I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

26.6K 1.1K 218

Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 7- Housemates
Stage 8- Its Her
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure

1.1K 51 2
By KingYuuko1317

Freen's Pov

"They look so happy.. " i heard becky said while watching our friends play in the pool.

I wanted to join but becky said im not allowed to go near the pool area.

i never felt this happy before. never.

Just being with her like this. Sitting on a bench while cuddling and our hands intertwined while watching our friends enjoy themselves..

" unh. They are so happy that were ok now. "

" Were lucky we met them. " she said and start playing with my fingers and lean on me closer.

I nodded. Maybe if we don't have friends like them. We wont go this far.

Who would help us to get back together?

" oi! love birds! join us here!" yelled mind.

We just wave our hands signing them nit to mind us.

" Bec. Did you know that mind was in love with you?" i asked.

I felt her nod.

" And im guilty for using her to push you away even tho i already know that fact. Sometimes i realize that im not a good person like what other people say.. " she said and sigh.

" i think she knows that you knew. " i said and pull her closer.

" Then why? She even help us get back together. "

" Thats because she knows. You wont be really happy even if she'll have you.. like Rosé. She also knows that i'll only become truly happy if im with you.. Thats what love is.. You know that right?" i asked.

She hugged me tighter.

" In order to be truly happy.. You need to get hurt or hurt someone else. " i nodded and we didnt speak for awhile..

Love is never easy for everyone. Just look at irin and Noey.. They both love each other yet the other one cant admit it.

Even Rosé.. Becky told me that Jisoo likes Rosé to... Jisoo dont want to confess because she thinks Rosé still likes me. And the other one thinks that Jisoo like Becky.

But i hope after Becky gave Jisoo some 'advice' . Those two will find their happiness.

But now that i think about them. I looked around.

" Hey becky.. I cant find Rosé.. " i said still looking around.

" Im already right next to you and youre still looking for someone else?" she asked them pout. I gave her a frown.

" you did that to me too. remember? looking for Jisoo while im already in front of you? "

" So? its your revenge?" she asked in a sad tone and gave me a puppy eyes.

" Crazy of course not. But really. I cant see her. "

She glared at me.

" But seriously. Even Jisoo.. I cant see them " now shes smiling at me like an idiot.

" You look creepy. " then she pout again but immediately smile again

" Rosé is making her move. " she said.

" i saw her asked Jisoo for a talk. " she added while raising her eye brows up and down.

" I see.. I hope they'll be fine.. What about those two? Arent we going to do something about them?" i asked and looked at Noey and Irin.

Noey is now trying to drown Irin..

" They'll be fine.. Trust me.. They already know what to do.. " she said and kiss the back of my hand.

" Freen.. Lets go somewhere else.. " she said and stood up.

" where?" i asked as she grab my hand and helped me to stand up.
but she just gave me a wink.

" Hey! Where are you going??" Irin yelled.

" Were hungry! Just going to get some food." becky answered.

" Aahh. Bring some for us when you came back!" becky  just waved her hand and started dragging me.

But then we didn't go to the hall. Becky continued walking until we reached the shore but then she stopped.

" Someone is already here. " she said in a low voice.. When i looked i saw two figures sitting on the sand while looking at the sea..

" Come on.. im sure you dont want to ruin Rosé chance. " and again she started dragging me.

We ended up in front of our room because we have nowhere to go.

" Let's just go back" i said but she shake her head.

" I want to have you all by myself .. Lets just stay here . " she said and opened the door.

We sat in the sofa and cuddle again . We just stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

" Becky. Are you really ok?" i asked worriedly.

Im thinking that she wants us to be alone because shes not ok after that race. That she doesnt want the others to worry.

" Im fine babe. I just really want to be alone with you. Dont you want this??" she asked

" Of course i do! " she hugged me tighter

" Freen.. Are you happy?" she asked.

" Do i really have to answer that?" i asked and now shes playing with the ring she gave me. Rotating it on my finger.

" I wanna hear it from you.. Because if you don't know. Right now.. Im the happiest person living on earth. " she said the intertwined our fingers.

