>// Lookism×Viral Hit

By CalmTheFrickDown

1K 77 6

> ×a.become a shut-in (outside sucks) ×b.AVOID Gun and Goo (Both can rot in hell) ... More

1. @Sleepless_Nightᶻᶻ
3. How to beat a Hwoarang player in Taekkwon 7

2. Making a Late Entrance.

228 20 3
By CalmTheFrickDown

3rd Person POV Andrew:

When Andrew had woken up from his deep slumber, he glanced at the clock on his bedstand and it read 11:23 PM.

Sitting up, Andrew let out a heavy sigh. "Fuck, I'm already late. Should I even attend school today?" He asked himself as he tried to find a good reason to get outside his cozy apartment.

Looking at the calendar, he kissed his teeth. "Tch, it's the first day of the semester, just gotta attend at least a week of school then I'm gone." Andrew got out of his bed and yawned as he walked to his bathroom to take a shower and prep himself for the day.


Andrew belongs to the 1st Year class of the Practical Music Department, meaning he pretty much learns music theory and practice/learns how to play his instrument of choice in that class. Like classical instruments, unlike the Music/Dance apartment (as the name implies) learn how to dance while singing, like trying to be an idol.

Though he isn't part of the Fashion Department, who's allowed to have alterations to their uniforms, Andrew's outfit consists of a half-buttoned-up white office shirt, grey pants, and his yellow puffer jacket. Andrew didn't like how the tie felt around his neck so he refused to wear it.

Andrew's hair was still very messy, most of it looking like it slicked back while the right side of his hair was in one braid that has a red metal ring on the end. His dull red eyes and the eyebags that drooped under his eyes made him look much more messier, but he doesn't care too much about his appearance.

Looking at himself in the mirror near the doorway, Andrew rubbed his forehead, mentally prepping himself for the day.

Grabbing his one-strap white backpack, Andrew slipped on some pink slippers and grabbed two black facemasks, putting one on his face and putting the other into his pant's back pocket. About to exit the door, Andrew quickly stopped himself and went back to his room to grab a black instrument case. Slinging the case onto his left shoulder that had his bag on there, Andrew exited the door.

Making sure he had everything needed, Andrew locked his apartment's door, making sure it was securely locked. 'I don't wanna see either of them at my place again.' He scowled at the thought of the annoying duo he managed to shake off a while back.


Andrew decided that since he was already late, then he should take his time to get to school, and he also calculated that by the time he got into school then he would be in lunch, a win-win situation for him because he could sleep during lunch and didn't need to attend class.

And when he saw his high school-Jae Won High School, he immediately regretted coming to school. The school's gate was already closed so how would Andrew get in?

Easy. Jump over the gate.

Andrew walked back a good distance from the school and on a count of 3, he started to sprint and used the momentum to jump up. Andrew's body gracefully landed onto the ground and it looked like he wasn't breaking a sweat.

Yawning, Andrew was about to walk into the building when he felt a hand manage to grasp his right shoulder making him look down.

"Oi Boy! That was dangerous of you! Are you a student?" the guard asked making Andrew pull out his school ID and showing it.

The guard nodded and said "Let's get you to class then. What department are you from, huh?"

Looking down, Andrew shrugged the older man's hand off his shoulder and answered back. "Practical Music Department."

"Alright then let's go to the teacher's lounge."


The albino sat down in front of his teacher, as the two stared at each other, the other teachers would awkwardly glance at them from time to time because around the two was a serious atmosphere, making it hard for those around to have a casual conversation.

"So." the tall blonde man started, " You decided to finally show up? When was the last time you came to school Andrew?" The teacher, Mr. Collymore, an American foreigner who was the teacher for the Practical Music Department asked the younger male who shrugged.

"I don't remember..." Andrew honestly replied back, as his mind started to drift away.

Shaking his head, Mr. Collymore started to scold Andrew. "Andrew, you haven't shown up since May. That was two whole months before the summer break. I know you're an amazing student and you have talent! But you can't kee-..."

