage, same as her pheromones. She tried to hold in her anger, but failed as she suddenly slammed the dining table, as quietly as she could.

"Control your pheromones. You're scaring-"

"I'm not scaring anyone here! How old is exactly your mentality? 200 years? 400 years? Or even more? What is the reason of changing the heir of G.C.A Industries? I was already announced to take over the company next year, aren't these your own words? Then why is there a sudden change in the plan?"

Hunter was now exactly how you can describe an enraged alpha. She was standing, her chair already thrown back due to her strong movements, as her strong pheromones wreaked every corner of the room. Her eyes were now a light shade of red, while her talons were already out, dark and long. One slash and you're a dead meat right then and there.

"Your attitude would be the biggest reason for your downfall, either from the company or from any other opportunity. You're aggressive, you don't know how to control your anger, you're disrespectful, you never do any work systematically, there's no softness in your personality for you're a girl, and no man wants a girl like you. Sure you're a Dom alpha, because that was what the Moon goddess wanted, but you're a girl too, and you should not forget that. There are many more reasons why I won't want you as the next heir for the company, but certainly, for an advanced society of today, these reasons are not valid."

Is he... insane?

"I want the reason, not your bullshit." Hunter gritted out, her temper on the borderline, as she again clenched her fist, this time with her talons, which caused her hand to spill the drops of blood on the floor.

"The White Lily Pack will have their eldest son as their next leader, as they don't have any other child who is a true blooded alpha. We, the Blue Crescent pack and the White lily pack, follow a same set of rules. The rules were decided by our parents, your great grandfathers when they started their companies together, which weren't opposed by anyone. One of them was,

'The leader and the heir would never be the same. However, if by any chance, the leader of either pack is the next heir of the company, the action would be done by the other pack too'.

"The current leader of the White lily pack, Ha-neul Wordsworth has three children. Only their eldest son is the true-blooded alpha, which means, he would be the future leader, along with the next heir of the company. Currently, the position is under the 3rd son of Alexander Wordsworth, Hyun-Yoo Wordsworth. He has one son, who is 16 and is yet to be presented. If he, in future is presented as an alpha, then he would take over the Sakura. Since the leader is the next heir of the company of one party, the same will be followed by the other party, that's the rule, not my words."

What kind of bullshit rule is this? Were the great grandfathers out of their minds? Or were they in a very silly goofy drunken mood and have signed the so called shitty rules? They make the rules, and die, only to be followed by the other generations.

This is not the vibe.

You know you have a mouth, in case you forgot.

Shut up.

Why are you so scared of your so called grandfather? You could take down that old man in any fight. And his wolf is probably too old to even shift. Just say what you want to say, and try challenging him once. Leave the rest on me.

All you think about is fight. The world works without having a fight. I know, we both love to see someone kneeling down in front of us, but this man is too smart to start with. You can outsmart him only with the mind plays; physical fight won't do any good.

You're just.... Do what you want.

Leo just huffed, disappearing, while I mentally shook my head on my wolf. This wolf knows fight, fight and only fight.

"I was keeping it low, because I always let the fact that you're old and an elder overcome my other thoughts. But, now that you did this, I also won't step back. You're responsible for my every future action, remember that."

I heard Hunter's voice, while I redirected my gaze on the scene in front of him. She was clearly threatening my grandfather, now that she was back with her original black eyes and talons disappearing.

She then left the scene, exiting the pack house. Uncle Winston just glared at my grandparents, and left with a very surprising and scary silence. It was now me, with my two aunts and youngest uncle, while Aubrey, Jalen and Lorcan had already left, following Uncle and Hunter.

I think you should follow too. Knowing Hunter, the first she would is to throw things at people's head. Directly or indirectly, you're also responsible in all this.

There are a few cases when my wolf actually uses brain provided to him and gives me an advice that is useful for daily life purpose. This is definitely that 'Shine Leonardo' moment.

"Uh, Sorry for standing up from a half-eaten meal, but I have to follow them. Please excuse me."

I exited the place, not even waiting for an answer from anyone else, as I ran straight towards the parking lot, where all our cars are parked.

