My Hero Online

By Kevhedgehog

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Virtual reality has advanced significantly by the year 2022, and My Hero Online (MHO), a sizable online role... More

Author Note
[0] Prelude
[2] The World of Heroes
[3] Boy meets Girl
[4] Deku the Beater
[5] Deku and the Bakusquad
[6] Squad Assembly and Planning
[7] Dekusquad/Bakusquad Assemble!
[8] The Christmas Recovery Quest
[9] The Rabbit VS. the Demon
[10] A Green Tea Dinner
[11] The Jade Rabbit Avenger
[12] The Mysterious Girl
[13] A Family Outing
[14] True Purpose
[15] Fishing and Swimming
[16] The Gates of Hell
[17] A Mighty Battle
[18] Love in Heaven
Arc #2- MOBIAN
[19] The Return
[20] A New World of Heroes
[21] The Rabbit, the Hedgehog, and the Wolf
[22] Gear Up and Head Out!
[24] Bear Fight with a Hedgehog
[25] Dogs hate Cats but Rabbits can Smash
[26] Eight Eyes in the Sky
[27] Bonds between Rivals
[28] The Quest to the Egg
[29] The Final Ultra Battle P1
[30] The Final Ultra Battle P2
[31] A New Game+
[32] Epilogue: Extra Edition

[23] A Cold Journey and Persona

536 15 13
By Kevhedgehog

Mobian · Adventure Field · Mystic Ruins
January 21st, 2025 5:00 p.m.
In the world of My Hero Online, the names Deku and Dynamight were very well known. The two were known as among the best players due to how they fought on the front lines to clear the game of death. In that world, they were like pros, but in the world, they're in now, though they have the stats of pros, they knew absolutely nothing.

After meeting the female wolf player Camie who agreed to take them to the Sky Road Zone, the three of them flew on their Extreme Gears and set off to the distant land. Camie explained that getting there would take a while since they would have to cross through the bear territory, Frozen Factory. Not knowing what kind of enemy they would fight, Camie suggested they should buy more gear or even a weapon, but Deku and Dynamight assured her that they would be fine having confidence in their physical strength as they did before. But that all came back to bite them when they were attacked while flying.

As they flew through the neutral ground, they were suddenly attacked by a swarm of robotic bees that flew out of the trees and charged at them shooting lasers.

Dynamight wanted nothing more than attack them but both he and Deku had no experience in fighting in mid-air like Uravity. 

"HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THESE THINGS???!!!" Dynamight screamed as he flew on his extreme gear avoiding both the bees and their lasers.

"I don't know! I can't even do a homing attack without risking falling off the board and losing all of my HP!" Deku said trying his hardest to dodge as well. Looking behind him, he noticed a bee bot targeting its stinger at him. But just as it was about to fire, a cyan-colored laser was shot straight at it destroying it completely. Deku looked to his side to see Camie wearing her mask while pointing at where the bee bot was destroyed.

"Thanks, Camie!" Deku said giving her a thumbs up. He couldn't help but stare at the weapon she had in her hand as a cyan-colored creature flew out of it and went inside a capsule that was inside her cloak. "Hey Camie, what's that weapon called by the way?!"

"Oh, this?!" Camie shouted holding up her weapon. "It's a Wispon! It's like, a very common weapon in the game! There's a shop back in Knothole that sells them!"

"THEN WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU SHOW US BEFORE WE LEFT THE DAMN PLACE???!!!" Dynamight shouted avoiding even more laser blasts while Camie simply laughed nervously.

"It would've been cool if we had weapons like that," Deku said as he stabled himself on the board. Suddenly, Eri appeared in front of him with an excited face.

"Daddy, you do have one!" she said.

"What do you mean Eri?" he asked.

"Remember when you and Uncle Kachan fought those dogs yesterday?" she asked earning a nod from him. "Just like MHO, whatever items that defeated players had, they were sent to your inventory as rewards"

Deku thought for a moment before remembering that they used Wispons just like Camie.

"Then that means..." he said before quickly swiping open his menu and going straight for his inventory, to find an unselected icon that was blinking yellow. Once he tapped it, a green device materialized in mid-air and fell right into his hands at the same time a small green capsule formed on the side of his red belt.

"Woah, what kind of Wispon is this?" Deku said holding it up to his face to get a better look at it. He then turned to the little Chao and said, "Eri?"