Andrew muted out the teacher's scolding as he was looking around the room for anything interesting. 'It's always the same so why should I pay attention?' suddenly Andrew heard a hand snapping in front of his face, bringing back his attention.

Mr. Collymore shook his head at the airhead boy in front of him and sighed. "How about this, you have to at least attend 3 weeks of school every month for the entire semester, if you can't then your attendance will plummet and you'll be forced to retake the year. I know you don't want your social image to be ruined like that."

After hearing this, Andrew thought about the plan his teacher had for him and after a few minutes of thinking and reasoning with himself, Andrew complied. "Okay. But I get to decide what time I get to school every day."

"Try to get here before the bell rings for lunch then."

"Fine. I'll try to."

Mr. Collymore then smiled at Andrew who looked at him with a little confusion. "Alright, that'll be all then Andrew. You can get going to class, try not to skip, and don't hide in the nurse's office for a while. Oh and if you don't attend for a while, I'll be sending students to get you."

Andrew heard that part and nodded his head, standing up from the chair he sat in and walking out of the room, hearing the teacher say in Japanese "But your father will hear about this as well." Making him shoot a glare at the teacher who was unfazed unlike the other teachers who didn't know what to do in this situation, those red eyes staring down at their bodies, if looks could kill then the American teacher would've already been dead.

"Whatever. It'll be a miracle when he starts to care." Andrew answered back, annoyed at the thought of his father as he made his way to the lunchroom, ignoring the stares people were throwing at him.

"Is that Andrew Fukuhara?"
"Omg, it is him!
"It's a surprise that he's even here"


Just by being in earshot of the lunch room, Andrew could hear tons of people murmuring about a new 'hotty boy' transfer which confused him a little, 'who transfers this late in? then again I don't even attend most of the semester.'

Entering the lunch room, many turned their attention to the tall albino, making even more people chatter.

"It's the Sleeping Prince!"

"Did you see his latest stream? He managed to beat a world record in a game"

"He's still so handsome!"

Andrew cringed at the comments people were throwing at him as he walked in line for some lunch. The school lunch was overpriced in his opinion but he forgot to make any lunch for today since he kind of forgot today was school so he had to get the school lunch.

Many people who were still in line, allowed him to skip in front of them, many people admired Andrew for being a person with many subscribers on NewTube and his unique appearance, while others were scared of the albino because of his stare.

"I heard he beat Vasco in a fight during the first week of school," someone said out loud causing even more gossip to spread about him.

"No, I heard that Vasco beat Andrew up"

Andrew was of course annoyed at what people were saying and sat down at an empty table by himself, but a crowd of fans started to surround the table making Andrew irked a little. Hearing people worship him and people trying to suck up to him just made him even more annoyed.

"Oi," Andrew said out loud causing the people around to freeze up. "Leave me alone, I can't eat in peace if you're all crowding around me, so scram." it wasn't a demand, it was a command, and as fast as the crowd had appeared, they quickly disappeared leaving Andrew in peace.


As Andrew began to doze off to sleep in the lunch room, he felt a finger poke his shoulder making him raise his head out of his arms and he faced the person who touched him with an annoyed expression that quickly turned blank when he saw the suspect.

"Oh. It's just you Eli." Andrew nodded his head as a greeting while Eli was smiling down at him. Eli Jang is known for his attractive looks, a sweet dude with a head of blue hair and pink highlights, and he is the only man in the Beauty Department. 

"It's good to have you back Andrew." Eli raised his hand up to Andrew's messy hair and began to pat the taller male's head.

"Hm, I don't wanna be here though." Andrew heard Eli humming in response and he could feel himself relax at Eli's touch.

Just as Andrew was about to fall back asleep, Eli said something that woke him up in an instant. "You should really let me style your hair, Andrew."

Andrew quickly swatted Eli's hand off his head and stood up, making Eli look up at him with surprise. "Yeah, no thanks, Eli.  You can touch my hair when you can actually cut hair straight." Eli ignored the rude remark and waved goodbye at the albino airhead who was making his way out of the lunch room to sleep in his classroom instead.



