I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

26.6K 1.1K 218

Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 7- Housemates
Stage 8- Its Her
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run
Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??

869 39 4
By KingYuuko1317

Irin's Pov

" Damn this is killing me. Where is she?" i asked even tho i know no one can answer me.

After Becky left the room. The class went really quiet. Professor Luxsulax tried to cheer us up.

It worked on the others but not to us. Specially to Freen who realized what she just said and what Becky might have think of its meaning.

when professor lux dismissed us we all hurriedly went out and go home thinking becky is already there.
P'mind went straight to their room but immediately came out. Saying she's not there.

I hugged beckys bag. i really feel bad for her.

After everything she's been thru. The fear she felt. Then Freen finally letting go of her.

And now. I'm sure from what freen said earlier. She really felt unwanted.

We tried to look for her to the places she might be. Specially in the ChamMon cafe. Its our favorite hang out.

But she wasn't there. We thought that maybe she's with jisoo but the super visor said they hast seen becky here and it's jisoo's day off.

Then it suddenly rained so hard that we have to return to the apartment.

Its now 3:30pm. the rain hasn't stopped and becky isn't back yet.

I looked at freen who's sitting in a corner along with rosé while crying. Probably blaming her self.

I sigh. Why do they have to suffer like this? i cant blame Becky for acting like that when we learned her reason. And i cant also blame Freen. She's hurt. she's been trying her best to have Becky back but becky treated her like nothing.

And now as if having her revenge .. freen is doing the same. And much more worst.

" cant any of you call her phone? " Noey suggested.

" Her phone is in her bag. " i said.

Mind keep walking back and forth. Nam was sitting with her eyes close. Probably praying that Necky p0is safe.

Lisa and Charlotte looks like they are about to cry.

" Whats your plan now Freen. " i asked and looked straight to her eyes.

" I.. I... Don't know. " she said while crying silently.

" Do you still want her back or not? Coz if not you should tell her. So that you two can have a clean break up. " i said calmly. I need to calm down. Or else I'll end up ruining things between the two of them more.

" I'm scared. What if.. I'll have her back. We'll do just fine for a while. But suddenly she'll back off again? " I sighed. They are both scared.

" But we told you. She has her reason. You just need to listen. And we assure you. She wont let you go this time. "

Long silence passed. I got no reply. Freen just cried silently.

" Once and for all Freen. Do you still love Becky?" i asked. Hoping she still do.

She then looked straight into my eyes.

" I never stopped loving her.. But I'm scared. " she said in almost a whisper.

i stood up and walked towards her. I sat beside her and hugged her.

" Freen.. She loves you too and she's just scared as you are. probably more than you are. She's too scared to hurt you when her condition gets worst. " i felt her nodded.

And i thought.. finally everything is going to be fine. We just need to wait for Becky to come home and let the two of them talk.

" does Becky even have an umbrella with her?" Charlotte asked worriedly.

Everyone shake their head..

" Irin.. If anything happened to her i wont forgive my self. Its my fault why she suddenly left the class. " Freen said.

" Oi..Rosé. Aren't you going to say something? Why are you even here?" Noey suddenly said. I know she don't really like Rosé specially after what she said to Becky a week ago.

" I'm here because Freen is here. And what would i say? Say sorry for acting so rude on her? Sorry but i wont. I still believe she's a coward. " she said plainly. Noey just gave her a cold stare.

I sighed.

"This isn't the time for this.. Ok? we need to think on where she would possibly go.. "

Before anyone could answer we heard some soft knocks and Nam hurriedly went to the door and openef it.

Two person walked in silently.

Its Becky and Jisoo

Becky is soaking wet with a fury coat around her shoulders. While Jisoo's arms are wrapped around her shoulders. Becky looks totally pale.

" Becky are you ok?" Mind asked and tried to touch her but Becky fried her hand.

" Don't touch me. I'm fine. I need to change. " She said in a cold voice and it gave me chills. I never heard her like this.

"Bec.. " Freen called and stood up from her seat. But she wasn't able to move when Becky stared at her.
Then she looked at Jisoo and back to Becky again.

No emotion is visible on her eyes. She's just staring at Freen blankly.

" What are you doing here?" she asked coldly.

