I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

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Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 7- Housemates
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run
Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Stage 8- Its Her

834 48 15
By KingYuuko1317

Becky's Pov

" Hey watch out! I'm coming through!"

" Eeeh? No! Not here!"

" Kyaaah!" and there Irin landed on the floor face first.

" Irin i hate you!" yelled Lisa who looks like shes about to cry as she gather her playing card.

She has been trying to make a card deck tower for almost an hour now and when its about to be finished ...

There goes Irin, entering our apartment with her roller skates. And before she could stand up she received a hard knock on the head from noey.

" That hurts.. " Irin said while rubbing her head. Then she looked at Lisa, Whose being helped by Charlotte.

" Sorry lisaya "

" I hate you!"

" hey whats going on here?" P'Nan said who just came out from their room.

I just shake my head. What a great way to spend our last free day.
Its Sunday and my parents told me that i don't have to go home this week end --- a miracle..

I didn't asked why thou..

I closed my eyes and try to relax on the sofa . Trying not to mind five people just behind my back whose now i think were all helping Lisa to build her card tower

Then i remembered what i just did a couple of days ago.

I was rereading freen's messages to me. One by one again then I'll hit reply

Type something but eventually delete it again.

I was doing that to all her messages

But something happened that i didn't expect.
I was typing my reply to her last message.

Then suddenly i heard a loud knock on my door which startled me.

The last thing i know is that My reply was sent. And in just a couple of minutes.. I had a reply back from her. 

My heart started to beat so fast i forgot that someone is knocking on my door .

I closed my eyes then opened it again. Took a deep breath and read her reply.

" I Know."

Those two words. Just two words from her.

I sighed then looked at my message to her that I accidentally sent.

I sighed again and closed my eyes then suddenly someone took my phone.

" What the! Irin!" i yelled she's now on the end corner of the living room with a triumph smile.

" Give me my phone back!" i yelled again and stood up which made everyone silent. They are not used to it. Me.. Yelling.

I sighed then looked at Irin with  pleading eyes  She's my best friend but i hadn't told her about Freens messages after i broke up with her.

" Just give me my phone back.." i plead again but instead of giving it back she looked at me suspiciously.

" Youre not telling me something." then she looked at my phone and her already big eyes went bigger.

" B-bec whats this? Whats the meaning of this?" she asked.

Which made my housemates curious. I mentally face palm. I guess what she think now is that I'm dating someone.

" Hey is it a message from someone? What does it say?" asked Noey sheepishly.

" A message from her lover?" Lisa Guessed in her unusual teasing tone. And i heard charlotte gasp.

P'Nam is the only one who still looked so puzzled.

I helplessly sat back on the sofa.

" Becky messaged someone. . She says.. " I Love You. I Always Do. " ." she then looked at me. I just shake my head when i heard them start teasing me.

But irin immediately stopped then returned my phone and sat beside me.

Her action made the others stop teasing me to.

" What a cold way to answer eh? Why did you even send that to her? I thought.. You.. " She said in a confused tone. I cant blame her i broke up with Freen and now I'll send something like that?

" I didn't mean too. But i never expected her to reply like that. But i cant blame her. Can i? Its my fault anyway. " i said then went to my own room. its true that i never expected her to reply like that.

I know i really didn't mean to send that message. But i was expecting her to reply just like what she used to.

That she loves me too. That she always do.

I sighed and went to my room and locked the door.

I know those looks. I know they wanted to ask. But I'm not in the mood to do a story telling right now. Its up to Irin if she'll talk or not.

But knowing her plus Noeyvwill surely ask her, no doubt that before this night end me and Freen's oh so unfortunate story will be known.

I lay on my bed face down.

" Im sorry.. If only.. If only i don't have a weak heart. " then tears started to fall from my eyes.

I didn't know i fell asleep until i was awaken with some soft knocks on my door.

I looked at my digital clock. its already 11:30pm

I got up and when i opened my door.. There is the least person I expected to be standing in front of my door at this time of hour.

" yes?" i asked softly. i looked around but no one is there.

" already sleeping. Come here" she said and dragged me to the kitchen.

I just watched her open the refrigerator pulled out a bowl and put it inside the microwave..

She then sat across me. We didn't speak until we heard a 'ting' sound which means that the thing --probably food inside the microwave is ready.

She stood up and pulled a bowl out and place it in front of me. Then she hand me a spoon.

" its a porridge.." she said.

"I know....but..." then i looked at her with confusion.

" Eat. You haven't eaten dinner. And you need to take your medicine. Right? Irin told us. "

" Owh" that's the only response i manage to say and i realized that I'm hungry.

I silently eat the porridge then she stood up.

Maybe she's going to sleep. So i continue eating..

But after a couple of minutes
Shes back and place some bottles on the table. Which i recognized were my medicine.

" Sorry i went to your room. I hope you don't mind?" she asked in her not so sorry tone. I chuckled then nod.

I took a couple of tablets from each of the bottles and take them in one go.

" Hey.. Is it ok to do that? I mean.."

" Don't worry most of these were just vitamins. " i said while holding the bottles.

" So.. About this Freen.." she started.

" What about her?" i asked with a smile.

" Tell me something about her... What is she to you?"

What is Freen to me?

I looked at the medicine bottle and then suddenly i saw her face smiling at me. That gummy bear smile.

" She's the best thing that ever happened to me. " i said.

Then suddenly i heard a shutter. When i looked up its her holding her phone with an amused smile on her lips.

" H-hey!"

" So you can smile like this huh? But then from what Irin said. You broke up with her. But i understand you and I'm telling you no one will call you a coward for that. " she said and then i saw her eyes. Looking straight to me.

