I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

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Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 7- Housemates
Stage 8- Its Her
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run

1.1K 41 22
By KingYuuko1317

Becky's Pov

" Richie.. Wake up.. " i said as i try to shake his body. Ive been trying to wake him up for almost ten minutes now.

" Richie~~ " then i poked his white face..

" Richieeeeee" i called again and poked his face again.

he just groan and swat my hand.

" Jeeeez~~ Richieeee! Richardddd wake up!" i said now shaking his body stronger..

He messed her hair frustratedly and slowly opened his eyes. He looked for his phone first and looked at me while glaring.

" Rebecca! It's only 5am!"

" But im hungry. I didnt eat last night. " i said and pout.

" Was it my fault? Let me sleep more. "

" Richiee~" i said then gave her a pout

" You're already back to normal and stop calling my name. " He said and got up from bed.

" Normal? Nut i am always normal. " i said.

" Owh no youre not. Let's go now. Maybe they are already serving break fast at the hall. " He said but before he totally got up he looked at me again with her wide eyes.

" Becky!" He yelled and throw a pillow and it hit my face hard.

" Damn! What was that for?"

" Why are you naked!!?" He said now covering his face while shaking his head

" Naked?" i asked and looked at my self. Im wearing my --now dry-- blue swim suit

" Im not naked. These are clothes right? And infact its normal to wear swimsuit in a resort" i asked innocently.

Je brushed his face with his hands frustratedly.

Then got up and went to his bag and snatch something. And again he thrown them to me.

" Wear those . Even if im your brother, Im still a Guy becky"

" Tsk. Tsk. What a weird guy. You even let me sleep with you when we were kids just me wearing camisole and now this? " i said in disbelief as i wear the shirt and short she gave me.

" W-w-what??????" He asked with her red face.

" Nevermind Richieee. Lets go now look bonbon is hungry too. " i said while shaking my head.

We walked out of his room with his face still red, maybe because of frustration. Its really Fun teasing richie sometimes. And i missed him. His been studying and working really hard over seas.

We reached the hall and lucky they are already serving breakfast.

I ordered two omelet rice for my self and Bonbon. Richie just ordered Coffee saying hes not hungry.

" I thought your hungry. Eat properly. " he said and i pout.

" Stop nagging me.. I miss Freen's cooking " i said then pout again..

" You wont miss it if you didnt act stupidly. " he said without looking at me.

" I know that so stop slapping it on my face. Show some Love, Im your Only sister?. " i said as i eat spoon full of food.

" Most of the time you dont act like one you know that too? " He said then laughed. I just stick my tongue out.

then continue eating silently.

" Do you regret having me as a sister richie ?" i asked out of nowhere.

" not really.. But im beginning too." He said playfully

" Ehh?? And why is that?"

" Because you became stupid and coward. I know you just dont want to hurt her but whats happening is the opposite. I saw you two grow up together.. I said to my self. Those two were amazing. That noone can beat them when their together. It made me promise my self that if ever you two need any help. I wont think twice. But then suddenly you left her. I badly want yo fly back from england to thailand when i learn about your decision " he said and play the water on his glass by shaking the glass around.

"Sorry . So thats why you agreed to help me with this cutie?" i asked then pat Bonbon's head.

He nodded.

" I cant keep watching you two hurt each other. I wanted to smack your head the first time you told me you broke up with her. I dont know what exactly happened.. But then you wanted to have her back . But she gave up and played the hard to get act. . I thought if love is so hard like the two of you have. I wouldn't bother seeking for it. But i also cant help supporting the two of you. Losing a love like the one you have is such a waste. So when you asked for another favor. I thought theres still a chance. So yeah, I left my studies and work , and just flew from england back to  thailand to help you" he put down his glass and i watch him as he pat Bonbons head gently.. i dont know what to say.

We remained quiet for a couple Minutes until he spoke again.

" Now that i remembered it. What happened to the ring? you didnt told me what happened to it. I thought that one will definitely bring the  two  of you back together.. But your situation became worst based on what happened to the Truth match yesterday. " He asked.

Ah yes i wasnt able to tell him. That i didnt manage to give her the ring as planned. I didnt even told him about the fear i had after hearing sooya story..

