I Give My First Love To You (...

By KingYuuko1317

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Another FreenBecky Fic. I hope you'll like this one guys. I just hope that you wont hate me for writing this... More

Stage 1- Sad Truth
Stage 2- Always Like First
Stage 3- HeartBeat
Stage 4- Bet, Gap Univ, Decision
Stage 5- Life Without Freen
Stage 6- Not Yet
Stage 8- Its Her
Stage 9- Friendship
Stage 10- Just A Fluffy First Day and Freen's Determination
Stage 11- Roommate? Rival?
Stage 13- Unexpected Trip
Chapter 14: Turned of events, Roommates??
Stage 15- First day, First Night
Stage 16- Second Day, Gift from who? Freen Cant
Stage 17- Third Day, Becky's Final Run
Stage 18- Love, Pain And Pleasure
Stage 19- The Girl In Black
Stage 20- Its FreenBecky Time
Stage 21- The Perfect or The Worst Day?
Stage 22- Youre Crazy
Stage 23- Becky's Plead
Stage 24- Last, Jennie

Stage 7- Housemates

883 39 15
By KingYuuko1317

Becky's Pov

" Ok. Take a deep breath.. Yes.. " said Aunt Nan

" Youre ok. But that last attack was.." but she didnt continue Instead he let a sigh escape from her mouth.

Its been a week since that attack of mine. I woke up and im not in my bed instead im in a place im very familiar with.

White painted room and the smell of alcohol. And dont forget .. A needle stuck at the back of my hand.

My mom was so mad about me not calling any of them. And then found me on my room unconscious.

i told them im sorry and wont do that again.

But what im really glad is. They managed not to tell Freen what happened.

" Thank you for not telling Freen. " I said in a whisper as i button the few button of my dress.

" We were all worried when Freen came alone in the restaurant. And told us that you just called her. And i really felt bad and your parents too.. That we enjoyed that night while you were suffering."

" Its fine . " i said then give her a bright smile.

" So.. You'll be off to Bangkok tomorrow?" i nodded. I Wanted to ask how Freen is but i dont have to because Aunt Nan spoke.

" I dont know what got into you. But i understand. You don't want to give my daughter an uncertain future. But ever since you too broke up. I never saw her smile the way she used to and so do you... And she always lock her self in her room. Probably crying.. "

" Im sorry .. " i said then look down. i felt her pat my head.

" i told you.. I understand. But if ever you'll change your mind. I know .. We all know that you still love her. "

" I will always do .." i suddenly said.

" I know. And youre always welcome to come back. Freen maybe a stubborn and won't take you back for awhile but we all know her.."

I nodded. And before i go.. a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

" Aunt Nan.. " I said as i stood up.

" Yes?"

" In my condition.. . " i paused thinking if i should really ask her. But decided to..

" Will i be able to do it ?" i continued then look away.

" What do you mean it?"

" You know.. sex " i said and just whispered the last word. A couple of minutes passed but he didn't answer and when she looked at me shes glaring.

" Owh no.. No.. Aunt Nan. I-im not thinking of doing it with Freen!" i said and i know my face is as red as a tomato.

Its true that im not thinking of doing it with Freen right now. But i admit that sometimes when were kissing.. And. . we almost ... Aish!

" I know. You respect my daughter more than anyone do. "

a sigh of relief escaped from my mouth.

" about that.. You can. . But.. "

" I cant bear a child?"

She nodded. Ive know that for so long. It just hurt knowing freen really loves children. . .

" I wont dare too either. I dont want my child to suffer for inheriting this illness of mine. " i said bitterly. I dont want someone else to suffer because of me again.

" Becky.."

" I think i should go now Aunt Nan. I'll just visit once in a while and of course i wont miss my check ups " i said then stormed out of his office.

When i got home. My mom and dad talked to me. Asking if I'm really sure about this.

" Mom, I Am and you know you guys can also live in Bangkok with me" but i know they wont. They love our town.

" Mom. Bangkok is just a train ride from here and we have a car.. Just an hour drive. You can visit me anytime. And i'll be staying here every weekends. " I said cheerfully.

" Dont mind your mom becca. Shes just not used to it. You know? That youre not with us?" but my mom elbowed him.