Yes, we obviously needed three cars to travel.

"Hunter! Hunter! Just listen to me!" I heard Uncle Winston yelling, trying to stop Hunter, whose every step seemed to be filled with rage.

I saw Hunter opening the door of the car, seating at the driver's seat, probably running away with the car at home, when I saw Uncle holding her wrist to stop her.

"We will discuss this at home." Hunter said, freeing her captive hand from the hold. Uncle did nothing but nodded, signaling all of us to get inside the car.

"Are we all going to fit in this?" Aubrey questioned, which was obviously met by the harsh glare of everyone surrounding her, well everyone but me.

I looked at Hunter, who seemed to be waiting for everyone who wishes to travel with her. We knew better than sitting in a car which is driven by a very angry Hunter. She won't have her speed less than 160 km/hour, and would probably knock down every single being coming in her way, be it a dog or an old grandma.

But someone has to sit with her to stop her from committing road crimes and murders.

Everyone's gaze was at me, which confused me for a minute, before I widened my eyes in realization. I pointed a finger at me, silently asking if I'm the almighty chosen one, which was replied with several hasty and quick nods.

I'm still a pup to witness all this.

I shook my head as no several, disagreeing with all the bullshit my family members were spewing. They were just leaving me to handle an unstable alpha, and who, Hunter?

I know better ways to die.

They all then shake their heads as a yes, indicating that there was not an option to back off for me.

(Italic + Underline – Phoenix talking through link)

(Bold + Underline – Replies by others)

Everyone, listen to me. I WILL NOT SIT WITH HUNTER. And no one can change it.

But Phoenix, listen-

And that's FINAL.

Guess we need to send Lorcan then.

Yeah, no one acknowledges my existence, and now 'Lorcan will go'. Selfish bastards!

You know I can listen to all the things you shitbags are saying.

Y'll, let uncle choose.

Yes, uncle the magician will choose.

Aubrey what the fuck?

No one will go. I will be the sacrificial lamb.

We will miss you, Winston the great. It was a great honor knowing you. Bye dad, bye...

Jalen, I'm not dying.

No but imagine the headlines of tomorrow's newspaper, 'Almighty Winston Augustus' dead body found lying near the sea shore, reason: his daughter accidently killed him.


I agree with whatever shit Jalen is shitting.

You're shitting Mr. Lorcan the soggi poggi bear.

Don't call me that again.

Soggi poggi bear.

Will you guys stop? Like, I know Jalen has a somewhat dysfunctional brain-


But Lorcan, you too?

Right, sorry. I forgot that she have got no brain in that skull.

Dad! They're bullying me.

Aren't you all making it a quite big deal?

Well it's Hunter, we can't really say anything

Dad! Did you listen to me?

Don't worry you guys, I will be alright.

Are you sure about that?

I am, I guess....

I hope Hunter smashes the car in a tree or something.


"You shitbags, this was your planned strategy, wasn't it?"

We all let a sigh of relief as soon as we saw Uncle Winston entering the house alive. We somehow made it quite early than expected, well as early as 10 minutes count. The first thing we did was to remove all the vases from the way where Hunter would probably step in. Our next aim was the paintings, well not the portraits but the paintings, because all the portraits in the house are painted by Hunter herself, and angry or not, she definitely cries whenever any of her babies are hurt.

Yes, they're her babies.

"Welcome home." Aubrey smiled, bowing at Uncle Winston, who just glared at her while panting heavily.

"We hope you've had a great time. Please sit down and have a glass of water to calm yourself." She continued, only to receive an even sharper glare from Uncle, as he sat down on the nearest chair he could find.

"What was her speed?" Lorcan asked, receiving yet another sharp glare from Uncle.

"200." He answered nonetheless, as our jaws hung open, almost touching the floor, leaving loud gasps.

200? As in 200 km/hour? Did he not die?

"No, I didn't Phoenix. That's why I'm here in front of you shitholes." Uncle answered, making me rub my ears as to how in the fucking hell did he knew what I wanted to ask?

"Seriously, disconnect the link you all. It's giving me a headache."

