I Love To Hate You

By Robyn-Jay

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Elyon Baker has it tough. She lives alone in a crappy apartment for reasons even she doesn't like to think ab... More

Chapter 1: "Is it national 'hate' day?"
Chapter 2: "Sometimes, I really do love this job."
Chapter 3: "It's gonna cost him."
Chapter 5: "Is he killing her in there?"
Chapter 6: "Glad u didn't have to break some poor guys balls Little E."
Chapter 7: "They have some issues in the bedroom department."
Chapter 8: "What is with everyone going all 'Hulk' on my ass lately?"
Chapter 9: "Little annoying freak of a man boob!"
Chapter 10:"They were enacting a Cinderella porno."
Chapter 11: "I feel like something really bad is about to happen."
Chapter 12: "In your face muscle man!"
Chapter 13: "A way to shave every hair from his body and sell it all on EBay!"
Chapter 14: "Whoever this guy is, he must be related to the exorcist."
Chapter 15: "I was in the bad boys den."
Chapter 16:"I'm all for the clown! He could do some crazy shit in the sack."
Chapter 17: "Swap his shampoo for hair removal cream."
Chapter 18: "Did you just compare me to mouldy cheese?"
Chapter 19: "Every Fucker for themselves."
Chapter 20: "He's on his period right now."
Chapter 21: "I guess it's herpes roulette now."
Chapter 22: "You look like you just got into a fight with a twister mat."
Chapter 23: "Why is there a Gremlin casually lying on me?"
Chapter 25: "Dude! Stop feeling me up under the table!"
Chapter 26: "If you're a girl, you should only eat dust."
Chapter 27: "I'm channelling my inner Jaden."
Chapter 28: "Don't be fooled, she could have hidden the body in the lift."
Chapter 29: "I am Jack! Captain Jack Sparrow!"
Extra Chapter: "A banging headache and a weird craving for cheese." (Noah.)
Chapter 30: "Drops her underwear so fast they would hit China."
Chapter 31: "She was looking at me like I was her next kill."
Chapter 32: "That knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls."
Chapter 33: "I'm not talking about a hooker dress and giving you a pole."
Chapter 34: "These fucking jeans are giving me a killer rash."
Chapter 35: "I'll make sure you have small children!"
Chapter 36: "I look like I'm a prostitute on a bender!"
Chapter 37: "You may have no reproductive organs."
Chapter 38: "Don't make me do the airplane noises."
Chapter 39: "Seriously, the girl snores like a horny bear."
Chapter 40: "Grate her face off with a cheese grater."
Chapter 41: "God chose me to repopulate the world with my awesomeness."
Chapter 42: "Everyone has their own scapegoat."
Chapter 43: "The level of awkwardness is enough to shrink my balls."
Chapter 44: "You smile like a five year old meeting Barney."
Chapter 45: "I will shove this very high heel up your whorey ass."
Chapter 46: "I still hate him. I just love doing it."
Chapter 47: "My mouth feels like a piece of sandpaper."
Epilogue: "Ha fucking ha."
Extra Chapter.

Chapter 4: "Whatever, the punch was good."

16.8K 460 76
By Robyn-Jay

After the whole ‘shooting’ fiasco I made it to Thursday night without anything out of the ordinary happening. I was sitting in my living room after my shift at the supermarket, seriously about to just pass out at any given moment, I had decided to eat something before going to bed. I had just taken the last bite of my sandwich when the annoying ringtone on my phone sounded, almost making me choke and have a heart attack in the same sentence. I glared down at my phone on the coffee table wondering who the hell is phoning me at half one in the morning. There was no caller ID so it obviously wasn’t someone who had called before.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone as I place it to my ear.

“Elyon?” A deep voice questioned from the other line. My eyes widened in surprise.

“How did you get my number Noah?” I hear a chuckle and I shake my head slightly. What the hell kind of situation is this?

“Your friend Cassidy sure does talk.” I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“That idiot.” I whisper down the line.

