I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

26.6K 1.1K 218

Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 7- Housemates
Stage 8- Its Her
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run
Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?

754 33 3
By KingYuuko1317

Becky's Pov

Everything is now ready.

The only one thing i need to do and think of, is on how i will bring Freen to our wedding venue with out her having an idea that it is actually our wedding.

" Yoh.. Whats with the long face?"Noey said as she sat on the sofa next to me.

" I dont know what to do. " i said frustratedly.

" I thought Everything is ok?" she asked.

" Yup. But i still have a problem. . its Freen. . How can i bring her to the venue without her suspecting or having any idea that its our wedding. I want to surprise her remember? " i said then sigh.

" why dont you blind fold her? " said Irin from the kitchen.

" Are you really that stupid irin?" Noey said.

" im just trying to help!" said Irin

" then youre not helping. "

" come on.. The two of you stop fighting. " said mind.

Wondering why we can talk about the wedding so loudly ? its because freen is out with lisa, charlotte and rosé.

" Guys think." i said in a begging tone.

" Ok. I have an idea but you might say im a sadist again. " said noey.

" You are a sadist. A scaredy cat  sadist  " said irinn then smirked.

" owh shut up smart ass!" yelled noeya.

I Sighed. These two... when will they stop fighting like this?

" Anyway.. Whats the plan then?" i asked to changed the topic because Noey is about to stand .. probably to hit Irin. Worst try to kill her.

" owh yes.. So heres the plan. .."


After arranging all the thing related to Noey's plan.. Which.. I think is A cool idea.. But really.. its a bit cliché and ah nevermind.

Were now here at some club house where Noey is busy talking with her friends.

No one from us thought that Noey knew people like them and that made Irin behave like a real good kid. Or should i just say shes just waiting for the right time to attack those cute girls whose obviously interested with Noey.

" Ok. Everything is settle. All they need is our signal and date when will they do it. " said Noey

" yosh! thanks noey. " i said then hugged her. And i smiled when i saw her blush.

Shes really cute when shes not on her serious mode or sadist mode.   So i cant blame Irin for falling for her..

Im sure everything's going to be perfect.. All we need to do is do everything we planned.

Well.. Atleast thats what i thought. .


" Becky , sorry.." said Freen while panting.

" Why?" i asked and guide her to sit beside me.  Its our last class for today. And before the other class ended earlier. She was called by her club president.

" We suddenly had practise today. I wont even be able to attend our last class. President Song said were excuse. I just came here to let you know. " she said with a pout.

And i smiled. She run her way back here just to tell me this? Really.. I love this girl.

" nah its ok go on and enjoy the practise. I'll just wait for you here until your done.. Then lets go home together. " i said while smiling.

" Is it really ok?" she asked worriedly.

" unh and besides the others are still here. So dont worry. Ok? just enjoy the practise."

" Ok. I promise i'll be back as soon as i can. Hmm?" she said and before she go.. Because one of her club mates already called her. She kissed me on my lips.

Which earned me lots of teasing when she finally got out of our class.

" nice scene Armstrong!!" yelled yha

" Yeah.. I totally envy the two of you. " said the other one.

" You should have said yes to me then. " Jade said which i dont know if she's just joking or serious. But because of that the attention transfered to them.

I just sat on my place quietly while watching them tease Jade 

" You look so happy. " said Lisa who sat next to me.

" So happy." i answered with a warm smile.

" Im glad. But then, Rebecca? "

" hmm?" i looked at her she usually call  me rebecca when were talking about serious things and for the first time i saw.. She look so worried.

" Are you really ok? I dont want to be rude.. But.. I heard you talking over the phone.. " she said then look down.

and i know what shes talking about. Maybe one of the phone calls i received from Aunt Nan.

" i'll be fine Lisa. So dont worry. "

" but Rebecca. "

" Now.. Now.. Dont be so worried. Hmm? Anyway how is it? You and Jennie?" i asked and she immediately blush but didnt talk.

" Does that mean.. Still no progress?" and Lisa smiled sadly.

" She became more distant to everyone. I cant even talk to her properly." Lisa said.

" I see.  I noticed that too. And im worried."

" You know something about her don't you?" she asked.

" unh. But i have no right to tell it to anyone. Its her choice. if she wants to share it with some else. I just learned it by mistake. " i explained.

" I see.. I have a long way to go then. " she said and smiled.

" good luck. I hope you can help her. "  i said then our teacher for our last subject came.

