United Nations & Remnant

By Ant357627

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The year is 2035 and after many conflicts and political issues. The world is finally at peace. With the new a... More

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230 9 7
By Ant357627

Fourteen years later, we see a older Anthony Towson and a older David Fernandes relaxing and drinking some cold beers while both an 18 year old Lea Towson and a 18 year old David Fernandes Jr. sparing in sky above them.

Anthony and David watch with amusement as Lea and David Jr. use their respective semblances to dodge and attack each other in the sky. "Looks like they've both grown up to be strong," David remarks, taking a sip of his beer.

Anthony nods in agreement. "Yeah, they sure have. I'm proud of Lea. She's grown into a fine young woman."

David chuckles. "Same here with David Jr. He's got a bit of his mother's fighting spirit in him."

Anthony smiles. "Speaking of Sienna, have you heard from her lately?"

David shakes his head. "Not since the last White Fang gathering. But I'm sure she's doing well. She's a tough cookie."

The two friends continue to watch as their children finish their spar and land back on the ground. Lea grins as she brushes her black hair out of her face. "That was fun," she says.

David Jr. grins back. "Yeah, it was. You're getting better, Lea."

Lea rolls her eyes playfully. "Please, I've always been better than you."

David Jr. laughs. "Keep telling yourself that, sis."

Anthony and David smile at each other, grateful for the close bond between their families.

Anthony Towson Jr. meanwhile is on a date with Kalia Fernandes. Sienna and David's second daughter.

Anthony Towson Jr. and Kalia Fernandes were having dinner at a fancy restaurant in the city of Atlas. They were both dressed up for the occasion and seemed to be enjoying each other's company. Kalia had inherited her mother's Bengal tiger faunus ears, but unlike her mother, she had a calmer demeanor.

Anthony Jr. was smitten with her and was trying to impress her with his knowledge of history and literature. Kalia was listening intently, occasionally chiming in with her own insights. They both seemed to be having a great time.

It was then that a group of five women started to flirt with Anthony Jr. He tried to explain that he was in the middle of a date, but the women ignored that.

Kalia then used her semblance to levitate the five women with her telekinetic ability and made the women turn to look at her.

"Leave or I make you leave via Ambulance." She calmly threaten the women as she continues eating her food without looking at them.

Anthony Jr. looked at Kalia with a mix of surprise and admiration, impressed with her assertiveness and ability to handle the situation. The five women quickly left, intimidated by Kalia's display of power.

"Wow, you're amazing," Anthony Jr. said, smiling at Kalia. "I didn't know you had practiced your semblance to that level."

Kalia shrugged, "I don't like pests, that's all." The two continued their date, talking about their plans for the future and their aspirations.

Kalia has loved Jr. since they were 4. Now that their both 18 and just graduated from high school. She is willing to try and take the next step.

As they finished their meal, Kalia held Anthony Jr.'s hand and smiled at him. "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out," she said, her eyes shining. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

Anthony Jr. smiled back at her. "I had a great time too. And I'd love to take you out again," he replied, his heart beating faster. "You're amazing, Kalia. I'm lucky to have you in my life."

Kalia blushed at his words and leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "I think I'm the lucky one," she whispered. "I'll see you soon."

Anthony Jr. watched her walk away to the door, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment wash over him. He knew he was ready to take the next step with Kalia and see where their relationship would go.

Meanwhile on a rooftop 5 miles from the fancy restaurant, we see a 18 year old boy Lee Towson, 17 year old girl Raven Towson, 18 year old Maverick Kuribayashi Mattis and 17 year old Sasha Fernandes with Binoculars. All four smiling seeing the couple.

"I knew my older sister was strong and brave." Sasha said proud about her older sister.

Raven chimes in, "Yeah, Kalia is amazing. She's always had a level head and has been able to control her telekinesis from a young age."

Maverick nods in agreement, "She's definitely someone to look up to."

Lee adds, "I'm just glad Jr. finally realized what he had right in front of him."

The group shares a laugh as they continue watching the couple from afar.

The two walk together enjoying their time.

As they walked, Kalia and Anthony Jr. talked about their future plans. Kalia expressed her desire to attend Harvard and study robotics while Anthony Jr. talked about his dream of becoming either a professional huntsman or joining the United States Marine Corps.

They both laughed about how they could potentially end up on opposite sides of the world, but Kalia reassured him that they could handle it if it ever came to that.

They eventually reached a park and decided to sit down on a bench. As they talked more, Anthony Jr. felt his heart racing. "Kalia, I know we've been a couple for a long time but...I can't stop thinking about you. I love you, Kalia Fernandes."