Oh. Right, we're specie called werewolf who have ability to link-talk.

"Right, how did you all managed to come earlier than us? Or was it Phoenix who was driving?" Uncle asked, once he finally stabilized his breathing pattern again.

"No, it was soggi poggi bear. He knows a shortcut, which we never intend to tell Hunter for very obvious scientific reason. And because we love all the members of our family." Jalen answered, which earned her a glare from Lorcan with a free smack on her head.

I sometimes can't believe that they both are older than me.

Uncle let out a sigh of relief once again, as we all followed his suit, thinking that there would be no hassle anymore, and that we've already calmed the upcoming storm.

Surprising enough, today was the day of no destruct-

"Shit! Which vase was left?"

"The last one in the hallway."

Oh well, yeah, shit.

"Wasn't that Mom's favorite vase?" Jalen asked, and she received a very terrified nod from all of us, including Uncle Winston.

We're all fucked up real bad.

"Hey, is everything alright? We heard shattering sound from inside." Uncle Hyun-Jae barged in, along with his wife and

Aunt Kanika.

"Oh, haha, n-nothing happened. W-what happened? W-what c-could happen?" My eyes were about to pop out of my socket with my ears bidding a goodbye to my body.

Did Uncle Winston just stutter?

"But there was definitely a crashing sou-"

"I AM TELLING YOU, IT WAS NOTHING LITTLE BROTHER." Uncle Winston cut down to whatever Uncle Hyun-Jae was about to say, making him and Aunt Ayeong flinch. Aunt Kanika just arched her eyebrow, already suspecting everything that was happening.

"Honey, where's Hunter?" She asked, coming inside the house, folding her arms on her chest, striking her steps slowly and carefully.

"H-Hunter? W-who Hunter?" Uncle Winston again stuttered out, mostly to himself.

"O-oh right, Hunter! Our beloved daughter Hunter! Our eldest daughter! The Hunter we made together. The Hunter you birthed 23 years ago-"

"Yes, my love. Our beloved daughter Hunter. Where is she?"

Oh the misery. Even the strongest, rebellious true-blooded alpha is out of words in front of his sub-alpha wife. Lord, please give me a very peace loving mate, just like me.

"S-she, she slept! Yeah, she slept." Uncle Winston replied again, smiling in the most loving way he could right now.

"Oh, very well. I'll just go check whether she's sleeping soundly or not. Or if she has broken any of the vases." Aunt Kanika replied smiling sweetly towards Uncle Winston, who was sweating, well we all were.

"Haha, h-honey I'm telling you, she's sleeping. Believe me." Uncle Winston laughed, in the midst of his words and tries to make Aunt Kanika believe his words.

"Well then it won't wake her up if I'll just make a quick check on my daughter." Aunt Kanika said, while going towards Hunter's room through the goddamn hallway.

We all followed them both like the scared pups, waging our tails.

Not quite literally though.

"40 bucks says Hunter and Uncle Winston will be given a 2 hour lecture." Aubrey whispered, making me realize that she was beside me this whole time.

What do I do with her?

"50 bucks says that they both will be grounded." I whispered, keeping my eyes straight at the couple leading all of us through the hallway.

"100 bucks says that both of your ass cheeks will be red with my one tight slap and you both won't be able to sit for a whole week." Lorcan whispered from behind, holding our wrists while twisting it.

"Fuck you dude, that hurts!" I freed my hand while wincing, blowing and rubbing at the wrist he just twisted.

This bitch.

"H-honey I'm telling you she-"

She saw it.

She fucking saw it.

She goddamn fucking saw it. She saw it.

Aunt Kanika's eyes were wide, while a loud gasp left her mouth, seeing her favorite artifact shattered in pieces. She bent down to have a clear view of her artifact, while touching the shattered glass pieces. She picked up two pieces of it desperately while trying to stick them together, as if that would join them again.

Her expressions changed at the speed of flash, while her eyes now showed anger and rage, with her teeth clenched and her fists tight, ready to punch anyone and everyone out here. The sight alone made a shiver run down my spines.

Now I know from where Hunter inherited all this.

"Hunter, I wish you a good last day."

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