I wasnt actually listening to her. Im busy thinking about my friends and specially Freen.

Its a good thing that  mind and Nam were now with each other. The guilt i feel for Mind is now gone. And im happy for the both of them.

Sooyaa and Rosé. Even tho i dont really like Rosé for my sooyaa...  Well i still have a little grudge on her. She almost had Freen.. ..But sooyaa looks so happy when shes with her. So i guess thats Ok. And besides. I cant deny the fact that she took care of freen while im being so stupid.

Charlotte and Engfa, Still the same. Engfa still pursuing Charlotte . But Charlotte is holding onto her words. That Engfa is too young.

then Noey and irin.. I don't know why but really.. Its getting more obvious   .. Noey feelings for irin  and i actually want to smack Irin's head to realize that.

Maybe shes too drawn on thinking that Noey still dont like her so shes still trying so hard to get Noeys attention to the point that Noey will end up pissed off with her.

Where in the first place. All she needs to do now is show Noey how serious she is. Confess to her with full sincerity. We all know how much Irin loves Noey. But her way is not good

Her way is a mixture of seriousness and foolishness. which is not really a good combination  to finally get Noey.

Well.. Im sure everything will work out for them in the end. So i dont have to worry too much.

Whom i really worried for is Jennie

Lisa is right.. She became more distant than ever. She even skip classes most of the time.

i really hope Lisa can help her.

I look out side the window and just watch the leaves from the tree fall.

I wonder what Freen is doing right now. Im sure shes enjoying the practise.  Then i felt my pocket vibrates and i pulled out my phone and look at it under the table.

I got two Messages

One from Jennie And one from freen. And of course i opened Freens first.

'+i wish you are here with me'

Says the mail which made me smile. 

' *same here.. on break?'  i asked.

'+ unh.. but the practise is so hard. They want us to perfect all our lines.. '

' * but why the sudden? does the school has an up coming event?'

I asked again. Coz i dont have any idea. But if we do.. Surely they will tell the press club. Because we have to cover that.

'+ .. we were told not to tell anyone yet.. they even made us promise because the said the president will come.

After reading her message my eye brow raised. Really? but then a smirk form on my lips.

'* well.. My princess is a bad girl then.

I teased and im guessing her eyebrows were twisting right now.

'+ and why is that?

im now smiling while reading her reply. She hasnt realized it  haha

' * you just said they made you promise not to tell anyone. Yet youre telling me now.

after sending my reply i look around to make sure no one is watching me.

Then my phone vibrates.

'+ Jeezz! Beckyyy!

Thats her reply and i cant help it anymore. a giggle finally escape from my lips.. Im sure shes pouting right now for realizing what she had done.  and in an instant everyone is looking at me.

Why not? who would be in their right mind to giggle in the middle of your Advance Thai History class?

" are you alright Ms. Armstrong?" Professor Pon asked suspiciously. like she knows im doing something i should not do on her class.

" n-nothing professor. Sorry" i said and gave her an apologetic smile but she just gave me a blank stare and went back to what her doing.

Scribbling words on the board that i dont understand because im not listening.

then i had the feeling that someone is looking at mrand when i turned around i saw Irin grinning at me widely.   Like saying 'i know why you giggled' . I just gave her a wink then she turned her head back to professor kuragami.

I shook my head. As if shes really listening.

I waited for another couple of minutes before looking at my phone again and type my reply.

'* haha dont be mad baby. I love you.

I said and i got an immediate reply.

'+ you're so mean. I wont tell you anything next time! hmmff anyway i have to go.. Practise starts again.

No i love you too? i asked to my self but a smile formed on my lips again when i felt my phone vibrates.

'+ just wait for me in our class room. Ok? and I love you too.

I put my phone back on my pocket with a contented smile and face our professor whose busy talking about some time on 1352 which im sure no one is listening.

" Becky" said a voice from my back followed by a pat on my shoulder.

I looked behind me and saw Noey and others.

" Youre spacing out" said Charlotte with a cute giggle.

" yup.. You didnt even realized that the class was already dismissed and look" said Lisa handing me her phone. And i saw my picture smiling like..

" You look like an idiot" said Irin and laugh.

" So what? im happy" i said then smirk when Noey smack her head.

" tsk why did you have to do that?" she asked while rubbing her back.

" just trying to help. " said Noey in a matter of fact tone.