Kalia was surprised but also happy to hear Anthony Jr.'s confession. "I love you too, Anthony Towson Jr." She said with a smile. The two shared a kiss and held each other tightly.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Lee, Raven, Maverick, and Sasha cheered quietly, happy for their friends. They knew that Anthony Jr. and Kalia had something special and they couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

It is noted that, Sienna named Kalia after Ghira's wife Kali, but with an 'a' at the end.

The next day we see Ruby and her 16 year old daughter Crystal Rose playing a fighting video game.

As they played the game, Ruby's eyes lit up with excitement as she scored a point against her daughter. Crystal Rose, who was determined to win, focused intently on the game. After a few more minutes of intense gameplay, Crystal Rose finally managed to defeat her mother.

Ruby looked at her daughter with a proud smile, "You're getting better and better every day, Crystal."

Crystal Rose beamed with pride, "Thanks, Mom! You're still really good too."

Ruby chuckled, "Well, I have a lot of experience. But I have to say, you're catching up to me quickly."

As they continued to play, Ruby couldn't help but feel grateful for the family she had built. Even though she had lost so much in the past, she had gained so much more in return.

Meanwhile, we see David Jr. and Lea Towson in front of a United States Marine Corps recruiting center. Both were planning to enlist in the Marines just like their fathers.

As they approach the entrance, a Marine Corps recruiter greets them and asks if they are interested in enlisting. David Jr. nods, "Yes, sir. We both are." The recruiter smiles and hands them both some informational brochures. "Well, that's great to hear. Take a look at these and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me."

Lea takes a brochure and starts looking through it, while David Jr. asks the recruiter, "What are the requirements to join the Marines?"

The recruiter answers, "Well, you need to be at least 17 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. You'll also need to pass a physical fitness test, as well as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. We can help you prepare for both of those tests, so don't worry."

David Jr. nods, "Okay, thank you, sir. We'll definitely look into it."

Lea looks up from the brochure, "I'm excited to serve, just like my dad did. And his dad before him."

David Jr. nods in agreement, "Yeah, me too. It's in our blood."

The marine then took another look at the two and is shocked and amazed. He looks at Lea and asks, "Are you First Sergeant Anthony Towson's daughter?" Then he looks at David Jr. "And are you Master Sergeant David Fernandes' son?"

Lea and David Jr. nod in confirmation.

The marine smiles, "Your fathers were my mentors and I owe them a great deal. It would be an honor to have you both in our ranks. Follow me and we'll get started with the enlistment process."

Lea and David Jr. exchange a proud smile as they follow the marine into the recruitment center.

As the two walked in, we see a fourteen year old Light Towson eating a spicy cheeseburger. He has long dark brown dreadlocks that both the middle and end tips are blue, yellow and red due to his fire semblance.

And thanks to his semblance, the spiciness doesn't affect him much. He can even eat a ghost reaper pepper and not feel a thing.

It is noted that Light Towson's clothing is fireproof and his wallet, IPhone Scroll and house keys are military grade fireproof. A smart choice for someone with a fire semblance like Light Towson. It's important to protect personal belongings from accidental damage caused by the semblance.

It is also noted that Light's fire semblance changes color due to emotions.

Normal is yellow.

Orange is happy.

Red is rage or anger.

Blue is sadness or downcast.

Pink is in love.

White is embarrassment.

Black is annoyed.

It seems like Light's semblance has a wide range of color variations depending on his emotions. It's rare to see a semblance with such distinct color changes.

Suddenly, Light's IPhone Scroll rang and he picked it up, recognizing the voice of his best friend, Ren Yatsuki, on the other end. "Hey, Ren," Light answered. "What's up?"

"I'm at the skatepark, and you won't believe who's here," Ren replied excitedly.

"Who?" Light asked.

"Ruby Rose and her daughter Crystal," Ren said. "They're both really good at skateboarding and hoverboarding too. You should come and check it out."

"Awesome!" Light said, finishing the last bite of his burger. "I'll be there in five."

Light quickly paid for his meal and headed to the skatepark to meet up with Ren and the others. As he arrived, he saw Ruby and Crystal performing some impressive tricks on their skateboards. Light couldn't help but be impressed and excited to join in on the fun.

Light using his semblance makes a jet like flames under his feet and uses it like roller skate. He makes impressive high jumps and tricks. Ruby, Crystal, Yatsuki and everyone was amazed at Light's skills.

"That's Mr. Anthony's son, mom?" Crystal asked her mother about Light while she watched him. Ruby smiles and says, "Yeah. That's Mr. Towson's son." She confirmed to her daughter.

Unknown to everyone, a fourteen year old girl with short black hair, yellow eyes and wearing a red no sleeve dress is Blaze Fall. She is secretly watching Light behind a tree.

She blushes, "So amazing." She dreamily says.

Blaze is Cinder Fall's daughter.


Let's just say a prison guard is no longer a prison guard.

She also has a crush on Light ever since they met in kindergarten.

