Honkai: Star Rail SEED

By RocketFourze2

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GENESIS is now destroyed, but not before firing one last blast that destroyed the Providence Gundam and Freed... More

From Cosmic Era into... Amber Era?
Infiltration of the Antimatter Legion Part 1
Infiltration of the Antimatter Legion Part 2
Take the Journey
A Not So Welcoming Welcome Part 1
A Not so Welcoming Welcome Part 2
Boulder Town
Bio: Kira Yamato
GAT-X105/PH Strike Gundam
GAT-X105/PH Strike Gundam (2)
Into the Mines to meet Familiar Faces

Checking out the Archangel

958 33 7
By RocketFourze2

"I'm not about to be beaten right here!" Normal Text

"Check out this awesome move!" Bold/Ultimate Text

"This sanctuary... Is but a vision! Break!" Thinking Text

"Rules are made to be broken." Comms/Radio/Audio/Message Text


"Archangel...?" Asta repeated at the name of the now-named unidentified ship, the Archangel, from Kira Yamato, the boy from another timeline/the stranded teenager floating in space.

"Y-Yeah." Kira nodded at Asta as he looked back to the image of the Archangel with a questioning and concerned look, "But the question is... Just why is it here? How is the Archangel here?"

A lot of questions began to flood Kira's mind as he begins to think of why the legged mobile assault ship is currently doing in such a place too. Is the crew of the ship on board or somewhere?

While Kira was having these questions in his head, Himeko thought of an idea... that involves Kira Yamato as she looked at the boy beside her, "Do you want to go there?" Himeko asked the boy, and she gained surprised expressions not just from Kira, but from March, Asta, and Arlan as well.

"Himeko-san?" March called out to her leader.

"Himeko, is that a good idea?" Asta soon followed, questioning Himeko's suggestion about checking out that ship.

Himeko just gave them a smile that indicates that it is a good idea, "I wouldn't mind checking the ship out. Besides, the boy seems to be familiar with the ship, and maybe his friends could be there as well." she looked back to the boy, "So, Kira. What do you think? Should we check it out?"

"A-Are you sure, Himeko-san? If so, then how should we go there? From the picture alone, the distance could be a few miles away from here." Kira pointed out.

Himeko gave Kira a don't worry expression with a smile, "We use the Astral Express."

"The what now?" Kira repeated.


Now, he's in the Supply Zone of the Herta Space Station, and in front of his vision is... a train. A huge one at that. Heck, this train might be even bigger than the trains in the Cosmic Era! If either the Strike or the Freedom was with him, could they be fitted in one of the railcars? Nah, both Gundams are 17-18 meters tall.

"Sugoi..." Kira awed at the sight of the train in front of him, March just smirked at Kira's awe as her hands are on her hips and Himeko's just giggling at Kira's comment at the Astral Express.

"This is the Astral Express, Kira! Pretty cool, isn't it?" March said as she looked back at Kira beside her.

"I-It is, to be honest..." Kira admitted as he looked back to March, then back at the train to continue his awe.

"Well, that's enough gazing for today, we have a ship to check out, no?" Himeko said as she began to enter the train, with March grabbing Kira's hand as she pulled him in tow to enter the train.

Soon, the trio entered the train and Kira began to mesmerize the inside the train. Or the railcar that he is in. It's not like any usual train that he rode on. There are couches, a music player, a rabbit wearing a conductor's uniform...wait what?

Kira had to blink again to see that the rabbit is nowhere in his sight.

"Hey, mister!" Kira then blinked once again as he looked around for the origin of the voice, "Umm, down here." He looked down to see the conductor rabbit.

"Hey there, mister! Welcome to the Astral Express!" the rabbit greeted with a wave.

Kira just looked at the rabbit in front of him, his brain stopped working, and the only thing that was in his mind if he is still dreaming. But sadly... he isn't.

Then Himeko and March came into view.

"Ah! Himeko! March! Welcome back!" the rabbit cheered as March just waved at the rabbit and Himeko just smiled.

"We're back Pom-Pom!" March cheered as she knelt at Pom-Pom's level and patted him.

