Yandere Various Version.2

By Sharkrom

39.8K 620 196

Yep folks the second book to the other book that got thanos snapped off of Wattpad. More

Yandere Neo *revised*
Yandere Bremerton
Recovering Yandere Baltimore
Yandere Stalker (Male Amnesiac Reader)
Yandere Bully (Male Suicidal Depressed Reader) โš ๏ธMajor Mature Themes
Yandere Vampire (Male Dying Soldier Reader)
Murderer (Male Detective Reader)
Yandere Dark Wife (Male Writer Reader)
Yandere Stalker (Male Detective Reader)
Psycho Female Best Friend
Yandere Stranger Female (Male Cheated Reader)
Yandere Superhero (Male Retired Villain Reader)
Semi-Yan Vampire (Male Ex-Hunter Reader)
Yandere Fox Girl
Yandere Malina (Male Bartender Reader)
Yandere Falin (Male Soldier Reader)
Yandere Scientist
Yandere Obsessed Wife (Male Murderer Reader)
Yandere Psychotic Manipulator
Demon Queen

Yandere Neko Cafe Maid

2.6K 28 44
By Sharkrom

Yes I saved this one years ago. Which is why I wasn't that worried here Ya go. The second part I'll upload tomorrow morning after breakfast.

Yes a Neko cafe Maid loves the shit out of you. Bits of magic included as well. Half is racing since I needed a backplot. Tell me if you like this concept I might do more and if it's liked then maybe a book. Note to you guys this is the most longest chapter I have done and feel like I did a good job.

I was riding my motorcycle (Look up Honkai Impact 3rd Bronya Cyberangel motorcycle) with my friend screaming for me to slow down.

Rork: "Dude slow down!"


I see a yellow light and punch and jump into the freeway as it was just weaving in and out of traffic.

I was picking him up from class in the nearby University. Flipping off drivers as they honked at me.

Taking an exit I stop at our home and enter the garage and park.

Rork: "Jeez man. Did you tune the engines?"

"Of course I did with the little magic I have I can only do engineering."

I see him smile and place his hand on my shoulder.

Rork: "So does it matter if someone has fire for legs, a girl that can create weapons from water, and twins that can use nature as weapon. You my friend is a one of a kind."

"All I have is engineering and racing."

Rork: "Yes your magic may be speed based but hey you have that race coming up."

"Yeah whatever."

Rork: "Still sad you couldn't get into a school?"

"I applied to all the magic schools and not one accepted me."

Rork: "Tell you what. When you win that race tomorrow I'll treat you to that Neko Maid Cafe you've been wanting to go."

I smile and see my engineering gauntlet and make sure to win that race.

As I was connecting circuits to the power I heard over the T.V. placed in my workshop talk about the recent murders in the city area all matching the same description. Colored hair and about my height.

News: "Lately a string of murders have been sprouting in the city of Memor and this is similar to the deaths that transpired at least 50 years ago. Could this be a copycat killer or merely something at large."

I sighed and finished rewiring my motorcycle and ran a whole diagnostic by placing my hand on my magic infused glasses and getting holographic imaging on the whole vehicle.

"Engine running at 110%. Braking at new levels. Rig gear at 80% and performance overall at the best efficiency."

I sigh and run my hands over the blue metal exterior and turn off the lights in my workshop and head to my bed. Seeing Rork and his girlfriend Ronin on the couch watching TV.

Ronin: "Hey (Y/N)."

Rork: "You ok man?"

"Yeah just tired."

I head to bed and pull a book on Neko's.

Nekomata- A subspecies of humans with traits of cats like cat ears added onto their head and a cat tail that comes from the tail bone.

I close the book and put it on my counter and drift off to sleep. I had a strange obsession with Neko's ever since I had met one when I was kid so I naturally researched them that found them fascinating discovering that they were used as maids and butlers most commonly in the past but were given up when Neko's fought for rights. Now their integrated in normal life of our daily lives.

I turn my light off and drifted to sleep.


Guy: "I don't know who you are!"

??: "Pitiful..."

A scythe makes contact with his neck and his head rolls down leaving a bloody trail as the unknown assailant leaves the body.

??: "Don't worry dear I'll come get you...."


I get up and see Rork bringing the trailer nearby and load my motorbike in the back as Ronin handed me a breakfast sandwich.

Ronin: "Were going to be watching in the stadium."

"I hope I'll win."

Ronin: "You have diagnostic magic you'll be fine."

"I hope so."

I got into the truck with my friends as they handed me my gear and helmet.

This was a racing magic race. There was basically no limits on what you can do but there was rules. No sabotaging before or else you'll suffer a 10 minute penalty. No dangerous magic so low level magic was allowed. Other than that everything was allowed.