I cant help but to smile.

" yes becky.. Im so happy. Just like you.. "

" i love you Freen.. " she whispered.

" i love you too Becky. " i replied and again.. We became silent.. Just sitting here while cuddling.. Feeling each others warmth.

I can't imagine what would happen to me if i haven't had Becky back.

Well.. Probably still chasing her until she comes back. Said the voice at the back of my head.

And i let out a soft chuckle.

" Huh? why? " Becky asked but i just shook my head.

" Becky. About the operation.. aren't you gonna reconsider it?" i asked as i lean closer to her. She hugged me tighter in return.

" Hmm..Now that i asked you to marry me.. I will.. " she said and kiss the back of my hand..

" Really?"

" unh.. But would you think im selfish if i'll ask you to marry me first before the operation? " she asked and bury her face on my neck..

" Why would i think that way?" i asked..

" I want to marry you only if i know that you are the one my heart wants.. and.. That.. Even if i die because of the operation.. I already have you.. jeeez~ im so selfish.. right?" she said and bury her face deeper on my neck.. I held her tighter.. I can feel my neck getting wet.

" youre not selfish.. I want that too. Actually even if we dont get married. You already have me and you know that.. Dont you? "

She nodded..

" but marriage is still different. And i know.. You want to walk down the aisle.. It was your dream right? our dream.."

" Thank you . " i said and lift her face from my neck..

" it doesnt matter if we'll walk down the aisle or not.. As long as youre the one im marrying.. " then i kissed her lips gently at first.. then i start moving my lips and Becky response aggressively.

She let her back rest on the sofa.. And without breaking our kiss she lift me making me straddle on her.. I put my arms on her neck and she pulled me closer by pulling my waist towards her body..

" Saroc~~~ hmmm" she moaned between our kisses.. Then i felt her hands slip inside my shirt..

I just let her do what she wants because im busy responding to her kisses.. Then i felt something loosen on my chest..

I tried to pull away.. But the moment our lips parted Becky crossed the gap between our lips and kissed me wildly..

I moaned loudly when she suck my tongue hard and let go of my lips.. damn its just a kiss but i can feel my whole body getting hot.. And i cant stop too. i want more..

" Freen raise your arms.. " i heard her said. My head is still
cloudy but i did what she asked me to do. Then she hurriedly pulled up my shirt and just throw it somewhere..

thats the time i realized what was loosen on my chest.. It was my cream colored lacy bra.. She unbuckled it and now shes slowly removing it totally until my breast were revealed to her eyes..

" beautiful... Really beautiful. " she whispered and i watched her as she caress both of my mounds lovingly..

" B-becky.. " i said and tried to cover my chest. I dont know why i suddenly felt embarrassed being half naked in front of her. Becky already saw everything in me.

" its ok babe.. They are beautiful.. " she said and gently remove my arms on my chest.

A gasp escaped from my mouth when she suddenly dived and start sucking my nipples.

" B-bec" i moaned. Becky do touch my breast but this is the first time she did this to me..

And the pleasure is so overwhelming. And with her free hand she started massaging my other breast while occasionally teasing the tip of my nipple with her thumb..

The burning feeling inside me increases and i felt something unfamiliar between legs.. Its new but i know what it was..

Becky on the other hand started to suck my other nipple.. I moaned as i pull her head closer..

"Becky... " she then suddenly stopped and i groan in protest but my lips were immediately shut my her own lips..

Bhe let go of my lips and started tracing my jaw line down to my neck... i tilt my head to give her more access.. And she started to lick and suck my neck and i know she'll leave a mark.. Again.. Like she always do.. Saying she wants to show everyone that im hers..

" B-becky S-stop.. Hmm.. I-its not fair.. " i said but im not pushing her away from me..

She then pulled away and looked at me.. I can see how deep and dark her eyes were and im sure i looked the same..

she waited for me to speak.

I tried to catch me breath before speaking.

" Its not fair that im the only one being undress.. " i said as i tag her shirt.. And i saw her lips formed it to a naughty smile.