" I. ..  Err ...About what happened earlier.. I.. "

" Ah about that.. Don't worry I'll come so you can too. I don't want you blaming me for missing your girlfriend ..You can leave now. " Then she looked at Jisoo..

" Sooyaaa. Will you help me pack my things? " she asked and jisoo smiled at her.

" Sure but you need to change first. I don't want you getting sick." Becky nodded and they went to Becky's room.

We were left all silent. No one dared to talk. All i can hear now is the rain and Frrens silent sob.

" Is it too late now? Why is this happening? Why is it so hard for us to be together.. First because of her illness. Then me giving up. And now that I'm ready to fight again. .. " she then let out a loud sob.

Rosé hugged her and pat her back.

I sat on the floor hopelessly. The plan we made was ruined. Its our idea to have this trip. And knowing professor Lux is rooting for these two.. We asked for help. But now everything is so complicated again.

" you still want her back right?" mind asked.

Freeb is so confused but she nodded her head.

" We'll continue our plan Freen. This is your last chance to be together. We need to do it right and we need you to help us." Mind said in a serious tone.

Freen nodded again.

" And you Rosé. Please. If you want Freen to be happy. Help us too. " mind said.

"You all know i love Freen.. And i'll be happy if the two of them wont be together . That means i can have freen. " she said which made Noey glare at her more. Like you want to kill Rosé right now.

But i know better. Rosé loves Freen and she knows that Only Becky can make her happy

" but then if Freen really wants to be together with that stupid halfty then i have no choice. " she said then sighed.

" don't call Becky a Halfty . Youre a Halfty too you frustrated thai girl, youre not even part thai why are you here huh???. " Noey said with a smirk.

" Tsk" Rosé's only response. Because she knows she cant win that topic.

Freen tried to calm her self. Then we all waited for Becky or any of them to come out. But no one did.

" Do you think they are ok? " Lisa asked worriedly.

" I'll go and check. " mind said then went to their room.

After a couple of minutes she went back. We are all waiting for her to talk but she cant even look into our eyes.

" Mind what did you see? " i asked

" Well.. Nothing. They are just sleeping.. " she said then everted her eyes again.

" Sleeping?" she nodded.

" On Becky's bed?" Freen asked and mind nodded again.

" its.. Well.. her things are already packed up.. And they are sleeping at Becky's bed. while hugging each other. " Mind said awkwardly.

" t-thats ok. Becky really loves to cling on jisoo. Right Freen?" i said trying to change the mood.

Freen just nodded.

Mind sat on the floor in front of Freen.

" Freen.. Did you know that she planned to ask you to be hers again? Before we suddenly became really really close and touchy with each other?? " Mind Asked.

We just looked at her. She's gonna tell her? but the plan is for Becky to explain it to Freen personally.

But i guess its the right thing to do now. Because based on how Becky acted earlier.. There's only a slight chance that becky will talk about that anymore.

Freen shake her head. She look so confused.

" i-if so.. Then why?"

we remain silent while sae talks. and told acchan everything

" she decided she wont have a heart transplant.. That's why she wants to continue her first plan. For you to learn to live without her. "

Freen Tried to say something but she cant. Her tears are falling nonstop.

We are all teary eyed now even Rosé who's looking out side the window.

" do you know how hard it was For her? She even asked me to help her on how to ask you to be hers again."

Freen just cried.

" but you should be strong now. Stop crying and do your best to have her back. this time please don't give up even if she keeps pushing you away. Because you know better who she needs the most. " Mind said then wiped freen's  tears.

" don't worry.. We're all here to help you. we all want to see you two happy. Ok?" Freen nodded then took a deep breath.

" Thank you " she whispered then tried to smile on us. We all nodded.

then all our heads turned when we heard the door open.

Jisoo stepped out and looked around. She smiled when she saw us.

" Hi.. Can i use the kitchen? " she asked politely and no one answered.

" its just that.. becky hasn't eaten anything since morning. So i want to cook for her " she said and i just nodded. Maybe the others did too.

" i can cook for her." Freen suddenly said.

But jisoo shake her head.

" Not you Sarocha. Not you. Did you know how she looked like when i saw her?" Jisoo said and her polite tone suddenly changed.

Freen wasn't able to answer.

Jisoo looked at her with burning eyes.