She looked at it for a bit before looking back to Deku.

"It's called the Hover Wispon Daddy," she said. "If you pull the trigger, it'll release green shockwaves like wind blasts. Throw the capsule in the air and release the Hover Wisp, and it'll charge up the weapon"

"Wind blasts?" Deku repeated before looking to see a bunch of Beebots heading toward him. Turning himself on the gear he was on, he grabbed the capsule that was strapped onto his belt and threw it in the air causing a green-like alien to fly out.

"I hope this works... HOVER!!!" Deku shouted causing the green alien to fly straight into his Wispon. As he pulled the trigger, just like Eri said, green shockwaves came bursting out the vent-like opening and blasted away the bots destroying them. Deku looked astonished before looking back to the Wispon. That one attack brought back memories of when he was in the other world doing something similar. "It's just like my Delaware Smash"

Upon seeing more bots, he continued firing more shockwaves finally getting used to the weapon. Dynamight who was still trying to avoid the bots on his gear saw Deku using his Wispon to literally blow them away.

"The hell?" Dynamight said before finding Eri flying up to his face.

"Uncle Kachan, check your inventory too," Eri said in a hurry. "You should have the Burst Wispon"

"Burst Wispon?!" Dynamight shouted not understanding but did it anyway. Just like Deku, he went through his inventory and pulled out a similar-looking weapon that had a fireball-shaped frame that is held together by several black nozzles.

"What in the..." Dynamight said surprised by the Wispon and the capsule that appeared on his belt. 

"Do what Daddy did and release the wisp," Eri quickly instructed. "Once it's powered up, you'll be able to produce combustive fire bursts. It's like explosions"

"Did you just say... EXPLOSIONS!!!!????" Dynamight said with a massive evil grin. Wasting no time, he grabbed the capsule from his belt and threw it up in the air causing a red alien to fly out.

"Yeah, I like your style!" he said as the alien flew around him and flew into his Wispon. "Now you freaky beeswax will taste the power of Dynamight!"

Camie who was finishing off her bots saw Dynamight about to fire his Wispon.

"DYNAMIGHT HOLD UP!!! THAT WISPONS GOT A GOOD..." she shouted but it was too late.

"Take this... BURST!!!" he said before pulling the trigger. Just like Eri said, a huge explosion was released from the opening not only destroying the horde of bee bots that were in front of him but causing him to fly off the board due to the powerful feedback from the blast. "DAMMIT ALLLLL!!!"

He screamed falling to the ground only to be caught by Camie who was the closest nearby.

"Gotcha," she said holding holding him steady on her board. "I was gonna warn you that the Burst Wipson has a big kick. There aren't a lot of players that can handle that Wispon"

Camie didn't hear anything from Dynamight except for a chuckle. She was surprised at first before noticing the grin he had on before still on his face.

"I had my fill with explosions back in the day. This thing will be a cakewalk," Dyanmight said looking at his Wispon in a creepy happy tone. "Hell, where can I get another one of these?"

Camie was surprised by his statement and said to herself, "He said he had his fill with explosions? What the hey how does that mean?"

After fighting off a few more bots, Camie helped Dynamight recover his board and meet up with Deku on the ground. Putting away their gears and weapons back into their inventory, Deku and Camie stretched their legs while Dynamight just looks up at the sky while cracking his knuckles.

"You boys tired yet?" Camie asked. "I sure am"

"Hah, I haven't even broken a sweat," Dynaight said crossing his arms. "C'mon losers, let's go!"

"That's his way of saying, he wants to keep going," Deku said laughing nervously.

"Okay, Mr. Tough Guy. As your tour guide, I say we take a break," she said before dropping to the ground and crossing her legs.

"WHAT!!!???" Dynamight shouted clearly pissed off. He then turned to look at Deku who was still standing. "We got no time to waste sitting down! Right!?"

"I know Dynamight. But a little break won't kill us," he said before saying whispering something. "She'd probably scold me if I pushed myself too much"

A little smile went on Dynamight's as he made a hmph sound before sitting down. While Deku followed suit, Camie raised an eyebrow of suspicion from what she just heard.

"Her?" she whispered while scrolling through the map on her menu. After a few seconds, she swiped it away and began speaking. "Well boys, guess we're going on foot now"

"Huh, why?" Deku asked confused.

