Kit x Lop x Ruth (Unforgetten...

By NLhindriiani

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Another Part story from unforgetten night -Author YoeNim -🔞 Adult Konten -BxB -Not for HomoPhobic Author Tra... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 🔞

Chapter 10

1.4K 27 3
By NLhindriiani

Lop's eyes reddened, along with the tears that kept flowing. No matter how much he cleaned it, it still flowed uninterruptedly. Khom's strong hand stroked Lop's shoulder gently.

"Stop crying. Both are fine now," said Khom.

"I didn't cry...uh...the tears just rolled down my face," Lop said, holding back his sobs.

"P'Kom, you talk as if we are Both are dead, I'm fine."shouted a deep voice before his laughter echo.

"Hahaha look at him he's crying he thinks you two are dead hey why are you crying?", joked Kom with Lop, while Kit and Ruth waited for the medicine. Ruth has a white cotton cloth wrapped around his right arm; The kit has a cotton cloth large covering the sides.

"I said I'm not crying!" Lo said hastily. His hands were also wiping tears.

"And where is the dog sitting here crying?" Ruth laughed before taking the back of her hand to wipe the tears off Lop's face.

"Ssssssss" After Kom called to say Kit and Ruth had been shot. Lop went to meet them immediately.

Lop and Joe rush to the hospital. They found Khom still sitting in front of the emergency room.

"P'Kom, how about you?" Jo immediately asked. As for Lop, he's looking for Kit and Ruth.

"It's okay. I went back to the office, but that's an idiot..." Kom said, saying this, his face was confused. Your mind is not with your body. Lop can feel your heart flutter.

"P'Kom, how are Ai'Ruth and Ai'Kit? It's okay, right?" he asked in a trembling voice, that his two friends were seriously injured. Lop felt an excruciating very pain in his heart. Kom looked at Lop's face before sighing. It was even more disappointing than before. His eyes started to warm up. Lop quickly approached and wrapped his arms around Kom.

"PKom, tell me, how are they?" Lop asked worriedly. Kom tapped Lop on the shoulder.

"They're not here," was all he said. That caused Lop's clear tears to flow immediately.

Note: kkkkkk o popi

"Hey idiot, calm down, why are you crying?" asked Kom, surprised.

"P...P' Why did they both have to leave me?" Lop asked sharply, his voice shaking.

"Hey, no, that..." Khom was about to say something.

"Where are the two bodies, P'? I want to see them with my own eyes." Lop sobs again.


"Which corpse?" A deep voice sounded nearby and Lop turned to see Kit and Ruth standing behind him with confused faces.

"You don't have to laugh at P'Kom, he's just making fun of himself," Kit said.

"What are you saying? It's just thought," replied Kom.

"Why are you laughing? I told you not to," replied Lop not too seriously because they were still sitting in the hospital.

"Yeah, you said no, but I'm not done laughing, I don't know why you did that, if Kit and the other idiots are tough, it's hard to die, and they will stand on their own for a very long time," Kom said with a smile. In fact, he only pretends to play Lop.

"That's right P" Kit said, off again. Lop wiped the tears from his face, when they went to get the medicine, Kit, Lop, and Ruth got up to see the medicine and drank it together as they received the medicine.

Kom then let Lop drive the car he brought.

Joe to take Kit and Ruth home first, because Kom stayed in the hospital waiting because kamol told him to wait and pay the money, Joe Is behind.

"What's wrong with you?" Kit's voice asked as they entered the house. So Lop sat down on the couch like an exhausted man. However, before entering the house, other residents also asked Kit and Ruth about the incident.

"I don't know," Lop said quietly before lying down and giving Kit and Ruth a steady look. Lop's eyes were still red and swollen from crying. Ruth put his medicine bag in the back of the fridge.

"You don't look so nice" Ruth said as he walked over and sat down at Lop's feet. Lop also shrugged slightly so Ruth could sit up. As for Kit, he was sitting on the couch another stuck in Lop's head.

"Oh." Kit screeched a little, it was just a scratch from the wound. "Be careful," said a firm voice. Lop's expression still looks tense and tired..

"Are you sick again?" asked Ruth worried because she felt that the environment was not the same.

"No...I just..." Lop said in a low voice, it was a symptom of someone hiding something, he just didn't know how to explain to his friends.

