The Alphas' Little Luna

By JaneEdwinstowe

599K 12.9K 1.4K

He pushed me up against the locker, holding me close so i could not get away. He pressed his face into the c... More

Chapter 1 Mate
chapter 2 My Mate Doesn't Know?!?!
chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)
Chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 2)
Chapter 4 And the Clock Struck Twelve
Chapter 5 Fate Just Hates Me
Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity
Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing
Chapter 9 Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects
Chapter 10 Accepting The Bond
Chapter 11 Family
Chapter 12 Attractions
Chapter 13 A Twist in School Life
Chapter 14 Die Subway {Part I}
Chapter 15 Die Subway {Part II}
Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk
Hello All

The Alphas' Little Luna

152K 1K 151
By JaneEdwinstowe

Yea another new story woohooo or should I say WEREhooo. hehehe see what I did werewolves and oh okay -_- ANYWAY frosted flakes and red velvet cake (hey that rhynes) umm random writing so I guess I should start


Snowy silver paws swiftly beat upon the powdered earth leaving behind large paw prints. Large puffs of air come out of the animal as it runs faster and faster up the mountain. Higher and higher it climbs until it reaches the top of mountain. Howls then fill the night sky as the animal draws back its head to cry into the starlit night.


~And dream of Para-para-paradise~ My phone blasted into my delicately sensitive ears. I jump up, and in the process, throw my phone across the room and groggily pull the covers over my head. A minute later I screech realizing the crime I have just committed. "MY BABY", I dive for my precious. My bed and gravity choose that moment to gang up on me and the next thing I know I am on the ground an inch away from my phone. I moan and grab my sugar that is still singing paradise by coldplay. I answer it.

"Riley Rae-Amber Coleston", I cringe at the sound of my full name. "I woke you up an hour ago so you could prepare for school so answer this riddle for me. WHY is the principal calling to see if you are sick?", my adopted mother yells into the phone causing me to shrink into the far corner of the room. I crawl back to the phone and slowly put my ear back to it. "Sensitive ears mom. Sensitive ears. Anyway I do believe the answer to that was that the sleep aliens abducted me and dragged them into their evil world. So I could not mo-" "DO NOT give me that bull Amber.", she said,knowing good and well that I hate it when she calls me that.

"FIne I'll be ready to go, but you should know that I hate it. You know the kids there are nothing but little spawns of evil. Well technically, that's at every school." "I know sweety,but I want you to have a good education. I promise to come home tonight and we can watch movies K", she says in a loving and motherly tone. "Really", I ask. "Sure, but only if you go to school", she says in a stern voice. After that we say goodbye and hang up. That is what I like about Emily. Even though she is a CEO, she always tries to take time out of her busy schedule to spend time with me. She understands that even though she adopted me and she could just spend money to get some one to spend time with me. She is one of those laid back moms who you can easily talk to about anything and get along with them.

I stand up and walk into my walk-in closet the size of a bedroom. Its stocked with all type of tomboy clothing. I bit that I completely forsake girly clothes but I much prefer to stick to my jeans, band t-shirts,plaid shirts, tank-top and wife-beaters, and all types of hoodies and skull caps that I refer to as snoogies. I grab a grey and purple snoogy a green tank top with a blue and yellow plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. I waltz into my bathroom and strip. I then move into the walk-in shower and take a 5 minute shower. The heat relaxing my stiff muscles. There's also the massage system does wonders on my back.

I slip out and sigh a content sigh. My mood is quickly turned upside down as I wipe the mirror and stare at my reflection. A small girl looks back at me. Naturally silver blond hair trails down to my thigh and a creamy porcelain skin and naturally long and very thick eyelashes cover my uncanny PURPLE eyes.

That is what I hate about myself. I know that my mother had a small accident when I was born causing me to be a silver head and blind for 3 months. When I could finally open my eyes. I had violet eyes. My mother was a blue-eyed brunette werewolf(( yes I know about werewolves, i turned into a wolf at age 14 which is unnatural. Emily does not know I am a werewolf nor will she ever. I do not want to cause her trouble it is not because I do not trust her)) and my father a green- eyed alpha blond were a happy couple to the small silver mist pack. We were called that because we lived in the coldest mountains and all of us (10 families in all) had light fur. Whether it was brown white or even black. The fur seemed to be much lighter in color than a normal.

