[24] Bear Fight with a Hedgehog

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Mobian · Ice Cap Zone
January 21st, 2025 6:30 p.m.
After the battle against the small army of dogs, Deku was able to save one of the players who were a part of the group. In exchange for some items Deku got while grinding, the dog player agreed to tell the group everything he knew about why the group he was in attacked them and why so many. Currently, that player was sitting on the ground leaning up to a cave wall with Deku standing in front of him, Camie on one side holding her Wispon, and Dynamight on his other side with his arms crossed.

"So earlier this evening, I received a text from Gtacs, telling me to join the game. I was in the middle of dinner, but he said it was mandatory. When I logged in, we were assembling a group of more than a dozen people to hunt down just three players. I couldn't understand why we needed so many people for such a small task. However, they informed me that these were the same people who took down Kagemune yesterday, so I figured it was important," the dog player said not showing any sign of a lie in his explanation.

"Who's Kagemune?" Deku asked.

"The captain of the scouts. He's an expert wolf hunter, so it was crazy when he got his butt whooped and had to turn his tail and flee yesterday. That was you, right?" he said looking at mainly Camie who shared a glance with Dynamight, grimacing at the term wolf hunter. The three of them knew he was probably talking about the leader of the squad they'd defeated the previous night.

"So what the hell was this Gtacs doing, going after us huh?!" Dynamight said looking directly at the player sitting down causing him to hold both of his hands up in defense.

"Hey, hey, it was an order from him not me. He said something about how you were an obstacle to the plan..." he said before being cut off.

"What plan?" Dynamight said with his arms still crossed.

"Dunno, just know it's some big ass job for the OPs. They don't explain things to runts like me, but it's something big, I tell you that," the dog player said stretching out his hands upon saying the word 'big'. "I saw a huge army of players prepping their Extreme Gears to fly north when I logged in"

"North? But aren't we heading north to Sky Road" Dynamight said looking at Camie who had a finger to her lips. She knew the layouts of the game from the back of her head. 

"If they were heading North, are they going there to get a ship so they can get to the Death Egg?" Camie asked earning a vigorous shaking of the head from the dog player.

"Hell no. After the disaster, we learned our lesson. To supply everyone in the raiding party with the right equipment, we're still collecting rings. We haven't even reached half of the huge amount they're making everyone raise" he said causing all three members to exchange glances with each other. 

"That would mean a whole army of dogs are coming this way," Camie said out loud. "Shoot, and if their leader's with them and they see us..."

"No doubt he's gonna dump his entire army on us just for getting in their way for whatever shit they're doing," Dynamight said finishing her sentence with Deku nodding in agreement. The dog player who was still sitting on the ground just looked left and right totally being left out.

"So, uh..." he said gaining their attention. "That's all I know. Can I go now?"

"Oh yeah of course. Thanks for your help," Deku said giving him a thumbs up and a smile. "And deals a deal"

Swiping his fingers, Deku opened up his menu which was still invisible to everyone else. The dog player's face lit up in delight as he saw the stacks of items and cash slide into his trade window. 

On the way back, the dog guy said that he would stop for a few days to let the thrill go away, and he walked off in the opposite direction. As he started walking across the ice bridge, Deku, Cami, and Eri waved him goodbye while Dynamight simply clicked his teeth with his hands crossed.

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