The new starter (Male gligar...

By Superbowie

2.2K 53 23

As there were the three starters in the kanto region. charmander, squirtle and bulbasaur, there was an extra... More

Episode 1: Choose a starter
Episode 2: A wild encounter
Episode 3: Showdown At Viridian
Episode 5: Charmander gets punched in the face
Episode 6: The Forest King

Episode 4: The Caterpie Ambush

388 7 5
By Superbowie

After the fight with the trainer and freeing squirtle from the horrible trainer, charmander and Y/N have now claimed bulbasaur and squirtle as there own pokemon, which charmander would try and train them for them to evolve aswell. But as they did that, they went to explore around places, looking for stuff to find and some food to eat.

So to eat, charmander decided to go for the carnivorous route and threw a sharp stick threw a flying butterfree's body, letting it fall from the air as charmander celebrated his kill.

Charmander: Yes! I got one! Tonight we feast! (Charmander said, going up to the dead butterfree as squirtle and Y/N made a disgusted sound)

Squirtle: ugh, gross, I'm not eating that!

Y/N: yeah man, that's sick.

Charmander: we have to eat something and I'm sure as hell not eating anymore of those cubes (charmander said, squirtle held up a couple of strange cubes)

Squirtle: yeah, I don't know why that guy thought these were food, but we can't eat a pokemom! Isn't that cannibalism or something?

Charmander: probably, the only reason I don't eat bulbasaur or Y/N is because they taste like old spinach and dirt.

Bulbasaur: hey, that's not true, we're delicious (bulbasaur said, licking his vine for a taste as he awed at the taste, turning to Y/N next, which the ground type immediately ran away before that could happen as bulbasaur chased after him)

Charmander: squirtle, you need to understand something, this is the wild, if you wanna survive out here, you gotta learn to toughen up (charmander told him, ripping off the wings of the dead butterfree as squirtle one again let out a disgusted sound)

Squirtle: ugh well you might not be above eating insects, but some of us have standards, right bulbasaur, Y/N? (Squirtle asked, turning to the two that stoped walking as he saw how bulbasaur put on the butterfree's wings that charmander ripped off and put them behind his head while Y/N just looked down and covered his face in disappointment at bulbasaur weird thing of putting on body perts)

Bulbasaur: what, I think they look cool (bulbasaur smiled)

Squirtle: ugh, screw it, I'm gonna go look for berries or something (squirtle said, walking away from the group)

Charmander: suit yourself, more for us (charmander said, poking the butterfree's head as Y/N looked up at charmander)

Y/N: you know...I'm the only one that can fly. I could just leave you all and go somewhere and meet pokemon that don't have the joy to murder and put on there body perts...but no. I still stay with you guys...why? I don't know why, I just stay.

Bulbasaur: awww, you wouldn't leave us, especially me, your my trainer.

Y/N: should've trained you to be less of a psychopath then he is (Y/N spoke to bulbasaur, referring to the murderous fire type near them)

Bulbasaur: charmander, you don't think I'm a psychopath right?

Charmander: shut up you two, seriously, every time you two talk I can feel the intelligence draining from my skull! (Charmander said to the two)

While the three talked and charmander Cooked dinner, a strange figure was watching them from afar, starring at them in anger as this specific pokemon prepared for his attacked.

Charmander, bulbasaur and Y/N were around the butterfree body, it was on fire as charmander put his hands up to feel it's warmth. While they felt the warmth of the corpse, a high pitched voice spoke as it got there attention.

???: ATTACK! (The voice said, a swarm of caterpies jumped out of nowhere and attacked the three, jumping on them as beat them by banging there heads on them till they passed out)

Small timeskip

Charmander slowly walked up from being knocked out. He looked around and saw he was tied up in a strong shot as he was hanging from a tree, bulbasaur was hanging upside down in thesame string shot right next to him, but there was no Y/N to be scene. The grass type noticed charmander had woken up.

Bulbasaur: hey your awake.

