My Queen (Gruvia)

By WarauCx

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A complicated love story (again) how will it end Tragically or Happily. What is the meaning of this?" I ask... More



10.4K 205 276
By WarauCx

As a child I'm always targeted and kidnapped.

It was a horrible experience.

I've been kidnapped countless times and tortured ever since I was born.

Saved again and again.

Until in first grade when my family have decided to keep me lock in my home. From that day on we were known as the number one most protective and guarded family.

I never step outside to the outside world again. I've only seen it through the window... Not ever have I breathe the freshness of nature again.

I became a lonely gloomy girl. But every once a weekend a close family friend would visit us.

That would be the Redfox family.

Only two quick years pass by and everything has calm.

No one dare to break in or rob us. I took my very first step outside to school...

To be immediately kidnapped once again. And once again I felt the torture, and worst I was raped.

I was then homeschooled.

My family decided that no one will see me again.

My mother taught me and took care of the house and my dad worked.

Not even Gajeel can see me anymore.

But one day my mom died from a heart attack.

...even so...I couldn't even attend the funeral.

And just six months later, during summer my dad held a welcoming party to the family which is the Vastia family to our home...or so that's what I was told.

The truth is the party is for me to meet my Fiance, Lyon Vastia.

But however I refuse to meet him.

I lay there on my bed looking at the pretty dress my dad have bought for me.
Soon maids came in carrying presents and gifts from the vastia family.

My dad knew that this was a risk. The party could bring me danger.

But was for the better for the Vastia Family and the Loxar Family to meet...especially me and Lyon.

I finally got off my bed and walk to the dress.

I strip naked and change. I sigh. The zippers at the back.

I zip half way and then I stop. I can no longer zip.

Gosh dammit. Then my necklace started beeping. Its a necklace to indicate that there's danger/ someone has broken into the house.

Its rarely use. Usually the alarms would go off but I guess because my dad didn't want to scare the guests he have the alarms turn off and the necklaces on.

My door is slam open. My eyes widen and I held onto my chest to keep my dress up. Three men showed up.

"Damn" said one of them " the Loxar daughter really is a gold medal"

"Shut up Daniel and tie her up" said probably the boss.

"Alright boss" said Daniel and walk towards me. He smirk while carrying ropes.

I back away. "Papa!" I shouted and the door open. I smile but it was not my dad.

Instead a young boy about my age standing there.

"Help" I whisper but then a bag is place over me.

I hear some really horrible noises and then the boy is place in the same bag.

I gasp and so did he.

"Ugh these Brats are heavy!" Shouted Daniel "Here carry them Kyle"

Then I guess Kyle dragged us somewhere "Here open the window" he said.

Is this the end of me? I being to shake but the boy place his hand on my shoulder and smile. He then mouth to me 'Everything will be alright'

I nodded my head yes. "Let go of that bag!" Yell my dad. "Papa?!" I yell "help me!"

"Hang on Juvia!"

And then I could feel that were thrown out the window.

The boy quickly held me in his arms maybe scare but he said something that quickly stole my heart "I'll protect you"

We landed and then the bag is open and were thrown into the back of a van and the started to move quickly.

"Turn around" said the boy and I turn around with my back facing him.

He zipped up my dress. "Thank you" I said.

"My name is gray fullbuster, what's yours?" He ask.

"Mine is Juvia loxar" I said.

"Pretty" he said and I giggle "thank you...why did you protect me from the fall? Didn't it hurt?" I ask

"My daddy always told me no matter who, a girl is still a girl and Its a mans job to protect her" he said and I smile "Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me after all I am a man and its a mans duty to protect the lady"

I feel my heart racing quickly. The door is open and gray held my hand tightly.

"Come on we don't have all day" said the so call Daniel.

Gray got off and help me down only to be pushed down by Daniel.

"Hurry up!" He yell.

Gray help me up quickly.

"Separate those two" said the boss and Kyle took away Gray.

I just stood there helplessly as Gray is being taken away. "Are you Juvia Loxar" ask the boss.

I just stay silent. "Answer me!" He shouted.

"You don't even know If I am or not?" I question and chuckle "what an idiot. What kind of kidnapper are you?"

"So you are her" said the boss.

I frown. He took out his phone and call someone.

"Bring me fifty million dollars if you wish to see your daughter again" said the boss

I smirk the necklace I'm wearing is a tracking device. Idiots.

My papa will be here soon.

"Take her away"

"And do what with her?" Ask Daniel.

"Whatever. I don't care about this brat-" he smirk " how about this...leave the two of us alone"

My eyes widen. I bite my lips from screaming in fear. I back away as the boss walk closer to me.

He stop me by grabbing both my arms and sniff me...ew...

He laugh and kiss my neck. He then kiss my lips and of course I let him.