" Then undress me.. " she said naughtily.. I blushed but i did what she said. I slowly removed her shirt followed by her black bra and just throw them somewhere like what she did..

i looked at her chest.. And trace her scar..

" I really love this scar.. " i said then i lean down to kiss every inch of it..

" Sarocha.. " i heard her moan when i shift my lips around her harden nipple and did what she did to me..

when im satisfied.. my kisses startd to went up to her neck.. And started giving her wet kisses..

" let me mark you.. " i said and started sucking a particular spot without waiting for her response.

" God.. Babe.. " she said when i give her a final long suck before letting go of her skin..

" Becky.. Bed" i whispered.

She pulled me for another kiss and the next thing i know is im floating then i felt my back touched a soft surface..

she pulled away when she totally lay me on bed. Staring down at me with those eyes..

" Freeb, You know what will happen if we dont stop right now.. " she said softly as she brush off some hair strands on my face.

" I know.. And you know we both want this.. Right?" i asked..

She nodded lightly.. But she looked worried.

" I'll be fine.. You'll be gentle.. Right?" i asked again and caress her face..

Shes scared to hurt me again. I am too because we both know the fact about how it feels if its your first..

" Of course i'll be gentle.. You are the sadist here.. Remember?" she said jokingly..

" Crazy. " i said ..

" But its not about that . Were not yet.. " She said..

" Not yet married and you respect me? I know that... I always know that.. But its fine becky.. I won't regret anything if i did it with you .." i answered then i was the one to pull her head down for a kiss..

A kiss that finally defeat the last bit of control we had.

Becky's tongue started to explore my mouth.. And my own tongue is giving a fair fight. h
Her hands roaming randomly around my body.

" B-becky.. hmmm." i moaned between Our kisses. Then her lips went down to my neck again. Raining candy kisses up to my ear.. She suck my earlobe which gave me shiver..

then down to my neck again.. Traces wet kisses on my collar bone.. Then to my chest .. Caressing both of my mounds as she start to suck one of my nipple again.

" Becky..." i called out again then stroke her hair..

She swirl her tongue around my nipple and suck it again.. And did the same to the other one..

She looked at me as her kisses went down to my stomach.. i can see desire..want..Need and love on her eyes.. I smiled at her and gave her a slight nod.

I felt her hook her thumbs on my shorts and slowly pulled it down.. And just throw it on the floor..

then without saying a word she lean down and start kissing my still covered center..

But i can feel the heat coming from her lips thru the thin clothe which give me too much pleasure.. it made me close my eyes but opened again when yuko called my name..

" Freen. "

" Bec...." i answered my breathing is getting so rough.

" Your so wet baby.. And you really smell and taste good.. Will you.. " the she tag my panties lightly.. I nodded and with that she removed my panties so fast.

And i saw how Becky's eyes shine so bright with those emotions i saw earlier..

" Your really beautiful down here Freen. " she said without taking her eyes off my center.

i blush because of that ..

" y-your not being fair again. " i said instead. And she looked at me with asking eyes.

" Im totally naked now but you still have your clothes.. " i said and she smiled. Then she removed her remaining clothes.

" fair now?" she asked naughtily ..i smiled and nodded.

I reach out my hand and caress her face. I slowly pull her down and our lips meet again.

We kiss each other hungrily but i let go with a gasp when i fell her leg between my legs rubbing gently on my center.. And when i look at her.. Shes staring deeply on me..

" B-becky. " i whispered.

" Let me... Let me make you feel better.. " she said her lips touching mine while shes speaking. I nodded lightly and she give me a quick kiss on my lips before descending down to my center.

She nudge me to bend my knees and open my legs wider and she position her face in front of my center.

" B-becky.. W-what t--- aah.. Gosh!" Becky suddenly lean down her head and start kissing me down there.

All i can do is to moan. Close my eyes and feel the pleasure shes giving me. Pleasure that i never felt before..

I grip the bed shit so tight when i felt her tongue found my clit. She start to tease it which makes me moan louder.

I dont care anymore if someone will here me.

