The Villain is My no.1 Fan!?

By RowanLaneStories

13.8K 663 1.3K

25 years after Houston was destroyed in a brutal supervillain attack, Jay Martin is accepted into the Texan H... More

Authors Note
Not Everyone Can be a Hero
Nobody Listens to Sidekicks
Superhero Kids Don't Make Sense
Even Villains Drink Coffee
Not All Heroes Have Superpowers
Supervillains Can Be Rehabilitated
Sometimes Villains Need Saving
Heroes are a Diverse Lot
A lot of Villains are Gay
Anyone Can be Heroic
Heroes Have to Work Holidays
Common Sense isn't Common
Villains aren't Exempt Either
Heroes Have Fears Too
Villains Always Kidnap Damsels
Some Supers are Parents
Supers are Fabulous
There are Tiers to Villainy
Heroes Always Win
Sometimes Heroes Become Villains
Villains Have Lairs
Villains Like Scheming
Villains are Predictable
Supers Wear Stupid Outfits
Heroes are Celebrities
Happy New Year!
Heroes Rebrand Often
Villains Fight Villains
Supers go on Dates
Heroes Get Healthcare
The Multiverse is Convoluted
Villains are Insane
Heroes Need Training
Heroes Can Be Dangerous
Supers get Hurt
Villain's Need Rest
Heroes Need to be Cautious
Cities With Superheroes Aren't Safer
Superheroes Wake Up Early
Villains are Made, Not Born
Villains Do Horrible Things
Heroes Don't Need Therapy
Villains Never Win
Heroes Get Free Stuff
Heroes Never Get a Break
Villains Summon Great Evil
Heroes Make Dramatic Entrances
Author's Note
Magical Girls Have Epic Battles
Who Reads Superhero Stories?
The Calm Before the Storm
Villains Are Always Interrupted

Tragedy follows Supers

307 18 47
By RowanLaneStories

There are a lot of good things about having superpowers. After all, who wouldn't want a special ability, cool gadgets, and fun outfits? However, like with most things, there are downsides. A big one is the fact that as long as you have a are destined for some tragedy or another.

So far Jay seems to mostly be an exception to the rule, thankfully. Yeah, he's a weirdo, but that's not a tragedy. It's just...upsetting. The kind of upsetting you grow past, or so Jay hopes.

Something quite unfortunate though, is that this rule seems to apply to even young junior heroes. Though his newest partner, Walljumper, doesn't seem like someone who had to endure a tragic past. In fact, the kid seems in extremely high spirits as he catapults himself from building to building.

Which is an idiotic way to get around, in Jay's opinion.

"Walljumper!" he screeches as he runs after the teen, huffing and puffing. "Get. Off. The. Skyscraper!"

The teen tilts his head down, arachnid-like legs twitching as he studies his sidekick. "Why? This is the fastest way to the scene!"

Jay pinches his nose. "You can't seriously—you can't just jump around on buildings! You know if you break something, insurance won't cover stupid spider-teens!"

"Collateral damage," the younger hero jeers as he leaps from the building onto a streetlamp—bending it in the process.

Jay groans. "Please, just let me drive you there. I have a car for a reason!"

"You mean the beat up white van? You got candy in there too, mister?"

Jay squints his eyes, confused at the sudden formality. "I have gum, I guess?"

Walljumper laughs, finally descending from his perch. "You don't really do sarcasm, do you?"

The sidekick huffs as he summons his car with his phone. "Just say what you mean, please."

Walljumper just chuckles as they hustle into the van a few moments later. After a short argument about the necessity of seatbelts, they're both buckled in and speeding off for Discovery Green.

The voice of the director fizzles through the speakers. "Quickwit, Walljumper—please make haste to your destination. Recluse has defaced several works of art already."

"We would be there already if someone wasn't spidermonkeying around," Jay grumbles.

Walljumper scowls at his sidekick. "We're nearly there, director. This'll be over quick—of the two of us, she's got nothing on me."

"Don't be so cocky," Jay scolds, "she clearly has incredible athletic ability, unique powers, and years of experience. You need to be mindful of that, no matter how powerful you are..."

The director cuts in, interrupting Jay's spiel. "Both of you just remember your orders. Houston is counting on you to set a good example."

In unison, both sidekick and hero reply, "roger."

Once at the park, they make haste toward the sculpture garden. They find the acrobatic villainess hanging from a tall metal artwork, spider silk waving between the abstract forms. She grimaces as she spots the heroes, rappelling down gracefully from her sticky webbing.