I was the only child before our pack was wiped out. It happened when I was four. I had escaped through a small and secret passage cuddled in a wool blanket my mother gave me along with a silver chain of a wolf on it. She and my father kissed me good-bye before pushing my small frame down the shoot and shoveling snow behind it. Emily just so happened to be hiking the mountain a lot further down and found me. She looked for 6 months in which time she fell in love with me and finally decided to keep me and raise me as her own. I have never smelled or sensed another werewolf in my 1O years here in North Dakota.

Ever since I have been living with Em and she treats me like an actual daughter . We do not talk about the adoption because we don't really feel like it matters. Family is family. Or at least that is what Emily says. So I have never really had a problem with calling her mom especially because she accepts me for who I am. She does not hover but she has the motherly instincts in her. She could not have children with her deceased husband. After her husbands' death, from a shark attack, she became a CEO, moved here from Miami and lived a solitary life but somehow stayed a social person.

That was when she found me. She embraced my weird physical look and took me in. Unfortunately others were not as kind and I constantly was switching school because I was bullied by all the kids. Finally I decided to suck up and say that I just wanted to finish the rest of my school life in one school. The school I chose is Asoka High. I am 16, 5'4(yea I know I am short)a grade A student without a single friend and to top it off a werewolf.

"OK Riley enough with the flashbacks. Time to go to the school of groupies", I grumble to myself as I grab my book bag and phone, brush my hair simply straight, and jump into my black charger. I speed the 15 miles to school and hop out, all my homework for the week finished. I climb the steps begrudgingly knowing the horrors that already were up ahead. I look in the hallway and am thankful that the time reads 9:20. The second period has already started leaving the hallways empty. I unpack my stuff in a locker and run to the office. After getting a slip from Mr. Dalton, A 25 year old laid back employee who favors me, I am rushing to history only 20 minutes left. I pause at the room 213 A and compose myself. I open the door and all heads snap towards me.

"AHH Miss Coleston, how nice of you to join us. I hope you have your 15 page essay on gun control.", the evil Mr. Anderson. REmind me again why I rushed to class. 'because you want to get the day over to spend time with Emily.', my wolf Misty responded. Me and her were tight though we had the occasional argument She is practically my only friend in North Dakota, besides alot of teachers and my mom. (student pet ,quite literally, remember.

Did I have the paper, of course I did. I have no social life to distract me and he should know by know I never miss a report. "AHH yes, yes I have Mr. Anderson, you know I just ADORE you ludicrous reports. How could I miss one. In fact I also have the three other reports you assigned this week. Just because I love your WORK that much.", I say sickly sweet and my words dripping with sarcasm. Even some of the students snicker knowing that I had gotten him good. I enter the class room with my sling book back. I take in the normal scents of too much cologne, perfume, smoke from smokers, and the old man smell from Mr. Anderson.

I place the work on his desk then sit in my chair at the very back of the classroom. Next to me sits Sia, a nerd with braces and in serious need of a shower almost all the time. My wolf always whines about sitting next to "the smell" as everybody calls her. One day after a rigorous course of gym we had history in the afternoon and my wolf almost doubled over and vomited. She smelled so bad that my wolf suggested biting off her head. I laughed out loud at that and, even though a window was opened, class was prolonged for 10 minutes. After school the jocks dumped me in the near by river. My wolf always yells at me for not doing anything,but I don't see why I should. It would only get me in more trouble and I don't really care. I am used to being bullied, ignored and stepped on by society. My inner self would actually fight people, but I don't wanna ruin Emily's' reputation as her daughter, so I just avoid everyone. I also do this so no one finds out I am a werewolf.

I would be the best at sports(since Ima werewolf), but I chose not to take P.E. This would have been another bully line people pull on me,but unfortunately for them I am one of the skinniest girls at our school. So instead alot of the comments are focused on my silver blonde hair and purple eyes. I used to cry about it but that stopped when I turned twelve. After awhile when people realized I was not bothered. They started a new directive. That I was a rich and lazy snob. That one really hurt for awhile but Emily helped me through it. So the people use those two lines. After awhile they started doing physical things. They started beating me up leaving scars and bruises hor burning me with heated iron rulers. Ever since they have been sticking with that approach.

School went on pretty much the same as usual. The usual punch to the gut, smack to the face, burn to the right leg in English. Lunch alone with Mr. Dalton. More physical pain and nasty comments till 3:00. I practically flew out of school without a single book, knowing I had not homework. "Come on Misty just one more corner and I will take you for a run till mom gets home", I whisper to myself as I speed by people. The fates, unfortunately, are not that kind and I bump into none other than queen b*tch.

