2. Making a Late Entrance.

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3rd Person POV Andrew:

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3rd Person POV Andrew:

When Andrew had woken up from his deep slumber, he glanced at the clock on his bedstand and it read 11:23 PM.

Sitting up, Andrew let out a heavy sigh. "Fuck, I'm already late. Should I even attend school today?" He asked himself as he tried to find a good reason to get outside his cozy apartment.

Looking at the calendar, he kissed his teeth. "Tch, it's the first day of the semester, just gotta attend at least a week of school then I'm gone." Andrew got out of his bed and yawned as he walked to his bathroom to take a shower and prep himself for the day.


Andrew belongs to the 1st Year class of the Practical Music Department, meaning he pretty much learns music theory and practice/learns how to play his instrument of choice in that class. Like classical instruments, unlike the Music/Dance apartment (as the name implies) learn how to dance while singing, like trying to be an idol.

Though he isn't part of the Fashion Department, who's allowed to have alterations to their uniforms, Andrew's outfit consists of a half-buttoned-up white office shirt, grey pants, and his yellow puffer jacket. Andrew didn't like how the tie felt around his neck so he refused to wear it.

Andrew's hair was still very messy, most of it looking like it slicked back while the right side of his hair was in one braid that has a red metal ring on the end. His dull red eyes and the eyebags that drooped under his eyes made him look much more messier, but he doesn't care too much about his appearance.

Looking at himself in the mirror near the doorway, Andrew rubbed his forehead, mentally prepping himself for the day.

Grabbing his one-strap white backpack, Andrew slipped on some pink slippers and grabbed two black facemasks, putting one on his face and putting the other into his pant's back pocket. About to exit the door, Andrew quickly stopped himself and went back to his room to grab a black instrument case. Slinging the case onto his left shoulder that had his bag on there, Andrew exited the door.

Making sure he had everything needed, Andrew locked his apartment's door, making sure it was securely locked. 'I don't wanna see either of them at my place again.' He scowled at the thought of the annoying duo he managed to shake off a while back.



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