"Yes, we're back." Himeko said as she looked around to see no one, "Oh? Where are Welt and Dan Heng?"

"Dan Heng's in her room, sleeping." Pom-Pom informed, but not before a "Classic Dan Heng" comment was said by March.

"And what about Welt?" Himeko asked until a sliding door was opened to reveal the man himself. Welt Yang coming out with a cup of coffee.

"I'm here, Himeko. I had to get myself some coffee." Welt said as Himeko just gave the male a look with her arms on her hips.

"That better not be my coffee."

"It's my hand-brewed coffee." Welt said as he looked back to Himeko, then at Kira, "So you decided to join us, huh?"

"Not really, Welt-san." March said as the man looked back to her, "We decided to help Kira check out the Archangel?"

Welt raised his brow. He heard about the Archangel from Kira. What does she mean by that?

"What do you mean by "Checking out the Archangel"?" Welt repeated with a raised brow as Himeko took out her phone and showed the picture of the legged ship to him.

"This is the Archangel. Arlan found it a few miles away from the Space Station." Himeko informed Welt, "And since Kira's familiar with it and there's a possibility that his friends are there, we decided to let Kira join us in checking out the ship."

"I see." Welt nodded as he looked back to Kira and gave him a smile and a pat on his shoulder, "Welcome aboard the Astral Express, Kira."

Kira just looked at Welt for a moment, until he nodded to him, "Yeah. Thanks."

"Hello? Hello, hello?" Pom-Pom's voice echoed through the railcar as the people present just looked up, "*Ahem* Attention to all passengers. The Astral Express is preparing for take-off for its next destination. The Archangel. I repeat. The Astral Express is preparing for take-off to the Archangel. Thank you."

Kira couldn't help but look at the windows to see that they are indeed moving until they are now in space. Himeko and Welt then went to their usual spots in the railcar, while March grabbed Kira's arm as she began to pull him.

"Come! Let's meet up with Dan Heng! And after that, I'll give you a tour in the Astral Express while we're waiting for our arrival." March said, not giving Kira a choice but to comply. Which he did as he is now pulled away to start yet another tour. By starting with meeting up with Dan Heng.

Which is where we are now, as March and Kira entered (or barged in) Dan Heng's room, who was meditating.

"Hey, Dan Heng!" March greeted.

"March." Dan Heng sighed as she opened her eyes and looked at the girl... then at Kira, "Kira Yamato."

Kira nodded at Dan Heng.

"I heard we're going to that ship that you told us about." Dan Heng said, "We should be on our guard. Who knows how many years or months that ship was there, and maybe the Anti-Matter Legion is already inside."

"Arlan told us that the Archangel was just newly discovered there." March 7th recalled, "But Dan Heng has a point though. We need to be on guard."

"Speaking of which... what's the Antimatter Legion anyway?" Kira decided to ask since he didn't have the time for checking this timeline's history and such.

"The Antimatter Legion, or rather the Legion, is a massive, intergalactic army of hostile, malevolent monsters led by the whose goal is for the destruction of all life and civilization in the universe. They were led by the Aeon Nanook." Dan Heng explained as she crossed her arms and looked at Kira, "Is that all? Or if you want, you can stay here and read some books here to understand the history of our timeline."

Kira looked back at March if it's alright for her.

"It's fine if you want to postpone the tour for today. We can continue it next time." March said with a reassuring tone and smile to Kira, "If you want to resume the tour, you can come to my room next door."

"Yeah. I will. Thanks, March." Kira said as March just left Dan Heng's room. Now knowing what to do, Kira approached the bookshelf in Dan Heng's room, who went back to meditating, as he grabbed a book to start reading.


Well, how many books did Kira read just to learn the history of this timeline? Eh not that much, he's currently reading his second book and he's already about to finish this book about the Stellaron... Excuse me, did I say the second book? I mean... HIS TWENTY-SECOND BOOK! Because there are like 21 stacks of books beside Kira Yamato that made bookworms feel ashamed. How fast did he read? Well, he read them in...IN UNDER 10 MINUTES! Dan Heng was impressed that Kira is that fast at reading books. Anyways, the boy is sitting on the floor as he is now finished reading his 22nd book thanks to him being a Coordinator.