And now decided to tell him everything.

" I see.. Thats why.. she acted hard to get.. Sarocha was hurt so i can't blame her.. And you were hurt too.. So you just wanted to carry on with your original plan.. But then.. Theres something missing.. youre not telling me the entire reason why.. You finally gave up this time. " He said..

I smiled at him.

" You are really smart sometimes richie hahaha"

" It just dont make any sense. You decided you'll take the risk to be with her. So that means no matter what happen. No matter how freen will push you away.. What ever she said that made you feel that youre not needed anymore. You wont give up. Thats who you are.. so im sure.. Theres something bigger that made you hurt the both of you again... Unintentionally . " He said while looking straight to my eyes..

But i looked away..

" Sorry, But i can't tell you.. And i dont have any plan of letting Freen know about. I even made sure that.. That person wont tell her. " i said and stood up.. carry BonBon on my arms..

He just followed my moves with his eyes.

" I understand. But you know what to do now right? " He asked.

I nodded.

" For the last time.. I'll be selfish again.. "

Then i saw him smile..

" I see .. I'll go then, I need to visit our parents before i go back to england. . I dont have to see what you'll do today because im sure . What ever it is.. it will bring the two of you the happiness you deserve.. " he said and stood up too. i watch his back while he's walking.

" Bonbon my brother is the coolest and nicest brother right?"

" arf!"

" Good boy.. Now we need to go back. Im sure Freen is worried. " i said and made my way back to our own room.

When i reached our room and hold the door knob i put bonbon down and slowly rotate the knob.

And like the first time.. Its not locked again and again. Like the first.. I saw her sleeping on the bed. But not at the edge while her legs are hanging.. This time shes curled up at the center of the bed while hugging the pillow im supposed to use so tight .

I looked down at bonbon.

" Dont make any noise.. Ok? Freen is sleeping. " i said and put my finger on his lips and he licked it gently ..

" Good boy.." i said then he walked toward the small sofa and i watched as he curled him self on the corner.

I looked at my sleeping princess. But i cant see her face because its being covered by my pillow. I gently lay beside her and slowly removed the pillow but i immediately regret it.

Because now i can see dried tears traces on her face..

I bit my lower lip and stood up again and went to the bath room. I looked for a small towel and soaked it in water then i went back beside her.

Gently putting her head on my arm so she can use it as a pillow.

Then with the wet towel. I wiped those traces off her flawless face ..

" Im sorry. " i whispered and kissed her forehead. After cleaning her face i just lay the towel on the side table then pulled freen closer to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tighter..

i felt her hugged me back.. I kissed her forehead and tried to hug her tighter.

" Becky.." i heard her say

" I'm here.. " I answered then kissed her forehead again and begin stroking her smooth hair.

But then i felt her pushing me gently. I loosen my hug to her and look at her eyes.

" Becky?" she asked in almost a whispered.

" Ka, Its me.. " i said and i saw her tears starting to build up again.

" shhs... Please dont cry.. Im sorry.. Im sorry.. " i said and wiped off her tears.

" You dont have you cry. Im back. Im sorry.. " i said and hugged her she hugged me back but continue crying.

" Its ok now. Its ok.. Im sorry my princess.. " i whispered again. Then i pulled away and look at her eyes.

" Im not too late right? Can i still have you back? " i asked hopefully. But she just hit my shoulder.

" S-stupid. Stupid Becky. Stupid.. stupid ..stu..pid.." she said and keep hitting my shoulder lightly while crying.

" Ka.. ka, Im stupid.. But you still love me right?" i asked and tried to wipe her tears again. She didnt answer but i already know the answer through her eyes. I smiled and kissed her on her lips..

" i love you Sarocha.. " i said after the kiss and i let our forehead meet while i caress he cheeks.

" Im really sorry for acting so stupid.. "

" J-just don't do it again. Please? Becky.. I don't want to lose you like that. " she said and i can hear
her begging tone.

" I wont.. After what happened last night .. I cant let that happen again. I almost lost you. " i said and hugged her tight. The fear felt last night when i saw her got pushed on the pool and when Sooyaa said shes not breathing almost killed me. Its worst than the fear i felt when i think of losing my love for her like what happened to Sooyaa's brother with his girlfriend.