"I'm not sure. It's okay even though nothing happened. My heart is spinning. I don't know," Lop said in an uncomfortable tone.

"Are you worried about the both of us?" Ruth asked with a slight glance. Kit also raised his hand and gently stroked Lop's head. Lop himself said nothing. He was silent for a moment at his friend's question.

"You're afraid of us both..." Ruth was about to continue.

"Stop talking now, you bastard," said a firm voice before picking up hand covering his eyes. Lop knew exactly what Ruth was going to say. But Lop doesn't want to hear it. Only to think that his two friends weren't by his side. Lop felt as if his heart was breaking badly. Ruth and Kit looked at each other as they understood Lop's feelings.

"What do you think? We are both still here with you. We are not going anywhere" Kit said quietly. A strong hand was still stroking Lop's head. Lop trembled slightly. He is also in a life-threatening situation as Kamol's bodyguard. Lop was never afraid of anything. But Lop doesn't understand why if it's Kit and Ruth who were shot, like now, why is Lop afraid? Afraid of losing his two friends, Ruth sat down at Lop's feet. He saw Lop's tears streaming down his face again as he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he calmly tells Kit that Lop is crying because Kit is sitting on the couch next to Lop's head. So I can't see the tears flowing. Ruth used the arm that had not been hit to pull Lop into a sitting position. Lop got up and sat down, but lowered his head, tears still flowing. But Lop didn't sob. Ruth hugged Lop. Lop leaned his head against Ruth's chest. Then Kit moved to sit on Lop's back. Ruth raised his hand and gently stroked Lop's head. As for Kit, he sat hugging Lop's waist from behind while stroking Lop's back.

"Sorry...I can't make up my mind...Ugh...what if you two aren't okay?" said Lop, his voice breaking. Tears streamed down her face.

"Shhh, don't cry, we're both tough. We are not easy to kill," said Ruth softly.

"No nothing happened to us. But you cried like we were both dead" Kit said, before getting his thighs pinched.

"That's not encouraging. You could just talk to comfort him," said Ruth.

"But I have to say this, right? You know Lop, our job is very risky. And then something can happen without our knowledge. If one day me or Ruth does happen to us. You should stay" Kit said in a tone serious.

"So... if something happens to me? Can you two be together?" Lop asked. This gave Kit and Ruth a bit of a hiccup. Because your answers are the same. They cannot be at peace.

"How would it be? Can you answer that question?" Ruth said sarcastically, she couldn't help but laugh.

I can't live, I have to stay. If you die, I will follow you. If you're not okay, I'm not okay and I'm going to kill myself," Kit said, before Lop sat up straight and stared at Kit with tears still streaming down his face.

"Buffalo! I absolutely will not let you kill yourself. You must be happy for me," replied Lop.

"Enough, you two, ha ha, say we're going to die soon," said Ruth making kit and Lop silent for a moment, before laughing together, Lop laughed so hard, that Ruth had to raise her hand to rub it gently. they are clean again. Lop felt a bit of warmth in his heart

"First I'll wash my face. Then I'll get Aunt Nee's rice," said Lop.

"Okay, you can eat in the pavilion with the others," Ruth replied a little weakly.

"What is it?" Lop asked quietly.

"Ai'Lop, we're not handicapped," Kit said, turning to Ruth.

"Okay, I'll wash my face first," Lop said, before rushing into the bathroom to wash his face.

“What if we both really do this? What will happen?” Ruth said seriously. Kit breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think we better put our heads and tails together, before we even think of death," said Kit, making a routine smile.

"Yes, it matters," Ruth replied with a smile.

"Lop, we told you we weren't handicapped." said Kit as they gathered in the back room to eat. And Lop tells Kit and Ruth to sit and wait, because Lop will get everything for them.

"I know, can't I just want to take care of you two? When I'm sick, you two take care of me," Lop replied making Kit and Ruth a little silent.

"Do it," said Ruth. Lop smiled so broadly before running out of food for his two friends. Kit and Ruth were constantly watching. When the rice and sides are ready. Lop sits halfway between Kit and Ruth.

"Wait a minute, you two have to take your after-meal pills," Lop said, taking the pills out of his bag and reading them before handing them to Kit and Ruth. As the two drank, they sat down to eat together.

"Lop, feed me," Ruth said with a smile turned to see how Ruth was shot in the right arm, make it tough to lift a spoonful of rice.

