A Fallen Angel

By Void_Existence

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After the rebellion of Satanael, many angels have been uncertain if they should believe in their creator, but... More

Ch 1: How it started
Ch 2: The fall
Ch 3: Thor Odinson
Ch 4: A serius battle
Ch 5: Asgard
Ch 6: An unusual individual and the crimson fallen
Ch 7: An unbelievable story
Ch 8: An unrecognizable place
Ch 9: Meeting a brother
Ch 10: The search continues
Ch 11: Escaping from heaven to the land of fading spirits
Ch 12: Susanoo

Ch 13: Yuki Mara

117 0 0
By Void_Existence

Nobody p.o.v

Susanoo and Uriel walking up to a log cabin, seemingly owned by Susanoo himself.

"We're here!" Susanoo had a big smile on his face as he declared that they have reached the cabin.

Uriel had a small smile on his face, but it soon disappeared as he heard arguing and yelling from inside. With no hesitation, he opened the door, and then he was greeted by two certain angels arguing.

"Damn it Jophiel. What did I tell you before about letting your hatred against spirits go unchecked!?" Gabriel was screaming at Jophiel, clearly unhappy at the moment.

"What!? You aren't that different idiot! You expect me to just let every single spirit live when they have been causing problems to the angels for all these years!?" Jophiel yelled back at him, but it didn't seem like Gabriel was happy about her answer.

"That spirit is completely different in comparison to the other ones and you know it! Control it better, or I will do it for yo-!" As he was going to finish his sentence, he was stopped by the sound of Uriel.

"Siblings, what's going on?" Speaking out to the two arguing angels, he was clearly confused at the situation.

The instant the voice of Uriel rang out the both of them stopped. Looking at their brother, they returned back to normal. The six Archangels looked at each other, each one filled with discomfort. Seeing the situation, Gabriel spoke up.

"Apologies brother. Our siblings and I have not been... on perfect terms you could say" Gabriel had a somewhat disappointed and tired look, well, guess that's natural when dealing with the rest of his siblings.

"That much I can tell. Geez it is quite chilly in here. I need to open some windows real quick, hold on a moment" Susanoo went to open some windows, while Uriel begins to listen to what Gabriel has to say.

"What happened here?" Uriel was the one who approached first, having a kind and calm look on his face.

Uriel wasn't angry at his siblings, well, he is usually never angry to be honest. After a moment of silence, Gabriel spoke up.

"Well, Chamuel and Jophiel lost their tempers and attempted to cause a scene, but the spirit that is staying here managed to de-escalate the situation. Hence why this room is cold" Uriel just listened calmly as he spoke, nodding his head as Gabriel finished talking.

"You know, as much as I would allow you lot to take refuge. You birdie, just explained that you were going to attack one of my friends. So if any of you cause shit like that again, I will have no choice but to kick you out just to serve you on a plate for the rest of the Heavens to find you. Understood?" Gabriel nodded to Susanoo, taking his words with care.

Gabriel began to explain the details of what happened as Uriel looked at him calmly. He nodded his head in response to Gabriel as he finished the story, though the other sibling had a different opinion on the matter. They got into a small argument, but quickly stopped by Uriel's chuckle. They caught up with something's over the story, though Uriel was a little worried for the spirit after hearing the story in full detail.
[{Mini time skip}]

The spirit was resting on her bed, looking relatively tired and weak. She was incredibly tired after using her powers, her body became relatively hard to move, not saying it can't though. After laying there for a minute, a knock on the door was heard. She raised a brow, wondering who would want to see her.

"Who is it?" She spoke up to the one knocking, hoping it wasn't one of the angels that want her gone for some reason.

"I'm Uriel, one of the angels taking refuge in Susanoo's home" The angel answered her.

"Come in" She allowed him inside as she sat up on the bed.

She looked up at Uriel, seeing him for the first time was giving her a strange feeling. Though she could tell that he was relatively stronger than the others at the moment.

"Close the door behind you" Uriel did just that, closing the door behind himself.

"So you really are a spirit?" With those words brought her some concern, she thought he might come in here to shit on her, or something.

"What about it? You here to prattle on about me being a spirit? Being some sort of evil being or something?" She looked at him, making him somewhat surprised by her words.

Uriel did kind of expect this reaction though, seeing how his siblings spoke to her.

"No, actually I came to check up on you. Even though this is the first time I met you now, I can tell you are in some form of pain" She didn't change her neutral expression, though she is relatively confused on what he means by that.

"That is supposed to mean?" She looked at him, her natural expression and tone still on, but Uriel can tell she's confused.

"What I mean is that your body seems relatively weak, might be due to this forest. But the other part of it is your heart. From what it sounded like from how you confronted my siblings, you have been holding back a great amount of pain" His words made her sigh as she gestured him to sit next to her, indicating that this is a long one.

"In truth, I was born in Japan during the time of the Samurai. I was raised by a single parent who was a really strong warrior. I respected him for most of my early life... But then bandits raided our village, killing everyone, including my father... The moment he died, something inside me broke... My power was released and I killed so many... I even killed innocents" Her tone saddened as she continued, even if it was barely noticeable.

Uriel began understanding her pain the more she went on, he began to understand that she must have viewed herself as some form of monster. Though he remained quiet, listening to her talk on.

"It took many, many years to recover from the pain. I couldn't fully heal it, so I decided to lock it up. Pretend that it was fully welded back together. Though recently, I found people that I could've considered as like friends, family even. One of them I did raise for a couple of years on my own but... There was the problem of acceptance in me... I was distant the whole time because I didn't want people to become attached to me. I didn't want them close to me emotionally because... I didn't want my heart to break more.. I just didn't want to accept others, but now... I got myself killed in the process... Not accepting help from others while dealing with my own struggles.. Helping them instead of them helping me... I didn't know how to feel anymore, even now.." Uriel listened intently, noticing that she was hesitant when she was speaking sometimes, showing that she has been having some hints of doubt, fear and some sort of sadness mixed together.

Although, he was surprised that she mentioned that she died, he had never heard of a spirit who died and somehow can still maintain their spiritual body. He wondered to himself if she had a physical body instead of a spiritual one. But he could tell that she was asking for something, so he responded.

"Tell me Uriel, have you ever had someone you loved? Someone you would hold close to you 'til the day you die?" Uriel was confused by this since he never really had any romantic feelings for anybody in his life from what he could recall.

"No I haven't.." He answered her, in a somewhat confused tone.

"I see..." She looked a bit gloomy like as if she can't really understand herself anymore.

But Uriel got the idea on what she was on about so he responded.

"But there was one thing I am aware of. When you find the person you care about that much, try to keep them close to you as possible. You may never see them again if you let them out of your sight. Well that is what some people say, but there is always a significant other for everyone out there" His words made her happy, seeing that he was much kinder than the other six angels.

She understands what he was saying, showing a bit of a gentle smile, though it was barely visible.

"Thank you Uriel. I will keep this in mind" most people wouldn't notice it, but she was happy.

"It is my pleasure. Now that I think about it, what is your name? I haven't asked so I'm making sure" He said as gave her a warm smile.

"Yuki Mura" Giving him her name, Uriel nodded.

"Well then Yuki, I will be off now. I hope I made your day a bit better" Uriel gave one last smile as he went to the door.

"Much appreciated" Her voice could be heard as he closed the door behind him.

He was sad for her, though happy that he could be of help.

"I hope you will do fine moving forward..."

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