" Then why did you suddenly left?"she asked Her voice is back to normal . Her crying already stopped.

I let her use my arm as a pillow again and hugged me tight. The position we always do when were together and laying on bed. Her ear on my chest again. And i know like always. Shes listening to my heart beat.

I put my chin at the crown of her head and pulled her closer.

" I need to clam my self first. I already learned my lesson.. I don't want to make decision when im angry or scared Again. Because it wont do any good. " I felt her nod.

" They were all worried. Rosé wont talk to anyone. She's blaming her self..."

" About her.. I wanted to kill her right at that moment. I really do. She said she'll protect you.. But she didnt. " i said and felt a burning feeling inside when i remembered how she pushed atsuko in the pool then laugh.

" Becky. About that. Hey look at me and please don't be mad. " she said and i looked at her with confusion..

" Please dont get mad at them. Specially at Rosé.. Its not her fault. She didnt know.. And it was my plan. They just wanted to help me.." She said in a worried tone.

Plan? help? i don't get it..

" What are you taking about ?"

Then she pulled away and got up. She sat on the bed in an indian sit .. Then she started playing with her own fingers..

" Whats wrong?" i said and got up too. I crawl on the bed and went on her back.. i sat with my legs apart and hugged freen from her back..

" I.. I planned it. You said you just need a reason to come back to me.. And Orn gave me the idea.. So i asked them to do that. To push me on the pool and no matter what happen dont help me.. Because i know.. Y-you'll save me. and realized you can't lose me so you'll come back." she said in a low voice and then held my arms that are wrapped around her body..

I lean on her placing my chin on her shoulder..
i didnt speak for awhile.. And i can feel her body shaking.. She's crying again.

I sighed then started talking.

" Well... I guess your plan worked.. " i said and hugged her tighter.

" B-becky" then turned her head to look at me.

I gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

" just don't do such trick again. You almost died and You really scared me too much" i said and burry my face on the side of her neck.

"Ka. Im sorry" she whispered.

" Its ok And i think i need to apologise and say thank you to them later.. " i just felt her nod and let her back rest on my body.. She then reached for my hands and intertwined them..

We just stayed like that for i dont know how long until she spoke again.

" Where did you sleep last night? " she asked.

" Hmm? i slept with Richie. "

" Richie is here???" she asked and i nodded.

" What is he doing here? Don't he have classes and work in england? "

" I asked him a favor.. " i said softly.. And started sniffing her neck. Freen really smell good. I missed this.

" What favor?" she asked then she automatically tilt her head side wards to give me more access to her neck..

" Bonbon, Richie brought him here.. " i said..

" Bonbon? that means?" she said and looked at me..

I smiled at her.

" Ka.. Its my gift for you.. sorry for lying that it wasn't from me.. " i said..

" B-but the lie detector? " she asked on confusedly .

" Thats because Rosé asked the wrong question its not me who placed Bonbon in our room its Richie, now lets not talk about it.. I missed you.. " i said and lay her body on the bed and got on top of her.

I lean down and kiss her lips..

" i missed your lips that i kept on dreaming about kissing you.. Even on the bus.. " i said after giving her a gentle kiss..

But then i watch as freen's lips formed a naughty smile.

" About that.. We did really kiss on the bus.. " she said while blushing.

" Eeh? I .. so.. you? Damn! Thats why you tried to tease me! " she nodded..

"And i have an answer to what you told me after that kiss.. Mahal Din Kita Becky " she said and put her arms around my neck. She pulled me for another kiss.

A kiss that showed how much we missed each other.. I nibble her lower lip and slipped my tongue inside her mouth.

She gladly accepted it and pulled me closer.. My tongue begun to explore her mouth until i found a soft warm muscle..
I tried to tease it by licking which made freen moan softly.

our tongue begun to dance inside our mouth with the music made by our moans..

Then we pulled apart to catch some air..

" I didnt know you can kiss like this . " i said teasingly while brushing some of her hair off her face.

"Rosé is a good practise partner.." she said playfully.

" what???!"

" Im just kidding. I love you Becky. Please.. Don't leave me again."

I kissed her forehead before answering.