" Thank you"

" But then.. Rebecca.. Is it really necessary to do that?"

I smiled at her.

" At least i think this is for the best. If were really meant to be.. Then.. maybe destiny will help us"

She smiled at me..

" Destiny? hmm. But always remember. We can always write our own destiny. And I'm sure. This isn't the end of you and freen's story. I think You two were just taking some little detours. " then she stood up.

" Well.. You are really a nice person .. Aren't you? You should stop giving Irin a hard time. I think she really do love you and i know youre beginning to like her now.. "

" Who knows? Better sleep now school will start later.. " She said with her usual mysterious smile.

" Thank you.. Noey" i said before she went to her room.


At around 7:30am. We are all set. Irin is already here.

" So.. This is it. College life huh?" P'Nam said.

" Well ...just still like high school you know? The only difference is that we'll have more subject depending on what course we are taking. " Lisa said as she put on her thick black framed glasses ..

" i heard Gap Univ still have some clubs. You know drama, Music clubs and so on. " Charlotte added.

" I see ! No need to worry then!" Irin said cheerfully.

" I doubt it tho, you know. Im still wondering how you passed the entrance exam. " Noey said with a smirk which made Irin's face red. Not because shes blushing.

" Hey stop that.. Let's go. " i said and what a miracle they all followed me without complain.

" Im wondering what my rank is." Lisa said while were walking.

" What rank? " Irin asked innocently.

" You dont know what rank is? Now im really wondering how you passed. " Noey commented.

and Irin is about to answer her but lisa already speak.

" Gap has its ranking on how good you did on their entrance exam. And the result will be posted on their big bulletin board at the entrance of auditorium where the entrance ceremony commonly held. "

" But i also heard this time the rank one wont be included on the list. I wonder why.. " P'Nam said.

" Well.. They said they'll introduce her/him on the ceremony and will be asked to give a speech. " Lisa said again.

" You sure know lots of stuffs huh?" i said.

" Well all you have to do is read. Gap has its own website. All news about Gap were being posted there." I just nodded.

" Hey hurry! heres the list!" we heard someone yelled..

and when we looked in front its Irin. I think she ran towards the bulletin board while Lisa is talking.

shes grinning like an idiot when we reached the bulletin.

" Whats with that stupid look?" Noey asked casually which made Irin pout but immediately smile again.

" Look!" then we all stare that where her finger is pointing.

Rank 16 : Irin Urassaya Malaiwong

" Owh. So you really did pass. Unbelievable. " Noey teases.

" what rank am i?" P'Nam asked.

" Rank 8. Then Charlotte is.. Rank 12.. Then Im rank 6.. Noey is rank 4.. And Becky.. " Lisa tried to scan the lower ranks. Dunno if should be insulted or what But i just ignored it. I don't care about rankings anyway.

" Rank 2" Noey said.

" Eeehhh???" i heard Irin reacted.

" Don't react like i don't deserve it. " i said then started walking towards the auditorium.

" Its not that. But i never see you study really hard. Dont tell me youre a genius? "

I sighed.

" Irin i dont have to show everybody that im studying really hard just to prove that im really studying. Come on now. the ceremony is about to start "

And before they entered i can still heard irin whining Probably noey smacked her head again.

Sometime i dont know how we got stick together.

We found ourselves seats at the left middle part of the auditorium. As soon as our butts touched the chairs.. A man spoke from the stage

Maybe he is the president?

" Good Morning everyone!" he greeted and i cover my ears when the student greeted him back.

" Before we start the program.. Let me introduce my self first, im Saint Suppapong. The president of Gap University. Im glad to welcome all of you in my school!"

He earned around of applause from all the students.

The man continue speaking.. Im not really listening. Im scrolling my gallery again looking at Freen's pictures.

She do like to take pictures using my phone.

" Becky he will announce the top 1 now. " Lisa said which made me look at the stage.

I don't know why but my heart suddenly started beating really fast.

" Let us now hear a short speech from Gap Univ's entrance exam top 1. Then after that she'll receive a certificate. May we call now Our top 1! Miss Sarocha Chankimha!"

I think time suddenly became slow. Sarocha Chankimha.. I looked around.

Where is she?

" Bec! did i hear it right is it really Sarocha Chankimha?" Irin said from my back but i ignored her im scanning the crowd . Is it really her?

And there i saw her walking towards the stage.

Its really her. I held my chest. My heart is beating really fast. I missed her. I missed her so much that it hurts.

I stared at her. Shes looking around.

" Freen." I whispered and as if on cue our eyes met.

Im sure shes looking at me even tho i know how bad our eye sight is. Im wearing contacts. Maybe shes wearing hers too.

" Are you surprised? " she said which made everyone confused except for me and maybe Irin.

" Didnt expect me to be here right ? But Guess what? I managed to enter this school. I even surpassed you!" She said. I noticed how the people in her back started to panic.

" Rebecca Patricia Armstrong! I told you! Were Not Done Yet! You are A Hundred Thousand Years Early to leave me!" she said now glaring at me.

Now it made me facepalm.

" Really now.. " i whispered while shaking my head.
And when i look at her again. Other teachers on the stage are trying to make her step down on the stage.

" You Hear me!? Were not done yet! Hey.. Get off me! "

" Stop her!"

" Becky! Im gonna make you realize how stupid you--- LET ME GO!" and finally they managed to get her down the stage.

I hurriedly stood up and left the auditorium. I sat on the nearest bench.

" That was quiet a scene. " i heard noey said.

" A hundred thousand years early eh?" Lisa said now laughing.

" She is?" Charlotte asked. I nodded.

And smile..

" Yes.. Its Her."

Youre really something Sarocha Chankimha.


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