" She was like a lost puppy. Soaking wet and Curled up under a slide in the playground. I've never saw her so vulnerable like that. I wasn't even sure if its her. Then she looked up and called me,she looked at me. Her eyes are begging... Asking for help and i know instantly who causde her to be like that.. Its you.. " she said coldly.

" youre the only one who can hurt her. You know that. . . Now if you'll excuse me. i need to cook. " she said then turned around and went to the kitchen.

" its my fault.. " freen whispered. Now tears falling from her eyes but its obvious she's in pain.

Becky and Freen are both in pain. And the worst. We can't do anything to lessen their pain right now.

We just watched Jisoo as she work on the kitchen silently.

And maybe after almost 30minutes .. The door open again.

And Becky in pjs stepped out. She's crying silently as she looked around.

I watched Freen watches Becky's every move ..

Then becky walked towards Jisoo who didnt notice her. She hugged her.

" Becky?  Waeyo? why are you crying?" she asked worriedly.

" I woke up and Sooyaa wasn't beside me. I thought Sooyaa left me too. I was so scared. " Becky cried like a kid.

I looked at Freeb whose biting her lower lip. I'm sure she's thinking about what Becky said

'I thought Sooyaaa left me too'

She thinks that Freen already  left her.

" Of course not. Sooyaa won't leave Becky. Ok?? I was just cooking and its almost done. Go back to your bed now and wait for me. Ok? And after you eat I'll go home to pack my thing and come back here. . " Jisoo said with out her usual tsundere attitude.

" Promise me. You'll be back. "

" I promise i'll be back before you even know i was gone. And we'll enjoy the school trip together. Ok?" Becky nodded and walked back to her room without even looking at us.

Jisoo then went back cooking.

" Promising something you cant keep? That's not  cool you know. " Rosé said who's now walking towards the kitchen.

" i don't know what youre talking about. " Jisoo said then prepared the food she cooked.

" You cant go with her on the trip. You are not in our class. " Rosé said.

Which we realized is true. We never saw her in class

" Of course i can. " she said and lift the tray.

" You are not in our class. " Rosé repeated

"I know that." she said then pplace down the tray again and looked at rosé

Rosé stared back.

" I wont break the promise i made. I'll be in the trip with all of you. And i wont let you have Becky again. " she said suddenly looking at Freen while saying the last sentence.

" i didn't know that youre stupid. I guess you really cant have good looks and brain at the same time. " Rosé said while smirking.

" Of course it can. Becky is a big proof of that and so am i. If you don't know I'm a Gap student. Taking up business management. Just like the rest of you. They know I'm working at the cafe near here. " she said and pointed her forefinger on us.

" and because of that i decided to take my subjects Every weekends. . End of the story. " she said and left the kitchen with the tray of food she prepared.

Rosé was left with her mouth open. Then she closed it and looked at us.

" Well at least i tried. I guess you got a strong rival Freen. " the she sat back.

" I always knew she has a thing on Becky since we were kids.  She cant fool me with her tsundere act." Freen said.

" What are you going to do now? " Rosé asked.

" I'll have her back no matter what. " she said in a determined tone while staring at the closed door of Becky and Mind's room.

" Wow that's the spirit. Now... based on what we heard.. Jisoo will be staying here tonight. I think you two should go back to your dorm pack your things and come back here." Noey said with a smile on here lips.

" Yes .. We cant let Jisooya have Becky easily. " Charlotte said.

" I'll come with you so you can pack faster.. " Nam volunteered.

They nodded.. And before they go sae called acchan.

" If Becky will give you a black box. Accept it without hesitation. " Mind said.

" black box?" Freen asked

" She.. Already gave it to me "

" did you open it?" Freen shake her head.

" You should. Go now and be back. "

After they left we all sat silently on the living room.

" We'll go with the original plan. But we have to change some of it. Because becky is our target now and not Freen. " Mind started.

" But the way i see it. It wont be easy. " Lisa pouted.

" we already know that when she talked to Freen earlier. Plus Jisoo's unexpected act " Mind said.

" About that. I didn't know that Jisoo has a thing on Becky. Shes always acting so tsundere over her.. " i said then looked at Noey with a smirk.

" You look like an idiot Irin. I know what youre thinking. And its wrong. " Noey said.

