Isekaied into an AU of High S...

By TrapMaster20

359K 8.9K 6.2K

A/n: Story covered has changed from it's original, due to me entering the final arc of this story! When a you... More

Prologue - The AU of DxD
1 - Let's go Shopping!
2 - The Game Begins
3 - Working with Devils
4 - Helping a Sister Out!
5 - Changing Fate
6 - Familiar Time!!
7 - KFP (Kentucky Fried Phoenix)
8 - Training Time!
9 - The Destruction of Riser
10 - Y/n's Second Serving of KFP
11 - Game One, Complete! Game Two Will Soon Begin
12 - A Fallen Angel General, A Stray, and A VERY Heated Night
13 - The Exorcists
14 - Independent Job
15 - Stray Priest Hunting
16 - A Rising Human vs A Fallen Angel
17 - Familiar Bonds
Gag Reel - When Everything is Off Brand
18 - It's the Be- Pool Chapter!
19 - Open House
20 - Some Things Don't Change, Even in an AU
21 - The Leader's Summit
22 - Y/n Camore (Red Dragon Empress) vs Vali Lucifer (White Dragon Empress)
22.5 - After the Fight (🍋)
23 - Summer Break Begins
24 - Siblings Meet
Second Story Trailer (April Fool's Joke)
25 - The Hidden Scenes
26 - Let's go Shopping! Again!
27 - The Devils Gathering
28 - Stop! God Hammer Time!
29 - Akeno's Date
29.5 - Akeno's Time (🍋)
30 - Second Semester Begins
31 - The Day Before the Fight
33 - The Camore Family Curse
34 - Slowly Straying Away
35 - Abandonment
Vigilante Y/n - Bio
DxD Hero - Opening
36 - The Red Dragon Vigilante
37 - Off to Kyoto
38 - Y/n Hyoudou vs The Hero Faction
39 - The Only Thing Y/n Knows For Real
40 - Out of Control Dragon
41 - Y/n Hyoudou vs The Occult Research Club, Friends, Family and LycoReco
42 - Duo Dragon's Deadly Dance
43 - The Camore Curse Carries On
44 - Heaven's Falling Down
45 - Guide My Way
46 - Sono Chi No Sadame!!! Hyoudou!!!
47 - The Aftermath and Confessions
Epilogue - A New Life in The AU of DxD

32 - Y/n Hyoudou vs Dildo-ra Ass-to-Mouth

2.7K 101 78
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

We now see the others running up, and as the arrive at the doors, Y/n kicks it down, showing all but two members of Diodora's peerage.

Diodora: I knew you would follow me, which is why I put up this little welcoming party

Y/n: *sarcastic tone* Thanks a bunch!

Diodora: Now, I think it's about time that we play our game.

Akeno: Are you serious?

Rias: Unfortunately, today's Rating Game has been cancelled. Of course, you already knew that.

Diodora: *Insane laugh* So that's why we're going to play a unique game. Should you refuse to play, or lose, Asia will become mine.

Y/n: Deal.

Two giant doors then open, and lead the others to a new area.

Diodora: You'll have to fight two separate battles, simultaneously. On the right path, you have two rooks and eight pawns. The battle on the left will be against my queen and bishops. Split your forces however you see fit.

Rias: Y/n, Koneko, Xenovia, and Gasper, take out his forces on the right.

Gasper: Ten of them against the four of us?

Y/n: Don't worry, Gasper. Remember what I told you.

Gasper: Right! Then let's do it!

Diodora: Then let the game begin!

Everyone then splits off, and as the other arrive, Y/n gets ready to fight.

Diodora: By the way, all of my pawns have already been promoted to queen. I like to hedge my bets.

Y/n: Fine. Game on then.

The Rooks then start running towards Xenovia, and Rias contacts her through a magic circle.

Rias: Xenovia, I need you to keep those rooks busy.

Xenovia: Fine. I was made for fights like this.

Rias: Koneko, work crowd control on those pawns. Y/n, give Gasper a quick taste of your blood.

Koneko start using her nekomata powers, and Y/n gives Gasper a bit of her blood.

Y/n: Let's do this! Koneko, cover me!

Koneko then starts covering Y/n, and allows her to hit every one of them.


Y/n then activates the skill, taking them down.