Oh my where are my manners. I forgot to tell you about our little sl*t. Chelsea Briggs AKA most popular girl in school. She has all the boys swooning with her hooker clothes that are absurd for her to wear in such a cold place. ( personally I believe the clothes should be illegal, but since her dad is the principal its alright for her to break the dress code.)I really don't see the attraction ,even though I am a girl: to me she looks like a clown with all the make up she wears. Plus she wears so much perfume my wolf howls in disgust every time we are within 18 feet of her.(Poor Misty) She practically runs the place. Leader of the cheer squad, and president of the school. All girls dream to be as popular as she is so virginit*es are leaving left and right as she "teaches" girls how to become "beautiful".

My wolf growls, but I quickly shut her down. "Well if it isn't the freak from the circus.", she says in her usual pitchy tone. I groan."Well..don't you have any manners, freak. Say sorry you good for nothing.", she says looking expectantly at me. I inwardly groan at her dramatics, but as soon as Misty starts sniffling inside begging me to get away i suck it up."Let me help you up Chelsea I-" "Ewww no, do not touch me you creep, I could be infected with whatever disease you have", she squeals as a girl helps her up. By now a few jocks come ensuring I apologize to their almighty b*tch who sleeps with probably every football player even though she has a boyfriend. I feel sorry for him, Bruce Tillman. I use to have a crush on the sweet boy until Chelsea corrupted him and he stood on the sidelines as I was bullied. never getting involved, but never helping either.

"Well", Chelsea says again in an expecting mode. 'Please flee this bi*h, I canNOT stand to be near her disgusting smell of chemicals.', Misty manages to groan out. I suck up put on my best fake smile and say"Chelsea, please honor me with you forgiveness for pushing you down.", I say watching as she smiles her little evil smirk that all falls apart though when I continue".... because you a queen b*tch", I say before flying down the corridor and out the door. 7 Large jocks come tumbling after me but hooray for me being a werewolf and I easily weave through the cars and jump in my charger, speeding down the school lane as I leave. Thank goodness it is a teacher work day tomorrow.

Back home I jump out the car and fly to my room screaming the whole way from excitement. I cannot believe I just did that. I, Riley Coleston, stood my own against Queen Chelsea Briggs. I jump for joy as the two Hispanic housekeepers fly into my room. Senorita, "What is de matter", Sweet Bejimey (bihimey), ask looking frantically around for anything out of place. I laugh at the small women look at me with worried eyes. "Nothing is wrong Bejimey and Lita", I assure them and give them both a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a bag and heading out. I drive a mile out of town and into the mountains.

I strip and shift. My long hair becoming silver and grayish fur and my eye color glowing. One reason I can shift so close to town is because I am an unusually small wolf. I am only about twice the size of a normal wolf but if I were ever attacked I could easily take any animal, even a bear, down. I run basically flying past trees up higher into the mountains. I let all the stress relieve my body as I let the world become a blur around me. I focus only on enjoying myself and being free. Reaching the top I stop and look below at the large town. A subtly breeze blows lifting my spirit. A feeling washes over me. It's almost as if it is from another world. I can only get this feeling when I release my wolf. I feel complete.

I trot tacking my time to get down the mountain. I pick up the scent of wolves, normal wolves, and Misty becomes excited. 'It is them', she says simply before trotting into the direction sending out small barks to inform the pack that she was coming. 'Okay, but remember we do not have much time til Em comes.', I say reminding her. She grunts and heads forward. Awhile back after we first shifted we found an injures normal wolf when we were out on a run. Instincts took over and immediately we started licking the wounds and healing the wolf. The wolf led us to its pack and we soon became friends. I showed them I could turn to human, but for some reason they still trusted me. So once and awhile we pick up their scent when they migrate around here and we play.

40 minutes later. I was now driving back to town. Mom would be home in 15 minutes and I wanted to be there. I drove into the driveway just as her red camaro drove in. I hopped out and flew into her arms careful not to crush her with my strength."I've missed you mom", I say taking in her deep scent of coffee and chocolate. My mom always indulges herself with the two and since she does not like wearing perfume(Thank God Misty always says) she smells like the combination all the time. I rush in the house and pop 5 bags of popcorn and make 6 packs of ramen. My mom gets some hot cocoa,milk , oreos, and pie. The rest of the night is spent talking and watching romances and comedies till 8:00 in the morning, when I finally fall asleep in her arms.


YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY. I finally finished. All of this was done in one day HOORAY. FOr she's a jolly good writer, for shes's a jolly goooooood writer....No oh OK I understand i just thought we could sing together T~T maybe not. ANYWAY Hope you enjoyed the first chapter cause there will be plenty more on the way and I hope to update as soon as possible. HOlla or whatever




and all that shiz

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