Stopping at the garage we take it out and see other racers with motorcycles as I used my magic to change my eyes to a glowing color of my eye color and see that most of them had plenty of problems.

Ronin: "What do you see?"

"Poor engineering. That farthest one vehicle can't go above 100 mph or else the engine will burn out."

Ronin: "Is anything wrong with my car?"

I look at her truck and see that she should check on the brakes.

"Brakes need to be replaced."

Ronin: "Shit."

Announcer: "Will all racers please head to the vehicle bay and suit up."

I tilt my head to them and to the bay.

Getting my suit on I slip on my flame retardant undergarments under my suit just in case.

Clipping my boots on and standing next to our vehicles they turn into cubes since you know magic and the bay doors open to reveal a ramp that we walk up to.

Other racers are talking amongst themselves as some began realizing I was in the race.

??: "Oh look the reject."

Maya my bully from Magi School. She belittled me when I didn't have a cool as hell power and hers was igniter.

Igniter allowed her to shoot fire from her feet and hands with burning overheat and making her really cocky and jealous therefore she's dangerous around others.

As we saw a light at the end we left the bay and saw that we were in a stadium of a large magnitude. Thousands of people were cheering as we got onto the track and due to me being a weak magic user I was placed in the back of the numbers, 65 to be precise. Summoning our vehicles from the cubes they go into position as I sit on mine and run diagnostics on everyone realizing that everyone wasn't going to last long when Maya is in first position.

"Don't worry girl you'll make it."

The engine revved by itself and I patted the exterior.

"Just cut the chitchat and let me race."

It revs by itself where blue energy is exhumed from the exhaust tubes as other looked at me.

Girl: "Weirdo."

I sigh and waited till time started.


Announcer: "Good morning ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages to this spectacular event!"

Everyone cheers out loud to where it sounds deafening as we get on and start the engines.

Announcer: "Are all racers ready?"

We rev once to signify that we heard.

Announcer: "Good! 3!......2!......1!.....GO!"

Everyone sped off as mine didn't go causing everyone to laugh.

"Please don't go insane this time...."

The second I said the bike revved and went off at an insane speed.

Announcer: "Woah! Number 65 has already had a major stop but look at the speed!"

If you hadn't realized my motorcycle was sentient. As racers tried to slow me down I began to drift and do jumps that shouldn't be remotely possible.

Seeing that most of the others stayed behind in hopes of letting the leads take each other out were causing a really big block so my motorcycle turned to the edge and tilted forward allowing me to grind on the edge and be in front of them.

Coming across a transport gate we sped in as we found ourselves in a Snowy Mountain region where some of the riders engines began to freeze despite the heat they were exhuming. For me I kept weaving in and out of trees soon seeing Maya using her igniter power to heat the area around her to keep the engine from freezing.

This was a test of limitations.

Racing forward I see an early jump Maya off from a small cliff as she knocked 8 others off their bikes.

"Sheesh brutal."

Running diagnostics on the racers in front of me I saw that one of the tires were close to popping and another one had a leak in the engine that would shutdown when he would try to speed up. So speeding up they become angry and try to speed up only for the tire to pop and throw him forward, the engine had blown out and steam came out as they cursed out their bikes.

Chuckling hearing my motorcycle rev once.

Next came a hill dunes where we found it extremely hot so we unbuttoned our suits to allow a bit of wind to enter. Seeing a dust storm come into view we seal our suits and head inside the storm leaving behind light trails of magic residue like that movie Tron. Right now some began to falter since their engines began to fill from sand.

Guy: "Fucking sand!"


After traversing 5 more regions like the fucking Jungle, forest, and the Savannah outback where we almost got attacked by lions.

At the finishing stretch where only 65 racers started only 5 had remained but really banged up minus me who was still in good shape.

Announcer: "This is folks! After seeing betrayal, sweat, and literal blood! We have come to the final stretch! 5 racers remain!"

We turn as Maya pulls back by pulling her breaks and surprises the 3 racers behind her till her foot glows red so I hang back and she drifts and slams her foot on the floor scorching the floor and burning the tires out. Knowing I wasn't going pass them I took the risk of drifting over the barriers on the side.

Turning the engine off midair I saw the people's faces as I did something that risked my whole life.

Inhaling I see I have a burst of speed left. Exhaling I turn it back on as I propel forward using my magic to speed myself forward and over the wreckage to land next to Maya who was flabbergasted.

Maya: "Twerp!"

As she tried to speed up her engine exploded causing smoke to appear and for her to flip over thankfully I grabbed her hand and hoisted her over and on my seat as I looked at her and sped past the finish line earning a mass applause.


I stood on a raised platform with Maya next to me with our motorcycles on our sides hers suffering a malfunction when she tried to used her igniter magic to propel herself and instead blew out a capacitor.

