HIS ROGUE MATE | 𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗸𝗼𝗼...

By devilJoonie24

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"Mate" the Raven head's wolf Howled when His vision lands on the Meek and Fragile Omega covered in blood. His... More



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By devilJoonie24

Astonished. Even that word is not enough to express the shock he is in now. Tae gaped at the male in front of him. Tingles of recognition spread through his entire being, his heart racing in his chest. It was not Jimin or others but an unexpected person.


His mate, Jeon Jungkook is the one who stopped him. For a moment, Tae couldn't believe it was Jungkook but the moment when the alpha's soft palm was holding to his wrist tightened, he knew it was real.

"Stay with me," Tae was stunned by the words which left the alpha's lips. He had thought that Jungkook didn't even know he was leaving, but here he is, right in front of him.

Tae came out to reality and pulled away his hand from the warmth of his mate. Jungkook's eyes were fixed on Tae, and there was a fierce determination in them that made Tae's heart skip a beat. He had never seen Jungkook look so intense before, and it was both thrilling and terrifying.

"I need to leave or else I will lose myself" Tae replied, staring right into the alpha's eyes. The eyes which gawked at him with hate held warmth now. His presence was even comforting to him that he didn't want to step away from the male in front of him.

Jungkook took a step closer, closing the distance between them, his voice laced with urgency. "You won't. I won't let that happen."

Tae's heart wavered as he listened to Jungkook's earnest words. But the pain of past rejections and feelings of unworthiness still lingered within him, clouding his judgment.

"You don't understand," Tae whispered, his voice trembling. "I've been through so much, and I can't bear this anymore in my life. No one likes my presence here including you. So It's better for both of us if I'm not here."

"No, I can't let you go" Jungkook replied determined to keep him stay. "No one here hates you. Didn't you see Jimin Hyung? Jin Hyung?" He explained.

Tae's head hung down. He didn't want Jungkook's words to brainwash him. He knows how much others adore him but they don't know how much he had to go through just because he stayed back. And the sole reason is Jungkook, His mate.

Tae gazed back at Jungkook intending to ask a question that rolls up his tongue. "What about you?"

Tae observed how Jungkook froze in his place. He knows Jungkook can't answer that because it was crystal clear that the alpha hates him to hell.

A scoff left his mouth, "Right! Why would I ask? You already made it clear that you hate me" Jungkook's hand clenched at his words. "that's why you didn't believe me and let them take my life away."

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to reign in the surge of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. But he lost his control hearing Tae's words.

"Or are you trying to take my life using that wolf?" As tae finished his words a loud gasp left his mouth.

Jungkook grabbed tae by his wrist pulling dangerously closer to him. A threatening growl emitted from Jungkook as his eyes turned fiery red. Tae was glued to his mate's well-built chest with his innocent eyes went wide.

Tae's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and confusion swirling within him. He had never expected such a reaction from Jungkook. He had never seen this side of Jungkook before, and it sent shivers down his spine.

"Don't. Mutter. That" Seething words slipped out of Jungkook's gritting teeth."I WOULD RIP HIS HEART IF HE DARES TO NEAR YOU" Tae's eyes played to and fro between Jungkook's glaring eyes.

"Jungkook" Tae's voice trembled with both fear and concern as he called out Jungkook's name. It was as if his words had broken through the barrier of rage that had consumed the alpha, and he watched in awe as Jungkook's fiery eyes returned to their familiar chocolate-brown hue.

Jungkook released his grip on Tae's wrist, his hand falling limply to his side. The threatening growl that had filled the air dissipated, replaced by a heavy silence. Tae could feel the tension slowly easing, but the lingering unease remained.

Jungkook's breaths were ragged as he tried to steady himself, his gaze fixed on Tae's innocent eyes. He realized the depth of his reaction, the darkness that had momentarily overtaken him, and it filled him with guilt and regret. He had allowed his emotions to get the better of him, losing control in a way that he never wanted to.

"Taehyung" Jungkook's tender voice saying his name made his heart pound. It was the first time Jungkook has pronounced his name other than calling him names and it made his heart flutter.

"W-what.. happened?" Tae breathed not able to comprehend the situation. Jungkook's words were ringing in his ears and it was confusing him.

Tae's mind was still reeling from the sudden shift in Jungkook's demeanor. He couldn't ignore the intensity in the alpha's eyes or the raw protectiveness that had taken over him. It was clear that Jungkook's outburst had come from a place of deep concern, not hatred.

As Tae looked into Jungkook's eyes, searching for answers, he saw a mixture of regret and desperation. Jungkook's voice trembled with emotion as he tried to explain himself, his grip on Tae's shoulder tightening ever so slightly.

"Taehyung, I didn't mean to scare you like that" Jungkook began, his voice laced with genuine worry. "But you have to understand that your decision will bring you danger" he explained.