Y/n: Now, let's-

Y/n then stops, as an ability she created, Foresight went off, and she dodges the pawns attack.

Y/n: Oh great, don't tell me-!

Diodora: Glad to see you've already noticed. The spell I put on them gives them a resistance to that fire magic of yours.

Y/n: Shit...

Diodora's Pawns then start to attack, which gets Y/n to fumble around a bit. Koneko tries to hit them with a ranged attack, but it fails horribly.

Y/n: Something's not right with them, are you noticing it?

Koneko: *nods head*

Koneko: Their attacks are perfectly coordinated.

Gasper: The way they move. It's almost like a violent ballet. Dancing as if their hearts beat as one!

Y/n: Well then, let's test out this new Foresight enhancer!

Y/n then smashes her fists onto the ground, and as Ddraig's energy waves come out, Y/n starts seeing their movements, as well as seeing what exactly their thinking.

Pawn 1: Our first move is to stun, or even blind the little vampire kid.

Pawn 2: The six of us against one of them make pretty good odds!

Pawn 3: Attack the vampire kid while they're distracted!

Y/n: Perfect! Gasper, *points to the three pawns* Those three are all targeting you!

Gasper: Got it!

Gasper then uses his powers and freezes them in their tracks.

Pawn 4: I can't believe it. They stopped the attack cold!

Pawn 5: No way! Do you think they were able to read our minds?

Pawn 6: If that were true, they would know we were attacking the cat girl!

Y/n: Three on our left, going for Koneko!

Gasper: Understood!

Gasper then freezes them, and Koneko jumps and kicks them in the face.

Koneko: I'll come to you!

Pawn 7: Bitch! How are you predicting our every move?

Pawn 8: Are you reading our minds?

Y/n: Well, yes but no. I'm seeing your future movements, while your thoughts are shown right in front of me. Now... MISSOURI SMASH!!!

Y/n then rushes up and knocks the girls out with a powerful chop attack.

Koneko: That was dope.

Rook 1: The pawns.

Rook 2: All of them. Gone.

Xenovia: Ha, Ha. It looks like I'll be able to really cut loose now.

Rook 1: What?

Xenovia: When I first met my friend Asia, I said some terrible things I've now come to regret. I called her a witch and a heretic, but even after these insults, she still accepted me and made me feel at home. I will protect her. AURA TRANSFER! DURANDAL TO HARBINGER!!!

(A/n: I know it's a plot hole, so allow me to fill it in this Author's Note. During the time-skip, Xenovia wanted to know the weapon's name, so Y/n told her)

Xenovia then brings out Harbinger and puts her two blades together.

Xenovia: With your powers combined, I will smite my enemies. I have the strength because friendship is magic!

Xenovia then proceeds to kill both of the rooks.

Y/n: Perfect, Now... Koneko, get in contact with Rias and Akeno. I'm going to help her out.

Koneko: How?

Y/n: Watch.

Koneko then puts up the magic circle, and Y/n yells into it.


Rias: Y/n?!


Y/n then nods to Koneko, and she puts away the magic circle.

Gasper: I'm confused. How is that going to help...?

Y/n: 3. 2. 1. Boom.

As soon as Y/n says boom, a powerful flare of aura emits, and it keeps growing stronger by the second. It then stops to show Rias and the others as the victors.

Gasper: Nice, looks like we won.

Xenovia: I see. You used their love for you, turned it into jealously, and made it their weapon.

Y/n: Nailed it.


We now see the other walking up to where Diodora is.

Rias: This isn't over, Akeno.

Akeno: Right, right.

Rias: Listen, I'm serious!

Akeno: *giggles* So am I!

Rias: I think you and I are going to have a little chat about boundaries after we've rescued Asia.

Akeno: I have no objections, Rias. Asia is like a little sister to me as well, so let's focus on getting her back for now.

They then enter the room where Diodora resides.

Akeno: Only the king and his two knights are left.

Rias: It's unorthodox to send your queen out to the front. Why keep knights in reserve?

As they walk up, the lighting shows Freed.

Freed: Yo, yo, yo! Long time no see, suckers!

Y/n: Oh great. The guy I can't seem to kill, no matter how many cock shots I give.

Freed: Yes! Yes! I'm hard to kill, that's a fact. As you can see, I'm still totally alive and kicking!