News woman: "Hello folks! If you haven't known then local (Y/N) (L/N) has won the race along with Maya Eros!"

I tried to keep my composure if it wasn't for the mass media focusing on the stunt I pulled and saving Maya from exploding.

Reporter: "Do you have secret feelings for Maya Eros?"

Reporter 2: "Where did you learn that stunt!"

My motorcycle revved violently and everyone began taking pictures of it instead of me.

Back in the changing rooms I saw that I was with Maya who walked up to me still wearing her red skintight garb with a sweater.

"Oh hey Maya."

Maya: "Hey...."

"Is something the matter?"

Maya looked at me and pulled me down and kissed me with vigor.

Maya: "I don't like you but this just seemed right....thanks for the save.....your diagnostic magic is pretty cool......you wouldn't mind checking my motorbike once in a while?"

"That'll cost you 50 dollars."

Maya hands over 50 dollars and I stare at her bike.

"Your bike suffered a massive systematic problem when you tried to use your igniter power. But it rebooted just in time I guess, no wonder you braked."

Maya: "See ya (Y/N)...."

"Night Maya...."

We go out separate paths as my bike revs slowly.

"Easy there we aren't even assholes anymore."

Timeskip somewhere else

A figure walks the streets with a cloak around them and sees a TV that's playing the event from last night and the ending.

News woman: "A local who goes by (Y/N) (L/N) who won the racing tournament says he just did it caused he wanted to. And what's his magic again?"

News man: "His magic is Diagnostic, able to see how the inner workings of a vehicle and he apparently used that to win."

The figure stops and looks at the TV and something wet hits the floor and sniffling is heard.

??: "I finally found you....we can be together after 500 years we can be together again!"

Some thugs see this crying girl and plan to mug her and more and walk up to her with a gun.

Thug: "Everything you have sweet cheeks."

??: "I don't have anything...."

Thug 2: "Well we'll take you we need a dumpster~"

??: "No wonder my master never let me leave his side....your all scum!"

In moments their bodies fall into pieces and the leaders head stayed intact.

??: "I better get to work finding him."


I woke up to the sound of my friends blowing party blowers and spitting out confetti and bringing in a chocolate cake.

Ronin: "Congratulations (Y/N)."

Rork: "You did nice buddy! Oh here these came in the mail."

I checked them and almost lost my shit.

Rork: "You okay?"

"This is most prestigious magic school in the world!"

I flipped to another and found a letter by another school written by the dean.

"We would like to honor you with a full magica experience at our school."

Rork: "Damn."

"But how all I did was race once."

A knock is heard and we all head downstairs to see this lady wearing a suit with a skirt and sunglasses.

??: "(L/N)?"


??: "Your probably wondering about the sudden mail of Magic University's."


Meadows: "Meadows. I only came to say that due to the installment of magic and technology. It has become apparent that we can rectify mistakes that we can't see. We closely examined the other racers that we believed were top shape but then as time progressed we notice how much they broke down by faulty magic or poor engineering. But yours outperformed every environmental hazard."

"Well I did make her."

Meadows: "Her?"

"Yeah I call it a her."

Meadows: "Just think about it joining a university."

She leaves as I stared at Rork who knew what I was thinking.

"Neko Maid Cafe!"

Small skip

We parked outside with my bike going to sleep I guess.

Entering we see that since it was morning and there wasn't a lot of people.

We went to a lounge and since they were a couple they got to sit in the couples area while I chose to eat outside.

??: "Ready to order master?"

I turn to see a very cute Neko maid.

"Uh yes maid....."

Rita: "It's Rita Master.....Wait your (Y/N) (L/N) I saw you race! You were amazing!"

"Uh thanks. I would like the pancakes with blueberry syrup."

Rita: "Right away Master."

I waited and believed I met her at some point. Why did that name sound so familiar? I tried to remember but it would hurt so I stopped to see Rita coming back with a glass of milk and a plate full of pancakes and stood near me.

Rita: "Here you go Master."

"Thank you Rita."

As I ate I noticed that Rita looked at me with nervousness.

"You okay?"

Rita: "It's just I never seen someone drive so professionally."

"My dad taught me before he passed away."

Rita: "Oh I'm sorry."

"No worries."

Rita: "How come you didn't come with your girlfriend?"

"I uh don't have one. I was never good with ladies."

Rita: "Me either with guys since they would scared because I could create this!"

From rose petals came a beautiful scythe that was taller than her and she was able to lift like a feather.

"Amazing.....a Summoner Magic User."

Rita: "You remind me of my old master."

"Master? Wasn't owning Neko's banned 500 years ago?"

Rita: "Yes of course how stupid am I."

"This is a long shot but would you like to-"

Rita: "Yes."