"You see that mountain, right?" Camie said pointing into the distance. Deku, Dynamight, and Eri followed her gaze to see a series of peaks capped in white, looming over the plains. "I've never been this far, but I heard that if we try flying above it to the Frozen Factory Zone, we'll wind up in a huge blizzard. We'll have to go through the caves to get to the other side" 

"She's right Daddy," Eri responded from Deku's head. "I detected hard pressure winds at the top. It's like an invisible wall to push back players"

"Okay, then we go through the caves. Are they long?" Deku asked still looking at the mountains.

"Totes. There should be a neutral town inside where we can rest, though," Camie said. "By the way, how y'all for time?"

Deku waved his left hand to check the clock in his menu and nodded.

"It's 7 pm outside. I'm fine for now," Deku said with Dynamight nodding his head. 

"Sweet, let's keep going, then. Wanna rotate out here?" Camie asked causing Dynamight and Deku to look at her confused.

"Rotate...out?" both Deku and Dynamight said at the same time.

"Duh, it means we each log out to rest one by one. You can't just log out right away since this is neutral territory. The person online can protect the other's empty avatar"

"Oh, I get it," Deku said nodding his head with understanding. "We'll go first then" 

"Wait you two live together?!" Camie asked out of the blue.

"I'm just a visitor foxy. Mind your own business," Dyanmight said swiping through his menu.

"See you in twenty minutes, then," Deku said scrolling through his menu and pressing the Log Out button. As she waved bye, a confirmation warning popped up, which he accepted, and the scenery around him flowed far, far away until it became a single point and disappeared. 

Izuku eyes popped open as he sat up on his bed and removed the Nervegear. While placing it beside him, he turned to the ground to see Katsuki making some stretches before taking his off. As he placed it down, a sudden growl filled the whole room at the same time Katsuki rubbed his tummy.

"I think mom left some ham bologna sandwiches in the fridge," Izuku said turning on his legs so he could stand up. 

"Sure, whatever," Katsuki said standing up as well. The two proceeded out of Izuku's room where they were met with nothing but silence. Inko had to work overtime at the hospital so she wasn't at home. Izuku pulled out the plates of bologna sandwiches that each had their names written on it. Once heated up, they sat down at the table and began eating. 

As they ate, Izuku would take quick glances between Katsuki and his sandwich. Unbeknownst to him, Katsuki already noticed his gazing and spoke.

"What?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"Oh sorry, it's just..." Izuku said before pausing a little bit. He looked down to the floor and then spoke again. "I really appreciate you helping me to save Ochaco"

Katsuki stared at him for a bit and took another bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah well, you sure's hell couldn't do it alone. You know nothing about the game so you ain't no Beater anymore," Katsuki said before drinking a cup of water. Izuku smiled at his response before speaking again.

"Yeah, I mean, is there any other reason why you're helping me?" he asked. Katsuki's eyes flew open causing him to choke on the water he was drinking. Izuku in a panic passed him a nearby hand towel so he can wipe his face. Once it looked like he could breathe again, Izuku took a sigh of relief. "You okay"

"Yeah, am fine. Just shut up and finish your food so we can get in the game," he said standing up with the plate in his hand as he proceeded to the kitchen. While washing his, Izuku came with his plate, and Katsuki took it and washed it for him very quickly. Once done, they both proceeded back into Izuku's room, where they both placed on their Nervegears and lay back down in their resting places. Closing their eyes they said the magic word that brought them back to the virtual world in the bodies of their virtual avatars. Upon opening their eyes, they saw what looked like Camie leaning up on a tree with red cheeks talking to Eri who was floating beside her. 

"Hey, Camie, Eri! We're back!" Deku said standing up in his rabbit form with Dynamight beside him. As the two looked to see them walking towards them, Camie jumped up from her sitting position and stood up straight with a full face of red.

"Oh, Deku, Dyamight! You're back! That's great! Welp gotta go! Keep my body safe!" she said at an incredible super speed that surprised both male players. She quickly swiped her fingers motioning that she was opening her menu to log out. They watched as she closed her eyes and her body slowly kneeled down to the ground. 

"Huh, so that's how we look like when we log out," Deku said slowly walking around Camie's unconscious avatar. Dynamight watched as Eri flew from where she was before and sat on Deku's fluffy hair.

"Yo, Eri. What were you and Camie talking about?" he asked. Eri placed her tiny hand on her mouth and made a questioning hum.