"Use your left hand," Lop replied. "That's fine," Ruth said in a calm voice slightly hoarse, making Lop's mouth feel hot.

"Hmm." Answered Lop, before slowly putting the rice in Ruth's mouth.

"Feed me too," said another. Lop turned and stared at him in disbelief.

"Your waist hurt, right?" said Lops.

"Oh, but when he raised his arm, I felt a tingle, I suspect it was tight" another Kit said, Ruth secretly smiled.

"Well I'll feed them both, damn it's like having two kids" Lop said jokingly. Unaware that Kit and Ruth were also secretly laughing. Lop shifts position to feed Kit and Ruth. A tablespoon for one, then another, and so on.

"Okay, Ai Kit, Ai Ruth," said someone sitting at a far table, Kit and Ruth just smiled faintly. As for Lop, his face started to turn red. When he realized that it wasn't just the three of them sitting together.

"P. don't tease him too much. He won't feed me now" Ruth said with a smile. Lop sat still, but continued to feed Kit and Ruth. When it's full, Lop washes the dishes. So he came back and gave his two friends medicine to drink.

"What will we do?" Kit asked as they walked home to the three of them. He then silently looked at Lop, who was walking over with a frown on his face,

"That's right," Ruth replied.

"You two can't even take a shower. Let me clean you up because the wound also needs to be cleaned," said Lop hastily.

"Um, sorry," Ruth said with a smile. Kit also raised a smile on his lips.

"Okay, you two take care of me. Why can't I take care of you two?" Lop said as they entered the house. Lop prepared a towel to clean the two friends.

"I think it's best to clean it in the bathroom. Convenient," but one person can fit in at a time. Who will clean up first? Make a deal" Lop said before going back to his room to get changed. he can clean up your friends." Kit and Ruth looked at each other.

"Oh, I'll go first," said Ruth sarcastically. As Ruth rocked and Kit became scissors in a tight rock-paper-scissors competition.

"Well fine let him go and stimulate him a bit" Kit said Ruth nodded Before they fell silent as he left.

"Have you decided yet?" Lop asked, Ruth stood up.

"I go first." replied Ruth..

"Then wait in the bathroom," Lop said, and Ruth went into the bathroom. As for Kit, he sat down to watch TV and waited alone in the living room. Lop handed Ruth a towel to take off his pants and wrapped it in it, leaving him only in his underwear. Lop didn't look at his friend, but he realized that Ruth was behind him.

"Where should I sit?" Ruth asked in Lop's ear, causing him to be taken aback, he quickly turned around to look.

Lop's face lit up as he turned his head and his cheek hit Ruth's long nose. Ruth tried to hold back a smile, so as not to feel even more embarrassed by Lop

"Um, what are you going to get with that?" Lop said stubbornly. He quickly backed away from Ruth a bit.

"Sit on a chair," said Lop. after setting up a round plastic chair. Lop frowned when he saw that Ruth still had not taken off her clothes.

"Why don't you take off your shirt?" Lo groans..

"I can't take it off, please take it off for me" Ruth said quietly. Unbuttoned Ruth's shirt, it's best if he wears a shirt with a button down the front that won't be difficult to unbutton as Ruth can't lift his hands very far.

"Slow down," Lop said, slowly taking off his shirt from his sleeves. Ruth also sniffed Lop's scent periodically and without issue. When Lop had to bend down to take off Ruth's clothes. Lop looked at the cloth wrapped around Ruth's arm and let out a small sigh.

"Don't think too much," said Ruth, for he could guess what Lop was thinking.

"I can't help but think about it," Lop said, before hanging up Ruth's shirt. Then he took a towel and wet it with water. He turned to clean Ruth and began drying his face and neck.

"If I wipe you hard, let me know," said Lop.

"Hmm" Ruth answered in his throat, as soon as he grabbed his arm Lop slowly wiped it away. Moreover, the arm that received the shot. Lop tensed even more for fear of hurting Ruth. Even Ruth had to use his left hand to support Lop's hand holding the towel. He stared at his friend in disbelief.

"Your hands are shaking," Ruth said, his mouth slightly ajar.

"I'm afraid of pain," Lop replied with a small smile.

"I told you, if it hurts, I'll tell you," Ruth replied. before taking Lop's hand and squeezing it lightly.