Andrew shot up when he heard the school bell ring, indicating the end of the school day. He quickly packed his things and dashed out of the room, shocking many when they saw a blur of yellow and white pass by.

Mr. Collymore smiled at Andrew's behavior and shook his head. 

When Andrew got to his apartment it was around 6 PM, he put his backpack and instrument down at the doorway and changed out his uniform for a black shirt and grey sweatpants. He sat in his chair and decided to start a stream.

"Good morning, good day, and good night to you all watching, and welcome to my stream.." he said his iconic line as his viewer rate went up per second. Reaching twice the amount than the last stream because it was a horror game instead of a rhythm game this time.

"Like I said last stream, I'll be playing the new Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 6. I hope you guys are ready to scream. Because I know I won't be screaming."


His stream lasted for 5 hours. Andrew decided that he would finish the game within 2 or 3 days and that 5 hours were enough for his editor to make a gameplay video for his channel. It was around 11 PM and Andrew wasn't tired yet.

He was craving some sweets but he didn't do grocery shopping this week so the fridge didn't have much. Opening Google Maps on his phone, Andrew searched up the nearest convenience store in his area and decided he would jog there since it was like 15 minutes away.


When Andrew entered the store, he raised a brow when he saw Zack Lee and his goons there, looking like they were bothering the poor cashier who was sweating behind the counter. Zack and his goons didn't notice Andrew yet so Andrew watched what was going on, ready to step in just in case something happens.

And Andrew was right because right after Zack called out to the cashier "...Hey. Truce is off." Zack quickly sent a punch at the cashier but Andrew caught Zack's fist before he could land the hit.

"Andrew!? Why're you doing here?" Zack asked shocked at the sudden appearance of the tall albino who was taller than him.

"...Zack. What are you doing?" Andrew asked back as he held Zack's fist in his left palm. Glancing at the counter, Andrew saw around 7 bottles of alcohol and a few snacks. Turning his attention back to Zack, Andrew scolded him.

"Are you really trying to get drunk this late? What about your parents?" He asked again as Zack got increasingly annoyed at the albino.

"Shut up!" snatching his fist out of Andrew's hand, Zack instead sent a punch at Andrew, shocking everyone else there.


Suddenly both males were on the ground, Zack was stuck in a chokehold by Andrew and couldn't move his neck. 'what the hell? how did he move that fast!?' Zack thought as he struggled to move.

"H-Hey calm down!"

"Stop fighting!"

"Let him go!"

Andrew ignored Zack's goons' pleas and tightened his chokehold on Zack, making Zack become lightheaded since his neck was being squeezed. "I won't ask for the whole story Zack, but stop causing a scene whenever something doesn't go your way. Understand?"

Andrew finally let Zack go after Zack was slapping his arm to signal a 'yes'. Zack was pulled up by one of his goons and Zack was rubbing his neck while glaring at Andrew as the group made their way out. "This... this isn't settled," he spat at the cashier who was quiet the whole time, too nervous to speak up.

When they left, Andrew noticed how it was just him and the cashier in the store. Turning to look down at the short cashier, Andrew asked "Where's the snack area?" the cashier looked up and flinched when he saw Andrew's bright red eyes staring down.

Quickly raising up his hand to point at the area he answered back"O-Oh, it's over there!" making Andrew turn his head to look at where the cashier was pointing. Nodding his head, Andrew mumbled a "thanks" and went in that direction.

Andrew could feel the cashier's stare while he was picking up his late-night snacks and some grocery he needed. But, he ignored it and connected his bluetooth to his phone and started to play music for him to listen to.

While Andrew was in his own little world, the cashier was staring at him thinking about the events that just happened, for good reason too. 'he really defended me... but why? What would've happened if he didn't come?' 

When Andrew was done picking his snacks and some groceries he needed, he headed back to the counter and placed all his things there for the cashier to scan. "Are you paying cash or card?" the cashier asked knocking Andrew out of his trance and he pulled out his wallet.

"How much is it?" Andrew asked as he was zipping his wallet open.