Walljumper strikes a pose, one hand on his hip and one pointing toward the woman as his gum bubble pops. "Recluse! It's time to give up, it's two against one!'"

The villainess narrows her eyes. "Oh, and the child and the common sense guy are going to take me down?"

"I'm 17," Walljumper grumbles.

Jay huffs, ignoring her barbed words. "Look, I know you don't really want to hurt anyone. You just like to make these—" the sidekick gestures to the webbing covering the statue, "artistic statements, so why don't you just surrender now and—"

"I'm not surrendering! Not until the Network Changes their policies!"

Walljumper groans. "This again? What do you have against junior heroes?! You're my nemesis—don't you see by now I'm just as capable as anyone else?"

"It's not a capability! It's about—it's about the Network building a child army!"

The woman whips her head to Jay, meeting his gaze with steely intensity. "Your power is common sense, right? Tell me—is it really fair that they can enroll any child in the junior hero program, as long as one parent signs off?"

Jay clenches his fists, biting his tongue as he averts his eyes. He can't give his true opinion's here when the camera drones buzz up above them, listening to every word. "I understand the policy is unpopular with many people. But that doesn't mean—"

"Enough talk!" Walljumper crows, "if you're not surrendering, i'm taking you down!"

Jay tenses as Recluse does, grabbing onto the teenager's arm as the kid attempts to lunge forward. "Walljumper, don't! Her crimes so far amount to petty vandalism, you can't be attacking her over that..."

The teen shoves Jay away with his spider-like appendage. "I have my orders and you have yours—stay in your lane, sidekick!"

The blond grits his teeth as Walljumper goes on the offensive, lunging at the villainess. Recluse doesn't even break a sweat, nimbly dodging the attack as she rappels into a new sculpture. Jay can only watch on the sidelines as Walljumper tries and fails to follow, the plucky young hero continuously thwarted by Recluse's quick and efficient movements.

Walljumper attempts to jab with a spider leg, but misses once again. Recluse retaliates for the attack by casting a sticky string of webbing from her wrists, attempting to bind Walljumper to the statue. The teen yells in anger, ripping his arm free and sending a thin spike of metal toward the villainess.

Jay's heart drops as the projectile just nearly misses her head. "Think about what you're doing! You're using too much force!" the sidekick pleads, his voice laced with urgency.

But his words fall on deaf ears as Walljumper relentlessly pursues the villain. He attempts to catch her by the wrist, but Recluse is prepared. She rappels backwards, weaving an intricate barrier between them.

She lands elegantly on a nearby line of web, face contorted into a snarl. "Is this really what you want to do with your life?" She spits, "you could do so much! You could be a doctor, a scientist, anything! Yet you choose to be the pawn of a pseudo-governmental corporation?!"

"Villains just don't get it, " Walljumper smirks. The hero tenses, crouching for a moment before jumping over the barrier, causing both Jay and Recluse to gape at the insane amount of height the teen achieves. But there's no time to marvel as Walljumper lands on one of the spiraling metal arms of the sculpture, causing the entire structure to shudder. Jay's heart jumps as he notes the tension in the support wires begin to vibrate with stress.

"Walljumper—" he screams, attempting to warn the teen, but it's too late. One of the supports snap, causing an arm of the artwork to crumple and fall. The structure begins to fall apart, sending a shower of metal debris cascading down.

Sensing the danger, the young hero attempts to flee the compromised sculpture, but his plan is foiled as he realizes Recluse's sticky webbing has entrapped his ankle. Jay fears the worst as the structure begins to lean, a screeching sound of metal filling the air. But something unexpected happens as the metal begins to warp around Walljumper. Recluse uses her webbing to launch herself to the teen, averting his certain death by weaving a protective barrier around him.

Seeing that the villain is attempting to help, Jay summons his van to their location. The car comes crashing through the ornamental bushes and flowers, skidding to a halt at the statue. "Recluse! Attach it here!"

The villainess spots the car, understanding immediately. Several ropes of web are attached to the bumper, and Jay hops in, pressing down the Gas as hard as possible. It buys them a little time as the descent of the sculpture is slowed, but it's still not enough as the structure begins to creak and moan from the pressure of its own weight. Jay can only watch in his rearview mirror in horror as the entire thing comes to a crash of grating metal, his van getting dragged along helplessly. Just before it collapses completely, the sidekick spots Recluse protectively hugging the teen to her body.