"Uh where would like to-"

Rita: "The nature dome."

I chuckle and continue eating.

"I'll see you on Friday then. Goodbye for now Rita."

I leave a tip for Rita not seeing the ever growing smile on her face as she swung her scythe around.


Rita POV

I sat on my bed as I placed my hand on my heart.

"He really is back."

Wiping my tears away as I went to an ornate box and uncovered a collar that had the name Rita Rossweisse.

Placing it on my neck and standing in front of a full body mirror I stood with both of my hands over my waist with an aged picture next to it.

I wipe a single tear remembering the past. The truth is that I'm over 500 years old cursed to live forever by an accident. But I wasn't alone. I was cursed with my master/husband (Y/N) (L/N) who suffered a worse fate than mine, he died and reincarnated 20 times.

I made it my sole duty to find him and return back to him and it was an order, his final order.

Past 1525

I'm pulled to a market trading with others with magic chains holding us in place. A large crowd comes over not going to buy but stare as I felt eyes all over my body as I see other of my kind being taken away by rich folk.

Until I felt this singular aura in the distance and see a person who was walking across and knew I had to have him help me.


My voice was cracked and worn down after being mistreated and fed scarcely. A man walked up to me with the same aura who uncovered my cap to reveal my cat ears to my matching hair.

He wore a black coat with (F/C) markings on it and what seemed to be fur around the hoodie's rim. Around his neck was a ruby jewelry in the form of rose and another in the form of crescent moon with a (F/C) gem.

??: "What's your name?"

"Rita, Rita Rossweisse sir."

??: "Ill buy this one."

He offers a green gem to the trader as unchains me and makes a coat from thin air and places it on me protecting me from the cold air.

"So what are my commands Master..."

(Y/N): "(Y/N), Oh lots of magic my dear apprentice."


I bring in a tray of vials into (Y/N)'s room as he set a bowl of warm milk down on the table and some food for me.

"Thank you Master."

(Y/N): "Rita what did I say about that name."

"Sorry....it just sounded normal."

(Y/N): "Don't worry."

He places his hand on my head scratching my ears causing me to purr and push my head into his hand. Before he can pull away though I pull his hand back down and found it comforting.

"Master do you perhaps like me?"

(Y/N): "I can neither confirm nor deny that question."


"Wait. That usually means you do!"

He puts a finger to his lips and vanishes into shadows.

"Eeeee! A boy likes me! I'll make a wonderful dinner Master!"

I ran to the kitchen skipping in the large mansion seeing (Y/N) already in the kitchen with a bouquet of roses and an already made dinner before he can get down on one knee I take the box and sit him straight.

"I'm sorry but as your maid I must ask."

I get down on one knee and open the black box.

"(Y/N), you've been my master and my heart for 9 years therefore making me legal to marry. Will you marry this maid to fulfill her dreams of becoming more than a simple maid?"

(Y/N): "Yes maid Rita."

I spring up and he takes the ring out and sets it on my finger as I hug him and kiss him hoping to eventually bring kids.


There was shouting coming from outside as I pulled my husband into his lab.

"Honey your hurt!"

He held his side that was completely bloody and stained his black coat and onto the floor after being attacked by the town. The reason why they attacked was because they believed he seduced me and raped me but I told them off and they kept saying how a human and Neko shouldn't be together.

(Y/N): "Listen Rita I'm not going to make it."

"No! I'll fix you! I can save you!"

I desperately tried to stem the bleeding but (Y/N) held my cheek and held out his ruby rose gem.

(Y/N): "Don't worry ill come back. You'll just have to find me."


(Y/N): "Rita you and I are immortal from that experiment but I needed to die so when you find the next me please make them remember you."

"Is that your command and final command?"

(Y/N): "Yes Rita now leave. This place is going to burn down with the rest of citizens."

I nod and take the scythe and his coat and kiss his lips and knock out a window and see him preparing an Igniter spell. He winks at me and I jump out as a massive fire spreads.

Overlooking the place burn down I cry for my beloved and leave.


I walk across the street to see a food stand and pay for a meal. Sitting down on one of the chairs and eating as others were passing by me. This one boy caught my attention as he was inspecting some amulets and trying some of them on.

I walked over to him recognized him as my beloved. I knew from the book (Y/N) gave me that he won't remember his past life.

"Oh hello there."

(Y/N): "Hmm? Oh hello."

"I'm Rita Rossweisse and may we talk in private?"

(Y/N): "Oh I'm sorry I'm wit-"

??: "Nya~ (Y/N)!"

I see a Neko run up to him and kiss him on the lips as he smiled. My pupils dilate and I hyperventilate taking my scythe out I put everyone to sleep and burst forward pinning him to the wall with my scythe and the girl against the wall with my hand cracking the wall.