" help? what kind of help is that?"Irin asked irritatedly.

Really. . When will they stop. I looked at Nam hoping she'll stop the two but then i saw her exchanging voiceless words with Mind

Lisa and Charlotte seems to enjoy watching.

" i waa just hoping that by shaking your head your brain cells will wake up so you can think properly  " said Noey then laugh.

" hey stop fighting" i finally said. Because its obvious that noone wants to stop them.

" anyway why are you guys still here?" i asked to change the subject.

" waiting for you? and wheres freen? she didnt attend our last class.. "Noey said and im sure i heard Lisa whisper.

' Jennie didnt too.'

But i think im the only one heard it.

" you guys go first. Freen has theater practise and i told her i'll wait for her. " i said.

" i see.. You sure youre fine alone? We can all stay here with you so we can go home together. " said Nam

" Yup im fine. Go home .. I can manage.. " i said and gave them a reassuring smile.

" ok then see you at home. " said Noey and grab her back.

" Nring foods" said Irin as they walk their way to the door.

Having friends like them makes my life more joyful. Thanks to them freen and i were getting stronger.

maybe if it wasnt for them freen and i were still on our cat and mouse act.

If its not Freen chasing me. It'll be me chasing Freen back.

Lean on my desk. Maybe i'll just take a nap while waiting for her. And as soon as closed my eyes.. I fell into a dreamless calm sleep.


Freen's Pov

I hurriedly went to where my bag is when our president said our practise is over.

Damn i didnt expect it to be that long. As soon as i reached my bag i fetch my phone out of it and check if becky messaged me.

But theres nothing and when i look are the time.

" crap!" i gasp.

" are you ok Freen? Nice work by the way. " said one of our club members.

" oh thanks you too. But i have to go. " i said and without saying good bye to others i run out of the theater.

Is already 8 oclock.

Our last class ended about 3 hours ago. I wonder if Becky already left. But she said she'll wait for me and we'll go home together.

While taking my way back to our class i pulled out my phone again and dialed Becky's number.

But after a couple of tries with out an answer i start 5o become nervous.

then i dialed irins number.

" Yoh! are you on your way home? Lisa cooked dinner" said Irin on a super cheerful voice.

" is becky with you?" i asked.

" huh? i thought shes with you?" she said confusedly. and without answering her i ended the call and start running towards our lass room as fast as i can.

There i saw the rooms is lighten.

Then moment i open the door i found Becky. Her head leaning on her desk.

I walk slowly. My heart beats so loud because of nervousness and because i run.

" Becky?" i called but she didnt response. I sat beside her holding my breath 

But a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth when i heard her soft and calm breath.

" you made me worry .. " i whispered as i stroke her silky hair. but how should i wake her up?

By a kiss?

Then i tried to brush off the hair that cover her face. But all i can see is her cheek.

i pout but a naughty smile formed on my lips.

I lean down and start to rain candy kisses on her neck that i can reach. Then to her arms.

Kissing every inch of her skin.. Then i heard her groan and move slightly. But i didn't stop kissing her arm.

i felt her raise her head.

" Freen?" she called.

I looked up and smiled at her.

" what are you doing?" she asked confusedly.

" i was trying to wake you up. " i said trying to be so innocent.

" by kissing my arm?" she asked again and i pout.

" i wanted to kiss you on your lips but i cant reach it. so i decided to just kiss any part of you that i can reach.  " i said and there i saw her smile.

" and since when did you became this naughty?" she asked jokingly.

" just now?" i replied with a giggle but my giggle was stopped because she pulled me and kissed me on my lips.

It was a long hot kiss.

" i want everyday to be like this. " she said when we pulled away.

" always a perfect day eh?  " i said and caress her face.

yes everyday with her .. No matter what happened.. Its always a perfect day.

" lets get married as soon as possible. " she suddenly said which made me stare at her. Is she joking?

But i cant trace any sign of not being serious on her eyes.

" Becky"

" i love you. " she said then kiss me again.

" i want to spend the rest of my life together with you. " she said in almost a whisper.

" i love you too.. So when?"  i asked.

" when?"

" yes when.."

" you want it tomorrow?" she asked.

" what?"

" lets get married tomorrow. " she said in a serious tone.

" Mow.. You got to be kidding me Becky!! "

" im serious!" she said with a frown.

" b-but im not ready yet.. "

" not ready yet? for the honey moon? we already did that right?" she asked with amusement.

