Mr. Popular's Bet

By thirteenforeverlove

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Will Mr. Popular fall for Ms. Geek in just one stupid game? ® All Rights Reserved thirteenforeverlove *** T... More

Mr. Popular's Bet
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

137 10 3
By thirteenforeverlove

Chapter 3 (Nick's POV)

What a messed up day.

For the first time in history a girl hit me in the face. Usually, girls would slap me in the face or kiss me by surprise, but Raina? Damn, I shouldn't have done that. Good thing my parents aren't in here because of the business trip, or they'll laugh at my face when they find out I was hit by a girl.

And I shouldn't have pissed her off that much. I thought it was for a good laugh. The old Raina I knew is gone, because of the stupidest thing I did last year...

After I chose Lauren over Raina, things went differently. I was focused on the game and school and being popular, while she's focused on being her the all around girl. She said applying to different kinds of school clubs will help her get into her dream university because not only she has straight As but she has extra curricular activities.

Sometimes, I still go to our usual spot, hoping I'd see her there and be alone for once in a while, but to be honest, I messed up bad. I thought it was easier to be away from her, but it's not. I miss doing the things we used to.

Trading my seven-year-friendship over the girl I went out with for months was the stupidest and the most immature thing. And that was my biggest mistake, I did that because I was starting to head over heels for my best friend. I tried to shake off my feelings for her but it only made it worse.

After Lauren dumped me over the captain of our rival team, my world just fell. I wanted to let it all out, I tried calling Raina but she switched numbers. And every time I go to their place her brother wouldn't let me in.

Well that's that. I want to fix what was us. If not, I want us to start over again.

I threw my tired self on my bed. Then someone barged in. I groaned. "Hey Nicki." Vinny said in a teasing way.

"Stop calling me that Vinny." I growled at my twin.

"How's your beautiful eye?" Joey cooed.

They both put themselves on me, squeezing me to my death. Immature brothers as always. "How does it feel being knocked down by a girl?" Vinny teased.

"Fuck off guys." I sat up, making them roll off me.

"See Nick? Not all girls want you."

I glared at my blonde brother, "In case you haven't noticed, I'm still doubting that Raina's a girl."

"Serious question though, why mess with her when you can have other girls?"

"Because Joey, this one's fun to mess with! And I'm trying to fix things with her." I slightly touched my plaster, hoping it's not bleeding again.

"You're fixing things with her by drawing on her face? You're such a kid, man. Grow some balls!" Vinny exclaimed.

"But remember when you said that to a girl you liked? Remember Lauren? You like her yet you still managed to mess with her then ask her out."

"I don't like Raina that way. I just want to be okay with her that's all." Okay I do and still like her, maybe a little. She's funny and such a cutie when she's pissed. Hehe

"Keep telling yourself that asshole. We have known Raina for too long who wouldn't like her?" Vinny whacked my head playfully.

"Hey, by the way. I called mom and asked if we can throw a party before the football game, she said yes but not too wild." Joey informed.

I'm not really into partying since... I don't know. I just don't want to. I feel lazy of all the party thing. And we keep on throwing the best parties and it doesn't change anything. Uninvited people crash in and think I know them. I made out with random girls and become clingy. It's tiring.

"Cool man." I answered in a dull tone.

"Why do I feel like you're not in the mood for partying?"

"Because of my black eye!" I pointed to my left eye. I made it as a reason, because seriously I'd rather sleep after football champs.

"You should apologize to Raina." Joey requested.

"Me? Apologize? She gave me this!" Again I pointed to my precious eye, how can he not see that I'm physically injured?

"She also sprained her good hand!"

He has a point though. "Joey, why the hell are you protecting her?!"

"Dude I'm not. She's a girl, for fucks sakes. She did that because of your idiocy." He smirked.

Vinny nodded his head in agreement. Why do I feel like they're teaming up against me?

I glared at them, and sighed in defeat. I have no choice. They're my older brothers. "Fine."

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go call Alec." Joey excused himself. Wait who's Alex?

"Alec? The blonde girl with Raina?"

"Yes. No more questions asked because she's now in the line- Hello, Alec." His voice changed when he's talking with Alec. Typical Joey Moves.

I rolled my eyes at him then Vinny chuckled. "I think he likes her."


"Hey, if you want to be okay with Raina, the first step is to apologize." He advised then left.

I nodded at his advice. He's right, god he's always right. Sighing, I stood up and have to get an ice bag. The pain is slowly coming back. Damn it. Mental note, never piss Raina Marie Harris.


I waited for Raina to arrive. I have been leaning against her locker for I don't know, an hour. Joey thinks I owe her an apology. But I do feel bad doing that to her. I admit, I still kinda like her. She's tough and independent. She survived one year without me by my side. And she found herself new girly friends.

"God, you won't stop won't you?" My soul nearly jumped upon hearing Raina's voice. I smiled at her but she didn't, she narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Raina! Hey, chill. I just came to say... " I took slow and cautious steps closer to her.