"What are you doing now?" Lop asked innocently.

"Your hands are shaking," Ruth said with a smile, looking into Lop's eyes meaningfully, which made Lop's face tremble before slowly withdrawing his hand.

"Just a little vibration, it will pass," he answered while drying his body. He wiped Ruth's strong chest and moved to his stomach. Lop's face turned red when he looking at his best friend's abs, he sees them regularly but not up close. Lop leaned over to the side to dry off. Ruth used his long fingers to reach out and gently touch Lop's shining cheek, causing Lop to slightly look up. Ruth's eyes made Lop's heart skip a beat.

"What's wrong, why is your face so red?" asked Ruth, but his long fingers were still caressing Lop's cheek.

"Oh it's okay. The shower is hot." said Lop, looking down. Lop just dried his upper body.

"Wait, can you handle this yourself? Lop asked calmly. Ruth nodded.

"But can you give me a foam face and do it for me? I can't lift my arms" Ruth said and Lop nodded. Then he turned to the sink. Ruth also moved to stand beside the sink.

"Bend down," said Lop, taking water to wash his face first. Ruth tilted his head to the sink as well. Lop gently washed his face with water for his friend.

Lop moved Ruth a little closer to the sink. Before squeezing the cleansing foam off Ruth's face with his own hands and turning around to apply it to Ruth's face. Ruth pretends to approach Lop. Until Lop walks away from the sink. Ruth used his uninjured hand to lean over the sink. He locked it so Lop couldn't move.

"Ruth, you are too close," Lop said in a shaky voice. He was glad Ruth closed his eyes because he had facial cleanser on his face.

"Don't complain, I can't see you. I'm afraid of slipping," said Ruth.

"But I'm going to hurt my back. I'm leaning over the sink," Lop said, hoping his best friend would back off a bit, but Ruth didn't, waving his hand instead. to the sink. He looked at Lop's butt and gripped the vise behind the sink, Lop's body, causing Lop's body. and Ruth moved closer.

"Oh, I'm holding on to the chair. It doesn't hurt, does it?" said Ruth with a faint smile. Lop pursed his lips slightly. He felt his friends approach him.

"Are you kidding?" Lop asked, his heart pounding. Because the backgrounds of the two are closely intertwined in every proportion.

"What happened? You were thinking too much. Wash it off quickly. The cleansing foam started getting into my eyes" Ruth said, so Lop quickly washed his face.

"Let me go first, otherwise how will I wash you?" Lop said in a grumpy voice and a chuckle in his throat before taking a step back. Lop breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head again, shaking off the suds.

"Yeah, thanks for shaving me," Ruth said looking at herself in the mirror.

"Why didn't you tell me first? So I can shave you first and then wash you." Lop muttered under his breath. But his hands are full of shaving cream and razors.

"I just saw this," Ruth replied. Lop turned to rub Ruth with shaving cream and then began to slowly shave him.

"Don't move or the razor will cut you," Lop scolded him. Ruth agreed to stay behind so Lop could shave him. Ruth's warm eyes watched Lop the whole time. Lop was embarrassed to say that he was unwell.

"What do you see?" said Lops.

"Nothing, I just think it's great that Ai'Kit and I have you here together," Ruth said in a gentle tone. This made Lop stop the hand that was shaving him so Ruth could speak.

"Why?" Lop asked curiously.

"You cared about us and helped us when we were in trouble," Ruth said again, making him feel a little uncomfortable because Lop's heart was beating so fast and he couldn't meet Ruth's eyes, Ruth's eyes warmed Lope's heart.

"I have you two too helping me and looking after me too," said Lop.

"It would be nice if the three of us were always together," Ruth said seriously.

"We were always together," said Lop.

"I mean for life," Ruth said quietly, causing Lop to freeze.

"Is that possible?" Lop asked softly. Ruth did not answer. Lop continued to shave it. Until you finish and wash your face again.

"You take care of your own ass. Dry the cloth first." Lop told his best friend. Ruth nodded before Lop left. Ruth smiled a little. Then he managed to wash his feet and lower body.

"Oi Kit, get ready to shower after Ruth." Lop walked over to dry himself on the towel. Then he came out and told Kit, who was sitting watching television. Kit watches and Ruth comes out of the bathroom. Lop in first. Kit follows Lop into the bathroom to allow Lop to clean it.

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