Its normal that a kidnapper has kiss me before on the lips...besides I've been through worse.

And so I kiss him back waiting. Waiting for him to slip in his tongue.

And what did I do? I bit his tongue.

He push me down making me hit the floor. "Brat!" He scream as blood drip down his mouth. He walk towards me and rip my dress off. "You're going to have to pay me back" and he sat on top of me.

"Papa!" I cried "papa!"

And then the boss fell down to the side with blood down his head.

"" I question only to see gray. I hug gray "I thought I was going through my terrifying nightmare again!" I cry and he hug me back patting my head.

"I'm sorry I took so long" he whisper "here" he took off his shirt and gave it to me. I smile wearing it quickly.

He held my hand "I'm not a prince" he said "But at least I'm a knight" he then ran quickly with me following him while still holding my hand.

We stop once we saw men surrounding the place.

"Hide here" said Gray and let go "I'll come back for you. I promise"

I nodded my head yes "you. You better come back..alive...its an order from this princess" I said afraid.

He chuckle and kiss the top of my hand "I promise you I will be back alive in one piece. I won't die yet until I get to kiss this hand once more" he touch my hand and the let go and left.
I stay hidden with my hands covering my ears and my eyes shut close.

I took a deep breath and open my eyes to see gray smiling.

"G-gray" I hug him and cry "Y-you came back!"

"Obviously. What knight leaves a princess alone?"

I smile and we held hands. He kiss my hand and we ran for our lives.

"W-what?" I ask as I see bodies lying around the floor.

"I'll explain later"

"Did you do this?"

"...I'll..explain later" said Gray once more.

We stop running.

"Papa!" I shouted and ran to my dad "I was so scare!"

"What happen? Are you okay-did...they did it again didn't they" said my dad when he saw me wearing Grays shirt.

"No papa! Gray saved me!" I said smiling happily "Gray protected me! He's my knight!"

"Gray?" My dad look over to gray who's walking towards us.

He then bow "nice to meet you Mr. Loxar. I am Gray Fullbuster"

"Gray fullbuster huh... Well thank you for protecting my daughter...did you do all of this?" My dad ask.

"Yes I did. I only did what I thought was best for the lady sir" he said

My dad laugh "you are one tough boy how old are you?"

"I am a sixth grader, 12 years old"

" daughters also 12 years old you wouldn't mind...being my Daughters knight?"

I then blush "papa!...don't do this to Gray!"

"I-I...I'm not sure Mr. Loxar I'll have to talk with my pops- Father about this"

"Go! Haha I've been searching long and hard for someone like you young man."

We then got in the car as my dads men took over the problem.

"Gray don't you want to protect a cute Lil princess like my daughter?" Ask my dad and I blush "papa stop this!"

"Why Juvia? Don't you want as bodyguard of your age? you want an old man? I've requested for Bora but he's a lot older than you are"

"How old?" I ask. "Hes so old that his teeth are rotted his face is all wrinkly like a crumble paper and his hair is so messy. He smells like he's never had a shower before. And-"

"Stop papa stop" I stop him unable to listen anymore.

My dad laugh and we arrive home where all the guests are. "Wait Gray can you take Juvia to her room so she can get change? And please look after her"

My dad then Threw a blanket at me to cover myself up and me and Gray ran to my room.

He walk in and stood at the door facing it "Change I won't peak I promise"

"Gray can I call you Gray sama?" I ask putting on a new fresh dress.

"Why?" He ask.

"Because Gray you save me" I said and ran to the mirror And put my hair up and jewelry on.

"Alright" he said.

"I'm done!" I said as I hop into my shoes and link my arm with Gray " let's go!"

We walk to the party and I met Lyon.

He glare at me and I tighten my grip "w-why is he glaring at me?" I ask.

"Not to you Juvia. But to me"

Gray then stood beside me throughout the entire party.

When the party ended we both walk into a room with my dad.

"So...would you be willing to protect my daughter for now on?" Ask my dad.

"Papa!" I whine "enough of this!"

"If you wish to ever see that outside world again to see people again then here is your only chance" said my dad "come on boy! Weren't you train for this? Isn't this the path that you chose? You have no wealth since your family's gone bankrupt. Your dad works as an undercover, and now your training yourself to becoming strong so you can protect the ones you love . like a knight! And now you can protect my precious daughter Juvia"

I clench my dress blushing looking down waiting for a yes....but there's only silence.

"Papa I don't want to marry Lyon!" I shouted suddenly.


"Papa the one I love isn't Lyon! B-but Gray..." I whisper his name.

"Alright then! The wedding for you and Lyon in the future is off!"

"No!" Yell Gray. smiling face stop and I stare at Gray

"I have chosen this path not to protect her" said Gray "but to protect Lucy from the Heartfilia family."

...and so...

My heart just shattered.

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