"Well while you were gone she asked me what you were like Uncle Kachan," she said in the most honest tone.

"Me?" Dynamight asked a little surprised. "The hell do you mean?"

"Kachan, language," Deku whispered.

"I don't really know. I just said that you were a very strong fighter and that you never let other people beat you," she said smiling. Dynamight couldn't help but smirk.

"Damn straight," he said.

"Kachan!" Deku once again whispered loudly for his use of words in front of Eri. 

Around 5 or so minutes has passed, and Camie was still logged out. Dynamight sat by a tree with a piece of grass in his mouth, Deku simply sat crossed legged looking through his inventory, while Eri simply sat on his head looking at the list too. They have gotten some rings, XP, and some little items as rewards,  like new shoes, gloves, or apparel. Though he wasn't interested to put on any overalls, he noticed an item that caught his eye. After tapping the Equip button, a green wristwatch appeared on his left arm. It had a gray triangle shape with round corners and a black wrist strap. 

"This watch looks kind of cool," Deku said observing it.

"Daddy, that item is called the «Enerbeam Wristwatch»," Eri said explained.

"Enerbeam?" Deku asked.

"It is an item that emits an energy tether that can be used to latch onto and tug at items," she explained. "I think you know how to use it"

"How so?" he said tapping the top part of the watch, only for it to release a line of green electricity to shoot out from the tip and latch onto the nearby tree Dynamight was lying on causing him to duck on instinct.

"WHAT THE HELL DEKU!!!???" Dynamight yelled with a tick mark on his head.

"I-I-I, I'm sorry Kachan! It just shot out like my... like my..." Deku said looking at the watch while tracing the line of electricity to the tree it was wrapping around. His eyes then widened upon realizing why Eri looked so excited. She knew what this item resembled. It resembled something Deku unlocked while he was in the other world, the world of MHO, another power that helped him defeat a massive boss. " Blackwhip quirk!"

Pulling his hand back, the tether made of several energy bolts intertwined retracted back into the watch. With curiosity, he looked to another tree and clenched the hand the watch is on.

"What if I..." he said pulling his arm back before thrusting it forward, causing the same Enerbeam to shoot out and wrap the bark of it. Suddenly, he felt the tether yank him towards the same tree causing his face to slam into it, losing a little of his HP. Deku's face slid down the tree as he mumbled in virtual pain. "Ouch"

Dynamight and Eri took a quick glimpse at each other before bursting out into laughter. After he recovered, Deku continued trying out his new toy by practicing his aim on branches and rocks as he did with his old Blackwhip. Once he felt like he had enough, he walked over to Dyanmight and Eri who were standing by watching him.

"Well, well, even as a little wabbit, you're still the Jade Rabbit," he said with a smirk. Deku smiled while scratching his head before looking back at the watch.

"Who knew there are a lot of useful items in here? We should be able to get through fine, as long as we stick to what we know from MHO," he said. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted their talk. They turned to see Camie walking towards them, fully awake.

"I saw you using that Enerbeam tool. You got some sick moves for a guy who just started playing this game," Camie said finally reaching them. "You guys like played some Spiderguy MMO or something?"

Dynamight and Deku side-eyed each other before giving her a response.

"Um, you could say that," Deku said with difficulty lying through his teeth. Dynamight then made a sigh of disappointment.

"Yes, yes we did," he said before turning in the opposite direction. "Let's go already"

Deku turned to follow him, only to see a window pop up in front of him. It was marked as a trade window as it showed an item and the option of whether to accept it or not. He turned back to see Camie smiling at him.

"I got the same thing during a raid but I never got around to using it," she explained. "I was gonna sell it, but seeing how it suits you better, you should take it. Twice the fun am I right?"

Deku looked back at the window seeing the accept button slwoely pulsing waiting for his decision. With a smile, he tapped Accept, and his other hand began to glow as another watch appeared on it.

As Camie ran past him to catch up with Dynamight, Deku whispered something about the watches that were on both his wrists.

"Welcome back, Blackwhip," he said before proceeding to catch up with everyone only to stop when he felt something weird behind him. He turned around only to see nothing but a bunch of trees. 

"YO DEKU!!! PICK UP THE PACE WILL YA!!!" he heard Dynamight's voice from beyond. Thinking it was just his imagination, he shook his head and ran forward not wanting to be left behind.