" if you say so. " i said but still smiling. Im not assuming or what but i know. I feel it. Noey likes me too. I'll just wait for her patiently

" i love Becky too and im sure you didnt know that. " Mind suddenly said.

And we stared at her like shes an alien or something.

" We know. We're not dense like Becky because she only see freen And Irin. " Noey said while smirking at me.

" Wait.. What do you mean like me?" i said and looked at them.

" you didnt know that Mind is in love with Becky. " Charlotte said while giggling.

" you knew?" Mind asked while blushing.

I cant believe it. They all knew?

"Yes. We wont treat you like that if we think youre just helping Becky . We treat you like we don't like you because we know you're trying to steal her from freen."

" owh.. " sae said..

Damn. I cant let this happen. ME not knowing about this?

" Thats ok irin. we all know youre an idiot to figure that out. Hahaha" Noey laugh.

" Anyway. Lets forget about that get through the plan. The original plan cant be changed. Professor Lux already agreed and all the activities on the trip were already prepared too. Good thing Becky don't know about it" mind said.

yes Becky didn't know that this class trip is our plan to help her get Freen back.

" We just need to go with the flow and wait on how Freen will make her move.. " Mind continued

" The activities on the first day.. Here. "Lisa then showed us her phone and we nodded .

" on the second day. Which is Freens birth day. " i said then looked at them. I guess they dont know that its her birthday.

" Im sure Becky wont forget that. Im hoping she'll do something for Freen Like she always do. And then its all up to freenn. If Freenn did a great job they will be together again even before the class trip ends." i said

" what did Becky do on Freen's birthday? " Lisa asked?

" Well.. Freen loves surprises.. And Becky loves to surprise freen. Two years ago. Becky knows how Freen loves Park Chaeyoung of BlackPink.. Then Becky.. I don't know how she did it but she gave Freen a poster of that Girl's with a legit Autograph With a Video Greeting " I said..

They all looked amazed. I am too.

" Then last year... In front of everybody at school. It was our P.e. time. A band appeared on the stage and she went on the stage and sat on the Keyboard and played a song we never heard before and after the song Becky asked Freen if she liked the song she composed for her "

I said with i wide smile .. I still can remember how Freen made her way on the stage and kissed Becky in front of us.

" Im hoping Becky will do something that will surprise Freen again and that's their biggest chance to be together again. "

" i envy freen.. " Charlotte said softly

Who wouldn't? I do too. Specially those times when nothing like this happened. The times when all they do is to love each other.

But i guess. Love isn't really that easy.

" You should not. You have Engfa. " Lisa said then Charlotte blushed.

i rolled my eyes heaven wards when i heard the name. I Don't like that Girl. Noey is too fond of her.

They started to tease Charlotte but suddenly went quiet when Jisoo stepped out of Beckys room.

" if Becky will look for me. Kindly tell her i'll be back soon. Thank you. " she said and went out of the apartment without waiting for our reply.

" Tsk. As if i'll do that. "Lisa said then crossed her arm over her chest.


Freen's Pov

2:45am and almost everyone is already in front of the the school gate.

Rosé and i stayed at Becky's apartment. But i wasn't able to see her because she didn't step out of the room again even jisoo

I touched the necklace on my neck. Yesterday as soon as we reached the dorm i hurriedly pulled out the box Becky gave me from my drawer and opened it

And then i saw this beautiful necklace and i almost didnt stop crying after reading whats on the ring.

I should have known.

I should have known that Becky wouldnt do anything that will hurt me. I should have known that she always thinks the best for me.

I shouldn't have acted that way. I should have talked to her the first time she tried to explain herself.
I want to say sorry to her so bad but i don't know how.
I sighed as i look at her hugging Jisoo while smiling.

We were all shock on how she acted earlier. We were expecting her cold treatment like she did yesterday. But she did not.

Instead.. She greeted us all good morning with a bright smile. She even said hi to me.

Then she apologized for how she acted yesterday.
She apologized to me. I wanted to say she don't have to. That it was me who should be sorry.

But she just smiled at me and the worst she congratulated me and rosé. She even wished us goodluck.

Now i don't know what to do again. I'm thinking that its more better if she'll act coldly on me.

" Hey.. Whats with that face? Aren't you excited? " She asked me with a smile. I cant help but to stare at her and how she hugs Jisoo infront of me.