(Y/N): "What are you?!"

"I'm your wife and your cheating on me!"

(Y/N): "Your insane!"


I crush the girls throat and walk up to him.

(Y/N): "You bitch!"

"It hurts me when your like this but I have to fix you."

I cup his head and snap it killing him and removing the scythe.

"I'm sorry....."


I walk around town with a cloak as others see me go by them. Seeing (Y/N) with a family I follow them and he kisses this Neko girl so I grew angry and saw them enter their home.

As I enter the home I see them getting ready for dinner and I cast a spell to put his family to sleep.


He turns around to see my teary face and holds his head.

(Y/N): "R...Rita?"

My face brightens but then he shakes his head and takes a magical gun out and I cry.

"Why won't you come back to me?!"

He fires at my heart but the wound merely heals.

(Y/N): "What?!"

"Sorry....for the 30th time.....forgive me...."

I burst forward stabbing him in the chest and placing him on the wall and caress his pale face and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Please come back dear....."

(Y/N): "Rita...."


(Y/N): "It's been so long since I last seen your face."

"I'm so sorry about killing you!"

(Y/N): "Ah don't worry......2025 wait till that year and I promise you.......we'll be together......my dear......."


I close his eyes and leave the home to hear the sounds of anguish. If they only felt my kind of anguish.


75 years passed and no sign of a reincarnated (Y/N) anywhere and I still had to wait to another 50 years to reach 2025. I had grew angry of course and walked into warehouse to see gang members all lining up guns to me.

Leader: "Fresh piece of meat~"

"Vous allez tous mourir d'une mort douloureuse....."

In seconds all 25 of the gang members were dead. I went on a killing spree killing copycats who dared to use me as fame when they didn't understand my goals of reaching my lost beloved.

I stood on one of the buildings and lowered my hood and let my ears bask in the cold. Taking a gun out and pointed at my chest I pull the trigger and felt nothing. There was a bullet hole but it repaired itself.

I began to cough and threw up the bullet into my hand covered in saliva slime and I knew I couldn't die. I gripped my head and punched the floor cracking it.

I got onto a train and hid in the the back and took out a journal from my satchel.

"*Sniff* Year 67 since making this journal I couldn't find him again and so I'm returning back to my old home town and remember some memories."

Stopping at a pretty decent town I head to the fields and see this shack and head to it to see an all to familiar face.

"Hello Gemini."

I lift the cat to pet her ears and set her down on the cat bed. I found her about a century ago and she would follow me but ultimately wanted to stay here.

I grab a candle and head out the back to see fields of roses and a statue of (Y/N) but wearing a helmet.

This was the location of the burned down mansion and so I made it my duty to grow roses here. Setting the candle on the pedestal I set a emerald jewel on it and nod.

??: "Your the first Ive seen in 50 years."

I turn to see this elderly woman.

"Oh hello miss."

Lady: "Hello dearie. My 4 greats grandfather once passed down a tale of how a master and his Neko servant once built a relationship but the town all attacked him and supposedly everyone died in the fire."

"That's not how the story went. The master had built a relationship from saving the Neko girl in the midst of trading and appointed her as his maid and apprentice. From there their feelings blossomed and took over. The mob attacked and planned to kill the two of them. But he the master had used an igniter spell a dangerous on at that and completely engulfed everyone. The maid had escaped and vowed to once recover her lost love."

Lady: "You said it as though you knew much."

"Because, I was the maid that escaped the fire 450 years years ago."

The lady turns to see me again but I was gone but some rose petals were left on the floor.


These Neko cafe shops had began to sprout up in the time from the 2000 and how it rose was because of Anime. I know despite the fact it's ridicule to me since I loved my master.

I had finally found a pattern in where he would come back in 2025 and pinpointed here so I got a job as a Neko Cafe Maid which was horrendous since I had serve disgusting perverts.

"There you go master."

Guy: "Hey sweet cheeks why don't we go to my home and have some kittens~"

Getting a scowl on my face I grab the tray and smack him upward denting it and kicking him out. The other customers all knew that they shouldn't talk smack about me and I gave the 30th dented metal to a another Neko who had metal manipulation and ate it and metal spikes grew from her and she took them off and repaired the metal tray.

Going over to another serving I came to a family of three.

"Hello there masters how may I serve you today?"

(F/N): "Oh I would like a cake for my son."

I look at the son and my heart skipped a beat since I saw (Y/N) I found you. Bending down he attempted to reach for my ears. Others knew that touching my ears were off limits and others would yank them. (Y/N) was always gentle with me.

"Oh you want to touch them? Go ahead."

He began petting them the way he would in the past and knew my sweet spot as well making me purr.