"25,000 ₩"(around $18.62 usd)

Andrew pulled out some cash for it and handed it to the cashier, "do you want a bag?" he asked and Andrew nodded his head, watching the chubby short male bag his things. "Your name is Daniel?" Andrew didn't know why he opened his mouth and started some small talk.

The cashier, now known as Daniel nodded his head at Andrew's question. "Nice meeting you then, kind of expect to see me more around this late," Andrew said as Daniel finished packing the bag.

Handing the bag to Andrew, Andrew picked it up with ease and pulled out one of the snacks he bought, placing it on the counter. "This is for you, sorry for Zack's behavior. He's being dumb right now, so try to ignore it." Andrew informed him making Daniel appreciate him.

Watching the albino start to walk out the door, Daniel bid farewell "Have a nice night! Thank you!"


It was the second day of the new semester and Andrew still hated life. 

He went to bed around 2 in the morning, which is a really good thing, but he had to take some sleeping gummies to be able to fall asleep that early. He woke up around 7:43 AM and decided that he would try to get to school on time just to sleep in.

Andrew did his daily routine of getting ready for school and this time he actually made lunch for school since he didn't like the school lunch.

Leaving his apartment, Andrew was thinking about if he should jog to school this time or drive there on his motorcycle. 'But if I took the motorcycle I'd have to deal with all that attention... nah I'll stick to running to school for now'.

Getting down to the first floor of the building, he greeted the lady at the front and walked outside. "Maybe I should time how long it'll take me. I've just been estimating how long it would take."

Nodding to himself, Andrew got his phone out, with his bluetooth in one ear, blasting his music and he clicked on the clock app, moving to the stopwatch option and he got himself into running position. The moment he clicked start on his phone, Andrew made a run for it.


Euntea Lee, also known as Vasco was walking to school with his best friend Jace. The two talked about whatever came to mind, though it was mostly Vasco talking while Jace listened and gave his input from time to time, laughing at his best friend sometimes.

The two were having a very peaceful morning and at the corner of his eye, Vasco could see a tall individual running. Vasco quickly grabbed Jace's arm and yanked him out of the way in time for the person to pass by without causing a crash. 

"Jace, isn't that Andrew?" Vasco asked as the two watched a blur of yellow and white running.

"...Yeah. Wonder what made him get to school like that."

When Andrew got to school, he quickly clicked stop and saw that it took him not even 15 minutes to get here. "Whoa, and I live like 30-something minutes away.


"Why did I agree to this? Oh right. Because I don't wanna be held back." he talked out loud to himself as he pulled the instrument case off his arm.

For today's class, the students were practicing their instruments, and Andrew worked better when it was quiet and requested that he had his own room to practice in. Mr. Collyman gladly allowed Andrew to have his own rehearsal room, glad that Andrew actually came to school on time and was attending class.

Opening the case, Andrew pulled out a violin and got into position to play.

While he was playing the violin, Andrew heard someone knocking on the door and opened it, seeing a male with a head full fo light brown hair. Recognizing the male in front of him, Andrew raised a brow. "Why are you here Beom?"

"Andrew! You finally answered! Didn't you hear what happened?"

Andrew was confused and shook his head.

"sigh without me, how would you know what's going on in this school?" Beom sighed as Andrew gave him a blank stare.

"What is it? Hurry up and spill it Beom, I gotta practice still." Andrew said impatiently making Beom nod his head.

"Zack Lee from the Fashion Department was taken out by the new transfer student!"

Hearing this, Andrew became amused. "Oh? Really?" Beom quickly nodded his head. "Yeah, it happened not even 5 minutes ago! Apparently the transfer confronted Zack about something and they fought. With just one punch the transfer knocked Zack onto the ground!"

"Hm, I see... thanks for telling me Beom. I appreciate it."

"Of course Andrew! Now I gotta go, see ya!" and with that Beomran off to do who knows what, leaving Andrew alone again.

Closing the door, Andrew walked to a nearby window and a small smirk appeared under the black mask he wore. "So there's a new fighter in this school, interesting..."

May 13th, 2023

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