Mobian · Adventure Field · Ice Cap Zone
January 21st, 2025 6:00 p.m.
As Deku, Dynamight, Eri, and Camie ventured into the cave of the mountain, the two male players realized why it was called Ice Cap Zone. The wall and floor of the cave were covered in ice and the air was freezing cold.

Though it was a virtual world, the area was sending a message to their brains making them think it was cold, well mostly Dynamight who was shivering as he walked.

"This place is cold!" Deku said rubbing both his arms while breathing out frost from his mouth. "It's like a freaking ice box!"

"Then you should've brought a jacket," Camie said showing off her robe.

"LIKE WE THINK THIS AREA WAS GONNA BE SO FREAKIN COLD!!!" Dynamight complained feeling cold himself as his teeth chattered in place while keeping a straight angry face. Camie couldn't help but laugh as she went into her menu and pulled out two jackets. 

As she tossed the jackets to the guys, Deku couldn't help but look at her with concern.

"Are you going to be okay without one of these?" he did slipping on his blue one.

"No big. I'm used to the cold really. You should see the temperature I set my A/C to," she said pulling her coat with a shrug.

"I swear if you're trying to piss me off it's working," Dynamight said zipping up his black jacket while Eri simply snuggled in Deku's hair.

The three of them continued through the cave until they ended up in an open area where they saw a bunch of loopy loops and weird platforms.

"Whoa this game is even crazier than I thought," Deku said looking around the area.

"Damn right it is," Dynamight said nodding his head. Camie couldn't help but laugh in agreement.

"Yeah I thought that same thing when I saw loop the loops in a zone for the first time," she responded. As they continue to look around the area. Eri popped her head from Deku's hair and spoke in an alarming tone.

The three of them continued walking down the icy cave until Eri spoke up from underneath the hoodie.

"Daddy I am detecting something come up behind us," she said causing all three players to look at her while going in defense.

"Badniks or players?" Deku said ready to spawn his Wispon.

"Players daddy, Twelve in fact" she answered which made everyone gasp.

"Twelve?!" Dynamight said in shock. "How the hell did they all find us?!"

"One of us must've been hit with a tracker or something," Camie said looking at both boys with suspicious looks. 

"Eri, do you detect any foreign object on any of us?" Deku asked looking up at the little Chao. Eri looked at all three of them with a straight face before stopping at Camie. 

"Uh, Eri?" Camie asked with a confused face. She didn't say anything except fly off Deku's head and close to her. Without even saying a word, she reached out and pulled something off her coat. Deku and Dynamight looked closely at what Eri was holding as she flew up to them.

"It's a High Level Tracing Searcher Flea," she said before tossing it away. "It's mostly used by the dog tribe"

"The dogs we fought yesterday, must've placed a tracker on your jacket," Deku said with a hand to his chin.

"Whoopsies, guess I accidentally gave them the slip on where we are," Camie said scratching the back of her head nervously.

"Idiot," Dynamight whispered while slapping his hand on his face. Upon hearing the howls of dog players, Camie turned to look at the platforms and loop de loops.

"No choice, we gotta speed run," she said turning towards the road.

"Speed what?!" Deku and Dynamight asked.

"When a player walks onto a road like this, the system causes their avatar to run at maximum speed so they can get to a place faster," she explained. "That's why it's called a Speed Run"

"That sounds challenging," Deku said before looking back to see shadows coming toward them. "But we got no choice. What do we do?"

"Just do what I do," Camie said running down the steep road. Suddenly, to Deku and Dynamight's surprise, like a blur, her legs sped up giving her the momentum to go up and down the loop de loop and then down the remaining road.

"Oh, what the hell!" Dyanmight said running onto the road and dashing off at super speed. 

"Woah!" Deku said astonished by the speed he was going. It's as if he was some kind of speedster.

"Daddy, we gotta go! They're coming!" Eri said snapping him out of his thought. Not even bothering to test it out, Deku just ran out of the road before feeling a huge rush of energy flow into his legs. As if he was being pushed by a giant hand, he began running down the road feeling the cold air brush through his fur. 

"WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Deku screamed as his legs began carrying him down the road. Trying his best to keep stable, he placed his back and began running as if he was a ninja. While running, he noticed some things in his path that kind of looked like some kind of Dash Pad.

