Redemption( Star Guardian Sto...

By buckjones123

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Valoran City has been protected by powerful warriors known as the Star Guardians for centuries. When the chao... More

Story Info
We Are Meant To Be! Chapter 1 Series Start
Star Guardian Fanatic: Chapter 2 Arc 1
Guardians Vs. Coming Corruption: Chapter 3 Arc 1
Entrance Ceremony: Chapter 4 Arc 1
First Trial: Chapter 5 Arc 1
More Time, Second Trial: Chapter 6 Arc 1
Chaos Vs. Chaos: Chapter 7 Arc 1
Meaning In The Stars: Chapter 8 Arc 1
Third Trial: Chapter 9 Arc 1
It's About The Message!: Chapter 10 Arc 1
School Fair And Fun: Chapter 11 Arc 1
Magic And Fireworks: Chapter 12 Arc 1 Finale
Magic Power: Chapter 13 Arc 2
Flight or...Flight: Chapter 14 Arc 2
School And Bird: Chapter 15 Arc 2
Pressed Time: Chapter 16 Arc 2
Battle Dancer: Chapter 17 Arc 2
Star Powers And What They Mean: Chapter 18 Arc 2
The Tests of All Test: Chapter 19 Arc 2
Teamwork and Patience: Chapter 20
Voice in the Dark: Chapter 21 Arc 2 Finale
School Work: Chapter 22 Arc 3
All is Fair in Love and War: Chapter 23 Arc 3
Beach! Spinoff Chapter 24!
Drama Club!: Chapter 25 Arc 3
Something is Coming...: Chapter 26 Arc 3
It Came From Outer Space!: Chapter 27 Arc 3
Star Guardians Vs. The Slasher Pt.1: Chapter 28 Arc 3
Star Guardians Vs. The Slasher Pt.2: Chapter 29 Arc 3
Star Guardians Vs. The Slasher Part 3: Chapter 30 Arc 3
What was That all About?!: Chapter 31 Arc 3
Lore?!: Chapter 32 Saga Finale!
Friendly Lunch: Chapter 33 Saga 2
Star Guardian Vs. Star Guardian?: Chapter 35 Saga 2
Chapter 36: Xayah Vs. Akali, Witty Banter! Saga 2
Chapter 37: I'm Sorry Raka, What it Means to be Angry! Saga 2
Chapter 38: Hero, Ezreal Vs. Nilah

Faster, Stronger, Better!: Chapter 34 Saga 2

677 47 9
By buckjones123

Narrator POV

You sat in your bed, sleeping the morning away as you finally had some peace. There was no homework this weekend, and a well-deserved break was in order. All the hustle and bustle of the week is over, and sleep was something you desperately needed.


It was not often you got no homework, as much as the classes weren't exactly difficult, it was not super easy pushing through piles of papers and essays that took more than just a days' worth of work.


Yeah, being a Star Guardian didn't help either, the thought of something happening was always on your mind. But you knew what you were getting into, and to be honest, you didn't mind the idea. I mean, being a hero is something everyone thinks about at least once in their life, why not just do it instead?


Y/N: ( Ok, what is that noise?)

You sat up slowly as you saw a small pebble hit the sliding glass door that led to your small balcony on the other side of the room. You stood up and tied your hair as you walked out of the door, just as the pebble hit your square in the forehead.

Y/N: Ow....

Ezreal: Sorry, Y/N!

Y/N: Ezreal?

You looked down to see Ezreal dressed in what looked to be workout clothes, a basic set of a track jacket and blue athletic pants as he looked just as tired as you did right now.

Y/N: What are you doing here... It's like 6:00 AM, we don't have school today, do we?

Ezreal: Ahri sent out a message to everyone, but your phone was off and so she sent me out here to get you.

Y/N: For what?

Ezreal: Remember Ahri talking about wanting to get more training in, since there seems to be more attacks recently?

Y/N: Oh no...

Ezreal: Oh yes, unfortunately her Saturdays are our training days, and so everyone is back in the school field to practice. So, you better get over there quickly.

Y/N: Can't this happen later, she's gotta be at least somewhat reasonable?!

Ezreal: She said that if we aren't both back in 15 minutes, it will be something we don't want to see happen.