" I wont. For the last time.. Let me become the most selfish person in the world. I won't let you go no matter what happen. I dont care if i'll die tomorrow.. As long as your with me. "

" You wont die tomorrow.. Not even next week , next month nor next year. Ok? we'll be fine. As long as were together everything is going be ok.." freen said and i just gave her a smile..

" The activity for today will be this afternoon right? " i asked and she nodded.

" why?" she asked curiously.

" Because i want to stay like this longer.. Lets sleep more.. I know you didn't sleep properly last night.. Hm? " she nodded and hugged me tight. I did the same and kiss her lips once more before we both drift into a deep sleep..


I woke up when i felt a furry thing keep rubbing on my arm. And when i open my eyes i realized that its Bonbon

I looked at my phone and its already 12:30

" Owh thanks for waking me up . " then i pat his head.

I open my inbox to see who messaged me And i got one from each of them but i'll just read them later.

I opened the message from professor lux. Informing us that the activity will start at 2:00.

We still have an hour and a half. I put down my phone and looked at freen whose sleeping soundly beside me.

I caress her cheek gently then brush off some hair that covers her face.

Then i remembered she hasnt eaten breakfast.

" Freen.. Wake up.. "
I waited for a minute or so but i got no response.

" Freen.. Wake up babe.. " i said and caress her face.. She moved but just to hug me tighter.

" Babe You havent eaten breakfast.. and its already lunch time.. " i said softly..

But she just moaned and pulled me closer.

" if you dont wake up i might just lock you in this room the whole day with me.. " i said trying to scare her. But still no effect.

" Sarocha come on.. You need to eat. Or you want me to eat you?" i said jokingly..

" hmm.. That sounds good . " she answered.

" Eehh?" then i looked at her with a frown.

" Really... If you say so.. " i said teasingly.. I lean down to bury my face on her neck and to my surprised she tilted her head to give me access..

" You are tempting me too much babe " i said and start raining candy kisses on her neck.

" it tickles.. " she said while giggling and started stroking my head.

she wants to play eh? ok then.

Now im sucking a particular spot on her neck. I wanna mark her as mine.. I heard her moan then i stopped to look at my work.

I then looked at her and give her a satisfied smile.

"Goodmorning " she greeted

" Morning na ka. " i said then kiss her lips. I can do this all the time and i wont get tired.

She placed her arm around my neck and pulled me closer. a moan escaped from my mouth when she suck my lower lip.. And like i did earlier she slipped her tongue inside my mouth but the moment her tongue entered i captured it and started sucking it gently.

She moan loudly and when we pulled apart we are both panting.

" i might not be able to stop my self now babe and end up raping you" i said giving her a quick kiss..

" i dont mind tho.. " she answered naughtily.

im about to kiss her again but then i heard a growl.

" Hmm. I would love that but i guess your stomach is protesting. " i said and bit the tip of her nose lightly and kiss her forehead.

Then she pouted

" Did you know that Lisa suggested that i should rape you so i can have you back? " she asked.

" owh.. As expected from Lisa. " i said.

" Crazy.. You and your perverseness.. "

" But you love that part of me dont you?"

" i love every bit of you."

I smiled and kiss her again. I wont get tired kissing her. Never.

" So am i.. I love every bit of... Myself too. " i said and she glared at me.. I just laughed and hugged her.

" Just kidding.. I love you more than i love my life babe. "


We took a quick bath together and went to the hall.

" Becky. When did you start calling me babe?" she asked as we sat on our chair and put our trays on the table. Bonbon sat on the table quietly and started eating the food freen ordered for him.

" When? i dont remember... Maybe when we were kids?" i said and started eating too.

" eh? but i never heard you call me that until today. "

" I actually call you numbers of endearments.. On my head. " i said then offered her a spoonful of my food and she opened her mouth without complain and eat .

" whyis zat?"

" Huh?" i looked at her confusedly .

and before she answer me she chew her food and swallowed it.

" I said why is that? And what sort of endearment?" she asked with her eyebrows raised.

" hmm.. i usually call you babe, baby.. My princess.. Sometimes sadist. . Honey.. Sort of those mushy stuffs."

" Sadist?" she said while frowning. I just nodded and offered her another spoonful. She ate it without saying a thing until we finished.