Charmander: what's going on? (Charmander asked, looking around at what was happening)

Caterpie leader: I've been waiting for moment for some quite time, lizard! It's high time I get the closure I deserve (a caterpie said, standing infront of the other caterpies that were behind him as this particular caterpie wore a Japanese headband)

Charmander: uhh am I suppose to know you or something? (Charmander asked, angering the other caterpies that were behind the leader that the pokemon they hated didn't know them)

Caterpie leader: perhaps this might refresh your memory (the leader said, pulling out a caterpies head and threw it right in front of them, showing them the head once bulbasaur wear, the head of...the caterpie they murdered)

Bulbasaur: hey, you found my hat.

Caterpie leader: what!? This isn't a hat you psychopath. It's pablo...he was my brother and you killed him in cold blood (the caterpie leader said, reminding them the time of how charmander murdered the poor caterpie)

Charmander: technically it was self defense.

Caterpie: silence your tongue demon, our leader is speaking (a smaller caterpie said on a rock that was right near the two hanging pokemon as charmander stared at it for afew seconds before breathing fire at it, burning the caterpie) ahhh!

Charmander: alright worms, here's what's gonna happen. First your gonna let us down, then your- hm! (Charmander was silenced when the caterpies shot out a string shot at his mouth, shutting him up so he couldn't talk anymore)

Bulbasaur: oh thank God, someone finally shut him up.

Caterpie leader: for too long our kind has suffered in the hands of your reckless cruelty, justice will be served!

Caterpies: JUSTICE! (all the caterpies behind the leader said in unison)

Bulbasaur: what are you gonna do to us? (Bulbasaur asked concerned, afraid at what might happen to him and charmander while he wondered where Y/N went) and wheres Y/N, what did you do to him!?

Caterpie leader: Y/N? Oh You mean the scorpion. Well met show you (the leader said, turning around as the caterpies moved out of the way, letting the leader crawl passed them as it showed Y/N was far behind them, tied in a string shot)

Bulbasaur: Y/N!

Caterpie leader: I saw what you did for my brother, you tried to save him, but sadly the lizard overpowered you...thank you. Thank you for trying to save my brother. And what I shall do with you is simple. We won't do a thing to you, but we shall keep you in our then and you shall be our noble soldier, train you and simply do whatever we ask of you.

Bulbasaur: aww lucky

Caterpie leader: now then back to you two, you! (the leader said, crawling back up to the two as he turned to charmander) the lizard demon will be killed and dismembered, then we shall wear his body perts as accessories to attract mates.

Caterpie: I hope I get an arm!

Caterpie 2: I'm gonna wear his tail on my tail so I'll look slightly longer.

Bulbasaur: that actually sounds kinda neat.

Caterpie leader: you will be kept alive and our people will feast on your succulent bulb for generations to come!

Caterpies: Hmm! (All the caterpies hummed, imagining the deliciousness that bulbasaur bulb provides)

Bulbasaur: oh man, I knew I was too delicious for my own good...

While caterpie leader spoke to the others, Y/N had enough time to escape, using his claw and cutting open the string shot as he got up and sneaked back, backing away to think of a plan to break the other two out. He ran behind a tree, accidentally bumping to squirtle that just came back with some berries as he dropped them on the ground.

Squirtle: wow Y/N, what's up? (Squirtle asked, the two got back up, Y/N put his claw up to his mouth, showing him to be quiet as he pointed at what was happening over there)

Squirtle looked over at what was happening, seeing charmander and bulbasaur all tied up while there was many caterpies there, making squirtle immediately back up to prevent himself from being scene.

Squirtle: holy crap.

Caterpie leader: tonight the lizard dies, our time has come brothers, our retribution is at hand!

Caterpies: revenge!

Squirtle: welp, sucks for them (squirtle smiled, walking way as Y/N immediately stoped him)

Y/N: where are you going?

Squirtle: I'm not being pert of this whole mess and I'm definitely not getting between those guys and whatever grudge they have over charmander so see ya.

Y/N: but they are our friends, we can't just leave them.

