Yandere One Shots

By A_non_ym_ous

56.8K 1K 367

One shots for when I'm bored and have quick ideas. All these stories have darker themes and plots, most if n... More

The Arena
The Arena P2
Into The Abyss
Once Upon A Dream
Hack N' Slash
Hack N' Slash Pt2
Truth Hurts
All The Kings Men
Step Into My Parlor
Touch Tone Telephone
Into the Water
The Willow Maid

Revenge is Sweet

3.7K 51 3
By A_non_ym_ous

F.Yandere x Reader

    She had killed them. All of them. The entire royal family, slaughtered in their own thrown room. Y/N was one of the few to survive alive and free that night, the rest of the kingdom enslaved or dead- under her rule completely.
   Under the cold moon, that night, Y/N had taken an oath to avenge the princess that had been killed by that Queen, the princess who had been her dearest friend... and on some accounts, her lover. The queen would die, and it would be by Y/N's hand, tonight.

    Her eyes narrowed as the icy wind whipped against her back, her hand gripping the knives she had plunged between the stones in the wall, inching towards the darkened window, using vines to help her move.
   With a grunt, she threw her body to the window, her hands gripping onto the windowsill, leaving her hanging far far above the ground. She took a breath, before pulling herself up onto the sill, steadying herself, before thrusting her elbow through the glass, causing it to shatter.
   She hopped in, pausing to make sure she wasn't heard, before moving towards the door that had light peaking under the frame.

    Tonight was a party for the new Queen's coronation, all her best allies and the cowards who submitted to her rule would be here; but   Y/N didn't care for them.
    When the moon was in the exact center of the sky, the Queen would show herself at the party to announce her plans to the kingdom. Y/N was going to kill her before she ever got to and take the throne herself; try to right the horrible wrongs- or die trying.
    From a few tipped off castle workers, Y/N learned that the Queen would be in her room getting ready beforehand. Alone.

      The young woman crept into the hall, hearing the silence around her, finding it safe to move.
   She knew the castle like the back of her hand from working here for 24 years, having been the princesses friend since birth almost and her handmaiden at 14.

     With a small hand mirror, she peaked around the corner, seeing nor hearing anyone, before she silently padded up the steps, crouching into the candle and moonlit hallway, the room at the end being the old king and queens.
    Putting an ear to the door, she listened, the room being very quiet, telling her that she must be in there alone.
    This was the part that was sketchy, since she didn't know where the queen would be, but Y/N was fairly certain that she'd be able to overpower her even if she lost the advantage of surprise.

    Steeling her nerves, she pushed the door open silently, staying low to the ground as she crept in.
    Her eyes narrowed to the Queen who stood on the other side of the room, her black dress laid behind her; staring at a bundle of roses, her petite hands gently caressing one of the wilted leaves. Y/N's heart squeezed in hatred, knowing those were the flowers she had plucked and gotten for the princess.

"I knew you would come." The Queen said, her voice even and flat, yet strangely familiar.
Y/N knew she'd been caught so she stood, the Queen not turning around. Y/N closed her fist tighter around the dagger in her hand.

"You are going to die tonight." Y/N's voice was barely above a whisper, shaking from rage and hate.
"Am I?"
"Yes, and you will die in the name of Pamela Catironia!" Y/N yelled the princesses name, launching into action, aiming the knife right for the dark Queen's neck.
In the matter of a second, the queen whipped around, grabbing Y/N by her wrists with an uncanny strength- before pushing her down onto her plush bed, pinning the assassin with ease.
Y/N looked up at her masked face with wide eyes, staring at the silver faceplate that had vines carved into it, two cut out eyeholes allowing the queen to see.
She struggled against her small hands, feeling like rocks had been concreted around her wrists- the woman's strength dumbfounding Y/N.

"Y/N." The woman whispered, leaving the assassin stunned.
"How do you?-"
Quickly, the dark queen took her hand from her wrist and pulled the mask off her head, blonde hair tumbling around her face.
Y/N's eyes widened with shock as tears pricked them. "Pamela." She breathed, before lips were locked with hers, and the two kissed deeply.
When the blonde pulled away, Y/N's lip quivered and a tear fell from the corner of her eye. "B-but how? I- I thought you were dead!" She whimpered, causing the princess to smile softly, before pecking her lips again, a little smirk playing on her lips.

    "Did you ever see me die, Y/N?" She asked gently, playing with her handmaidens hair.
    Her mouth opened and closed like a fish, no, she hadn't. She hadn't been there in the throne room, had only seen the blood leaking into the halls, the servants running and shoving her, screaming to get out of the castle as the dark queens men marched in behind her.
    Before she could ask questions, she was brought to her feet.
    "Come, I've already prepared a bath for you, my dear." She hummed softly, leading her into the bathroom across the room where a warm bath had been poured, a dim candelabra lighting up the room while the moon did the rest.
   Pamela move behind Y/N , undoing the back of her shirt before gently pulling it off as well as the layers underneath, leaving her chest bare.

    "Pamela I... I..." Her face heated as she felt her soft hands go to her hips, untying her pants and pulling them off her waist. The two had been close and intimate before, but never... like this. It... reminded Y/N how much she had missed it.

    Y/N took her boots off, slipping out of her pants, leaving her bare, Pamela drinking in her figure as she stepped into the bath, hesitantly sitting down.
   Pamela sat on the stair on the side of the bath, grabbing a pitcher, filling it with water.