" Gey. Freen Talk to me. " i said while pouting.. And she just looked at me.

" Where do you think they are? its already 1:30" but shes still ignoring me.

" Freen?"

" They are probably still sleeping.
. " she said shortly.

I sighed then hold her hand and drag her to a corner where no one can easily see us.

I placed both my hand on either side of her head.

" why did your mood suddenly changed? " i asked softly .. Then she pouted and i chuckle.

" You really hate being called sadist eh?" i asked teasingly.

" im not Noey " she said childishly.

" of course not and im not Irin. "

" That doesnt make sense. "

" I know. But you are a sadist sometimes.. really. "

" Ka. Let me go now. Maybe they are already there.. " she said still pouting.

" Let you go? Never.. " i said while staring straight to her eyes.

" huh? i.. Thats not what i mean.. "

" i know.. But after what happen. Just hearing that line? i cant take it " i said.

she then held my face and caress it gently.

" Ka. Sorry na ka. " she said now its a comforting smile.

" That line is out of our dictionary.. Happy?"

" Yup.. But i'll be more happy.. After... this.." then i lean down to kiss her.. Pressing my body more closer to her.

Her hand that she placed on my face is now hooked on my neck pulling my closer.

i placed my hands on her waist.. our kisses are getting more hotter and wild..

Its like after being away to each other brought the wildness inside us.

My hand now Started to roam on her back. then i slipped my hand inside her shirt caressing her bare back. Feeling her smooth warm and soft skin on my hand..

I heard her moan and i wanted more.

but as my hand started to make their way on her upper body. I heard my phone rang.. Ah no.. I think its hers.. i dont know.

We both tried to ignored it and continue kissing each other but it kept on ringing until we pulled away and we atlre both panting.

" Damn. Who would it be? " i said irritably. I never felt this way before.

we usually kiss each other. but this time short kiss is not enough. Even this kiss we just had is not enough. I wanted more of her.

And i know freen feels the same.

She pulled out her phone

" its irin." she said before answering the phone and she placed it on a loud speaker mode.

" Freen! where are you?" Irin asked worriedly.

" huh? somewhere..why?"

" somewhere? damn freen were so worried.. We went to your room and youre not there.. We havent find becky too. And professor lux said if we still havent find her this morning we have to go back to Bangkok and report it. " she said without a pause.

" ah.. Don't worry. Becky is with me. We just had our breakfast . Lets just see each other later ok?" and without waiting for irins reply she ended the call.

" see how much you made them worry? "she asked and i pouted.

" Ka, Thats why im gonna apologized. But damn. She really know when to butt in.. " i said with a pout..

" dont mind them. We can always kiss and hug now. When ever we want and where ever. But for now i think we should go back to the hall. Im sure they are already there by now. " she said and started walking back to the hall with our hands lock.

And she's right. Everyone is almost there and their heads turn when we walk in.

their eyes shifted in a second to our locked hands which made me raised my eyebrows.

We sat quietly on the empty chairs between lisa and mind 

" stop staring. " i said and they immediately look away.

Then i tried to caught Rosé eyes but shes looking down.

" oi..Halfty. " i said and she look up.

Her worried face turned in to an annoyed one.

" tsk" she said and gave me a glare.

" im sorry about last night and to everyone.. Im sorry. "

" its ok. As long as you two are ok now. . You're ok now .. Right? the two of you?" Freen asked with expectation.

I just raised our still locked hands. And they all shouted Cheering for us.

" Yey! Freenbecky is back!" Irin yelled and everyone started to chant Freenbecky for a couple of minutes until professor lux came.

" owh.. Whats this? everyone looks so happy.." professor lux said.

" thats because freenbecky is back!" Irin said cheerfully and professor luc looked at us and gave us a warm smile.

" i see.. If that so then i will let what happen last night slide this time. But if that happens again. " she said in a warning tone but shes still smiling.

Everything is fine.. Im so happy. i pulled freenn closer and kiss the temple of her head.

" hey! PDA is not allowed.. get a room! " Irin said jokingly and received a smack from noey.

" youre just jealous. Stupid smart ass. " she said and irin glared at her.

" ok.. Stop that now. May we begin the last activity? " professor lux asked. And every one yelled in excitement.