" aaah! oh gosh Becky .. hmmmm" i moaned and arch my back in pleasure when she suck my clit.. She just hum in response which made a soft vibration . Then i felt something building up inside me..

" B-babe.. S-stop.. Hmm.. S-stop.. p-please" i begged but im not even sure if i really wanted her to stop.

All i know is that pleasure is all over my body now.. And Becky doesnt seem to listen to what i said instead she kept licking and sucking my clit. Faster and harder..

The next thing i know was something overwhelming exploded inside me which made me arch my back and i let out a silent scream..

I was panting so hard when i lay my body on the bed.. My eyes were still close.

I felt Becky move then i felt a wet thing touch my lips. I tried to open my eyes and find out it was Becky kissing me.. But her lips taste different. And before i could realize what it was she pulled away and smiled at me.

" You taste good.. Dont you?" she asked.

I see.. So thats how i taste..

" unh.. Specially when it was mixed with your lips" i said then caress her face but stopped when i felt her hand between my legs. And i felt my body became hot again.

" Are you ready?" she asked worriedly.

" i'll be fine.. " i said and kiss her. She start caressing my center and i cant help but to let out soft moans.

she slipped her middle finger on my folds and found my sensitive clit.

" B-babe.." i moaned and put my arms around her neck.

Shes just staring intently on me While moving her finger until she found my entrance..

" Freen.. " she called and i know what she want. I widen my legs more to give her more access.

Then she slowly dip her finger inside me.

" Freen.. Damn.. Your so tight and warm inside.. It feels like my finger is going to melt. " she said softly and i blush. The way she describe it was so.. Seductive.

" it wont hurt yet princess... " she added and she start to move her finger inside me in and out. Letting my walls to adjust.

" B-becky.. Hmm~ f-faster.. " i said.. but becky shook her head.

" lets take it slow.. I dont want to hurt you.. " she said then kiss my forehead.

But i want more. So i move my hip forward meeting all her thrust but every time i try to make the phase faster she'll stop and do her own phase.

" B-becky.. Please.. "

" tell me what you want. "

" I.. I want you.. I want more of you.. " i said in almost a whispered. I never thought id beg for something like this. she'smaking me crazy.

She lean down and kiss me on my lips but i gasp when i felt the sudden emptiness inside me. I looked at her with confusion but i blush when she raised her finger coated with my wetness.

" This time it will hurt.. " she said in a worried tone again.

" I'll be fine.. Dont worry.. " i said as she position her hand on my entrance again.

I hugged her tight burying her face on my neck and i felt her kiss my skin.

She gently rub my entrance and slowly push her self in.

I bit her shoulder blade when i felt a sudden sharp pain. It feels like something is getting ripped inside me.

Becky stopped to let me adjust from the pain. She didnt even complain about her shoulder. When i felt that the pain is tolerable.. I let go of her shoulder.. She looked at me with her worried expression.

" B-becky.. Move.. " i said and move my hip forward again. I saw her bit her lower lip before i close my eyes and kiss me.

She start to move her two fingers.. I think .. Inside me in and out slowly. Until the pain is totally gone.

i waited for her to move faster but she kept her phase slow.

I know shes just being gentle but this is too much. I can feel something inside me building up again but because of her slow phase it'll be gone before i reach it. Then it will build up again.

It feels so good but i also feel frustrated..

" d-damn becky.. F-faster.. Hmm~~" i said and held her arm tight.

" Hmm.. My princess is being impatient. " she said with her teasing voice which made me open my eyes and i saw her smirking at me.

Damn.. Shes been teasing me.. i bit my lower lip.. She'll pay for this later.

" You look so hot when you do that. I enjoy watching you.. " she said naughtily.

" y-your so mean.. B-Babe.. please.. " i said.. Damn she'll really pay for this..

And with that Becky started moving her fingers inside me faster. I held onto her tighter and move my hip following er rhythm.

I Can feel it again. the building sensation inside me like earlier but this is more..

" B-bec.. I.. Im cuming.. " i said and with a few more hard and fast trust something exploded in me again. Becky continue thrusting her fingers inside me to prolong the pleasure and i let go of her letting my body fall freely on the bed.