Once his feet landed on even one of them, his speed increased so much he felt like his eyes were gonna fall inside his head. Upon seeing Badniks, he was able to dodge most of them while attacking them with his Wispon. Eventually, he was able to catch up with Camie and Dynamight.

"HOW... THE HELL... WAS GLASSES... ABLE... TO DO THIS!!!!????" Dynamight yelled towards Deku who knew who he was talking about. Back in MHO, they had a comrade who named himself Ingenium, who was given an Engine Quirk that made him run at incredible speed. Deku was able to run at super speed thanks to his old power, but Dynamight who only went fast by the propulsion of his quirk, was not used to using his feet like this.


"We should be coming upon an ice bridge soon!" Camie shouted running between them. "If anything, they're coming up behind us at superspeed! We gotta hurry!"

Nodding their heads and forgetting the thrill they were feeling at running so fast, the boys put their arms back like ninjas and ran alongside Camie leaving trails of light blue, orange, and green behind them. After about a full two minutes of running, they saw light coming up in front of them. Squinting his eyes, Deku was able to make out what was on the other side.

"I see it! We're almost there!" he shouted as they made it through the exit of the cave. But just as they ran stepped foot on the bridge, three homing projectiles came flying over their heads in the shape of actual rockets and struck the other side of the bridge. The three on instinct used their feet to stop themselves as half of the bridge fell into the water below.

"Crap, the bastards destroyed half the bridge," Dynamight said.

"Not good, the bridge won't come back for at least 5 minutes," Camie said turning around to see a large group coming towards them. Just like Eri said, a group of twelve players came storming on the foot of the bridge. And like Camie suspected, they all were from the dog tribe holding orange bazookas.

"You might as well give up," one of them said as the rest of them pointed their Wispons at them. "You're outnumbered three to twelve. If you move you'll feel the wrath of our Rocket Wispons"

Deku, Dynamight, and Camie pulled out their Wispons on instinct and prepared to fight.

"We can't take on this many players. If we die now, we'd have to restart all the way back at Knothole," Camie said pointing her Wispon at the enemy.

"You said the bridge won't come back for another five minutes right?" Deku asked earning a nod from the wolf girl. "Then we don't need to fight them, we just need to buy time"

As Dynamight listened to his plan, he made a small grumble cause he wanted nothing more than to put these guys down to the ground, but he knew that Deku was right in most ways, so he slightly lowered his Wispon but kept his finger on the trigger.

"Hold on!" Deku shouted causing most of the dog players to look at each other confused. "Tell me, why did the dog tribe send twelve players just to go after three renegades?! What do you have to gain?!"

The whole group was silent for a while until a sound of footsteps came in. The group then parted away revealing someone walking up to them.

"My name is Gtacs, and I'm the leader of this squad," the dog player said holding his own Wispon. "We were given strict orders by the tribe leader to attack a group of renegades, consisting of a wolf, a hedgehog, and a rabbit. We weren't given a reason, but if it's coming from our leader, then we're sure to get a valuable reward"

"Gotta say, you guys are dumber than actual dogs on leashes if you're just gonna follow some stuck-up boss," Dynamight mocked with a snicker causing some of the players to actually growl in anger.

"You dare mock our great leader!?" Gtacs said before raising his arm. "That's it! Men, arm and ready!"

All the players then began focusing their rocket launchers on the trio and prepared to fire.

"Ready!!!" Gtacs said causing Dynamight and Camie to stand firm with their Wispons in hand.

"Nerd, if you got a plan, now's a good time to tell us," Dynamight whispered. Deku in response took slow breaths before looking up at his head.

"Eri, how much longer till the bridge respawns?" he whispered.

"In about 15 seconds Daddy," she whispered back.

"Lemme knows when it reaches 5 seconds," he responded lowering his weapon to the ground. It was currently a stand of three to twelve. Deku had his teeth clenched while watching the leader's hand rise in the air hoping his plan will work. The moment he lowers his hand, it's all over.

"OK, FI...." the leader shouted lowering his hand down halfway until Eri shouted from Deku's head.

"FIVE SECONDS DADDY!!!" she screamed so it was loud enough for Dynamigh and Camie to hear.

"DYNAMIGHT, CAMIE, GRAB ME AND SHOOT THE BRIDGE!!!!" he shouted gaining his companion's attention. Though they don't know what was going on or why he was shouting, they grabbed his shoulders and pointed their Wispons at the bridge. Pulling his trigger, Deku's Hover Wispon released a shockwave on the ground causing all three of them to propel backward into the air. The army of dogs was so stunned by Deku's action, that they didn't realize Dynamight and Camie fired their Wispons at the same time they were in the air. 