"Well I'll go get order sweetie."

I turn away with a skip in my step as other saw me smiling for the first getting a cake and setting candles on them.

Bringing it to the table I sing along with his parents.

"🎼Happy birthday to you~happy birthday to (Y/N)~happy birthday to you~"

Claps were heard as other heard my melodic voice with (Y/N) blushing.

2025 Present

Going over to my wardrobe I take a wedding dress I had specially hand made and held it over me.

"He will most certainly like this. I had prepared this for 20 years. Was it to revealing? No it must show that I'm dearly devoted to him."

The next day

I stood at the counter getting leered at by men till the sound of revving caught my ears and everyone else's till I saw outside a streak of (F/C).

(Y/N) came in with his helmet tucked under his arm as one Neko Cafe Maid was about to go up to him until I dashed to him with a good kick to the girls leg.

"Good morning master!"

It felt right calling my beloved master once again.

(Y/N): "Hello Rita."

Rita: "Master it's nice to see you again."

I lead him down the path to outside and down to a secluded spot surrounded by trees and the soft wind as I sat next to him.

(Y/N): "You seem familiar..."

"I get that a lot. What would you like master?"

(Y/N): "I would like the pancakes with raspberry jam and some orange juice."

"Ok master I'll be back."

I head to the kitchen and place the orders as the girl grabs my order.

"That's my serving...."

Girl: "Next time leave the studs for us....hag..."


I clench my fist and grit my teeth.


After Nera taking my beloved attention from me and a quick apology from him since he had to meet friends I met Nera in the back wiping some tables down and she sees me.

"Nera....why did you take my customer..."

Nera: "What we have to rotate every time and it won't help your hogging him. Besides he needs someone younger."

I hold my hand to the side and and petals form the scythe.

"He's mine you bitch!"

She attempts to summon a weapon but all she saw was the blood red eyes and my scythe making contact with her neck.


"A maids duty is to serve her master *Grunt* and a duty is one to uphold."

I wipe my hands off as I dumped the dead body into the the trash furnace and I cremated the body with the trash. Taking the sterile gloves and burning them along with the body and leaving the building and getting a whiff of fresh air and take out my journal.

Day....I forgot after 3000

I just killed my 137 enemy and protected my love and now my date is tomorrow night and that maybe starts our life again.

I put the journal away and head home as my eyes calmed down to a wine shade. (Y/N)'s favorite color.

Getting ready for sleep I get out my pajamas out that (Y/N) had created to ensure that I be comfortable in any situation.

"Love you (Y/N)...."


I got ready by wearing a black sundress and a black hat while waiting outside of my apartment. I had texted him the hour prior to tell him where I lived and he had responded that he pick me up in a couple of minutes. I had fiddled with my dress until a motorcycle stopped in front of me with a black boot stepped down and I looked up.

(Y/N): "How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long."

'20 minutes.'

(Y/N): "Ready to go kitty?"

Past (Y/N): "Ready to go Kitten?"


I got behind him as he passed me a modified helmet with ear holes. I took my sun hat off and popped my ears through the top of the helmet. He revved and down the street we went as I felt him radiating pure happiness emotions as I held onto him and my tail turned into a heart.

(Y/N): "Nature dome?"

"Yeah and also the beach after."

(Y/N): "Did you plan this whole day?"

"On the fly."

'12 years.'

At the nature dome which was planned in 1996 and the last beam was placed in 2000 then in 2005 it was opened for the public and over the years time had changed it where it sported its own Island.

It housed animals from all over the world and plants that were introduced to this place.

At the center he took me to the field of roses that I recognized that came from our hometown.

(Y/N): "These flowers always made me remember something really distant in the past but I can't remember."

"It'll come back to you, let's continue on."

Coming across a mass trees of monarchs some land on (Y/N) and other were astonished that a racer had many butterflies on him. A single (F/C) butterfly landed on his palm and I giggled until a wine colored butterfly landed on my ear and soon the two of them landed on a branch.

'It's a-"

(Y/N): "Don't those remind you of us?"

"Maybe it's a sign of us to be together?"

He turns around and extends a hand to my neck and scratches the spot that I dearly loved making me purr tones. I didn't realize it but a guy had grabbed ahold of my tail and pulled it harshly.


I hissed and extended my claws and fangs and my pupils turned into slits as (Y/N) held me back.

"I'm going to gouge out your eyeballs you piece of shit!"

(Y/N) had calmed me down and walked up to the guy who pulled and was laughing with his group until (Y/N) reeled his fist back and punched him across the the face breaking some teeth on the punk. My heart fluttered and I completely forgot the anger I held and waited for my prince to come back and I dashed into his chest.

At the little cafe inside I saw him buy some rose colored bandages and wrap them around my tail that had been pulled.