My eyes were still close. I can feel my whole body glowing.. i tried to make my breathing back to normal then I slowly open my eyes as i felt Becky remove her fingers inside me..

She looked at me and asked.

" did i made my princess feel good?" she asked innocently.

Yes innocently.. Sometimes i wonder how she do it. Being pervert and innocent at the same time..

" i never felt like that before Becky. It was amazing.. And.. "

" and?"

" I will make you feel the same.. " i said and with a swift move. Im on top of her.

" b-but Freen. Aren't you tired?" she asked and her face is all red but i can still see excitement and desire in her eyes.

" Nope.." i said and show her my sweetest smile. A smile that she knows pretty well.

" F-freen. I dont like that smile.. " she said nervously. But i didnt answer her instead i lean down and kiss her lips hungrily.

She put her arms around my neck and pull me closer.

i slip my tongue inside her and had a battle of dominance. Shes about to win but i did something that made her gasp making me able to catch her tongue and start sucking it.

I placed my leg between her thighs and i felt how wet she is.

" F-freen.. " she moaned between our kiss As i let go of her tongue.. Then i pulled away and saw a string of saliva attach to our tongues.

"Becky?" i called sweetly..

" K-ka?"

" You'll pay for teasing me.. " i said and i think a saw a glint of horror on her eyes before i lean down and start giving her perfect breast candy kisses.

Whenever my kiss will get near her nipple i'll avoid it and move to her other breast.

" Freeb.. Please.. " i heard becky said but ignored it. Then i trace her skin around her nipple with my tongue.. I stop then tease her nipple with the tip of my tongue and it made her gasp. I did that for i dont know how many times on both of her nipples.

" F-freen. p-please.. " she begged

"Well i think playing around here is done. " i said . Then with out a warning a started sucking her nipple hard while massaging the other one.

It made her hold my head pushing it more.

" Gosh freen ahhh... " she moan . I shift to her other breast.

Hearing her moan like this gives me more courage to continue what im doing.

i can feel her heart beat thru my lips. Its beating so fast and made me stop to look at her. I became worried but when i look into her eyes that emotion instantly vanished.

Shes fine. I know she is. My lips started to go down and i felt her widen her legs with out me asking her to do it.

But when i reach her center i ull away and look at her..

"Hey becky,,,. " i called while drawing circles on her stomach with my fore finger.

" K-ka?"

" wanna bet?" I asked teasingly.

" bet?"

" unh.. "

" what bet?"

" on how long you'll last before reaching your climax." i said and give her a smirk.

" How long you'll last before you beg for me to take you fast and hard.. " i added. I dont know why but im into this kind of talk right now. also seeing how becky's face became red makes me satisfied.

" well.. No need to answer.. Lets just find out. " i said and start giving the inside of her thighs some candy kisses. Then higher until i reach her center.

her smell is addicting.. And when my lips finally touch her wetness.. I know i wont ever get enough of it.

" g-gosh... Freen.. hmmm. " Becky moaned as she arch her back when my tongue touch her clit. I did everything she did to me and it made me so happy on how she response to all my moves.

As i continue licking and sucking her center .. My tongue found her entrance.

I harden my tongue and try to push it inside.

" o-owh! d-damn freen! " Becky moaned loudly . She even held my head and push it deeper on her center.

I was surprised but i didn't mind. I push my tongue deeper and i felt how hot she is inside. I tried to move my tongue and earned another moan of pleasure from her.

I kept doing that over and over again until i felt her walls tighten around my tongue but i didnt stop. I made my move Even faster.

" F-freen.. D-dont.. F-fuck.. I.. I-- ahh..," Becky wasnt able to finish her sentence and just let out a loud moan. I felt a wave of thick liquid coming out from her and i gladly licked everything.

Then i went up and kiss her on her lips making her taste her self just like what she did to me.

" You taste so good too.. " i whispered. she just look at me with her mouth slightly open. Her breathing is heavy i can even see her pulse beating on her neck.

