My Hero Academia: A Hero With...

By Ryu_Nagichaka

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after gaining her unique quirk Washi Tsume signs up for the school of her dreams UA and gets into the hero st... More

Prologue: Start line
Episode 1 What I can do for now
Episode 2 Rage,You Damn Nerd
Episode 3 Deku vs Kacchan
Episode 4 Bakugo's Start Line
Episode 5 Yeah,Just do your Best,Iida!
Episode 6 Encounter with the unknown
Episode 7 Game over
Episode 9 In each of our hearts

Episode 8 All Might

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By Ryu_Nagichaka

[Students] it's All Might

Izuku " and he's not smiling"

Shigaraki " After all this waiting... The heroic piece of trash shows up.

He then leaped up knocking a bunch of villains out and reaching Aizawa picking him up.

All Might " I'm sorry, Aizawa. I should've been here."
He then leaped forwards grabbing us and placing us on the ground.

Mineta " Uh... What the heck?"

All Might " Everybody, back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time."

Mineta " yes, sir!"

Tsuyu" Ribbit."

Izuku" You saved us, All Might."

Tsume " One sec."

I cradled my leg pulling my bandages out of my pocket and wrapping it around my leg and making a splint.
Izuku then grabbed Aizawa as Tsu helped me walk.

Izuku " All Might, you can't! That brain villain took One For--  I-I smashed him and didn't break my arm this time, but he wasn't fazed at all. He's too strong!"

All Might " Young Midoriya!"

Izuku " Uh-- "

All Might " I got this."

He then placed his two fingers over his eyes in an anime pose. We then walked away towards the exit with Aizawa.

All might rushed forwards and began fighting with the beast before suplexing it into the ground.

Mineta " Are you guys seeing this? That duplex looked like a huge explosion! All Mights on a whole 'nother level!"

Tsu " and yet he still has to look at his notes when he's teaching us."

Tsume " That's why he's the number one!"

Mineta " Get that guy! Punch him right in the balls!"

Tsume " best thing you've said all day."

Tsu " Maybe we were worried about these bad guys for nothing. All Mights unstoppable."

However, When the smoke cleared the beasts hands were dug into his sides and a portal was formed underneath them.
The beast squeezed and blood splurged out. The beast pulled All Might in as the portal began closing.

Izuku " Asu, Tsume."

Tsu " Yeah, what is it, Midoryia?"

Izuku " Will you carry Mr.Aizawa for me?"

Tsu " Ribbit? Sure, but what're you gonna do?"

He then passed us Aizawa as he began walking towards the battle.

Tsume " Deku! Think about what your doing!"

He began running towards the battlefield.

Mineta " Are You Crazy?!"

Tsume " Izuku Wait!"

I passed Aizawa to mineta and flew forwards to the battlefield just in time as I saw bakugo fly forwards and blast away Kurogiri's portal covering Izuku's hand.

Bakugo " Get The Hell Out Of My Way Deku!"

He then grabbed Kurogiri's armor and slammed him into the ground. Ice then passed below me as I landed and it covered the Beast villains body, All Might then slipped away grabbing his side.

Izuku " Are you okay?"

Kirishima then leaped forwards at Shigaraki but Shigaraki dodged.

Kirishima " Damn! That was gonna be cool!"

Bakugo " guess I found your body that time, ya smoky bastard!"

Todoroki " The symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you."

Izuku " Kacchan! Everyone!"

We all faced Shigaraki preparing to fight.

Shigaraki " Kurogiri. How could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here."

Tsume " Stop blaming your faults on to someone else you Dumbass!"

Bakugo " Heh. You got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoky warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body, as a kind of distraction. Thinking that made you safe! That's why we missed. But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed."

Kurogiri then tried getting out before bakugo let off small explosions.

Bakugo " Don't move! You try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up so bad they'll be pleasing you back for weeks!"

Kirishima " Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic."

Shigaraki " Nomu."

Then nomu went back through the portal and broke the ice breaking his arm and leg in the process."

Izuku " how is that thing still moving? He's all messed up."

All Might " Stay back, everybody!"

The ice around him then broke as he regrew his arm and leg.

All Might " What is this? I thought you said his power was shock absorption."

Shigaraki " I didn't say that was his only quirk. He also has super-regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. First, we need to free our method of escape. Get him, nomu.

Suddenly a giant blast of air sent us back crushing the floor beneath us. When the smoke cleared the nomu had Kurogiri.

Izuku " Kacchan!"

We looked back and bakugo was right behind us.

Izuku " Kacchan? Whoa, that's awesome, you dodged him!"

Bakugo " Shut up, no I didn't, you damn nerd."

Kirishima " then how'd you get over here?"

Tsume " teleportation?"

Todoroki " isn't it obvious?"

Across the field was all might crossing his arms and in shambles.

Izuku " All Might!"

All Might " these are kids and you didn't hold back?"

Shigaraki " I didn't have much choice. We was threatening my companion. Besides, these kids are no angels. The plain-looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed-out punch.  What kind of "hero" does something like that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it for the sake of others. Well, you know what, All Might? That pisses me off. Why do some people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and some are villainous? Casting judgment as to whats "good" and what's "evil." You think your the Symbol of Peace? Ha. You're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once your dead."

All Might " you're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you; you always try and make your actions sound noble. But admit it; you're only doing this because you like. Isn't that right?"

Todoroki " we've got them outnumbered."

Izuku " and Kacchan found the mist guys weakness."

Kirishima " these dudes may act really tough, but we can take 'em down now with All Mights help. Let's do this."

All Might" Don't attack. Get out of here."

Todoroki " You would've been in trouble earlier if it weren't for me remember? You need our help."

All Might" I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It's gonna be all right. Just sit back and watch a pro at work."

Izuku " But you're too hurt. You're bleeding. And you're almost out of ti--"

He then gave us all a thumbs up.

Shigaraki " Nomu. Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the children."

The villains then rushed forwards Shigaraki headed for us.

Kirishima " Heads up, were fightin' after all.

All might then bolted forwards blasting wind everywhere and sending shigaraki flying.

Shigaraki " weren't you listing one of his powers is shock absorption."

All might " yeah? what about it?"

He then began to sending devastating punches into the nomu before punching wildly. And sending wind blast after wind blast.

Izuku " he's gonna fight that brain guy head on?"

Kirishima " Whoa, they' fast"

Kurogiri " No! I can't get near them!

All Might " he said your Quirk was only shock absorption, not nullification. That means there's a limit to what you can take, right? So, you were made to fight me, big guy. If you can really withstand me firing at 100% of my power... Then I'll have to go beyond that and force you to surrender."

They then went flying into the air and kept fighting landing massive blow after massive blow. All might then threw him to the ground and crushed the ground into nothing at least for miles.

All might " Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean. Go beyond!


All might then hit the nomu and blasted him straight out of the USJ crushing the wall into smithereens.

Kirishima " that was like the finishing move in a video game. He beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen that kind of brute strength!"

Bakugo " Imagine having power like that. He must've been punching that monster so fast, he couldn't regenerate."

Tsume " really make you feel weak huh?"

Bakugo " that's how you get to be a pro."

All might " I really have gotten weaker. Back in my heyday, five hits woulda been enough to knock that guy out. But today it took more that 300 mighty blows."

Tsume " That's are All Might!"

He then turned towards Shigaraki.

All might " you've been bested, villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly."

Shigaraki " he cheated."


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