Past (Y/N): "How did this happen?"

Past Rita: "On of kids from the town burned it...."

Past (Y/N): "I hate those kids."

Past Rita: "How about Neko kids?"

Past (Y/N): "They're adorable little munchkins."

Past Rita: "How about we have Neko kids?"

(Y/N): "Blasted teens."

"What's your preference on Neko kids?"

(Y/N): "Besides being the most adorable things the world has to offer I wouldn't mind having some with you. I mean if you wanted to....not saying if your willing or already-"

I stop him and kiss him on the lips.

"I would love to have your liter."

My tail swayed slightly with the bandage and finished with a ribbon.


(Y/N): "I thought cats don't like water~"

Past Rita: "Ahhhh!"

Past (Y/N): "It's just water!"

I ran away from (Y/N) nude who was chasing me with a bucket filled with water.

Past Rita: "Hiss!"

30 minutes later

I laid in the warm water as (Y/N) gently scrubbed my hair with his hands as I drank wine.

Past Rita: "This isn't so bad...."

(Y/N) had scratch marks all over him.

Getting to the beach I had seen that many people were here as I saw a missing poster for Nera and ripped it off.

Getting to the changing rooms I removed my sundress as others saw this developed Neko with a decent chest and beautiful curves but what she wore was questioning.


I applied sunscreen on my skin and my body as girls were taking pictures and giving me flirtatious looks.

Rita seemed familiar like in my dreams. A woman who loves roses and kisses.

Rita: "(Y/N)!"

I see Rita with a modified maid swimsuit. She stands in front of me and hugs me while chewing on my lobe.

If it was any other Neko girl I would've pushed her away but Rita made me feel weird. A nice weird.

The other girls were watching and scowling and a girl with a more enticing outfit cake up but Rita summoned her scythe and hit her gut with the blunt side.

Rita: "My boyfriend!"

I scratched her chin making her scythe disappear and purr as she rubbed her head against my chest.


I was witnessing my beloved being harassed by a couple of woman

Past (Y/N): "Uh hello ladies."

I had jumped from the bushes in a defensive stance with my rear raised and my tail straight up and teeth bared.

The others all backed away as only one tried to get close but failed when I clawed her face.

Past Rita: "Master!"


Rita POV

Swimming out in the ocean on (Y/N)'s toned back felt relaxing with my tail flowing in the water.

Past (Y/N): "These animals have the ability to develop changes over a distinct period of time."

I watch this one fish glow until it spun and sped with a trail behind it. Stopping at the middle we float around for a bit laying my head under his chin as my ears tickled his nose carefully as he wrapped his strong arms around my slim frame.

Each bit about his version screamed my (Y/N) he may be the same person but he wasn't the same. We got out of the water as he wrapped his arm around my waist and stroked my tail carefully.


After teasing and fighting a group of girls and guys which I won single handily. For the final of this night we went to a fancy restaurant for a moonlit dinner and I prepared with a change of clothes that once again I had (Y/N) from 1860 make me.

"Be truthful does this suit me?"

I did a twirl to show the made dress and I made him fluster for the 4th time today. Linking our arms together we enter the restaurant and directed to an open booth and served two cups of tea for me and hot chocolate for (Y/N) while we waited for our servings.

I was served fish as my eyes sparkled and took my scythe out and cut my fish into pieces and used the sharp point to stab the piece and dip it into a sauce and eat it.

(Y/N) just had a steak.

I burped as I shove my 6th plate of fish to the side and dabbed at my lips getting rid of the sauce that was left over.


(Y/N): "Your cute when you eat."

I blush as he ate his 2nd plate and finally drank his water that I had set there.

(Y/N): "Oh....boy...."

"Ya okay?"

(Y/N): "Yeah I'm fine."

He stood up and I got up as well and fell into my arms sleeping.

Waitress: "He okay?"

"Yeah he just tired."

Waitress: "Well goodnight!"

I pay for the food and drag him out as I see three other women picki up their males.

Girl: "Yandere?"


Girl 2: "Good luck."

"A typical job for the Knock Out Restaurant."

Lifting him over my shoulder as I started his motorcycle and head to my apartment.


Keeping him in my padded room I take out a necklace that I found in the ashes of the mansion and recovered it. Getting my scary attire on I remove all sense of common sense and enter.

I had adopted my Demon Neko form where I had elongated fangs and horns as well with my ears and my eyes had a devious red hue.

Entering I see him struggling out of the binds as I ate closer to him and he bleeds from his nose a bit.

"(Y/N)....are you okay?"

(Y/N): "What are you?"

"You promise to listen this time?"

(Y/N): "This time...."