The thoughts of what Ahri could do quickly cycled in your mind as you shivered in fear as you ran towards your room to change.

Ezreal: Also, no flying.

Y/N: Shoot!

You quickly put on a black tracksuit and some same colored pants as you ran downstairs, watching as Cait and Vi were setting up the bakery downstairs.

Vi: Hey, little dancer why is you—

Y/N: Sorry Gotta go!

Cait: No breakfast!?

Vi: Where are you going!?

Y/N: Out with some friends bye!

You slammed the door shut as Cait and Vi just stood dumbfounded.

Vi: Why this early?

Cait: You never know, we used to do the same thing.

Vi: Yeah, but it was just us, if his friends are a bunch of girls like I saw then I hope he isn't—

Cait: Violet!

Vi: What'd I say?!

You moved towards Ezreal, as the chilly morning air made the warmth from inside go away instantly. You breathed out some cold air as you walked in front of Ezreal.

Y/N: How much time do we have?


Y/N: Let's book it!

You both ran as fast as you could towards the school, hoping to god you made it on time.


Ahri: Where are they? They were supposed to be here 2 minutes ago.

Ahri stood in her workout clothes, with a pink jacket and pink leggings as she watched over everyone. The rest of the crew looked worse for wear, Neeko basically still asleep as she was laying on the ground, with a pile of dirt she is using for a pillow.

Soraka, who stood next to Ahri, looked the most excited for anything that day. She looked ready for anything that the world could bring her, in her light green track suit she stretched her body quickly

Soraka: Let's do our best!

Comical stars of excitement were all over her body as Syndra had to look away from how bright she was.

Syndra looked like she didn't brush her hair in the slightest, with the purple mess that was her hair looked like she had the worst bed head known to man.

Xayah looked indifferent to the situation, almost like she didn't care whether she was up or not at the moment. She quickly stretched as Saki came from the side and sat on top of her head, sleeping away.

Sarah was already tapping her foot in annoyance, already annoyed by the early morning wake up call and the chilly morning, even worse that they had to just stand there and wait.

Sarah: Let's just go home already! We can train once I actually have something in my stomach.

Ahri: I told you we would be doing this and you all were agreeance, so who's fault is it really?

Everyone: Your's!

Ahri: You guys are crazy.

There in a moment, they saw Ezreal running as fast as you could towards the track and field behind the school. Both were sweating and tired from the uphill battle of the run.

Ahri: You guys are 3 minutes late!

Ezreal: I tried, I really did, it took like 15 pebbles to wake him up.

Y/N: Blame me, I didn't want to get up this morning, too much homework.

Sarah: See, Y/N didn't want to either! So let's just go—

Ahri blew a whistle from her neck as even Neeko jumped in surprise from the loud noise, she jumped and grabbed onto Syndra who was already done with everything today.

Ahri: This isn't some random workout, we are training for the fight of our life's you guys! There are people there who died because we weren't fast enough, not strong enough...

That seemed to calm everyone down, they all seemed to take in the gravity of their situation.

Sarah: Sorry, but just because the fate of the world hangs on our shoulders, doesn't mean we have to work ourselves to death.

Ahri: The least we can do Sarah is make sure we are ready.

Neeko: Neeko just wants to sleep.

Ahri: And Neeko will sleep after we are done, now let's get today started! We'll start with 20 laps around the track!

She blew her whistle as everyone groaned and got up to head to the track. Ezreal leaned over and whispered in your ear.

Ezreal: I think she let us off the hook.

Ahri: Y/N and Ezreal, you will do an extra 10.

Ezreal: 10!

Ahri: Don't be late next time.

Ezreal looked at you like he just heard the worst news of his life as both of you got up and started to run.

Y/N: Sorry Ez.

She blew her whistle again as the day got started.


To say that today was difficult was a massive understatement, it was gruesome and torturous for some. It was about 9:00 AM by the time that everyone had finished their set of difficult exercises and routines. Ahri stood above them all with a look of satisfaction with also a look of acknowledgment.

Everyone was laying on the ground, some ready to throw up, while others just sat through the now much hotter day. Ahri was writing something on her clipboard as she tapped and walked to everyone.

Ahri: Good work, it seems like we have some areas we may need to improve upon on the physical aspects, but nothing some basic workouts can't fix.