Kiria: What are you doing here?

Freed: After our last encounter, I was scooped up by that Vali Chick. To put it blunt, the Chaos Brigade picked up the psycho-priest free agent standing in front of you.

Rias: So Diodora made you his knight?


Y/n: You sick little bastard!

Konkeo: *holding nose* Okay. I think I might actually puke.

Freed the laughs a bit, turning into his new true form, that being a Chimera.

Freed: Since we're all old friends here, let me share a bit of information I found out about Diodora's household. You know, all those pretty young girls you just beat up? Every single one of them was a well-respected nun before Diodora got his greasy mitts on 'em. A couple of them were even saints!

Xenovia: What did you say?!

Freed: Diodora the Explorer loves bringing passionate holy women down to the depths of hell with smiles and sweet talk. It's how the fucker gets turned on!

Y/n: So Asia... is he trying to turn her into a devil or...? I'm really confused!

Y/n: Like seriously! Even in this AU, I still don't understand his motives!

(A/n: The thoughts of Y/n above represent my own questions for the sick man known as Dildo-ra Ass-to-Mouth)

Freed: Once upon a time, there was a spoiled highborn devil brat. He one day saw a holy woman that was pretty as a peach. Blonde, petite. I'm talkin' totally his type. But, the woman was a guarded treasure of the Church, so he knew there was no way he could kidnap her and get away with it. So, the clever devil brat came up with an incredibly devilish plan, pun intended. If the people of the Church saw her healing an injured agent of Hell like him, then they would excommunicate her, so he took a chance. Once the girl hit rock bottom in the depths of despair over the Church's betrayal, he'd snatch the girl up when she was at the lowest and make her his completely! Ravishing both her body and soul. A man's gotta have a vice, you know? AND DIODORA LOVES BREAKING THE WILL OF LITTLE YOUNG GIRLS LIKE HER MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE!!!

Y/n: *sigh* I would punch you, but that'd be a waste of energy.

Kiria: Mind if I do it for you?

Y/n: If you don't mind.

Kiria: Thanks!

Kiria then draws her Balance Breaker and walks towards Freed.

Freed: Oh! Look what we have here! It's the pretty girl knight who went all crazy when hearing Old man Valper's name! But no hard feelings about all that right?

Kiria: I have no regrets. Not anymore. And besides...

Kiria slowly walks up to Freed, and with some swift movement, puts her sword away.

Kiria: You're already defeated.

Freed: Huh?

As if on cue, Freed starts falling apart.

Freed: Oh, come fucking on! When the hell did you get that strong?! Well, it won't matter soon. You chumps don't stand a chance at the big shots pulling the strings, much less "it" and "their" new host, who was a former Ly-

Kiria: We might not stand a chance... Perhaps. But you should have saved those finals words for the god of death.

Kiria then puts Kiria sword into Freed's head killing him.

Y/n: Alright Dildo-ra! It's our fight! Are you a man, or a mouse?!

A curtain then rises, showing Diodora sitting on his throne, and Asia hanging right above him.

Asia: I knew you'd come.

Diodora: *laughs* What took you guys so long, huh? You should have seen her face when I told her the particulars of my plan. Her expression was absolutely priceless!

Rias: You're a real scumbag, you know that?

Diodora: I never get tired of it! My favorite is the moments when a women of faith and conviction gives in to their despair!

Diodora then starts to laugh like someone who had lost all sense of sanity.

Y/n: That's enough, asshole!

Diodora: Oh, quite the contraire my friend. Dear little Asia still clings to hope. She still has you, her dear friends. Especially you, Big Bad Red Dragon Emperor. Of course, I'm certain that you remember what you planned to do with her... Raynare.

Raynare: *gasps*

Diodora: My plan was that after you killed her, I would off you right then and there and give Asia an Evil Piece, and I mean both literally and euphemistically.

Raynare: No way... Even if Y/n didn't save me... or it was anyone else... I'd be dead...?!

Rias: You are disgusting!

Diodora: Indeed I am. I was caught off guard when the Red Dragon Emperor, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, interfered in my plan. I made the costly mistake of waiting, assuming that a worthless human like you would die instantly. And then, to add insult to injury, you brought Asia to your family, and put her on a strict watch.

Rias: You were behind it all from the very beginning!

