Glass Houses || [Noah Sebasti...

By HolyFxckk

31.5K 797 313

[[BOOK 1]] Veronica was never dealt the perfect hand in life, and she did a good job at complicating it furt... More

01. Cover your ears and shut your eyes
02. I see the world in black and white
03. You've dug your grave
04. You stabbed me in the back, but not deep enough.
05. I see through you
06. True color always fade under the right lights
07. What im about to say is gonna ruin your night
08. I know what you are
09.You have no one but yourself to blame
10. This is a call out
11. You said I'd never make it
12. Ive seen the devil more than I've seen God
13. When he has you by your neck
14. I hope you choke on every fucking word you said.
15. I'm not afriad to drop some names
16. Im calling your bluff
17. But now I'm right where I belong
18. You said I'd fall on my face
19. You've run out of luck
21. I need relief
22. I put you in your place
23. Not deep enough
24. You said I'd make a mistake
25. Ive seen seen the devil
26. Shut your eyes
27. True colors always fade
28. More than I've seen god
29. I see the world
30. Ruin your night
31. Glass houses

20. You've got nothing to say

1K 25 38
By HolyFxckk

I could hear the music thumping through the walls as soon as we pulled into the parking lot. The loud vibrations causing my feet to tingle instantly as they made contact with the ground beneath them. I'm eager as Noah joins my side and interlocks our finger before leading the way into the large warehouse. I've never been given the opportunity to go to a party like this, hosted by someone with enough money and power to turn an old Rubbermaid distribution center into a hot house. From what I gathered in the short car ride over here, this was some exclusive party being held in celebration for the release of a band Noah had become close with's newest record. I couldn't figure out who was being honored tonight, just picked up on the names Devin and Brent. Truth be told I was far too anxious to give it much thought, I'd be introduced to everyone soon enough anyway.

We enter the building, my ears instantly filling with the loud bass that echos through the atmosphere. The air is thick as we are met with an energetic dance floor. Strobe lights lighting up the otherwise dark room, as bodies pump and grind to whatever house music plays.

"Follow me. And stay close" Noah all but yells as he gets close to my ear. I almost don't hear what he's saying, but thankfully the firm hold he has on my hand would have been enough for me to catch the hint. He leads the way over to a small flight of stairs, we all file up them to be lead to an intimate sitting area. There's two men already occupying a set of chairs. Both of them sporting blonde locks and square jaws. They're friends of the Bad Omens guys, a fact made evident by the smiles that perk up on everyone as soon as they all see eachother.

"Devin!" Noah calls out cheerfully as he drops his hold on my hand and walks over to great his friend.

The man with the shorter blonde hair stands, his blue eyes lighting up as soon as he brings his friend in for a hug.

"Good to see you, man! I'm glad you could make it" he speaks with enthusiasm as they part from their embrace.

"You know I wouldn't have missed this" Noah replies as he turns to face me, a large grin taking up the entirety of his face as he walks over to grab my hand once again. He leads me over to Devin repositioning his hand to wrap around my waist and hold me close to his body.

"Roni, this is my good friend Devin" he begins as he introduces me to the man he was just speaking with. "He's the vocalist for I see stars, and that is Brent. He plays keyboard" he points over the dirty blonde man who sits quietly in his seat. His face round as he gives me a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you both" I say as I offer them a timid wave, my anxiety starting to kick in.

"This is Veronica, we've been friends for years" Noah adds in as he speaks to the two men.

Devins eyes dance between the two of us, a knowing grin pulling at his face.

"Friend, huh?" He jokes as he notices the intimate hold he has on me. His comment causes me to blush, at least I wasn't the only one noticing the more than friendly advances.

"Something like that" Noah jokes back as he brings his hand down to rest on my lower back right above my butt. He's being cheeky, a fact that he's well aware of by the starry eyed look he gives me as my body stiffens slightly.

"I'm gonna go grab some drinks. Anyone want anything?" Folio offers as he comes up behind us.

"I'll come with you and help" I suggest as I begin to step away from Noah.

He tightens his grip on me, worry washing over his face as I snap my head back to lock eyes.