“You shouldn’t bad mouth your friends you know?” Noah laughed. I suddenly felt ten time more tired than before.

“Why are you calling me Noah?” I asked getting more and more irritated.

“Just wanted to know if you are in with this tutoring deal?” He asked and I was sure he was trying to hold back more laughter. I sighed and nodded before remembering he can’t actually see me.

“Yes Noah I’ll tutor you. But I don’t come cheap. I want 10 dollars an hour.” Noah sucked in a deep breath and I couldn’t help the little smug smile that covered my lips. Take that douchebag.

“Fine you little swindler.” He sighed down the line causing me to laugh.

“Gotta make a living, it’s a tough world kid.” I say putting on a business man voice.

“Kid?” Noah repeated disbelievingly, “I’m 6”0 and your what 5”2? 5”1? And you’re known as the ‘little nerd,’ do not forget! If anyone is a kid here, it’s you.” I grimace at his mention of my height. He was dead on with the 5”2, that didn’t mean he had to mention it! 

“Don’t call me that, seriously Noah.” I said my voice low.

“Okay I get it. You have a height complex. Completely understandable when you’re the height of shite.” Besides myself, I laughed.

“Okay Noah let’s get back to the main topic so I can get some sleep. I only have Sunday’s free, so how about we meet up somewhere at four-ish?” I said trying to end this conversation as my bed was calling for me.

“That’s cool with me. Why don’t we meet up at mine then?” Before I could ask for directions or even agree to his terms, Noah screams a lot of swear words which were followed by some strange shuffling noises. At first I thought he was getting mugged but when a different smoother voice sounded on the other end of the line. I realised he had been phone hijacked.

“Who’s this?” The voice asked gruffly.

“Right back at you.” I say automatically frowning.

“I asked you first,” the boy said, “go away Simmons. Can’t you see I’m trying to have a conversation?” I could hear Noah laughing and calling the guy some very imaginative words that I decided to store in my memory banks for Alice. Remembering Alice made me remember someone else and I knew who was on the other end of the line instantly.

“Ahh...You are Jaden Blake-right?” I asked settling further into my sofa my head feeling heavy.

“100 points, now who are you?”

“I’m no one Blake...I was never there-right?” I said smiling slightly. There was a pause before Jaden erupted into laughter.

“Holy shit dude! Your screwing that nerd?” Obviously he wasn’t talking to me. Rolling my eyes I hung up.

Noah can deal with that one.

Jaden and Nicolas hadn’t been in the rest of that week, adding fuel to the rapidly growing rumours. It was quite funny actually. I hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to Noah about last night’s phone call but I couldn’t be bothered listening to him speak today anyways. I already felt so drained from being around those idiots I wasn’t sure I was going to survive this tutoring thing.

“Cass!” I yell as I catch sight of curly red hair among the crowded corridor. It was break and I hadn’t seen her all morning, I had a bone to pick with her. A dinosaur’s bone.

“Hey Elyon,” she greeted me brightly while sweeping her hair over her shoulder. I couldn’t help feeling out of place next to her. She wore what was a clearly designer flowing whit laced top and artfully faded blue jeans; whereas I had on a pair of grey skinny’s and a comically amusing t-shirt that read: ‘If you are reading this, you just stared at my boobs.’ The words stretched out across my chest making the sentence true. It seemed funny when I bought it, now I realise it just gives people a reason to stare at my boobs. Cassidy and I have been friends since junior high, before I had to live alone. She knew the old me; I guess that’s why we are still friends.

“Have a good time yesterday?” I ask casually noticing a small flash of fear cross her face.

“Yeah, I guess I did...I just hung out with some friends...” She said biting down on her lip and crossing her arms, “you?”

“Well, y’know me. I was at work then went home, very tired by the way, and sit down to have a snack before bed. But the weirdest thing happened...” I quirk an eyebrow and watch Cassidy fidget uncomfortably.