" i love you becky. Always.. " i said and leaning my forhead to hers.

" i love you too Freen.. Forever.. You'll be the only one.. " she said softly with a loving smile..

" Are you ready now? " i asked and she just nodded with out breaking our eye contact.

I run my hand to her body down to her wet center. Letting my fingers find their way to her entrance..

I position my two fingers on her entrance and slowly dip them. I watch as Becky's face painted with pain.. She bit her lower lip and hold on to my shoulders. I can feel her nails on my skin as i continue entering her.

" You ok?" i asked as i stop my movements. I let her adjust before totally inserting my fingers.

" F-freen hmmm." she moaned and i know its because of the pain. I lean down to kiss her lips.. As my tongue enter her mouth i also start moving my fingers inside her.

My kisses went down to her neck..she tilt her head to give me more access then my lips trace their way to her chest.. where her scar is..

I can feel her wall relaxing as they begin to adjust with my fingers. Shes now starting to move her hips to meet all my thrust. But every time she do. I'll stop.

" dont move babe.. " i said seductively.

" b-but.." i went up again Whispered to her ear..

" this is your punishment for teasing me." I said and i looked at her.. I see how much she wants me to move faster.

" B-babe.." she begged. But i shook my head.

" you should learn not to tease someone specially if its their first time. " i said with as smirk. She pouted but it immediately disappear when i start to thrust my fingers again in the same phase she did to me.

" f-faster.. " she moaned but i didnt respond i just watch her .. I guess i cant blame her for enjoying watching me earlier. because i too enjoy watching her.

Her eyes where closed like savoring some delicious food.. Her mouth opens just to let out some soft moans or call my name.

Is this how i look like earlier? it doesnt matter.

She opened her eyes and loked at me. Her brown eyes were now dark..

" B-babe.. P-please. I promise i wont t-tease you again.. " she said and then close her eyes again when i thrust inside her deep. And i think i just hit the right spot.

she became wetter than before..

" ok then.. i'll let it slide for now.. But if you do that again.. " i said and i dont have to finish my sentence. She already know what i mean. she nodded. And with that i change my phase in to fast and deep thrust trying to hit that spot over and over again.

" d-damn.. f-freen.. Gosh.. m-more.. " she moaned.. Seeing her like this makes my heart beat faster. Im giving the person i love the most the pleasure no one could ever give.

I did what she asked me to do.. I thrust my fingers deeper and faster. Until i felt her walls tighten..

" cum for me Becky. " and as if shes just waiting for me to say that. She pulled me down and kiss me .. Making her moan inside my mouth.. her body tremble and and i felt a wave of liquid came out form her.

We were both panting when we parted then i was about to pull out my fingers she stopped me.

" n-not yet.. " she said in almost a whisper .. Sweat is all over our body. but we didnt mind. when i felt her walls relaxed totally i slowly pull out my fingers.

" look what you did?" i said teasingly showing my fingers to her. She blushed and look away.

" stop teasing me.. you did that to my fingers to.. " she said and i let out a soft chuckle.

" i do really love you Becky. your amazing. " i said and held her face.

" you too.. I never thought that your tongue and your left hand can bring me somewhere i never been before.. "

" Well.. You know.. left handed person were usually special. " i said jokingly then hug her .. we just stayed like that for maybe 5 to 10 minutes that Becky speak.

" Freen.."

" hmm?"

I heard her sigh. and it made me frown.

"Hmmm. Nevermind.. "

" whats wrong? " i asked but she just shook her head.

" come on tell me. "

" its nothing.. Maybe we should take a bath and go to sleep so we Can rest. and get ready for their teasing.. I sure just by looking at our neck they already know what happened. " she said then giggled. but my eyes widen.

" Damn. I totally forgot about them. Becky what should we do? Can make up cover our kiss marks?"

She shook her head.

" I doubt it. You marked me really good you know. And even if we manage to cover them. It won't help. Coz they already know. I have a feeling that they do. they are our friends after all. " she said then laugh softly.

It made me smile . It'll be just a little teasing then done.. And shes right they are our friends after all.

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