Squirtle: maybe you wouldn't, but I can and theres nathing that's going to make me safe them.

Bulbasaur: don't worry charmander, I'm sure squirtle will safe us (bulbasaur said, charmander said afew muffled words that nobody could make out, but bulbasaur could clear understand) what? He wouldn't abandon us, plus your his trainer so technically he has to protect you, it's the rule.

Squirtle: tho come on! (Squirtle said out after hearing what bulbasaur said, making Y/N smile that squirtle now has to help safe them) but theres so many of them...

Y/N: well I think I know what might help us (Y/N said, pointing at the large sharp shiv near them, making squirtle turn to it)

"If you wanna survive out here, you gotta learn how to toughen up" the words charmander said to squirtle echoed threw his mind, getting the idea of how they can use it.

Squirtle: welp, here goas nathing.

Caterpie leader: lower the lizard, we'll start with his head (the leader said, the caterpies were about to do what he had commanded them to do till they stoped when they heard a scream coming from behind them) huh?

Squirtle: ahhhh! (Squirtle screamed, Y/N carried squirtle as he they flew at the caterpies while squirtle held up the shiv, ready to attack them till Y/N couldn't hold onto him for too long as he had dropped him, squirtle slid on the ground on his stomach as he spinned around)

He went in his shell, he hit afew caterpies as he bounced off a small rock and hit more. Y/N was in the air watching the thing go down as squirtle was hitting the caterpies while in his shell by accident. He span to the caterpie leader, the leader managed to doghe the attack as squirtle bounced off the tree charmander and bulbasaur were hanging on as hit on the tree caused the two to fall down while squirtle hit another caterpie once he had bounced off the tree.

When charmander and bulbasaur fell down, it caused the string shots that was keeping them stuck broke. The caterpie leader got back up and turned around, seeing the lizard was free and he wasn't happy at all. He removed the string that was holding his mouth closed and turned to the caterpie leader in anger.

Caterpie leader: ah oh...

Charmander shot out his fire, burning the caterpies as they ran away while on fire and screaming in pain.

Caterpie leader: RETREEEEAT! (The caterpie leader yelled running away while on fire as charmander pounded on one of the caterpies that was trying to run away and bite it's head off)

Bulbasaur: phew, that was a close one huh?

Charmander: this is perfect! We have enemies now! (Charmander said happily)

Bulbasaur: what? (Bulbasaur said, confused at why charmander was so happy at the fact they have enemies)

Charmander: that means they'll wanna fight us and when we win, we'll get more exp

Bulbasaur: I mean yeah, but what i-

Charmander: squirtle, Y/N! (Charmander interrupted bulbasaur after seeing Y/N had flied down next to squirtle while the water type was getting up) squirtle, Y/N that was amazing!

Squirtle: huh? (Squirtle looked at him confused)

Charmander: you took out so many of them at once, that flying shell move was perfect, keep that up and we'll be evolving in no time.

Squirtle: huh, yeah, we were pretty amazing weren't we (squirtle said, getting back up as he enjoyed the praise while Y/N just looked at him boredly)

Y/N: didn't know you planned that, wish you told me that sooner (Y/N said sarcastically)

Charmander: let's do it again.

Squirtle: well I might be able to- (squirtle was interrupted after charmander had picked up squirtle and threw him far) WAAAAA!

Charmander: awsooome! (Charmander followed squirtle, about to throw him a couple more times while Y/N just scratched the back of his head with his claw, he and bulbasaur followed the two)

As the four were walking away and continued there journey, thesame caterpie who now wasn't on fire anymore was starring at them from afar, starring at charmander with hateful eyes.

Caterpie leader: you may have one this time lizard, but I swear on my life, ome day, I will have my revenge- AHHHHHH! (The caterpie leader screamed after he was immediately snatched by a bird pokemon)

And so another day passes with the team still in good shape, but now there adventures sure shall be different after they have gotten themselves a new enemy. What other adventures or pokemon shall these team face off next, let us all find out next time!

The end

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