The Burst and Laser attacks struck the part of the bridge where the army of dogs was standing. Once it did, the ice flooring began to crack underneath them causing all of them to lose their balance.

"Wh-What the hell?!" Gtacs said as he and the rest of the group completely lost their balance as the flooring under them broke apart and caused them all to plummet into the water below. As if time was moving in slow motion, at the same time they fell, Deku looked behind him as he, Camie, and Dynamight also looked like they were gonna fall into the water. But instead, a new flooring of ice formed behind them, allowing them to land safely onto the newly built half bridge.

The three of them stayed lying down on the floor trying to catch their breaths before slowly getting up.

"Man, that sure was something," Camie said looking at Deku while dusting the snow off her. "How'd you know that would work?"

Deku in response chuckled slightly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Honestly, I didn't," he responded. "I just took the chance"

"Damn, dude. That was way past cool," Camie said slightly punching his shoulder to which he laughed nervously from the close interaction he was getting.

"Uh-uh-uh, no cheating Daddy," Eri said poking her head from Deku's hair with an angry pout. "If you do, I'll tell Mommy"

"WH-WHAT???!!!" Deku said as his rabbit cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "I'm not cheating Mommy!"

"Then why did your heart start to pound when Camie touched you?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Th-that's just how males react when a girl gets too close to them," Deku said trying to defend himself.

"You mean that's how weak nerds are as you react," Dynamight said with a smirk before walking towards the edge of the broken bridge. "Man, you're pathetic"

"Pathetic," Deku squeaked in disappointment.

"Ah, don't be like that. You don't have to worry. You seem like the kind of guy to not cheat on his girlfriend," Camie said flashing him a smile.

"Yo, extras! Get over here and check this out!" he said gaining their attention while looking over the edge. As Camie was about to walk over to him, she whispered something into Deku's ears. "Plus, I'm kind of crushing on someone already"

Deku was left stunned there as he watched her walk away.

"Crushing on..." Deku said before looking at both her and Kachan constantly. Finally putting it together, he smiled and followed after them. As the two of them reached the edge, they looked down to see a bunch of remaining crystals floating above the water indicating that all the members of the dog tribe have lost their HP due to the freezing water. But what really caught their attention was the fact that one of them was hanging on the ledge of the broken bridge.

"Well, well, looks like we got another extra," Dynamight said before pointing his Wispon at the player. 

"Wait, wait, wait, please! I'm just a noobie! I just got a rare item early and I don't wanna lose it" the player begged as his hand began to lose its grip on the ice. 

"Like I give a damn about your rare item," he said before placing his finger on the trigger. "Tell your boss that if he ever comes after us again, imma blow his face off over and over"

The player's face went into one of terror as he saw the opening of his Wispon begin to light up. But before he could fire it, Deku walked up and placed his hand on Dynamight's Wispon, lowering it down.

"Stand down Dynamight," Deku said before walking up to the edge and reaching out his hand so the player could take it and pull him up.

"The hell Deku?" Dynamight said clearly pissed off. "Why'd you help him?"

"Because there wouldn't be any point. Besides, he lost his Wispon into the water with everyone else. I saw it fell," Deku said before turning to look at the player. "Listen, I earned some items while hunting earlier. It's not much but if you can tell us what we need to know, I don't mind trading them"

The player was taken aback by Deku's smile, opening and closing his mouth several times. He then checked the water to make sure all the other dogs had completed their resurrection period and were teleported back to their save point. Finally, he looked back at Deku.

"...Seriously?" he asked receiving a nod from the green rabbit. He then smiled and shook Deku's hand. "Okay deal"

While Camie looked impressed, Dynamigh made a 'tch' before looking the other way.

"Just like in MHO Deku," Dynamight mumbled to himself. "You're just too damn open and nice"

Heyo. It's Kevhedgehog.

I want to personally apologize for taking too long to update my story. Truth be told, I was trying out some draft stories while resolving some personal stuff in my real life. Although, I wanna finish this story as soon as possible so keep looking out for more chapters. I promise you all, the wait will be worth it.


Next Chapter: "Bear Fight with a Hedgehog"

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