Tae knows Jungkook was not fooling around with him. It was something serious. If Jungkook himself tried to confront him, there must be something suspicious.

"ok, what do you want me to do?" Tae questioned.

"I want you to stay here...in the pack house...in my sight" Jungkook asserted.

At Living Room

Namjoon was comforting Jin who was crying from the time Tae left the Packhouse, the same goes for Jimin who was comforted by his mates.

"Yo...Yoongi g..go and s...stop Tae." Jimin cried, placing his head on Yoongi's chest and gripping his shirt tightly. Jhope patted Jimin to calm him down.

Yoongi held Jimin tightly, his heart aching as he felt the pain radiating from his mate. He understood the desperation in Jimin's voice but he should also understand Tae's situation.

"Jimin, I know you got attached to someone like you moreover he is our Luna. Omegas tend to attach more to the Luna but I can't stop Tae." Yoongi said.
Jimin detached himself from Yoongi's embrace.

Jimin's eyes were red and puffy from crying, but his determination remained. He looked at Yoongi with a mix of pleading and sadness.

"But Yoongi, we can't just let him leave like this," Jimin said, his voice quivering. "We have to go after him, make him understand that he's loved and valued here. We can't lose him."

Yoongi sighed, his heart breaking for his mate's pain. He knew how deeply Jimin cared for Tae, and he understood the fear of losing someone they held dear. However, he also knew that forcing Tae to stay is not possible.

"Jimin, I understand how much you care for Tae, and I know it's hard for you to see him go," Yoongi said, gently wiping away Jimin's tears. "But Tae needs to make his own choices. We can't force him to stay if he feels like he needs to leave."

Jin who has been crying in Namjoon's embrace distanced himself and stood up wiping his tears, and spoke up with a soft but determined voice. " Yo...yoongi is right. We should let him go. He would have been fed up living in this pack without his mate for more than-" Jin's voice trembled causing him to say furthermore. He tried to accept it but his heart is not ready for that.

Namjoon hugged Jin and spread pheromones to comfort Jin. Ava was enjoying the scene before her. She smiled internally as the scene folded down before her.

"Alpha," Ava mumbled when she spots Jungkook at the entrance. His eyes were glued to the two crying persons in the room. As soon as he stepped inside, Jin shot up from his seat and sprinted to him.

"Jungkook..." Jin held the younger's shoulder. "Jungkook... Tae left the pack." more tears spilled from his eyes and his grip tightened. "He is your mate... You need him here. Please bring him back" Jin begged. He might have acted strong but he deeply desired for tae to stay here.

Jungkook had never seen his Jin hyung this vulnerable. He didn't know this is how Tae's absence is going to affect them.

"Hyung...you need to calm down" Jungkook held Jin's hands trying to make him understand but Jin is not ready.

"How do you even stay calm? He is your mate! Our Luna!" Jin screamed. "Go and bring him back! Or else-" He stopped his rant when his eyes flickered to the male walking inside behind Jungkook.

"Taehyung!!" Jin ran towards tae pulling him for a bear-tight hug. A mixture of relief and joy washed over him. Tae's return was unexpected, and it filled Jin's heart with hope and gratitude. Tae, too, found solace in Jin's warm embrace, feeling a sense of belonging that he had been craving for so long.

The rest of the pack members, who had gathered in the living room, watched the emotional reunion with a mix of relief and happiness. Jimin's tears of sadness turned into tears of joy, and Yoongi couldn't help but smile, relieved that Tae had decided to come back.

On the other hand, Ava was shocked to see Tae. She didn't expect it. She had hoped that Tae's departure would create an opportunity for her to seize power within the pack. But now, it seemed her plans had been thwarted, at least for the time being.

Jungkook was shocked to see Tae. He left from Tae's side giving him time to choose whether he should stay here or not. He was worried but now seeing him right in front of him fades his worry. Without him knowing a small smile crept on his face.

Meanwhile, Jin slowly released Tae from their embrace and looked into his eyes. "Tae, I'm so glad you're back," he said, his voice filled with love and concern.

Tae felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and warmth from Jin and the rest of the pack. He had expected anger and disappointment, but instead, he was met with genuine concern and affection. It was at that moment that he realized how much they loved him.

Tae's gaze shifted to Jimin, who was now standing beside Jin, his eyes still teary but with a glimmer of hope. Jimin stepped forward, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

"Tae, we want you here. We need you here," Jimin said, his voice wavering slightly. "You're not alone anymore. We love you, and we want to be there for you. Please stay."

Tae felt his resolve waver as he looked into the earnest eyes of his packmates. The pain and loneliness he had carried with him for so long suddenly felt a little lighter, overshadowed by the possibility of finding acceptance and belonging within this pack.