    "How did you escape? How did- did you defeat the dark queen?" Y/N asked, knowing Pamela had somehow stolen the woman's mask and assumed her position in secret. Pamela laughed softly before gently pouring the warm water over her head, getting her hair wet.
    "It's a long story." She replied vaguely, dumping more water over Y/N's head.
   "I want to hear! And- how did you know I was coming?" Y/N  asked, all her questions now coming to the front of her mind.

    "Well, the people you had tipped off for information told me- since I had set the castle on high alert looking for you." She frowned slightly, grabbing soap and massaging it into her hair, making Y/N relax. "You know, at first, I felt so betrayed... I had thought you left me. That you had ran. But- when I had found out you were here, and planning to kill -or more so- avenge me, you surprised me very much so. Restored all my faith in my little handmaiden~" She cooed with a warm smile, slowly rinsing the soap from her hair.

     "Well, of course princess... I... would do anything for you... I think we both know I'm more than just your handmaiden." Y/N said softly with a fluttering feeling in her chest.
   Pamela giggled softly and nodded. "I'd say." She teased, splashing a little water on her.

    Y/N felt whole again at last... like everything in the world had been righted. That her path had been fulfilled and she was back with the woman she loved... but the question still stood.
   "But... how did you escape? Is anyone else still... alive?" She asked slowly, causing Pamela's smile to falter softly.

    "I didn't escape Y/N, nor did I defeat the Queen."
   "Then how-"
   "I am the Queen."

     Silence fell, Y/N's eyes turning into saucers as she stared at Pamela, before she shook her head. "But- but that's impossible! I saw the blood!" She exclaimed and Pamela gently placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
    "I killed them, Y/N." She said sincerely, as if she was talking about flowers and not the murder of her entire family.

    Her heart dropped to her stomach, shattering into a million pieces as the information churned in her mind. "How... how could you...?" She muttered, her face white with fear as the girl she had loved her entire life turned into something else entirely right before her eyes.
   Pamela smiled softly, and sighed, knowing the information would shock her love, why wouldn't it? Y/N was pure, and believed that she was even more pure, though that was quite the opposite.

    "Magic. I've been learning in secret for years now." Pamela replied smoothly.
    The h/c's brows furrowed, her eyes blinking in confusion. "Magic!? But its!-"
   "Forbidden, I know." She huffed, before leaning in and grasping Y/N's hands with great care, looking deeply into her eyes. "But don't you see? Nothing is forbidden now! It's all to my command now!" Her tone held excitement, while Y/N leaned away, barely recognizing who she was looking at anymore.

    "A few years before I had started to learn, my family had affianced me to some prince in the Diamond Isles, and when he was to come of age and finish his training to become king- they were going to ship me off like some sow, to be married!" Her lips tugged downward into a deep frown and her voice spoke fast. "I couldn't have that- I couldn't leave you. I love you! I wasn't going to just say goodbye because my parents said so? Not for a second I would, my devotion to you is too strong." Her hands gripped tighter, Y/N now backed up against the wall of the tub. "But now that I have the throne... I can do as I please. I don't have to be sold like cattle to some prince, I can marry you instead, and no one- no one can say otherwise!" Pamela grinned, only inches away from Y/N's face. "Isn't that wonderful? Look at what I've done for you!" She laughed, before leaning back. "And that's exactly what I'm announcing tonight! My new wife, and in only a weeks time we will have a wedding and!-"

     "No!" Y/N yelped, yanking her hands away from the princess, her eyes wide with shock and her heart beat wild with terror.
    "Y/N, don't panic, dear. I can hear your heart; I know a wedding is stressful but-"
    "I'm not marrying you!" Y/N snapped, shaking her head repeatedly.

    Pamela's face slowly darkened, raising a brow, her smile twitching, losing all sincerity. "Y/N, don't be silly. We're going to marry, we're in love, dearest."
   "I don't even know who you are, Pamela!" Y/N yelled in retort, gritting her teeth. "The Pamela I know wouldn't kill her family! Enslave her people!" Y/N hissed, conflicted with hatred and love. "You- your crazy!"

    The moment the words came out of her mouth, her throat seized up, no longer able to breath in. It was like someone had pinched her windpipe shut, though no one was touching her.
   A choked sound leased from her lips as she began to claw at her neck, her eyes leaking tears and begging for air as she looked at Pamela, knowing that it was her magic that was causing this.

    Y/N's face started to turn blue and spots decorated her vision- before the fingers around her windpipe released, and she fell forward into the Queen's arms, gasping for air, unable to move as she sucked the sweet oxygen back into her lungs, small sobs leasing from her in the process.
   Pamela held her naked body, petting Y/N's wet hair. "I think I just showed you well enough that you don't have a choice, my love." She said quietly, her voice as even and flat as when Y/N had first entered the bedroom. "But that's okay," she sighed, "after all the excitements over, it'll be just like it used to be, Y/N. Just you and me. A handmaiden and a princess."
   Y/N cried into Pamela's chest, heartbreak and fear making her body shake as her whole world seemed to crumble around her.
   "You will be my queen, and I will be yours," Pamela added softly, "forever."  

{Pamela went full Sith Lord 💀
Also I'm pretty sure this is one of my shortest ones yet- but somehow one of my favorites}

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