Joffrey Baratheon 2.0: Reborn...

By avidreader252

22.7K 799 24

Haley lived a sad, cruel, and lonely life. She loved diving into fantasy world's through books and tv just to... More

Meeting a Creator
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

1.6K 75 1
By avidreader252

After sending my Grandfather the letter last night I got a good night's rest and woke up ready to get things into motion. After sending orders for breakfast, I had someone send a message to Sansa to join me. I need to make sure we are on the same page. I want us to be the "it couple" of Westeros, I'm just glad there are no paparazzi here in this world.

I stood up as Sansa was announced and let into the room. She is wearing one of the dresses I got her and she looks beautiful.

"You look more beautiful in that dress than I imagined," I say with a smirk as I help her take a seat.

"Thank you, My Prince. This dress has become a favorite of mine," she replies with a smile.

"I invited you to breakfast so I can catch you up on some things. As my future Queen I believe you have a right to know before the rest of the court does. When we were in Winterfell, my Mother and Uncle were caught engaging in sexual activities, they also confessed to having a hand in Jon Arryn's death. Their trials will be announced in front of the court tomorrow," I explained after we started eating.

"Oh Joffrey, I am so sorry. I just can't believe..." she trails off looking confused and disgusted before she shakes her head. "How are you? You seem so calm but if I was in your position I don't know how I would react," she says concerned.

"I am fine. Mother and I never had a good relationship and Jamie never acted like we were family. I just worry that this will start a war with the Lannisters," I said, running my hands through my hair with worry.
"If there is a war, you will have the north behind you and I know Father will agree. I will also be here to help you anyway I can," she says, taking my hand.

"I know you will. Anyways Father has decided to step down and hand over the throne early. My coronation is in a month, your Father will be named Protector of the Realm until I turn 18. A week after my coronation will be the trials. I was hoping that a week after that will be a good time to announce our betrothal to the court, with of course a feast to celebrate if that is okay with you of course," I say trying to include her in my planning.

"Of course, I did not even think about any of that," she says with a frown.

"Good. Now we need to discuss handmaidens. I already have one in mind, her name is Margaery Tyrell. She is the eldest daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell. She is 16 and very smart. I believe she can teach you a lot and become a very good confidant to you, however, she also desires to be Queen. I think if she were to become your handmaiden she might try to seduce me and I want you to know I would never betray you like that. If you can become a friend to her she will be very useful should a war start," I explained very seriously. She takes a minute to think. She's so cute when she thinks her nose crinkles up... adorable.

"If you believe she can be useful then I will take her as a handmaid. I will try to learn from her without trusting her too much at first but I would rather you not be alone with her," she says, her eyebrows moving together in worry.

"I will never be alone with her, you have my word. Now I don't feel comfortable with you having any handmaid from the westerlands. If you were to choose a Northerner they would not be conditioned to the ways of court but Alys Karstark would be a good fit if that's what you want. There is Bethany Blackwood daughter of Lord Tytos Blackwood bannerman of your grandfather. She is 13 and from what I hear a quiet and sweet girl. Jeyla Penrose, Granddaughter of Lord Penrose, is 15 and has been to court many times though I have never spoken to her. Maecy Estermont is the Great Granddaughter of Lord Estermont, she is a distant cousin I believe. Dyana Rykker, daughter of Lord Renfred Rykker, is also a regular at court. I have not spoken to her but Mother has complained about her many times which means she wasn't able to control her and it would do you some good to have someone like that. Then we have Desmera Redwyne, daughter of Lord Paxter Redwyne. She is Margaery Tyrell's cousin and I'm told they are very similar. As future Queen you are expected to have 7 handmaids from high houses but for now I want you to choose 5 so I may use the last two positions in case we do go to war. Invite them all to the capital if you like, you don't have to choose right away. Get to know them first and make sure to choose the ones you think will be trustworthy," I say reading from the list I had made.

"I will write the letters when I return to my room. Is there anything else we need to discuss?" she says taking the list from me.

"Yes, I sent my Grandfather a letter last night and if I do not receive a reply or he does not show up in the capital in three weeks time that means we will be going to war. If this happens then the day after our betrothal feast, I will be leaving for Dorne to hopefully get them to fight with us. I wanted to know if you would come with me?" I ask.

"Of course, I will come with you but is it smart to leave so soon after your coronation?" She asks.

"With your Father as Protector of the Realm, I would just be king in name. Though I am sure we will be working together to rule, my presence will be needed if we ever hope to mend our ties with the Martell's," I explain. Right then there is a knock at the door and Septa Bernyce is announced.

"Septa thank you for coming. Sansa this is Septa Bernyce. Septa Bernyce has been running this castle since I was a babe. Mother loved being Queen but refused any of the responsibilities that came with the title. She is here to help you take over and teach you about the capital," I say with a smile introducing the two.

"Pleasure to meet you, Septa," Sansa says with a curtsey.