"Be fucking careful" he's stern as he speaks not at me but Folio. I can't understand the reasoning behind his sudden protectiveness, but it seems as if Folio catches the hint and gives him a reassuring look and nods his head.

He grabs a hold of my hand, without interlocking our fingers, keeping me close as we descend the staircase and make our way over to the bar.

"What the hell was that about?" I ask loudly as soon as we get to a stopping point.

He doesn't speak to me, just gives whoever is working the bar his requests. It takes a moment for him to turn back around and finally give me his attention.

"It's nothing really" Folio finally speaks, shrugging it off dismissively as if there wasn't some obvious underlying issue.

"Don't lie" my tone comes out stern as his nonchalant demeanor begins to irk me. I just want to be aware of whatever it is that's got Noah so on edge. I would of been able to look past it and brush it off, but every so often out of the corner of my eye I can see Noah watching me like a hawk from the balcony he resides on with everyone.

Folio lets out a discontent sigh, as he adjusts the hat on his head.

"There's just some not so good guys here tonight and Noah is nervous about it" he finally admits, defeated, shaking his head as he speaks.

"What do you mean by 'not so good guys' " I can't help but question it, not fully understanding the issue.

"Like, fucking perverts Vee " he's beginning to lose his patience with my questions, a fact all to evident by the annoyance dripping his voice.

For once, I'm at a loss for words. I'm not ignorant to the fact that the world is full of sick and twisted individuals, but I never thought I'd be faced with it first hand. The concern coming from Noah about the situation is enough for me to understand the severity. We only wait a few minutes for our drinks to arrive. I take my vodka soda and Noah's double shot of Henny in my hands while folio carries his and Jolly's drink. As soon as we make it back up to the lounge area, Noah relieves me from my duties by taking his shot from my hand. Throwing it back immediately.

We step away from the crowd and walk over to a small loveseat, Noah plopping down and instantly pulling me into his lap to sit. He snakes his long arms around my midsection, securing me tightly against him.

"Already feeling it, huh?" I try to spark lighthearted conversation as I begin to sip on my drink.

"No. Just feeling you" his words catch me by surprise, causing my skin to tingle with goosebumps. He talks lowly, getting a few inches away from my ear.

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement, I am practically shitting bricks at his words. I try to calm myself by gulping down a few hefty swigs of my drink, but nothing seems to halt the eruption of fireworks at my center.

"Im sorry if I'm being overbearing. There's just a lot of creeps here tonight" when he speaks again he changes the topic, his confession causing my head to snap back and face him. His features are soft as he gives me a sincere look.

"Then why bring me at all?" It's a good question, and one that's been plaguing my mind since Folio let me in on the little secret moments ago. If he's so afraid of what might happen to me, then why put me directly in the middle of it.

"I wanted you with me. Im gonna be gone for three months and I want to be able to spend as much time together as possible" I can't stop the smile from forming on my lips at his words. I couldn't be happier to have gotten to this place with Noah recently. It makes all the bullshit I've dealt with lately seem worth it, I'd do it all again if it meant this would always be the outcome.

The hours pass by quickly as I become acquainted with various people in Noah's life. He introduced me to many of his fellow friends in the music scene. Many of which are people we grew up admiring. I can't help but internally fangirl slightly. It was surreal to be able to shake hands with people I looked up to in my teens, and even more so knowing they knew my best friend by name. I couldn't be more proud of him.

I find myself slipping away from the chaos, taking a lonesome spot on a chair that sits solemnly in the corner of the balcony. Truth be hold the drinks have gone straight to my head and I need a moment to catch my breath. I make sure I stay within eyesight of Noah, not wanting to worry him when he notices my absence. I can see him carrying on an enthusiastic conversation with Devin and some other guy I didn't catch the name of. By the looks of them all throwing their heads back in laughter I can tell they're enjoying themselves. He cranks his head to check on my whereabouts, smiling contently as he sees me safely placed in a spot where no sudden movements will go unnoticed.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a tall blonde approaching the area I occupy. Her platinum locks falling down and around her tiny waist. She has the most breathtaking forest green eyes I've ever seen, they're showcased in bold eye makeup that gives her a siren like appearance. Wide hips, and a large chest on full display under the short cotton of her skin tight white dress. She takes the empty chair to the left of me, eyeing the herd of men a few feet away.