Blaze takes a deep breath and walks up to Light with a determined look on her face. "Hi, Light," she says, her voice trembling slightly. Light turns to her and smiles warmly. "Hey, Blaze! How's it going?" he asks.

Blaze blushes harder at his friendly tone. "It's going well, thanks. I couldn't help but notice how amazing you were on those flames just now," she says, her admiration for him clear in her voice.

Light laughs and scratches the back of his head, "Thanks, Blaze. I've been practicing a lot lately," he admits. Blaze nods eagerly, "I can tell. You're incredible!" she exclaims.

Light chuckles, "Thanks again. Hey, do you want to try it out? I can show you how to use your aura to control the flames," he offers.

Blaze's eyes light up at the suggestion. "Yes, please!" she says eagerly. Light grins and extends his hand, "Alright, let's do this." Together, the two of them spend the afternoon practicing and honing Blaze's aura control, with Light guiding her every step of the way.

As the sun sets and they part ways, Blaze feels her heart swelling with happiness and gratitude for Light's kindness and skill.

Light later uses his semblance to jet his way back home and lands. He hears two more jets as his other twin brothers landed. One with short black, brown and blue dreads is Huô Towson. And the other with black hair in a short ponytail is Day Towson.

Light greets his brothers as they walk towards the house together. "Hey guys, what's up?" he asks.

"Not much, just finished training with dad at Quantico base," Huô responds, grinning.

"Yeah, he really put us through the wringer today," Day adds, rubbing his sore muscles.

Light chuckles, knowing all too well how intense their father's semblance training sessions can be. "Well, I was just showing off my moves at the skatepark," he says, winking.

Huô and Day exchange an amused glance. "As usual," Huô says with a grin.

The three brothers walk into the house and are greeted by their mother, Jie, who is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

The three brothers then see their siblings Anthony Jr., Lea, Lee, 10 year old sister Mi and 5 year old sister Patricia.

The siblings all greet each other and start catching up on what they've been up to. Anthony Jr. tells them about his day with Kalia, while Lea talk about their plans to enlist in the Marines. Lee shares about his latest archery competition and how he placed first, while Light talks about his latest skateboarding tricks using his semblance. Huô and Day listen intently to their siblings and then share about their father's semblance training session.

Mi and Patricia listen excitedly to their older siblings, cheering them on and asking questions about their experiences. They both have a close bond with all their older siblings, always looking up to them and admiring their strength and bravery.

As they continue talking and laughing, they hear their parents calling them in for dinner. The Towson family gathers around the table, enjoying a home-cooked meal and each other's company.

Meanwhile at the Fernandes family house, we see David Jr., Kalia, 18 year old Eric, 18 year old Brody, 18 year old Mary, 18 year old Nikki, Sasha, 17 year old Noah, 10 year old Andrew and 5 year old Samantha are also enjoying dinner with their parents.

As they finish dinner, Sienna suggests they all gather in the living room for a family movie night. The group agrees and they make their way to the cozy space, piling onto couches and bean bags.

As they browse through the movies, Kalia suggests they watch a classic action film that her dad, David, had recommended to her. The group nods in agreement and they settle in for the movie.

As the movie plays, the room is filled with laughter and cheers at the exciting action scenes. Even the younger siblings are fully engrossed in the film.

After the movie ends, they all say their goodnights and head off to their respective rooms, looking forward to the next family movie night.

Meanwhile at the visitors room in Alcatraz Prison, we see Blaze and 25 Prison Guards and 15 US Soldiers are waiting in the room.

The door opens and all the guards and soldiers take aim. Coming out the door is 10 US Marshals and in the middle in a orange jumpsuit is Blaze's mother.

Cinder Fall.

"Hello Mother." Blaze said to Cinder. "Blaze." Cinder greeted her daughter back.

The guards and soldiers lower their weapons as the marshals escort Cinder to the table where Blaze is sitting. Blaze looks at her mother with a mix of emotions, unsure of what to say. Cinder sits down and looks at her daughter with a serious expression.

"I know I've made mistakes, Blaze. But I want you to know that I love you and I'm proud of you," Cinder says, her voice filled with emotion.

Blaze looks at her mother, still unsure of what to say. She had mixed feelings about her mother, who had been imprisoned for her crimes as a former member of the notorious organization known as the "Salem's Inner Circle". While she still loved her mother, Blaze couldn't forget the pain and suffering that her mother had caused to so many.

"I love you too, Mom," Blaze finally says, her voice barely above a whisper.

Cinder nods, understanding the weight of her daughter's emotions. The two sit in silence for a few moments before the marshals inform Cinder that visiting hours are over. Cinder stands up and gives Blaze a quick hug before leaving with the marshals.

As Blaze watches her mother leave, she can't help but wonder if her mother will ever be able to fully make up for her past mistakes. Or not.

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