“Oh?” She mumbles feebly, “like what?” I laugh and pat her shoulder before leaving my hand there. I suppose to her it was very intimidating. Ha.

“Like Noah Simmons Calling me at the crack of dawn.” I narrow my eyes and squeeze her shoulder slightly.

“R-really?” Wow this girl is really trying.

“Yups...” I paused shortly before sighing and continuing. “Now, I want to know exactly what he said to you so that you would give him my number Cassidy.” Her eyes widen, I don’t know if it is because I used her full name of because I know what she had done but before I can even find out the bell rings.

“Woops, sorry Elyon. Gotta go...I’ll see you in class.” She pulled away from my hand and disappeared into the crowd. I have History and Biology with her next. I will find out some way or another.

The idiot Cassidy managed to escape my attempts to get the information out of her even though we had the two same classes together, History and Biology. When I tried to partner up with her during the biology experiment she already teamed up with some bimbo forcing me to go with BO Brian. Seriously, the guy smelled worse than a fricken fish. Then at lunch she sat with the Barbie squad and that included Alice and I could not be bothered getting into that shit today so I decided to just leave her alone for now. I’ll find out sooner or later anyways, either from Cassidy or Noah. It still pissed me off to no end but, meh. You win some, you lose some. On Fridays my last class is a ‘study’ period, normally I just sign in with the teacher then go to the library but today on my way to the library I really had to pee.

I hate using the school toilets; they make me cringe at the amount of grime that covers the place. After washing my hands in the rusty sink I turned today my hand with some of the paper towels from the rack, but it was empty. Typical. Holding my dripping hand I made my way back to the cubicle I just used to get some toilet paper. I know what you are thinking, ‘why didn’t I just wipe them on your jeans?’ Honestly, I think I was just being stupid. Just as I finished drying my hands and flushed the toilet paper away the bathroom door opened.

“I just don’t understand why you even talk to her Cassy,” the screechy voice of Alice cackled. I stepped out of my cubicle with a stony expression. Cassidy and Alice stopped in their tracks when they saw me, Cassidy looked guilty whereas Alice seemed...smug?

“Hey Elyon,” Cassidy said quietly looking down at her feet. I ignored her and returned the hard glare Alice was giving me.

“What Malice?” I asked irritated. I swear her teeth created sparks she was clenching them so tight.

“Don’t call me that you little fucking freak!” Anger seeped into every syllable of her sentence, and for a minute I looked surprised. Okay, why is she this angry?

“Alice! Elyon didn’t do it!” Cassidy said desperately.

“What are you talking about?” I said my eyebrows pinching together. Alice laughed humourlessly and took a step closer to me.

“You know exactly what she is talking about you whore.” Oh that is it!

“Call me that one more time. I dare you.” I then took my own step forward ignoring Cassidy’s protests.

“Or what? You will tell on me? Like you did with Jaden?” Alice sneered moving even closer to me now. Confusion over took the anger I felt and my clench fists released themselves. 

“I didn’t tell on Jaden, why the hell would you think that?” I ask harshly. Really not understanding what is happening here.

“Mellissa saw you run away from where Jimmy was found; everyone knows it’s you.” Alice finally elaborates waving her pink manicure at me. So Mellissa saw me get the hell away from there on Tuesday? I guess it does look like I was the one to turn them in. And, right now, there is no way for me to prove otherwise.

“Why do you even care?” I asked much calmer now. Alice’s face fell slightly and I think her hand twitched towards her stomach slightly.

“That’s none of your business nerd.” She ground out. I honestly hate myself for the next words that came out of my mouth.

“What? Is it because he was the Dad of your baby?” Next all I heard was Cassidy make a large gasping sound which was followed by Alice’s perfectly manicured hand crashing into my cheek. For a second I stood there too shocked to even breathe. Never in all of mine and Alice’s fights has it even come to blows. But as I stared at Alice’s risen hand and me red cheek in the foggy mirror I snapped. One of the only things I learned from my father was: ‘If someone hits you, make sure you hit them back-twice as hard.’ I’m sure I would have done him proud.