"Mast-(Y/N) I'm an immortal Demon Neko 500 hundred years old. And 500 years ago you were my husband but you were murdered by the townsfolk. I spent the next 500 years searching for you and in that time I had encountered versions of you but they were never the same....they weren't my husband."

(Y/N): "So those dreams....."

"Those were your past lives."

(Y/N): "Prove it..."

I wipe my eyes of the tears and take out the rusty necklace and place it around his neck as his eyes widen for a second till he looked at me.

(Y/N): "Rita.....I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting....I don't remember much-"

"It's okay! As long as you love me we can be together and resume our life."

(Y/N): "7 kids..."

"Rita Jr., (Y/N) Jr., Naka, Kala, Fudo, Vani, and Chocolate."

I caressed his cheek and he pushed his head into my hand as my tail flicked around.

"We must seal the deal tonight."

(Y/N): "What deal?"

"In order for your to stopping aging we must perform the ritual of two loved ones."

I unstrap him and take him across my room to the bedroom and dove onto the bed as the full moon shined down making my eyes blood red.

"Be gentle.."

He climbs over me as I remove his clothes and my tail poked his bulge. Removing his pants he gently moves aside my underwear keeping my lingerie on.

(Y/N): "Your lingerie looks nice.."

"I did everything to excite you 500 years ago."

(Y/N): "Did they work?"

"Only me being nude worked out."

(Y/N): "Heheh."

Taking his member out I had realized I was a 500 year old virgin.

(Y/N): "You okay?"

"I just realized I'm still a virgin...."

(Y/N): "How were my others?"

"You better not be remembering those skanks."

Getting his member to rub my opening I look away and blush as he places his hand on my hips and kisses me softly. My 500 year virginity is about to be taken away. Wait.

Past Rita: "I should be top since I'm a maid and actually experienced with kids."

Past (Y/N): "I wouldn't mind being bottom."

I realize my part and flip is over making him yelp and being brave I push my hips down on his member breaking my hymen.

(Y/N): "Rita?"

"I'm a woman now~"

(Y/N): "Rita?"

My animal side came out who was near my partner and my eyes turned into slits and claws came out. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"I apologize~I'm rough when horny~"

Slamming my hips on his lower body I felt him stiffen but change as he scratched my sweet spots I began to purr into his neck. Gently placing his hand on my rear he also scratched that making me kick my leg.

"Your scratching sweet spots I didn't know about~"

Moving my hips sideways as I went down and shifting the direction of his member to hit my walls. He rubbed my breasts being as gentle as possible as if I was a fragile doll.

"You really must like making me happy."

(Y/N): "Your cute when purring."

I loved him cause he didn't ask for a lot but I decided to up the ante by going slowly but dropping my hips really hard making him moan cutely. I need to experiment with him.


As the sun rose and lost my Demon Neko form I had made him moan by biting a place on his neck and he found it pleasurable when I dropped my hips sideways. Making him grind his cock against my walls.

At the end of day he had cummed inside of me more than 20 due to the pheromones I was releasing each time I made him moan.

"Dear get up."


"I should've went easy."

I pouted as I slipped my leggings on and prepared for work but with a smile on my face thinking of my beloved.

Taking pictures by placing my hand on the guys chest and lifting my leg but he placed his disgusting hand on my thigh I and kicked his groin making him drop to the ground.


Seeing that everyone steered clear of me minus the kids who adored me. Hearing the sound of an engine I take out a black box to prepare for the time. Seeing (Y/N) I run up to him and hug him.

(Y/N): "Hey Rita."

"I have a surprise for you...."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

I step back and get on one knee and take out the box that had a ring. The ring had a great aesthetic sense with the central gem being a rose and the outside were gold leaves.

"Will you marry me?"

(Y/N): "Yes."

I stood up and slipped the ring on and hugged himself he gently patted my head and ears.

(Y/N): "Who touched my Neko by the way?"

I pointed to a group and (Y/N) gave me the ring back and rolled his sleeves up.


The wedding was small with just the two of us and his friends.

But it was a blast I had carried him out and for our honeymoon we went back to where it started and pay our respects.

(Y/N): "So this place was a mansion?"

"Used to but roses are here now."

(Y/N): "Well I guess the two of us should pay our respects."

"8.....there's 8 of us here."

I had rubbed my stomach as he smiled and joined hands to go to the statue I had built centuries ago.

Past Rita: "Day 1 I live to serve, but I love to to serve my master so as my duty as a maid and his wife I must oblige his order to find him even if I must eliminate all who oppose me they shall meet and untimely death by my Blade. Rita Rossweisse."

Unfortunately my notes don't back up images but I don't want to scour where to put them. So uh yeah thanks for reading to this part. I've been writing some new stuff lately hopefully tomorrow I guess I don't know motivation is like me going to the gym. I don't go to the gym.

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