"Alright, I think that's enough for today and I got the gist of the history...for now." Kira said, now his mind is now overloaded with information and the history of the Amber Era. Well, only 2 percent of it. Kira believes that there's more, but he needs to take a break once in a while.

"I find it impressive that you're a fast reader, Kira Yamato." Dan Heng commented as she looked at the boy in front of her with an impressed look.

"Ah, thanks, Dan Heng." Kira thanked her with a faint blush on his cheeks as Dan Heng just nodded at him.

Then Pom-Pom's voice announced, "Attention passengers! We've arrived at our destination! I repeat! We've arrived at our destination! The Archangel!"

"Looks like we've arrived." Dan Heng said.

"Yeah." Kira nodded as he began to grab the books that he read one by one so he can put them back on the bookshelves, "I should start putting them back on their shelves."

"I'll help just so it'll be quick." Dan Heng said as she began to help Kira put back every book on their shelves.

Once all of the books are on their shelves, both Kira and Dan Heng decided to leave and went straight to the other railcar to meet with the rest.

Both Kira and Dan Heng entered the railcar as they were now met with the rest of the Astral Express.

"Looks like they're here." Himeko smiled as all members are now present, "So, Welt. You'll stay here while me and the rest enter the ship."

"Roger that." Welt nodded as he looked back to Kira, "Kira, you know how to use a firearm, right?"

"Huh? Uhhh, yeah." Kira replied with a nod to Welt's question, who in turn grabbed something from his pockets from behind and pulled out a pistol. Kira hesitantly grabbed the pistol as he began to have flashbacks back at Jachin Due.

"It's not much, but it'll do for now when you're facing the Legion." Welt informed him with a smile, "The safety is on, by the way. Oh and here." Then he handed Kira a holster belt, with magazines, for his firearm. Kira accepted the belt as he began to strap the belt on his waist, and now he is ready.

"Looks like everyone's ready." Himeko said with a smirk, "Well, let's go everyone." Then she and the rest began to leave the Astral Express and enter the Archangel.

"Good luck everyone! Be careful!" Pom-Pom, who stood beside Welt, waved at the group, with Welt doing the same as the doors closed.


The Astral Express entered the Archangel through the main entrance on the side of the Archangel, which is why the group is now in the main entrance.

"Helloooo! Guys!? Is everyone here?!" Kira shouted as he searched every place for any of his friends to be in, "Anyone?!" He then went into some rooms to check if there's any like a single person that he knows could be inside their rooms, "Please don't tell me that everyone's not here..."

Kira then resumed his walk through the hallways, with the rest of the Astral Express in tow.

"Is it even a good idea for him to shout?" March asked with a worried expression about what Kira's doing.

"It's a good thing that there aren't any signs of the Legion in here, but we still need to keep our guards up." Dan Heng said

"We can let it slide for today, Kira is familiar with this ship. And he has every reason to do that and hopes for one of his friends to be here." Himeko added with a smile.

"Well, I hate to be that person, but it looks like we don't have any luck finding a single person on this ship." Dan Heng finished.

Kira then entered his room as the doors opened to see... no one, which caused the young Coordinator to frown and sigh, "I guess they're not here..."

Kira was about to leave his room until his eye caught a familiar green thing on the side of the bed bunk.

"Isn't that...?" Kira's eyes widened at that familiar green thing as he approached the bed and scooped up the green thing to reveal..., "Torii?"

Yep. The green thing is none other than his pet robot bird, Torii. This little robotic bird is one of the possession of his that is precious to him because it is something that his childhood best friend, Athrun Zala, had given to him before both parted ways. The Ultimate Coordinator looks at Tori and realizes that it has been deactivated.

"Are its batteries dead?" Kira muttered as he began to tinker with Torii for a bit, while the girls are just standing on the door's frame and looked at the boy. Kira checked Torii's batteries and systems if it's not in good condition, but surprisingly they are in good condition. Since the inside of Torii are good, Kira pressed a tiny little button on Torii's head. Once Kira pressed the button, the bird suddenly spread its wings and began to ascend into the air.