Sarah: I'm sorry... But which one of these did you do again to say all that?

Ahri: As captain I need to make sure my crew is all ready and healthy for anything and any challenge we find our way.

Xayah: You weren't saying all that when you had that creampuff down your gullet.

Everyone around laughed as you were just sitting through the pain in your legs. While you weren't unhealthy and you definitely had defined muscles, the amount of stress you were put through didn't make it any easier, despite your already built physique.

Ahri: Do you wanna run more laps?

Xayah & Sarah: Nope.

Ahri: Good, cause now we get onto more particle things, and this time I will be involved. Take a break now, because we are about to start combat training.

Everyone seemed to perk up, at least a little, when combat training was said. Especially Sarah, she sat up quickly as she basically used her arms to launch herself up and onto her feet with vigor.

Sarah: Finally, my favorite part.

While Soraka just looked a little bit more distraught at the thought of it all. You sat up and took a breather as Xayah walked over and offered you a hand to stand up.

Y/N: Thanks.

Xayah: No problem, it seems like you got a hand on all this training stuff, you were the first to finish.

Y/N: All comes with what I like to do. Dancing requires so much about your body, you have to treat it right. Besides, Syndra was right behind me.

Xayah: She wasn't first though.

Y/N: I suppose you're right. Not too sure about the combat training though, I don't really have anything to fight with, it must be worse for Raka too.

Xayah: She has her own ways, you would be surprised to see her in action. You also can't let yourself think like that. I'm sure you have a few things up your sleeve.

Y/N: My costume doesn't come with sleeves.

Xayah chuckled at the joke, with you confused, not understanding the joke behind the words.

Xayah: How about we work together? I can show you some ropes if you want?

Y/N: Sure, that sounds good!

Soraka: Let me work with you guys as well!

Soraka came running up as she stood next to you. Her face struck with determination.

Xayah: Are you sure Raka?

Soraka: I am quite sure! I want to prove myself to... No one in particular, just to the world!

Y/N: The world!

Soraka: The world will know me!

Xayah: (Or you just wanna get closer to Y/N... I don't blame you but...) Whatever should be good with me.

Ahri: Alright! Let's get into uniform and head out!

Y/N: Head out? I thought we were training here?

Ahri: Nope, we can't be fighting and training with our magical powers out in the open, can we? Plus, I have a few people we need to meet up to help in our training.

Sarah: Where is it this time, and please don't say something hot or cold.

Ahri: Today we'll go to the moon.

Neeko: Neeko loves the moon! Thank you Ri!

Ahri: I've heard your request Neeko, so I thought why not. Plus, it will give Y/N an actual chance to go into space.

Soraka: That's right, since you've only been there once in the beginning.

Y/N: I guess I will get to go to the moon.

There was a hint of excitement in your voice, but on the inside, you were bursting with joy, ready to flip three times in the air. Ahri was already in her outfit as her and Kiko already rocketed into the sky.

Sarah: No time like the present, let's go Neeko.

Neeko: Neeko will race you!

Neeko was already out of the gates in her costume as Sarah was slow to start as they both flew into the air. You were still a little confused as everyone else was in their armor and Xayah waited for you to transform.

Xayah: You ready?

Y/N: Oh yeah.

In that instance your armor dawned and Riku came from the top of your head as he flew next to you.

Riku: ( To the sky!)

Saki flew towards Riku as she was chuckling at his antics.

Saki: (Let's head up together Riku!)

Riku: (YES! I-I mean, yeah.)

You watched them both fly up together as Xayah was just sighing at the two of them.

Xayah: She can be so immature.

Y/N: I thought it was... Kind of cute.

Xayah: I-I suppose it was, better they get along too, right?

Soraka: (And their familiars get along!) Y/N, let's head up together!

Y/N: OH yeah sure! Let's go Xayah and Ez.

Ezreal: Good, for a moment I thought I was just here being ignored...

All four of you launched into the sky as you flew straight up, pushing through the clouds with very little force. You took a look down to see the world get much smaller enough to see the continent, as the sky got darker and darker, until the stars just peaked out into space.

Y/N: Woah...

There, you saw the outer reaches of space, the stars that were seen throughout the sky, in complete view. Even the world behind you, looked small as you were just floating there, taking it all in.