“Elyon! No!”  Cassidy yelled as I slung my fist towards Alice’s face, but I couldn’t hear her. It was like all my anger and stress was finally pouring out into my fist and I wasn’t about to stop it. My fist smashed into Alice’s nose with a satisfying ‘crack’ and blood poured down her face. I pulled back and watched her scream and turn to the mirror in panic and pain. Cassidy looked desperately at me her face full of disappointment and disgust.

“Don’t you ever touch me again you filthy little brat.” I spat my hand throbbing. With one last glance at the crying mess and Cassidy I left the bathroom and promptly left the school.

Once I was out in the fresh air I felt the sudden realisation of what I had just done. What if this endangers my scholarship? I looked down at my swollen knuckles with a scowl; this is all Alice’s fault. But as I thought that I remembered what I said to her to make her hit me in the first place, that and I didn’t need to break her nose. Oh God! I broke her nose. I hadn’t noticed I was nearly at the Dinner until my phone buzzed making me come back to reality. With my non-sore hand I pulled out my phone from my back pocket thankful I didn’t take my bag into school with me today or I would have left it there, I looked down at the screen to see who is was: ‘UNKOWN CALLER I.D’ I groaned, please don’t be who I think it is.

“Have you always been this violent?” Noah said without a greeting.

“Only when I have to be.” I replied annoyed for some reason. It’s not like this is my entire fault.

“Alice is currently waiting for an ambulance, and according to Facebook you mauled her for no reason and broke her nose.” Noah said and I knew he was dying to laugh his head off.

“Aint that great?” I say sarcastically moving out of the way of man trying to cross the street. I was just standing in the middle of the walkway so I decided to walk and talk at the same time.

“Yeah, oh and by the way. Jaden text me to tell you,” the idiot took a dramatic pause before saying in a dark tone: “Nice one nerd, next time punch her in the boobs for me.” He laughed at the end and I narrowed my eyes. He has to be joking. Why would Jaden say that when I just broke one of his many girls nose?

“What the hell?” I whispered exasperated.

“Well Alice has been a bit of a dick to Jaden lately and no one would slap her for him. And he would never hit a girl, so you just done him a favour.” Noah explained still laughing slightly. The fact that Jaden knows and he isn’t even at school means Alice really did put this on Facebook, damn, the whole world knows I broke her nose. I stood in the middle of the street again with a slight frown on my face.

“Why her boobs?” I mumble almost to myself. Noah laughed louder and I actually had to pull my phone away from my ear. That’s when I remembered something. “How are you calling me? You are supposed to be in school!”

“Come one Elyon, when do I actually go to class?”

“Good point.” Another thought passed through my head and I winced slightly. “Hey Noah...you uhm...you don’t think she will make me pay for a new nose right?” The last part of my sentence flew out of my mouth in an embarrassed blur and the other end of the line went silent. Ten seconds passed before the loudest guffaw yet rang through my phone.

“Wait till I tell the guys this one!” He choked out. “Little E you sure do have a way with words.” And just like that he hung up on me.

“That was a serious question.” I muttered pulling my phone away from my face and slipping it into my back pocket. And what the hell did he just call me? With a divertive sigh I walked the rest of the distance to the Diner cradling my bruised hand and letting the wind cool down my sore cheek, worrying the whole time about what the school and Alice would have in store for me.

Trying to wait on tables with people staring at your bandaged wrapped hand and swollen cheek it a pain in the ass. But add to that my boss constantly asking me ‘what the hell happened,’ is a bigger pain in the ass, I was glad when my shift was over. I think for the first time since I started working in the supermarket I actually wanted to be here. Mindlessly stacking soup onto shelves gave me some time to think about everything that happened today.

So what if I punched Alice? Let’s get one thing straight her; she did deserve that punch, just not the whole ‘baby’ thing. Even if it isn’t true the fact that I even thought of talking so badly about an unborn dead child is disgusting. Then there was the look Cassidy gave me. I just knew she wouldn’t be talking to me for a while now. I sighed and placed another tin of soup onto the shelf. Whatever, the punch was good.  It was soooo good. Smiling a little now I continue to stack my shelf.