I threw my hands in defense and take small steps close to her. People were now looking and whispering but I ignored them, "Nice punch. I totally deserve it." I can tell she was taken aback at what I said, and waited for more. She knew what I wanted to do all along I can't blame her she's smart. I took a deep breath and let out the words... "And I'm sorry."

Her expression didn't change, her eyes are more narrowed, "How much?"


"How much did your brothers and my friend paid you?" did she honestly think I'd do this for money?!

"What! Rain, no. They didn't bribe me to apologize. Honest!"

She was still scrutinizing me, I keep my face trying not to be a liar in front of her. She finally sighed, and said "Okay, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done that."

"So I guess we're cool now?" I smiled and held out for her hand. She looked at it for a second before she could grab it.

"I guess so. Now get away from my locker." She pushed me aside using her other hand. She took her large books. I can see why this pretty girl doesn't have a boyfriend.

I was examining her, she has this crazy brown eyes that makes you drown into deep thoughts. Her hair is in a lose bun making her look messy and nerdy at the same time but she's beautiful behind those square glasses of hers.

I snapped myself out when I realized I have been checking her out. I cleared my throat, "Here, let me help you." I took her stuff and man they're a lot but hey, I'm a gentleman.

"No, Nick it's-"

I cut her off, "It's fine, Raina don't complain."

"Thanks." she said shyly and fixed those glasses for hers. "Although this doesn't change anything. We still hate each other."

I chuckled, "Okay."

We both got into our First Class together which is Chemistry. Everyone's eyes were on us. I flashed my signature smirk, while Raina, being the typical her ignored everyone in the room.

She took her seat and I took mine which is next to her. "What are you doing?"

"Sitting next to you."

"I swear to god if you'll do something-"

"Hey, stop being incredible hulk and trust me, I won't do anything to you." she was looking at me like a suspect who just stole her favorite food, but I kept my smile, and she turned her body to the front. "For now." I added, making her head twist to me. I smirked.

"Oh, boy."


It's finally lunch time and I'm shocked that the guys came to sit with Raina's friends. I sensed something's up. Raina and I are both surprised at the sudden change of things. I know my brothers and Raina are still friends but this is surprising. My brothers with her hot friends. Yep. Her friends are hot.

Alec Marie Ramm is the captain of the volleyball team, beautiful, tall... I think that's it. I don't know much about her. And then there's Lara Cross, dark haired girl with piercing blue eyes. She was once a cheerleader, she stopped because her main passion is in Science, I think that's how Lara and Raina met.

I cleared my throat at the noisy table where everyone is seated, but they gave me a cold shoulder. So I inquired loudly, "What're you guys doing here?"

"Umm, having lunch?" Joey answered in a isn't-it-obvious-face . They all laughed except for me and Raina.

I noticed how Joey enjoys Alec's company.

Oh, now I get it. Joey likes Alec. The way he looks at her, the way he moves... Very cautious. Trying not to disappoint her. And Vinny seems to enjoy the cheeky Lara.

"Are they acting as if they're couples now?" Raina whispered. We are still holding our trays.

I leaned closer, "Should we act as a couple too?"


We sat down, Raina and I had to eat quietly, we're observing they're sudden actions. "I can't believe this happened." I whispered to her.

"Last time I checked, Valentine's is next year." she whispered back. She banged her left hand on the table, "So guys, what the hell?"

"Raina, chill." I rubbed her shoulders. She glared at me, and I had to take my hands off her. Man, this girl.

"Can anyone please tell me what's going on?" she inquired with so much irritation in her tone.

"Well, we just wanted to invite you guys to our party next week." Vinny answered.

Lara and Alec squealed. Raina looked at me with such confusion. I am too. It all just happened so fast.

"What? Why?"

"Because you guys are cuties. You have to come." Joey said then turned to Alec next to him, "Oh and Alec, you have to sit with me, okay?"

"Same goes to you, Lara. That if it's okay with you?"

"Totally!" Blonde hugged Joey and kissed his right cheek.

"Of course, Vinny." Lara said shyly. Vinny smiled and kissed her forehead.

I feel like I'm in crazy town. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

My brothers, invite the nerds because they got interested?

"Really? I thought you guys don't do the girlfriend thing?"

"Things have changed Raina. You should be happy, it's a good change." Joey answered.

Raina cringed at my brother's answer. Examining her, she stabbed her pork steak with her fork and angrily took a bite. "How did you and Lara meet Vinny?" Raina asked.

"It's quite a story actually, I saw her at-"

While Vinny is telling his story, I turned to Raina, "So I guess, you're stuck with me then."

"I'm not going. You two enjoy." I sighed. Typical Raina, the buzz kill. I don't get this girl.

"Raina..." I called out softly.

"Don't follow me." she added. Poor Raina. She didn't even finish her food.

Why is she so hard to crack?


A/N: So? How'd you guys like it? Another update tomorrow! Urgent. Still dedicated to my girls and to everyone reading this. I love you guys!

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