You also realized you didn't really feel all that much being up in space. There was no cold, or no feeling at all. It was like being underwater, but there was no resistance like being in water, like waving your hand in the air.

It took a few moments to get your bearings as you heard Soraka call out above as you saw the moon only a little bit away, which also brought to perspective that you must have been flying quite far for it to be so close. It made you smile as you took out your phone, which was surprisingly still intact, and snapped a quick picture.

Y/N: I guess phones work too? Very useful.

You put it back in the armor pocket as you flew up far towards the moon, its pale light glow made it even more impressive as you floated towards its own pull. There down below you saw the Guardians motioning towards you as you floated down and landed on its rocky surface.

Ahri: First time on the moon, Y/N?

There was a bit of sass in her voice, knowing the answer to her question already, but she noticed you were too busy feeling upon its surface and collecting rocks that landed strayed about. She chuckled to herself as you began to jump a bit higher than before.

Y/N: It really is 1/6 of Runeterra!

Sarah: Hey spaceman, we came here for training, remember.

Y/N: Ah Y-Yes! Sorry!

Syndra came floating down a bit later as she was still holding her eyepatch that covered her eye. She felt it for a bit before calming down and listening to Ahri.

Ahri: Now we will begin training, but first we have others here to help.

You looked around but saw no one there, and looked towards Ahri in confusion.

Y/N: Ahri? Where are they?

Akali: Up here!

You looked up to see Akali floating above the rest of the guardians, but it was not just here, Kai'Sa also stood near here waving... but there were more?

???: Guess you got the crew here too!

Kai'Sa: Ekko, you've met them before, don't have to call it out every time...

Ekko: Oh c'mon, there is a new one there too, best to say it now when he is here too!

???: You act like some big shot every time too, big shot.

Ekko: I need you on my ass too, Rell.

Rell: If I'm not, then no one else will be, and then we have your stupid ass walking around looking like some third rate, super hero.

Ekko: Whatever.... You don't even know me!

You were a little surprised when the two then started to argue amongst each other as Kai'Sa was just shaking her head. The rest of them appeared behind as they just all stood together.

Akali: I'm sure you know those two clowns, Rell and Ekko respectively.

Ekko: Sup.

Rell: Sup.

Y/N: Hello... And you all?

???: Nilah, Star Guardian of joy and happiness! And don't worry we won't go too hard on you all, we're still new as well!

Y/N: A whip, very nice!

Another girl came towards you, she didn't speak as she simply waved, as the other creature came up close to you and spoke.

???: My name is Chiizu, and this is Sona. She says hi!

Y/N: It is very nice to meet you, both of you I mean.

Akali: Sona is  mute, so she may not speak much, but as our support she is very reliable and fun to have around.

Chiizu: She also says that you look very handsome!

Sona in immediate response, grabbed the tiny creature and put her hand over its mouth, her face red with complete embarrassment.

Y/N: O-Oh, thank you...

The girl walked up and held her hand with a broad smile, her falcon familiar hovering on her shoulder slightly.

???: Name's Quinn, Artillerist extraordinaire!

Y/N: I see, and that bird of yours is really something.

Quinn: Valor is my bestest friend, so he likes to stand out.

Valor then pecked her head hard. As she slapped the bird away, which made the interaction become very odd.

Akali: And you know me, Y/N!

Y/N: Y-Yeah!

Kai'Sa: Good thing Ahri called us here for introductions, though we may never get to meet the new guy as well.

Ekko: I'm more interested in what he can do, we've heard very interesting things.

Rell: Stop judging people for their powers, brick head!

Ekko: Stop calling me stupid names, horse girl!

Sarah: And they are here why?

Everyone: ( So rude!)

Ahri: They are here for training, and since we have an even number of teammates, we decided to make some fun out of this.

Xayah: Oh no...

Syndra: Not this again!

Y/N: This is?

Kai'Sa & Ahri: Star Guardian Vs. Star Guardian Tournament!

Y/N: Oh no....

Xayah: He gets it!

A hell no, not a tournament arc! Nah, it won't be that serious, just some light fun... Yeah light fun. Next time! Chapter 35: Star Guardian Vs. Star Guardian?

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