That is until I was rammed into the trolley I was using to carry the soup I was stacking. Pain shoots dully through my back where it hit the trolley and my face is instantly forced into a glare. But my glare turned into shock when I notice a certain pair of red converse.

“Whoa dude, you nearly knocked her onto her ass.” A voice I dimly recognised hissed and my head snapped up towards the sound automatically.  Jaden Blake and Nicolas Cross stood before me looking...Well they looked pretty fine. Jaden smirked at me completely ignoring Nicolas’s outburst.

“We have to stop meeting like this,” Jaden said shaking his head in fake disappointment. Nicolas’s looked, utterly confused, between the two of us.

“Do you meet a lot of people in the supermarket?” I questioned before I could stop myself. Nicolas’s eyes widened ever so slightly and he looked to Jaden expectantly.

“Only when I can’t be arsed looking for any good looking girls.”  Jaden quipped back still ignoring Nicolas. I laughed. You have to admit that was pretty smooth.

“Nice one.” I mutter rolling my eyes Jaden just smirks wider looking smug.

“Okay! That’s it!” Nicolas explodes pointing at me, “who the hell are you?” I grimace at how loud he shouts. The place was basica1y empty so his voice carried all around us.

“I’m the girl who ‘apparently’,” I use my fingers to make the quote marks and carry on: “told the cops on you for beating up Coleman. Nice to meet ya’.” I smile sweetly and place another tin of soup onto the shelf.

“You what?” Nicolas growls clearly sounding angry. Oops...I guess he doesn’t understand sarcasm.

“She’s the nerd that broke Alice’s nose.” Jaden said crossing his arms over his chest. Somehow the pain in my hand stung a little more. Nicolas seemed to find sudden clarity in the situation now, his face losing all of its confused angry little wrinkles.

“That chick Noah is getting tutored by?” He asked looking at me. Funny how he didn’t seem to remember me from the Coleman incident.

“The one and only.” I stack another can reaching on my toes to do so.

“So you work here?” Nicolas asks running a hand through his short gelled hair.

“No. I come here to stack shelves in my free time...Y’know, for fun.” I replied sarcasm wrapping around my words. Jaden snorted a laugh and placed a hand on Nicolas’s shoulder.

“Burn.” That’s all he got out before Nicolas punched him on the arm-hard.

“Shut up you dickhead.” Nicolas snapped. I sighed ignoring them and turned back to my shelf stacking.

“So did you guys come here for a particular reason?” I asked finally placing the last of the soup onto the self. When they didn’t reply straight away I turned back around to face them. They were looking at each other with the exact same look of mischief that it was creepy.

“No reason.” They both reply at the same time sounding a little too innocent. I held up my hands in a surrendering stance.

“Got it! I so don’t want to know. Have fun.” I grab my trolley shaking my head slightly and begin to move away from the two idiots.

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Jaden called stopping me.

“What now?” I ask over my shoulder. His eyes flicker towards my bandaged hand and then to my red cheek. Nicolas was chuckling while walking away, my eyes narrowed after him.

“That’s a mean right hook you got there, Little Nerd.” Jaden finally lets out his own deep chuckle and for a minute I listen to it. It was a strange, comforting sound. Then they were both almost out of sight and I came back to reality just long enough to glare at their backs. What in the world did I do to deserve any involvement that included these idiots? Well, other than breaking Alice’s nose. Biting back a smile, I made my way to the front of the shop shaking my head the whole way.  

Ten minutes later, while I was down pricing some confectionary, the security guard runs past me shouting into his walkie-talkie. I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard part of his yelling:

“Yes! Two teenage males have stolen some alcohol! I am currently in pursuit, need of back up!”

Those two definitely didn’t come here for ‘no reason.’ Morons. 

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