" o-of course i am. " i said and faked a smile.

" Sooyaaa is excited too, right?" she then looked at jisoo who smiled at her before answering.

" Yup. Because Becky is with me. "

" Freen... Come with me for a while irin said she wants to talk to you. " Ros3 said and i want to hug her right now. ALl i want right now is to get away from them.
I hurriedly followed her. And saw Irin with the others.

" whats happening??" she asked.

" I don't know." i said.

" Do you think shes acting like this to push you away? Like what she and Mind did? " Irin asked.

" I don't think so.. Yes we act being so close and touchie. But she treated freenn like she didn't exist. Unlike now. Shes being friendly with freen and i hate this. " mind said.

" And why? Isnt that a good thing? Shes not ignoring Freeb or acting cold.. " Irin said. BUT I agree with Mind. I'd rather choose Becky being cold to me.

" Are you really stupid?" Noey asked, Irin glared at her.

" This is bad ok? Becky's act.. Being friendly with Freen.. Is like she already moved on and accepted the fact that they are done. That all they only have now is friendship. " Mind said in a worried tone. And I'm getting more scared now.

" Thats impossible! I know how much Becky love freen!" Irin said.

" I hate to say this but its not impossible. Pain can change people." Nowy said in a low voice.

NO. this can't happen.

" I know Becky. I know her freen. You know Becky more than anyone else here. So don't give me that face. Youre not allowed to give up. Do you understand? We need to trust on your love for each other. " Irin said while looking hard at me.

" Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this."

" Don't thank us yet. Do that when you had Becky again. and you comrade. " Irin said while staring at Rosé

" me?" she said pointing at her self.

" Yes. WE have the same height. "

" ah yeah. I almost planned to cut my foot an iche when i learned that"

" Stop acting so tough.. It doesn't suit you. Now i have a job for you and only you can do it. "

We all looked at her curiously.

" we have the same Height so i know youre an 'M' too. " Irin said while grinning.

" Im a what? Youre crazy!" Rosé said while frowning.

" You don't have to deny that. I am too. " she said while looking at Noey

" I'm not " Rosé answered.

" you like Freen and according to Becky and i witnessed that she's a sadist. And i saw how you look at Jisoo" Irin said still grinning and now were all looking at Rosé.

" i-i don't know what youre talking about .. and i don't like what youre think. No. I wont do it. " she said then turned her back.

" I'm sure you will Rosé.. " Irin said.

" you fell in love with her didn't you? When she talked harshly on you. " Irin said teasingly.

Rosé remained silent and that proves irin is right .

" now .. " irin said then put her arm around Rosé and made her face us.

And damn Rosé is blushing. I never saw her like this.

" You'll flirt with Jisoo. Try to get all her attention. If possible make her fall for you too. That way we're hitting two birds with one stone. You'll be helping Freen big time and at the same time you'll have jisoo " irin said in a teasing tone..

" For the first time youre really using your brain which i thought don't exist. " Noey said but she's smiling.
the mood around us became light. We can now feel the excitement again.

Then lisa and Charlotte came to me. And what they said really made my face red.

" P'Freen.. If you need to rape Becky just to have her back. Do it. Don't hesitate. OK?" Lisa said while looking at me with her serious eyes.

" unh! We'll even help you to tie her if its needed. " Charlotte added.

" W-what are you talking about! Gosh! Becky's perverseness really got in to you!" i said while blushing. I looked at my back and to my luck irin, noey, Nam and Mind were still teasing Rosé

when i looked at them again they are still staring at me.

" Look. Thats not really a great idea ok? And that's impossible if we're not together in one room!" i said and im still blushing.

Somehow the thought of Becky's naked body crossed my mind and i shake my head. This is not the time to think about that .

" We already planned that. You and Becky will be sharing the same room." Lisa said now smiling so wide While Charlotte beside her is nodding her head.

Becky and I, in one room? Why do i suddenly felt nervous?
Damn. I need to calm down. Its not the first time we're going to share the same room.

I even sleep with her in her room. For i dont know how many times.

I shake me head again because Becky's naked body crossed my mind again. This isnt supposed to be the time to think about those kinds of things.. Is it?

I think Becky's perverseness is getting into me too.

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