"Oh Joffrey! She's perfect!" Bernyce exclaims, wrapping her arms around me. Bernyce is the responsible parent that my siblings and I needed to make it this far. Sansa has a blush that creeps up on her face. "Come, Come dear! We have much to discuss," she says with an arm around my fiance dragging her from the room. Sansa gives me an alarmed look that I just smile at as they leave the room. Now it is training time with Jon, Gendry, and Bran.


Today is the day. I am currently on my way to the throne room with Varys by my side. He came to tell me that Little Finger has been trying to find out Mother's whereabouts. Well he will find out soon. Father listens to complaints from the commoners for 2 hours before he finally addresses the court.

"I would like to announce crimes that have been committed against the crown. Bring them in!" Father bellows out. Guards bring in Mother and Jamie though they aren't in court attire they still look well kept.

"Cersei of House Lannister and Jamie of House Lannister you are facing charges against the crown for adultery, incest, and assisting in the murder of Jon Arryn former Hand of the King. Your trial is set for a week after Joffrey's coronation," Father practically spits out. As soon as he mentioned Jon Arryn, Little Finger tensed up and started looking around for any sign he was caught. We made eye contact and I gave him a slow, sinister smile. Oh how I've hated this man. He goes to run.

"Ser Barristan! Arrest Lord Baelish!" I yell before he can get away. Barristan, still very quick for his age, grabs the man quickly and sets him on his knees before my father.

"Lord Petyr Baelish you are facing charges against the crown for murder, manipulation of Lysa Arryn, and for embezzling money from the crown. Your trial will happen tomorrow," Father says with a clenched fist. Pycelle was slowly trying to back out of the room when I marched up and grabbed him.

"Oh! You thought we would forget about you? You old fool," I taunt before throwing him at Father's feet.

"Grand Maester Pycelle you are facing charges against the crown for murder and spying. Your trial will be held tomorrow as well," Father stands from his throne. "Court is dismissed," he says walking out the door. Pycelle and Baelish are thrown into the black cells and Mother and Jamie are taken to the servant rooms they have been given. I go to walk out and return to my office when I hear someone yelling my name instead of title. Turning I realize that it's the only Lannister I am fond of.

"Joffery what is the meaning of this? This is your Mother?! Your Uncle?!" he says trying to keep up with my long strides. I don't speak a word until we get to my office.

"They were caught in Winterfell having sex. What do you want me to say?" I ask.

"Who caught them? The King?" he asks pacing back and forth.

"No, I did," I admit.

"And you turned your own Mother in?!" he yells.

"One: I wasn't alone. I had Sandor, Brienne, and Jon with me. Two: Bran Stark was climbing the tower and also caught them having sex. I managed to run into the room in just enough time to stop Jamie from pushing the 10 year old boy out the window. Three: Jon Arryn found out and they organized his murder for it! If I hadn't turned them in, Lord Stark would have found out in his own way except that this way he won't find out that Myrcella and Tommen are not my fathers children. I did this to protect them. They do not deserve to suffer for Mother's sins, so yes. I turned my mother in," I say, getting heated quickly before calming down. He pours himself a glass of wine before sitting down.

"Robert will have their heads," he says softly, shaking his head in sadness.

"No. Jamie will be sent to the wall and Mother will be sent to Dorne," I explain after getting me a glass of wine. There is a knock on the door before Sansa enters.

"I apologize, I did not know you had company," she says sweetly.
"Come in, My Love. You know I keep no secrets from you," I say, pulling her to a seat next to me.

"Ah, Lady Sansa. We have not met properly. I am Tyrion Lannister, youngest son of Tywin Lannister," Tyrion says, kissing her hand. Upon hearing his name she tenses up and gives me a questioning look.

"Yes, Tyrion is my Uncle. The only Lannister I actually like," I say with a smirk towards him.

"So, you're willing to go against the rest of your family to support your nephew?" she asks in a strong voice, narrowing her eyes at him.

"What is she talking about?" he asks. Sighing I explain the deal I sent Grandfather and how if each is not met then we will go to war.

"What makes you think Tywin Lannister is going to listen to these demands?" Tyrion asks incredulously.

"He will if he cares for his children," I state.

"If he agrees to this he will look weak. My father refuses to look weak," Tyrion says on the third cup of wine.

"Are you saying you think he would rather go to war?" I ask.

"Yes, that's exactly what I am saying," Tyrion replies. Sansa and I look at each other and she grabs my hand.

"Well, that means you need to choose Uncle," I say.

"No matter what I do Jamie still loses his head," Tyrion yells, getting upset.

"From what I know, Jamie had no idea about Jon Arryn until after his death. I believe that was Mother. If you agree to be my temporary master of coin and agree that if we do go to war with the Lannisters, you will help us infiltrate the Rock; then I will make sure that Jamie is sent to the wall,"I say after a moment of thought.

"I agree," he says without hesitation.

"Good. Sansa, do you mind escorting Tyrion to see Jamie? They will not let him in without you. Oh and Tyrion? Make sure he doesn't try something stupid like demanding a trial by combat. My hands will be tied if he demands one, I will have no choice but to execute him should he lose," I explain before they can walk out.

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