First its because they are excited and second because it means everyone is free to do what ever they want-- as long as its not dangerous-- plus tomorrow is our free day before we go back to bngkok

" ok go to your team mates now. And decide who will be the four participants in each team and you two.. It doesnt mean youre back together you dont have to beat each others team." professor lux said but she gave us a wink.

I gave freen a quick kiss before going to the other table. But before i go. Freen held my hand.

" Why? you miss me already?" i said jokingly.

But she just raised her left hand. And a bright smile formed on my lips. Shes wearing the ring i gave her ..

" i love you " i said then went to my team.

We voted for the four participants and im guessing the other team did too.

After finally choosing the runners. I looked at the paper were the names of the runners were written and when noones looking a grabbed a pen and wrote something.

"Becky..." someone called me and when i looked its Sooyaa. With her worried expression.

Ahh..  she saw what i did. I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Its ok." i said then pat her head. And i know freen saw me do that and she gave sooyaa a death glare but i looked at her and wink. She blushed and looked away.

I chuckle and looked at sooyaa again.

" it'll be fine.. " i said to reassure her again.

" but .. You cant.. " she said in a low voice.

" Its ok.. I know what im doing." then together with freen went infront.

" ok team leaders. Please announce your chosen runners. You go first Freen. " professor lux said.

" Ok. For our first runner. Its Mind.. Then Lisa 3rd is Noey and the last runner.. Rosé. " she said excitedly.

Rosé eh?

" Becky? " professor lux called.

" Ka.. For our first runner.. Nam.. seco--"

" i thought i was the last runner?" Nam said.

" change of plans. I want to win." i said then winked at her and smiled at freen. She just pouted.

" thats the spirit!" yelled professor Lux

" ok. our second runner. Charlotte . Then Irin. "

" ah you already lose. " Noey said with mocking smile.

" What??" Irin said then stood up.

" calm down irin and for our last runner.. Its me. red teams leaders. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong" i said and everyone suddenly went silent.

Irin's counter attack to noey was stopped and she looked at me with her mouth open.

then my gaze turned to freen whose looking at me with her confused expression .

Shes opening her mouth to say something but no sound is coming from her.

" so.. Lets do our best. Rosé. Do your best to beat me. ok?" i said and thats the time where freen found her voice.

" you cant.. you won't. Becky.. You cant. no. " she said in her desperate tone. i just gave her a smile and walked towards her.

" I can and i will.. You trust me. right? " i said as i caress her face.

" i-i do trust you. But this is different.. You can't. Please.. " she begged and i wipe off her tears before they can even fall. everyone is just watching us like a movie. I dont mind tho.

" Sarocha. I want to do this. Remember my last race? I wasnt able to finish it. I wasnt able to confess my feelings to you officially that time. And for the last time. I wanna run for you. I wanna win for you. I wanna finish that race.. For you. " i said softly.

" but you dont have to.. " she said in whisper that i most missed it.

" I want to.. Trust me. I'll be fine. I know what im doing. Ok? And i want you to do what you always do when ever i have a race.. Can you do that?" i asked softly.

She bit her lower lip but nodded. She wiped off her own tears. and looked at me.

" you'll be fine right?" she asked i nodded.

" Then i.. I have to go somewhere.. I..i'll be back before the race ends. " she said and run.

Others tried to stop her but i said its ok. that's she'll sure come back.

" That means theres no other objection about me .. Being the last runner. Right? silence means yes.." I said while smiling.

But i can see those worried expression surrounding me.

" stop giving me those look. Focus on the game. And try to beat my team. " i said as we walk to the place were the relay will be held.

" Becky.. " charlotte said from my back and i stopped walking. I smiled at her.

"Its alright.  Im fine. Ok?" i said then pat her .

" i still want to challenge you in eating spicy food. "

" Becky.." she called again and bit her lower lip.

" And also you Lisa . Nice advice. unfortunately freen is too shy to rape me. haha " i said and she laughed softly even tho her tears are forming.

" Everyone.. Im fine ok? I know what im doing. I already convinced freen. So trust me. Ok? and Rosé.. Stop giving me that look. Give your best. If you dont know ,i was once an ace in my track team before. I'll let you eat my dust. " i said with full of confidence

" Tsk.. Dust your face. You'll be the one eating my dust. " but i can she that she giving me a kind of smile she dont usually give.