"Torii~!" the bird chirped as it flies around the room and then circles around Kira who is just smiling happily to see it fly, "Torii~!"

"Torii!" Kira cried out to his pet robot bird as it flaps its wings and soared in the air before flying down and perching on his right shoulder, "It's so good to see you."

"So who's that little friend of yours, Kira?" March decided to ask with a smile, because of Torii.

Kira looked back to the girls, who are all (except Dan Heng) sporting smiles at the boy and his bird recently, "This is Torii, my pet bird. It was given to me by Athrun as a parting gift as a child." Kira explained with a smile.

March then entered the room as she gave the bird a wave and greeted, "Hi Torii, I'm March 7th! Kira's friend."

The robot bird twists its head and looks at March while hopping on Kira's shoulder a few times and chirping out its name, "Torii!"

March decided to give the bird a small and gentle head pat, which the bird reciprocated. With that done, Torii gave another chirp as he ascended into the air again and left the room.

"Huh? Torii! Where are you going?" Kira cried out to his bird as he peeked his head in the direction of where Torii went to.

"Torii~! Torii~!" Torii cried out as it flew to a corner and disappeared.

Kira and Co. looked at the corner as the boy knew where it's gonna led him to.


As the Astral Express chased after Torii, the gang now finds themselves in the Archangel's hangar bay where everything is silent because there isn't anyone around.

"Torii, why did you bring me here?" Kira asks Torii who flies around before going to a corner nearby, "Torii?"

"Torii~! Torii~!" Tori chirped out as Kira looks at where the mechanical pet bird disappeared before following it.

Kira and the girls went and turned at the corner where they soon find Torii flying in the air before it lands on the shoulder of a large black and grey Gundam that remains bolted and locked to a base area that made Kira and the rest's eyes widened.

"W-Woah.../Oh my.../...!" came the responses of March, Himeko, and Dan Heng once they saw the 17 feet-tall mecha in front of them.

The Ultimate Coordinator looks in total surprise to see the mobile suit that changed his life back in Heliopolis.

"No way..." Kira said as he took a step forward to gaze at his first Gundam that he piloted, "To think that you were also here... Strike."

The GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, Kira's first mobile suit, stood at its base as the Gundam is currently in its deactivated state and its colors are grey and dull. The Ultimate Coordinator is at a loss for words because of seeing the nostalgic mobile suit.

"So... this is the Strike, huh?" Himeko commented as she and the rest stood beside Kira with an impressed look at the Strike before her, "I'm impressed that your timeline had this level of technology."

"It's impressive and all, but..." March began as she looked back at Kira with a disappointed expression, "It's grey and boring. It doesn't have any color."

Kira looked back to March, "That's because the Strike is not using its Phase Shift Armor. It'll have color once the armor's activated."

"Phase Shift Armor?" Himeko started with a curious expression and look as a finger is on her lip, "What is that?"

"Phase Shift is an armor system that uses electricity to reduce the damage from all forms of physical attacks although, in most practicalities, the armor makes a mobile suit virtually immune to solid body impact attacks." Kira explained, which gained impressed looks from Himeko and surprisingly Dan Heng as well.

"That's actually impressive." Dan Heng commented, "To think that your timeline has this armor."

"Yeah, it is impressive. But there are limitations like the Strike. It draws off energy from its battery so whenever the Strike equips a beam-related weapon, Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the Strike's combat endurance, and uses up additional energy when it is hit."

"That is...really bad."

"It is. So to extend the Strike's operation time, there are these backpacks called Striker Packs the Strike could use since they're equipped with auxiliary batteries." Kira pointed out. Yeah, it's a good thing the Strike's Striker Packs have auxiliary batteries to extend the Strike's operation time. If the Strike doesn't have that, then he's doomed.

He looked at the large robot before him then looked around the area and sees that besides the Strike, there are the two Skygraspers at their base area and currently docked.

"The Skygrasper are here too.." Kira looks to the side and then went to a control console then he activates it. "It's still working."