Before the dust even begins to settle, Jay is sprinting to his partner, searching the rubble. As he nears, he's relieved to see Walljumper begin to emerge from the cocoon of webs, relatively unharmed. But Recluse is...


The blonde scrambles over to the villain, immediately pushing her to the ground as she attempts to get up. "You've sustained major injuries! Stay down!'

The villainess moans in pain, her hair askew and mask missing as she leans back. Jay immediately applies pressure to the wound—it's bad, a sharp piece of metal jutting straight into her thigh.

"Walljumper! Get my first aid kid from my car and call 911!"

But the teen is frozen in his spot, shock and dismay frozen on his face as he takes in the scene.

"I don't—I—"

A tear slips down Recluse's cheek as she looks at the young hero. "I just never wanted this for you..."

She goes slack, eyes fluttering shut. Jay whips his head around to his partner, growing increasingly impatient. "Now, Walljumper! We don't have time for this!"

The teen runs to the car, returning a moment later with the first aid kit. Jay begins to stymie the bloodloss, applying pressure to the wound with the sterile gauze. He's not sure how to expect his partner to react to the situation, but as the young falls to his knees, the sidekick is startled as Walljumper begins to sob.

He lifts the villainess' head into his lap, tears escaping the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't—I didn't know. Why would you—why did you..."

The teen hangs his head, biting his lip as he attempts to hold in his emotions. Jay doesn't comment, turning his gaze downward as a theory begins to form in his mind.

Luckily for Recluse, it's not too long until help arrives. The network-branded medi-copter descends at their place in the gardens, rushing the villainess to hospital.

Jay watches them go, anxiety bubbling under his skin as he watches the vehicle whisk her away. Doubts swirl about his mind as he tries to understand if he's at fault for this. Was there anything he could have done to prevent Recluse's injury?

But as much as he frets over the unfortunate situation, he can't help but notice his partner seems much worse off. As the week continues, the teen's attitude shifts from boisterous and brash to eerily quiet and reserved.

Nothing seems to soothe the young man's anxiety. Even with the news of Recluse's stable condition a few days later, he still slips up in battle, with things coming to a head during an encounter with Texas and Taurrage.

This time, the villainous duo had been assaulting a health foods store for selling meat alternatives. The heroes battle well until Texas is thrown through the window...the sight of the centaur on the ground sends the teen into a daze, nearly getting pummeled by Taurrage in his confusion.

Luckily, Jay is quick enough to knock the Minotaur away, giving Walljumper the opening he needs to lunge and cuff the villain's wrists.

After the dust has settled and the villains carted away, Jay attempts to console the teenager as he storms away. "Walljumper! Hey!"

The super stops in his tracks, tense. "What?"

"I was just—you froze up in there. I—" Jay stumbles over his words, attempting to not sound accusatory. "That was really dangerous..."

"Give me a break," Walljumper growls, "we apprehended the villains. That's all that matters!"

The teen jumps into the van, slamming the door. Jay climbs into the driver's side, swallowing the angry comment brewing over the rough treatment of his vehicle.

"Look, you did really good for the first half, but then you almost took a direct hit from a super with enhanced strength. You can't be a hero if you can't protect yourself..."

"Oh shut up, sidekick! As if you can talk! Maybe it wouldn't have happened if I was assigned a partner who actually had real powers! Just take me back to headquarters already!"

Normally, such an insult would've set Jay on an internal rant about the idiocy of adolescent heroes, but even the he can see there's something more going on than teenage hormones. Walljumper is hurting...

Jay taps his fingers on the steering wheel nervously. Is there anything he can do to help?

"Well uh, I can take you back if you want. But you know, you don't have to just sit around HQ just waiting for a call all day. We're low priority right now so, I was going to meet my friend to go to this new you want to come?"

Wallljumper scowls. "Why would I do that?"

"It's been a tough week for both of us. It'll be a nice change of pace. You don't have to, but if your parents say it's okay..."

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, because Walljumper's face crumples as he turns his gaze downward. Jay curses his ineptitude...the reaction all but confirms why the young hero has been so off this week—Recluse isn't just Walljumper's nemesis, she's his mother.

"I can ask my dad, I guess."


Jay turns his attention to his phone, opening his messages.

Quickwit: would it be okay if I brought my partner today?

Quickwit: he needs cheering up.

The blond waits impatiently for a response.