" What? pervert! thats not what i mean! The preparation! I dont even have a dress yet!" i said and im sure my face is really red now.

But then Becky started laughing.

" im just kidding about the honey moon. But ok then. Not tomorrow. Maybe the next day? lets choose your dress tomorrow. "  she said and now im not sure if shes serious or not.

But that doesnt matter. I'll marry her right now even in our school uniform.

" neh lets go home? its getting really late. " she said and stood up.

" unh .."

" but buy some foods first. Irin says we should bring foods " Becky said as she help me put my back pack on.

"  but she told me Lisa cooked. " i said when we got out of our class room.

" Really? she did? i didnt know that she can cook." Becky said. I just shrugged my shoulders.

She then reach for my hand and intertwined it..

We were walking our way home in silence. No one dared to speak. its like theres nothing we have to say to each other. Just being next to each other is enough.

But then Becky stopped walking When we reached the park so i stopped to.

" its her right" i heard a man said and when i looked in front there are no less than 4 men in front of us.

Becky immediately put me behind her and held my hand tighter.

" Im not sure. The only instruction i was told was to get the girl that stayed back in classroom A-1. " said the man that looks like a hoodlum.

I looked at Becky. They are after her? But why? Who are these people? does yuko know them?

and my last question was answered.

" Who are you? What do you need from me?" she asked.

She don't know them.

But no one answered them.

" How bout the other girl?" asked the man with an ugly skull tattoo on his arm.

" She saw us . Take her too. " said the man at the back. becky held me tighter and keep me on her back.

" Stay away from us. What do you want!? Who are you!?" she asked . I looked around hoping there are people who can help us but to misfortune no one is around.

" get them." said the man at the back.. And the next thing i know was my face is covered with some cloth and i smelled something funny .. Then everything went blank.


I woke up because of some loud shouts.

" Why the hell did you bring that girl along!" yelled a girl.

" Shes with her so we dont have a choice but to bring her. " said the man that i recognise. he was one of the guys who attacked us.

" But i dont want her here!" yelled the girl again.

I slowly opened by eyes. But the moment i saw whose infront of me. My tears immediately fall from my eyes.

I tried to call her name but i cant. My mouth is covered with a tape.

" hhgksbf!" i tried to scream. I want to go to her  but like her my hands are tied on the chair im seating.

" Shut up!" yelled the girl and when i looked at my right side. There she is. Standing next to the guys with tattoo.

" hmfka!" i was trying to say let me go. But all a can do is scream wordless.

" Be quiet. You'll wake my princess. " she said and walk towards Becky.

Whose still unconscious. Her head is dead down. Blind folded and tied up  she looks so helpless.

Who the hell is this girl?

" You. Get rid of her. I dont want her here. But don't you dare hurt her. My princess will  hate me if anything happened to that bitch. " she said and caress Becky's face insanely.

" F-Freen" i heard her say.

" hmmghnj!" i screamed again.

the Becky slowly raised her head.

" F-Freen! Is that you? are you ok?" she said worriedly.

" Yes my princess. Dont worry. I wont hurt her as long as you do what i want" said the girl.

" Who the hell are you? Let us go!" said Becky trying to free her self but its impossible.

My tears wont stop falling. All my energy suddenly got drained when this crazy girl looked at me. i cant even take my eyes off her.

" You dont know me. But i know everything about you. Ive been watching you. " said the girl dreamily.

Shes insane. I thought. 

" Please. Just dont hurt her. I'll do anything. " becky begged. And i saw a triumph smile on the girls lips.

" Well then..  Let go of that girl.  Make sure she gets home safe. I dont want my bride getting so worried about not so important things.." said the girl.

What is she talking about?

" W-what bride?" asked Becky in panic.

" Nothing. Anyway i want you to see her for the last time. " said the girl.

" What? This is insane! Stop it n--!" but she stopped when she saw me. Her eyes went wide.

" What did you do to her! ! I swear .. Im gonna kill you all! " Becky yelled.

" I didnt do anything yet. If you stick to what you said.. You'll do anything i want. Right?" She said .

" Youre insane." becky said in almost a whisper as she look at me hopelessly.

" Now take that thing out of my sight. " said the girl and the guy with a tattoo obeyed instantly.

What the hell did just happened. One moment everything is perfect. But now..

Its the worst.


Authors note'

OK. REally! what have i done? this is really insane!

I dont know how to fix this. This part is crazy!


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