" Tsk look whose talking. You even cried last night saying " honey what should we do? Our baby is gonna leave us.. " my mom said trying to imitate my dads voice.

we just ended up laughing.

After dinner i went straight to my room. My things are already packed. And we already visited my apartment . My parent liked the idea of me having house mates. They say they had less to worry because there will be some people to look after me. But i haven't met any of them.

The apartment is good. Has three big room. A clean kitchen. And three bath rooms. One in each side of every room.

Then what i like the most was the living room. It has a 65' led tv With a full set dvd player. And when i checked the dvds on the rack it has Harry Potter 1-7 and many more..

The land lady said those dvds were owned by her previous tenants but didn't bother taking them home with them.

The rent was a bit high but because its a good place to live and just a walking distance to the school my parents didnt mind.

They already paid my rent for the whole term. But the thing is i wasnt sure yet if i'll be really entering Gap.  The entrance exam hasnt started yet.

But my parent said with the brain i have. I wont fail.

Gap has two schedule for entrance exam. First will be after a week from now -- which i was scheduled to-- and second is a day after the first schedule.

I heard that it usually only have one schedule but because of the number of students that will take the exam this year the schedule changed.


About 8am in the morning the following day. Everything is all set. Were just having our breakfast and were off to Bangkok.

While in the car my mom wont stop reminding me what to do.

My medicine, eat healthy food, my medicine, be a good girl,  call them every day, My medicine And my medicine.

" mom i'll be fine. Ok? I have full set of my medicine in every bag i have. So dont worry ok? And have you forgotten? you also asked Irin to carry a set in case i have an attack and i forgot mine. " i said softly

I cant blame her for worrying. I just had a bad attack on my graduation and its because i forgot to bring my medicine. Coz if i do.i wounldnt even be confined again and be able to celebrate with them.

After a couple of hours we arrived at my apartment and Irin was waiting patiently out side. She helped us put my things inside my room.

After that my parents returned to our home but its obvious they really dont want to leave me.

" Your parents really love you.. " Irin said as she sat across me on the living room.

" all parents love their children Irin. "

" Becky, I heard your room mates will also arrive today and if not maybe tomorrow. I wonder if they too will go to Gap" Irin said and i was about to answer when we heard the front door open.

And there appeared a tall girl with a really hair who looked around and stop walking when she saw us. I cant read her emotion.

But when i looked at Irin i think shes gone crazy. She suddenly stood up and walked towards the girl.

" H-hey! Im Irin. Whats your name? Are going to live here too? Where are your things? I'll help you!" and with that. Without waiting for the tall girl to answer , Irin went out.

" Is she going to live here too?" the tall girl asked. I shake my head.

" Shes my friend and she's living just a few blocks from here. Im Becky by the way... Becky Armstrong. " i said then stood up.

she walked toward me and held out her hand.

" Noey. Bet youre going to Gap too?" i nodded then took her hand.

" I am too!" Irin said from Noey's back already carrying a large luggage.

" Wheres your room?" she added. And with her still blank expression .. She pointed at the middle room.

That expression. She reminds me of someone. .

After taking all her things to her room and thank us, Noey  went inside her room...

" Omg~ isnt she gorgeous? " Irin said with her dreamy tone.

" Wait. You mean?"

" Im in love becky" she said.

" What? But its the first time you saw her!"

" Dont you know that thing called Love At First Sight? " she said now smiling at me like an idiot.

I cant believe it! Irin saying shes in love and with a girl?

While all along she says shes straight? i shake my head.

" Hey Becky. Did you get her name? number? Chat line?" she asked excitedly. I never saw her like this.

" Her name is noey.. Number and chat line ? i dont know." i said but she ignored it And look at Noey's closed door.

" Even her name is beautiful. ."

" She looks like a sadist. " I said . And finally remembered who it was. She has the same expression when ever Freen is in her sadist mode.

" Sadist? No.. She looks like an angel" she said while smiling.

And again I just shake my head.

" Youre Mad" then i stood up and went to the kitchen .. i opened the freezer and looked for something to eat. But unfortunately. There's none. And its also not on.

i went to my room.. my things are still on my luggage . I'll just fix them later and took my wallet.