I... I'll stay," Tae whispered, his voice barely audible. It was a small yet profound declaration that resonated deeply within the room.

A wave of relief washed over the pack as they heard Tae's words. Jin's eyes brightened, and he embraced Tae once again, this time with a renewed sense of joy. Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and jhope others gathered around, hugging Tae.

Jungkook stood back, watching the scene unfold before him. A mixture of emotions swirled within him-relief, happiness, but also a sense of guilt. He had played a part in Tae's initial
Departure, he would ensure such things won't happen.

"Bring him to his room" Namjoon suggested as soon as they stepped back from the hug. Jin and Jimin took responsibility and guided the omega to the stairs. As tae walked, he glanced at jungkook who is staring at him.

As soon as Tae and the others disappeared from their sight, Jungkook moved towards his room with his mind at ease while others do the same.

At Tae's Room

Tae sat on the couch, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension. Jin and Jimin held his hands tightly, refusing to let go as if they feared he would vanish if they did.

"We are glad you're back, Tae," Jin said softly, squeezing his hand gently. Jimin nodded agreeing with Jin.

"I thought I won't be able to see you but thank the moon goddess you are back," Jimin sounded happy. His eyes are reflecting the happiness in him.

"From now on you will be under our surveillance and you won't be able to escape from us," Jin said.

Tae couldn't help but smile at Jin and Jimin's words, feeling their genuine concern and love. Their protectiveness gave him a sense of comfort and reassurance that he had been craving for so long.

"Thank you, Jin hyung, Jimin," Tae said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'm sorry for causing you both so much worry. I never expected to be met with such kindness and understanding."

Jin and Jimin exchanged a glance before Jin spoke up, his voice filled with sincerity. "Tae, you're a part of our pack, our family. We're here for you, through the good times and the bad. We'll support you and protect you no matter what."

Tae's heart swelled with emotions as he listened to Jin's words. He had never felt this level of acceptance before, and it touched him deeply. He realized that he had found a true family in this pack, and he didn't want to lose that.

"I want to be here, with all of you," Tae said, his voice firm and determined. "I've realized that I have people who care about me, who see my worth. I don't want to run away anymore."

Jin and Jimin's faces lit up with joy, and they pulled Tae into a tight embrace, their love and happiness radiating through the room. Tae felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, knowing that he had made the right choice.

As the three of them sat on the couch, talking and laughing, Tae felt a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. The pain and loneliness that had plagued him for so long began to fade away, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and happiness.

"Tae, you wait here and take a rest. I and Jimin will make you breakfast. I want you to be cured fast." Jin said while standing up from his place while Jimin do the same.

They both left the room to make breakfast for Tae. Tae was feeling tired as he took stress. He was about to move toward the bed but stopped in his track when he heard The voice come from the doorway, startling him. He turned to see Ava standing there, a malicious smile playing on her lips.

"How well you act. You showed your real color Rogue." Ava sneered.

Tae felt a surge of unease as he looked at Ava. Her presence always seemed to bring a sense of darkness and danger. But this time, he refused to let her words shake him. He had made up his mind to stay.

Ignoring Ava's taunting remark, Tae spoke with determination. "Ava, I've made my decision. I choose to stay with my pack, with my mates. Your attempts to drive me away won't work. I know you tried to shove me away from the start and I tried to ignore it but anymore."

Ava's smile wavered for a moment, her eyes flashing with anger. "You think this pack will accept you? It's all their act. You will be killed by Jungkook. You're nothing but a weak, human. They'll turn against you sooner or later."

Tae's heart sank at Ava's words, but he refused to let her see how much they affected him. He lifted his chin, his eyes blazing with determination.

You're wrong, Ava," Tae said, his voice steady. "I may be an omega or you can say human, but I'm not weak. And I don't need your approval or anyone else's to know my worth."

Ava's lips twisted in a sneer. "We'll see about that. I will show you your nothing but a burden to this pack," she said, before turning and striding away.

Tae watched her go, his heart heavy with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. He knew that Ava was right in some ways. The pack would never fully accept him, not as long as he remained as a human. But he couldn't let that stop him from trying.

Little did they know that someone heard their conversation.

Time skips.

Everyone was gathered in the living room as per Ava's request. Even Tae was present there. She said that she had to convey something which is related to Tae's incident.

"Didn't we tell you not to interfere in Tae's matter?" Yoongi questioned. He is not interested to hear her but Jimin compelled him to come.

"yeah! But I got to know some information from my friend." Ava said. She eyed Tae who was standing there curious to know what she was going is say.

"I got to know who's behind the Rogue's death and who was the mastermind behind it."Ava paused for a moment, building up suspense before revealing what she had heard.

"It was none other than Taehyung."

To be continued.

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