Diodora: Don't worry, I've forgiven you. After all, being a part of the Occult Research Club is the reason she's gotten her hopes up so high. She drop into the most deepest despair imaginable once I've killed her friends in front of her very eyes, and then take Rias to master. Asia is still a virgin, is she not? I don't want the Red Dragon Emperor's sloppy seconds. I do rather enjoy the idea of stealing Asia away from you, though. It'd be our own custom version of Prima Noc-

Y/n then already gets behind Diodora, and goes for a kick, but misses on purpose.

Y/n: Are you all bark and no bite? If you aren't, then prove it!

Diodora: *laughs* You really want to try? Fine, I'll humor you. However, I have a snake direct from Ophis that's supposedly so venomous-

Y/n: Ddraig!

Ddraig: On it!

The balance breaker then flies off, as Ddraig takes him human form, punching Diodora right in the gut, shocking everyone.


Y/n then uses Blackwhip and grabs Diodora, throwing him into a wall.

Diodora: You lumpen oaf! I'm a high ranking devil, you wretched boor! Part of the bloodline of the current Great Devil Beelzebub! How can a well-bred noble like me lose to a lowly human?! THIS ISN'T RIGHT!? IT ISN'T FAIR!?!

As Diodora launches a variety of attacks, each one fails to hit Y/n and Ddraig, as the two both easily break the barrier, punching Diodora right in the face.

Diodora: *screaming* My face! My beautiful face!

Ddraig: Albion and Vali had better barriers than you. Maybe you should think twice before you get cocky.

Ddraig then grabs Diodora and lifts him up, with Y/n getting ready to punch him.

Diodora: I... I don't understand.... I've gotten so much stronger with the power Ophis gave me!

Y/n: That's the problem. YOU DIDN'T EARN THAT POWER!

Y/n then launches Diodora away, and as he sets up a barrier, Y/n breaks it instantly, with Ddraig punching him in the gut, and both of them kicking him in the groin.

Diodora: No... Impossible! I can't be defeated! I beat Agares. I even had a plan to deal with Sairaorg. There's no way I'm going to lose everything I was offered because of the Gremory family, whose main claim to fame is fraternizing with their servants who have strength! I AM DIODORA OF THE ASTAROTH FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/n and Ddraig then start boosting their own respective powers, while Diodora charges his. As he unleashes the attack, breaking the wall behind Diodora, as well as his face. As Y/n and Ddraig do a fist bump, Y/n walks over and points a sword to Diodora's next.

Y/n: Now... to make sure that you burn in the deepest part of whatever Devils see as hell.

Y/n then swiftly decapitates Diodora, and when she walks over to Asia, she Hajime's powers that he had when Freeing Yue to do the exact same thing for Asia. As the two fall, Y/n slowly grabs and hugs Asia.

Xenovia: Asia! Thank god. I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone. I mean it!

Asia: I'm not going to go anywhere, because I'll always have you and Y/n to protect me, right, Xenovia?

Xenovia: You can count on me! I'll look out for you no matter what the future throws at us!

Rias then walks up to Asia and gives her a hug from behind.

Asia: I'm so sorry.

Rias: You haven't done anything to apologize for. I'm just glad you're back, and that monster is dead!

Asia: Yes. I feel the same way.

Gasper: I'm so glad that Asia's back. But, now my brain's freaking out about all the scary stuff that happened today!

Koneko: It's alright. There, there, Gaspie.

Y/n: Hey, Asia... Sorry about that. Everything you had to go through...

Asia: You don't need to apologize! I was sure you would come for me, Y/n. I know you always will.

Y/n: Well, then let's get the hell outta here. We need to get home.

Asia: All right! But, before we leave, I'd like to say a little prayer.

Y/n: You can do it while we walk!

As the others start walking back the way they came, with Y/n holding one of Asia's hands, Y/n sighs in relief.

Y/n: I'm glad that everything ended up well in the end.

Y/n: And I think I even avoided her dying again!

Y/n: Right Asia?

A moment of silence then arises, and Y/n slowly starts turning around.

Y/n: A-Asia...?

Y/n then looks back and notices that she's only holding her left hand.

Y/n: No... NO...!

Y/n then screams in pure fear, and as the others turn around to figure out what's going on, they notice that Y/n is only holding a severed hand.

To Be Continued...

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