Kira begins to check the system as he sees information about the hangar and finds out that the Strike along with the Skygraspers has remained deactivated in their bases, the Striker Pack Systems are loaded in the weapon's vault and remain prepared, and lastly, the crew are registered in the system but no info on where they are. Himeko and the rest managed to sneak a peek at the control console.

"Aile, Sword...Launcher?" March 7th read out as she had a questioned look to what these things are.

"Must be the Strike's Striker Packs, right?" Dan Heng said in which Kira nodded at Dan Heng's guess.

"Yep. Aile is for high-mobility, Sword is for close combats, and Launcher is for long-range bombardment."

"So that means the Strike is a versatile mobile suit?" Himeko asked.

"Yeah." Kira said as he deactivates the computer, "Let's go to the bridge, maybe my friends are there... I hope." Then he left, leaving Torii in the hangar.

The girls looked at each other for a moment then they followed Kira.


They've now arrived at the bridge section of the ship, with March and Himeko being impressed at the inside. The computers might be old school, but it's still impressive. Kira looked around the bridge in hopes for one of his friends to be here but of course... there's no sign.

"No one's here..." Kira muttered as he currently has an upset expression and that no one from his world is even here with him, "Just where is everyone?"

Kira walks around the Bridge as he looks at the front post where Arnold Neumann and Dalida Lolaha Chandra II would pilot the Archangel, the communication bridge where Miriallia Haw and Jackie Tonomura would be stationed for communication and combat information, and then lastly to the commander seat where the captain, Murrue Ramius, would be.

The Astral Express crew are in different parts of the bridge, March on the front post looking at the steering wheel and buttons, Dan Heng on the communication bridge, and Himeko's just beside the commander seat, looking at the deep vast space in front of her.

"Murrue-san..." Kira whispered his former captain's name as he began to remember the death of her lover and Kira's fellow pilot Mu La Flaga. The man who made the impossible possible by sacrificing his life to protect the Archangel from its dark sister unit, the Dominion. The young man knew how much in pain Murrue was when Mu died, "Mu-san..."

Kira sighs softly as he felt a bit devastated to know that not one of his friends and comrades was on board the Archangel. He walks and sits down by the stairs nearby as he places a hand on his forehead, contemplating what action he should go with next... until he realized something. Mu piloted the Strike after he got the Freedom, right? When Mu died wasn't the Strike destroyed as well? The Strike is here repaired and all in the hangar! What could this mean...? Using his remaining hope and determination to find his friends, Kira had one conclusion in his mind.

"They're somewhere across the universe..." Kira whispered with his eyes widening at the conclusion that he made. It may be made up, but it's also reasonable. I mean, look at the situation today! Kira was suddenly here in the Amber Era and the next day later the Archangel was here! Now knowing what to do next, Kira stood up from the stairs as he looked back to Himeko with determination flashing through his eyes.

"Himeko-san, can I still join the Astral Express?" Kira asked as the crew suddenly stopped what they were doing and they looked back at Kira with surprised expressions.

"O-Oh. You finally made up your mind?" Himeko asked him as her face became her usual expression, "If so, what's the reason?"

"The Strike and the Archangel." Kira gave her his answer, "The Strike was supposed to be destroyed after its second pilot, Mu, sacrificed himself to save the ship. And since the Strike is here and repaired alongside the Archangel... I've come to the conclusion that my friends are somewhere out there across the universe. So, please..." Then he bowed in hopes of joining the crew, "Let me join!"

Both March and Dan Heng looked at their leader for her response to Kira's request... until the redhead smiled, "You can join us, Kira." Himeko simply replied, "The Astral Express is open for passengers. Whether they have ill intentions or not. So... Welcome to the Astral Express, Kira Yamato."

He's in. Yes, he is now part of the Astral Express. Now all that's left is to find his friends across the universe with his new friends.

Dan Heng took out her phone when it buzzed as she looked at what Welt Yang sent making her eyes widen, "Everyone." she gained their gazes as the crew looked back at her, "We have company." Dan Heng said as she and the rest looked back to the only door at the bridge to see... a squad of the Antimatter Legion. More specifically, 3 Reavers and 1 Eliminator.