"They're all easy on the eyes, huh?" Her comment is directed at me, as she moves her attention to my face.

"You could say that" I give my best attempts at making conversation, but I've never been the social type.

She turns her body to face me, a charming grin pulling at her perfectly plump lips.

"I don't think I've seen you around before" she keeps a friendly tone as she sparks small talk with me.

"I'm Veronica. I'm a friend of Noah's" I offer her a simple reply, putting my best foot forward in hopefully finding someone who may become a much needed friend out in this big city.

"I'm Nat" her words drip with sweetness and I couldn't be more envious at the natural likability she holds.

"I'm glad there will be another female around finally. All the testosterone can be a bit much"

"Oh yeah? How do you know everyone?" I'm genuinely curious on how she fits into the narrative, not that it was a hard conclusion to come to on my own. A girl this beautiful and friendly doesn't need to put much effort into getting noticed and becoming a part of the in crowd.

"I've just been around for a while. Meeting everyone here and there" it's vague, but I catch the hint.

We small talk for a little longer, seeing Noah continue on with his friends without noticing the new one I made. She doesn't stay long, but we are able to exchange numbers before she makes her departure.

With a sigh I decide to rejoin the guys once again, beginning to feel a bit lonely.

"Hey, pretty girl! I was just about to come get you" Noah speaks eagerly as he drapes his arm around me, pulling me in so he can give me a sloppy smooch on my forehead. He's drunk, a fact made clear by the slight sway in his voice, and his inability to hold still. It causes me to laugh happily, ecstatic to see him so content. He's the polar opposite of Jasper in every way, but especially when he drank.

The drinks continue to go down just as quickly as they came. All of us aside from Nick, who was the DD, pounding them back. It didn't take long before we ultimately had to file back in the car and get taken back to Noah's house. Everyone opted to stay the night there considering he has plenty of room to spare.

The drive is nothing shy of entertaining as we all sing carelessly along to Folio's playlist. His taste in music is top notch, and had everyone riding the same wave length. I don't think I've felt so free in what I can only imagine is years, not caring that I can't keep pitch to save my life. Nor batting an eye at how many lyrics I did not know to paradise city. The laughter doesn't stop as we make the 20 minute trip, and by the end of it my face hurts from the smile that never once leaves my mouth.

We decide we don't want the night to end, and all follow Noah as he leads us into the kitchen to crack open a few more drinks and talk amongst ourselves.

I take a seat in one of the barstools, watching as Noah begins to joke around with Nick. Seeing my two oldest friends carrying on like the old days, the duo always knowing exactly what buttons to push to get the reaction they wanted from each other. I'm glad time did nothing but strengthen their bond. As stone cold as Noah tries to come off I know he's not immune to heartache. I'm sure he's had his fair share of letdowns and curves in the road, but knowing he always had Nick in his corner provided me some kind of comfort. I would sometimes browse through their social media, wanting to get some kind of insight on their lives. I haven't found myself curious in a few years, but the last time I checked they had just gotten back from their first tour, and seeing they did it together was all I needed to see to know they were safe; as long as they always had eachother.

"Vee! Wanna be my shot buddy again?" Folio's loud as he approaches me with two shot glasses in hand that he waves around theatrically.

I can't help but smile at him, he knows I can never tell him no. Especially when it consisted of alcohol induced shenanigans.

"I would be honored!" I play into his dramatics as I stand abruptly and take the small glass from him.

He doesn't hesitate to raid Noah's liquor cabinet, taking his time to find the perfect poison for us to drink. He ultimately settles on some expensive looking scotch, causing both of our faces to turn up in disgust at the sight of the dark liquor filling the cups.

"Oh getting into my Glenlivet, huh?" Noah inquires jokingly as he assumes his spot next to me, once again hooking his arm around my torso.

"Is that how you say it? I was trying to figure it out so I didn't sound dumb" I admit leaning into his side.

"Yes that is how you pronounce it and I'm kind of offended I wasn't offered any!" He exclaims with an over exasperated sigh falling from his mouth.

"Excuse me for not knowing you'd actually agree to taking a shot without having to practically beg you!" Folios statement is followed by a chuckle as he grabs another shot glass and fills it to the brim.