Gannet has a pretty go with the flow attitude, so he'd probably be fine with this, right? The sidekick feels way out of his depth here, he needs some backup...

The teen responds a moment later. "I texted my dad. He said it was okay."

Jay nods, starting up the car. The radio fills the silence as they drive, and the blonde lets his mind drift with the bustle of traffic.

"Why did you become a hero?"

The blond jumps at the sudden question. He collects his thoughts as he stops at a red light.

"My powers made me...isolated when I was younger. I thought becoming a hero would prove that they could be useful."

"Prove to who?"

Jay frowns. "To...myself, I guess, and to the people who doubted me."

"What did your parents think of your powers? Are they happy you're a hero?"

"They didn't—they didn't think I had any powers..."

Walljumper peers out the window morosely, watching the sluggish traffic. "My mom didn't want me to be a hero. She wanted me to hide everything...but I can't really hide six extra eyeballs and four extra limbs. My dad said hero work is the only career I'll thrive in, since I can't blend in..."

Jay hums. "You know, I don't really have extra body parts, but I know what that's like. Sometimes I...I watch other people to see how they act. To emulate them and hide my powers."

"Does it work?"

"Sometimes, but not really."

The teen grimaces. "So for people like us, we're fucked."


"Yes we are! You became a hero to prove yourself, but look at what happened! You're a sidekick, a loser who nobody notices! There's nothing better, is there?! We're just trapped in this shit system!"

Jay sighs, taking a left turn. "Someone noticed me..."

Walljumper grits his teeth. "Who?"

"My friend—the one we're meeting. He doesn't care if my powers make me different."

Jay tightens his hold on the steering wheel. He feels so weak admitting it, but it's true...Gannet, a villain, is the only one who sees Jay for who he really is. A hero...

"It's really hard to find them...but there are people who will give you a chance. You can make it in the world, even if you aren't a hero, if you can find people like that..."

Walljumper slumps in his seat. "It doesn't even matter. My dad and I signed a contract with the Network. Even if I wanted to do something stupid like go to college, I can't...

Jay pulls in front Gannet's apartment complex, parking the car. "Well, you didn't hear this from me, but the Network is legally contracted to release junior heroes from their contract under certain circumstances..."

The young hero perks up immediately. "Really? How?"

"Junior heroes who get accepted into out-of-state schools are legally allowed to void their contract with the Network."

Walljumper's eyes widen. "I don't think we can afford that but..."

"Texas recently joined an interstate tuition exchange program with New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Meaning, you get in-state tuition if you go to one of those states."

'I had no idea—"

Suddenly, both the teen and sidekick jump in fear as someone yanks violently on the passenger door. Gannet leans against the window like a maniac, grinning widely as he squishes his face up against the tinted glass. "Open uppppp!"

Jay snorts, rolling down the window. Gannet pauses as he sees the teenager in the spot where he usually sits.

"Oh, hello..."

Jay rubs his neck awkwardly. "I texted you...did you see it?"

Gannet shakes his head, looking at his phone. His eyes dart about the screen as he reads Jay's pleas for assistance in cheering up the moody teen. Thankfully, he seems onboard, grinning as he clambers into the backseat.

"Where are we taking this teenager in your van, Quickwit?"

Jay glares at the joke. "Put your seatbelt on—we're going to that place you mentioned, arcadia..."

"Wait, we're going to that arcade that serves alcohol?!" Walljumper grins.

"Wait what? What kind of arcade serves alcohol!?"

Gannet laughs. "That's why I wanted to go! They have a signature Pixamena cocktail!"

Jay pinches the bridge of his nose. "Damn it—I didn't know that..."

"It's fine, they let kids in until 8," Gannet adds.

"I don't know..."

"C'mon Quickwit—we'll get the kid a butterbeer."

Jay rolls his eyes, putting the van into gear as he pulls onto the road. "You know I can't drink at all while I'm on duty, right? Not even beer."

"We'll get you a butterbeer."

"So you just wanted a designated driver?"

"No," Gannet pouts, "I wanted to force you to play rhythm games with me."

"Dude, you'll never get him to dance," Wallcrawler laughs, "he's got a stick up his ass."

"Hate to agree with the itsy bitsy nuisance, but he's right."

"Oh you'll dance all right!" Gannet crows.

Jay grins, turning the van onto the highway. This was a good idea...the mood immediately brightened with the introduction of the villain. How ironic. 

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