"It's the Legion!" March exclaimed as 1 Reaver roared out and began to jump towards Kira Yamato, who was about to pull out his gun. But he doesn't need to do that when Dan Heng also jumped and swatted the Reaver with her spear away from Kira. Himeko and March then began to deal with the other 2 Reavers. The remaining Eliminator cucked its cannon as he began to charge it while aiming it at the Coordinator in its sights. On instinct, Kira charged at the Eliminator as he tackled his foe out of the bridge. Then both Kira and the Eliminator soon found themselves in the hallway with Kira on top of the Eliminator. Using this chance, Kira took out his pistol and aimed it at the Eliminator's head. All that's left is for him to pull the trigger... which he can't. Kira is a bit hesitant about killing again. I mean yeah, the Antimatter Legion's goons are not human, but he is still killing.

Noticing that his foe is hesitating on killing them, the Eliminator used this chance to swat Kira away from them using the barrel of the cannon which caused the boy to hit the wall beside him.

The Eliminator stood up again and aimed at the downed teenager. Kira quickly recovered as he did a barrel roll to avoid the now-fired shot of the Eliminator. Then he stood up as he aimed his pistol and fired a few rounds that hit the member of the Legion's chest and shoulders. The rounds are effective, but not enough to kill the Eliminator as it began to fire another shot at Kira, who began to charge towards the Eliminator and tackle it again to the floor. The next thing the Eliminator saw is the barrel of the pistol from Kira Yamato... which is starting to cackle some purple tachyon. Before it could do anything else, Kira pulled the trigger multiple times as several purple beams emitted somewhat of an electric vibe were fired, ensuring that his foe is dead having to discard his hesitation about killing once again. The Eliminator is dead as it began to disappear into a gold effect. Speaking of effect... what was that just now? Did he fire electric beams just now? If so, then how? But, those questions of his would be answered in another time when he was called out by March.

"Hey, you alright?" Kira looked up to see March and the rest, now finished dealing with their foes as he saw a faint trail of gold from here. Kira also noticed the concerned expressions of the girls, having known about Kira's dislike of killing.

Kira released a deep sigh as he slouched to the wall, "To be honest... no." Kira muttered as he looked back to the girls with an upset expression, "I killed before, I should've gotten used to killing now. But... looks like I need to get used to killing again." Kira said as he eyed the pistol that was given to him by Welt, "And since the Antimatter Legion are out there doing whatever they're doing... I need to kill."

March and Dan Heng just gave Kira a look of sympathy, while Himeko decided to change the subject since it was starting to get a little awkward in my opinion.

"Well, we've already dealt with the Legion, what's your next move, Kira?" Himeko asked with an arm on her hip.

Kira looked back at Himeko then at the bridge, more specifically at the steering wheel, now knowing what to do.


Currently, both the Archangel and the Astral Express are now docked back into the Herta Space Station's docks, with the people present just mesmerizing at the Archangel.

Then we switch to Asta, Herta, and Arlan now inside the Archangels' hangar, mesmerizing (or staring for Herta) at the Strike and the Skygraspers. But mostly at the Strike though.

"I-It's huge..." Arlan uttered with Asta nodding with him in agreement.

"Looks boring." Herta said, "But I'm impressed."

They heard footsteps as the three looked in the direction to see the Astral Express walking towards them.

"So, this grey and dull-looking "Gundam" you talked about is the Strike?" Herta looked back at Kira with a disappointed look.

Kira just scratched the back of his head and chuckled at Herta's comment, "Y-Yeah. But it'll not be boring once you've looked at the Strike's data." he pulled out a USB containing the said data of the Strike, "And this is also a thank you for giving me hospitality here."

Herta accepted the USB from Kira as she lifted up her hair to reveal a USB port on the side of her neck, which surprised Kira, and inserted it into her neck while closing her eyes and grabbing the data of the Strike.

"Hmmm..." Herta hummed while tapping her foot, "Phase Shift Armor, huh? Interesting... Striker Packs... And what's with this acronym? It's like some idiot was just thinking of random words to put up the Gundam Acronym."