" oi.. irin. Come on. " i said and step out of the house.

" Huh? where to?" she asked as she followed me.

" i saw a grocery store on our way here. I have to buy some things and of course foods. " i said and saw her eyes glimmer.

" Foods! come on. " And she walked pass me.

This person really.. You wont want to be with her and freen at the same time. Or else you'll get broke.

Freen love freebies and so is irin

" Freen I miss you. " i whispered.

" saying something bec?" Irin asked and looked back at me.

" nothing.."

We spend two hours or so buying my things and foods .

Actually we should have finished after an hour. But irin kept arguing with me on what i should buy.. in the end. I ended up buying both of what i want and what she wants.

" Hey becky?? "

" No" i immediately answered.

"Jeeez ~ i havent even said what im about to say. " she said and pout

" Let me guess. You want to spend your days at the apartment. First because of Noey, Second because of the foods. No Irin. You have to review. Entrance exam is next week.

" Not fair.. If its Freen.. "

" Freen and you are different. " i said which made her pout more.

" Tsk. Youre so mean! " she said.

" I know i am. " i answered then chuckle.

We reached the apartment and someone is in the living room.

But its not just Noey.

Theres a girl on the couch where Irin sat earlier. Shes wearing a think black framed eye glasses, her bangs is perfectly straight and symmetrical and busy looking at her laptop she didnt even notice us .

Then i noticed thats she wearing earphone.

I looked at Noey and mouthed who is she.

" House mate " she said and stared back at the t.v.

Me and Irin went to the kitchen and arrange what we bought.

" They dont look so friendly do they?" Irin whispered and i nodded.

" Lets cook?" and Irin looked at me like im some kind of an alien.

" What?"

" I said lets cook."

" Youre joking.."

" Im not. "

then i looked at her .
" dont tell me.. "

" fine! i dont know how to cook ok? i just love eating!" she said and pout.

I remembered freen again. They reacted the same when i learned that they dont know how to cook.

" Ok. Just do what i say. "

but after a couple of minutes i shut irin out of the kitchen.

She just messed up everything.
After cleaning her mess i sat on the chair.

" What are you doing?" a small cute voice said from my back. its her. The girl with laptop.

" Huh? Uhmmm.. Cooking?" i said . I dunno why i answered her that way. It sounded like im not sure.

" youre not sure?" she asked again.

" o-of course i am. "

" hmm. " then she sat across me and reach for an onion and start peeling it.

" What are you doing?"

" helping you?" she answered like the way i did Which made me chuckle.

" my name is Becky. Becky Armstrong "

"Lisa. Lisa manoban" then she smiled.

This girl is cute.

We talked while cooking. Unexpectedly. What Irin and i agreed was wrong.

Lisa is friendly. And so is Noey whose now strangling Irin in the living room.

The following day. Even tho i told Irin not to come she still did.

Around 1 oclock another two girls arrived.
A girl  named Namorntara and a cute shy girl named Charlotte.

The room mates were P'Nam and P'Noey, Lisa and Charlotte.

Obviously im the only one who doesnt have a room mate yet. But the land lady informed us that the last boarder will arrive maybe at the end of this month.

And as expected.. We all are going to take Gap's entrance exam. We usually review together. Then we'll watch movie after

Irin always sticking at Noey who likes to hit her head.

P'Nam who looks like a tough girl is actually a sensitive one.

Its funny how she cried so much after we watched the movie "Hachiko"...

It was really a sad movie. I did cry.. We all did but not hard as she did. Then i learned that lisa likes hugging as much as i do..

Charlotte is still shy tho.

Days went really fast. Gaps entrance exam was finished.
And the result will be mailed to our house.

And the ranking will be announced and the entrance ceremony.

I wonder what Freen is doing right now.

What school did she choose? or did she really just find a part time job ?I really dont know right now. I miss her. But i dont want to see her. Coz if i do i might just waste everything i planed.

i hope shes doing Ok.

I just stared at my phone ..

Freens face is perfect like an angel.

" I love you Freen." i whispered before drifting to a deep sleep.


N/A: another boring update. Gomen!

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