We all take them in unison, the bitter liquid burning the entire way down my throat and into my stomach. It's an unfavorable taste, my disapproval written all over my face as it contorts with the bitterness. Dark liquor is not my first, second, or third choice. In my opinion it tastes like hot wood stain and no matter how expensive of a bottle you got it resembled something you use to paint a house.

For the next hour the three of us put a dent in the freshly cracked bottle, managing to drink all but a few shots of it. I can barely see straight by the time I'm making my way up to my room, the hallway appearing to look misshapen. Almost as if I'm looking through a kaleidoscope. I manage to make it to the safety of my room in one piece, but somehow I lost a shoe along the way. Nonetheless, I am victorious in the fact that I single handedly found my way back to my room. That may not seem like much, but the distance between the downstairs kitchen and my bedroom is jaw dropping. It's almost like they're in two different zip codes.

I strip from my spandex and fishnets. Leaving on my three sizes too large t shirt for comfortability purposes. It provides enough room for me to adjust my position without any restraint. I all but fall into my bed, missing Noah's contact instantly but being far too drunk to do anything about it. I pout to myself, wishing I would have grabbed my phone from my bag so I could shoot him a text.

I close my eyes in attempt to get some rest, trying my best to shut my thoughts off long enough to slip into slumber. It was dark and quiet, a perfect cocktail for sleep but I couldn't seem to be taken under. I twist and turn, trying my best to reposition myself in some way that would provide the right comfort. Nothing works, I spend what feels like hours tossing and turning before there's a light knock at my door. It startles me at first, it's so faint I almost think it was a figment of my imagination. If it wasn't for a second more confident knock I wouldn't of known any better. The sound provokes me to sit up in my spot, perching onto my elbow to watch the door across from me.

"Who is it?" I call out. Despite the uncontrollable paranoia that surfaces whenever there's any sudden movement or noise, I know there's no need for alarm. The house is full of men who are all willing to defend me from any threat.

"It's me" Noah's sloppy voice comes from the other side, almost as if he was reading my mind and knew I was missing his presence.

"Come in" I know I'm coming off eager, but I don't care. I want him close to me.

He listens, opening the door slowly to avoid any unwanted noise. He steps in slowly, I notice how he's changed from his jeans and t shirt and now only wears a set of cotton lounge pants. I can make out every detail on the beautiful art work that stains his upper body and leading into his neck. It's beautiful and delicate as the pops of color stand bold against his silky canvas.

He walks over, one foot after the other. Taking his time to make his way over. Anticipation filling the air around us, my skin crawling with goosebumps as he crawls from the foot of bed all the way to the top. He places his head on the same pillow as mine, our face just an inch or two apart. I can feel the hot air leaving his mouth as he exhales. His homey eyes swirl with what can only be described as hunger.

"Hey, pretty lady" it comes out breathlessly, as his staggered eyes scan my face and ultimately land on my lips.

"Hey" i whisper back in response, hoping he wouldn't hear my heart that's pounding so loudly in my chest it's drowning out any other noise around me.

No other words are exchanged as he connects our lips, the two of us finding a melody to get lost into. I open my mouth to allow access, feeling his tongue slip in as soon as the opportunity presents itself. It's a heated exchange, a fact all too prevalent by the way he greedily grabs at the waist line of my underwear. Looping his fingers into the band, pulling it away and letting it snap back against my skin. The elastic stings slightly as it continues to make sudden contact with my skin, but I don't want him to stop.

I pull away for a moment, seeing his eyes snap open as he gives me a desperate stare. I just smile at him. Pushing him onto his back as I throw one leg over his waist and straddle his lap. Once again our lips meet in a fiery passion. He pulls at the hem of my shirt, begging for more.

I contemplate for a moment, knowing the next step will change the trajectory of our relationship forever. Is it a risk I'm willing to take?


I wanted to give you guys one more chapter! I'm not sure when I'll post the next part, I'm trying to finish up the last handful of chapters this week so we can get the ball rolling! Thank you so much for the support! We are so close to 5k reads and I'm just besides myself!
I attached a little picture of what I imagine Nat to look like, just keep her in mind.

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