Kira and the rest just chuckled at her reaction. Herta opened her eyes as she unplugged the USB from her neck and gave it to Asta.

"I'll admit, this data impressed me." Herta admitted as she looked at the Strike, "I wouldn't mind giving it some modifications. I saw a lot of flaws in the data, more specifically the use of Phase Shift for beam weapons. I could implement a new and improved battery for that..."

"Looks like you've piqued Herta's interest in your Gundam." Asta commented as she giggled and left the Archangel with Arlan.

"Should I be scared?" Kira asked.

"No, I think you shouldn't be." Himeko reassured the boy as she gave him a pat while the rest of the Astral Express began to leave, "Herta's a member of the Genius Society so she'll do good modifications or upgrades to the Strike, and it's rare for her to do some work so it's a good thing. But take note that she might lose her interest and drop her work on the Strike. The best example of that is this space station."

"I see..." Kira sweatdropped at that information as soon as Himeko now left the scene.

"Yamato, you don't mind if I put my puppet here, right?" Herta said as she looked back to Kira.

"N-No. Not at all." 'But Murrue and Kojiro might mind. But since they're not here... I'll let Herta stay here.'

"Good, because starting tomorrow, I'm gonna do some modifications to your Strike." Herta declared, "Oh, and you can go to my office to start your training if you want."

"O-Oh. Alright then. Thank you, Herta-san." Kira bowed to Herta as he as well left the Archangel, leaving Herta at the hangar.

"That boy... Why am I starting to take a liking to him?" Herta muttered until she shook her head, "No. None of that, Herta. None of that...none of that... You just met him this morning. There's no such thing as love at first sight..."

Herta denied the idea of her falling for the boy that she just met, but what she didn't notice was the beating of her heart... beating faster despite the fact that she was using her puppets. Oh well...


RF2: Well, that's it, folks! And what do you guys think? It could've been better, but it could've been worse as well. The conversation is a bit meh, and the fight scene is... short and boring. NGL, I suck at fight scenes where characters fight in small places like the Archangel's bridge or hallways, which is why the fight scene here is bland.

So, the gang checked out the Archangel and saw that the Strike and Skygraspers are present in the hangar, showed it to the rest, and Herta's impressed and decided to give some modifications and improvements to the Strike. No upgrades yet, it's a bit too soon for the Strike to get an upgrade yet, so modifications and improvements are for the Strike today since there are no N Jammers here and the technology in Star Rail is too advanced than the Cosmic Era's. But why are they impressed about the Strike's Phase Shift Armor? Surely there's some alloy that is immune to physical attacks? I think there are now that they're in space. Anyways, the reason that the others are impressed about the Strike's Phase Shift is that, unlike the existing alloy that's immune to physical attacks, Phase Shift Armor uses electricity to make itself immune to physical weapons. But since there's like magic and stuff in Honkai Star Rail, the Strike's Phase Shift might be a little... useless in defense. Well, it's a good thing Herta's willing to modify and improve the Strike and its flaws.

And finally, Kira joins the Astral Express! Oh, and I made him kill and his reason to kill again is...eeehhhhhh in my opinion. I need to think of a reason for Kira to kill again and the "Because the Antimatter Legion is here" reason is the best I could think of. But hey, at least killer Kira is back! Goodbye, Virgin-ass Pacifist Kira! This is going to be his redemption now because he is a part of the Gundam Protagonists. They kill. All of them kill! And that's what Kira needs to be. It's his destiny!

Next chapter is gonna be the start of the game. The Herta Space Station quests! And also the debut of the Trailblazer MC. Stelle. Even though I picked Caelus in the game, Stelle is better. Why? Look at her Ult animation and dialogue. IT'S BETTER THAN THE MALE MC! God damn she sounds like a cold MC. Oh yeah, it's also gonna be the debut of Kafka (Gun Mommy) and Silver Wolf (other Bronya. Or definitely Bronya since the Bronya in Honkai Impact is a gamer).

Anyways, that's it for today! What do you guys think? Good? Bad? You guys decide! Also don't forget to review. That's all from me! This is RF2 signing off! See you!

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