" And just a piece of advice.." then i walked towards her lean on her ear and wisher..

" Just confess.. or else you'll end up like your comrade." i said And pointed at irin whose now trying to get Noeys attention.. then wink. she blushed.

" I-i.. m-my situation is not like that. " she said in a low voice..

" I know.. But 'her' situation is like Noey. they dont want admitting stuffs like love " then i pat her shoulder

" B-but how did you know?" she asked.

" I know bits of everything Halfty Hahaha goodluck on beating me " ...

" Whats that?" Irin asked.
Ww just shake our heads and irin pout


After 10 minutes of preparing the line up. The four runners for each team were called.

"Should we really start? Freen is not yet here. " said irin ..
and they all looked at me even professor lux

" Its ok. Shes not a runner so the game will be fine. "i said and i even gave them a thumbs up.

" B-but--"

" She'll come . Trust me.. Professor lets start "

' o-ok.. You already know what to do. The first runner. get ready ... ON the count of three.. "

then all of us started to count. On three Nam and Mind run with their full speed and as expected from Nam.. Shes so fast.

Mind is fast to but Nam is ahead.

a half lap more and the next runners got on their feet .. nam passed the baton to Charlotte.. Shes was a head of few steps until Mind passed the baton to Lisa

its now Irin and Noey's match. Rosé and i prepared ourselves on the starting line.

" you can still back out. " Rosé said. And i know just like the others .. Shes just worried.

" not a chance.. " i said as i watch irin run towards me.

just a few more meters. Then i heard a loud cheer.

" BECKY!!! YOU CAN DO TI!!!" and when i look, its Freen .. Holding a white banner with her own hand writing.


I smiled and waved my hand. Just like the old times.

I can now feel the blood rushing thru my veins. My heart is beating so loud. But it doesn't hurt.

I just feel the same excitement i used to feel.
Then finally. Irin held out the baton to me. I caught it and dash with my full speed.

I kept running. Not caring if Roséis already right behind me.

Then i heard her voice again.

" BECKY!!!" i looked at where she is.. Like always shes cheering for me with all she got.

I pushed my self to run faster. My heart beat beating louder and fast. But i know.. Im fine.

Just a few meters more.

I looked back and saw Rosé behind me. I can win.
I looked forward and tried to run faster. i can do this.

I can finally win a race again. for freen

Im almost there. And a wide smile formed on my lips

Because there. At the finish line..
Like always.. Freen is waiting for me..

Still cheering and holding the banner she made for me.

Just a bit more..

" Becky!!" she called and i run towards her.. Hugged her as soon as i reached her and we both stumbled on the ground. But i dont care.

" F-freen" i said while panting. I cant even hear my own voice because of my loud heart beat.

" d-did i.. Did i win?" i asked my head buried on her neck trying to have my breathing back to normal.

" Ka, Becky won.. " she said and hugged me tight.

I tried to push my self up with my arms supporting my weight.

I looked straight to her eyes shes crying again.. I smiled at her and wiped her tears.

" Im fine. " she just nodded.

" Freen. i know i already said this.. But I love you so much that id rather die than  lose you... They can call me selfish. I dont care but i will never ever let you go again.. " i said and i tried to get up and managed to sit myself on the ground and she did the same facing me.

We just stared at each other like we're the only people on this place right now.

I held her face lovingly.

" Freen.. Once more. Let me be the most selfish person in this world. " i held her hand. Where she put the ring i gave.

" Sarocha Chankimha..Please.. Marry me.. ." i said and she just looked at me.. and tears kept falling from her eyes.

I held her hand tighter..

" Freen lets get married . " i said again.

" C-crazy" she answered and wiped off her own tears.

" a-as if i have a c-choice. " she said and hugged me so tight.

" You dont have to ask me. Im willing to marry you when ever ... Where ever.. " she said .

Then we pulled away and sealed Another promise with a kiss.


A/N: so yeah... another update after 48years. xxD HAHAHAHA

And FREENBECKY is getting Married????







anyway hope you like this update guys!


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