Resisting Hearts

By arlenerae

346K 7.7K 756

"What the hell do you want from me?" I yelled "YOU" he roared "IT'S ALWAYS YOU" my heart pounded in my chest... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note - Appreciation Post
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note - Appreciation Post
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 - Final
New Story is Out!!!

Chapter 40

4.5K 109 29
By arlenerae

Adira's POV:

I entered the building of Aberra Industries for the first time in years. Receptionist stood up immediately, looking at me shocked and bowed respectfully.

"Good morning, Mrs. Aberra!" Eh? Does she know who I am? For the first time, I didn't correct someone.

I smiled and nodded at her. She ushered me to the private lift.

I still can't believe he actually didn't cheat on me. That stupid man never cleared this up.. Then what actually happened five years ago and if he didn't cheat then what did I see in the hospital room? I clearly saw her pregnant..

What the hell is actually going on?! Why was he there if the child was not his?! And why did he ask for divorce then?

"It's not my place to tell you what happened and how it happened but the only thing I can tell you is that Aiden never cheated on you. He was only trying to protect you the whole time." Simon's voice rang in my head.

Protect me?! From what? Or from whom?!

I sighed.. It's only him who can answer all my questions. He needs to give me a lot of answers.

I placed a hand on my heart, it feels so at peace like all the weight has been lifted. I felt like dying again and again every time I thought about my feelings for Aiden. I felt guilty for still being in love with the man who betrayed me who left me alone when I needed him the most. I was constantly at war with my heart and I wanted this to stop. I can't believe this stupid didn't tell me the truth, even when he knew that I had such a huge misunderstanding about him.

I recalled all his confessions after we met again, his efforts, his determination and his sad face every time he apologized for what happened in the past. We really need a serious confrontation.

I recalled Simon, I wish I could do something for him but.. we can't teach our heart to love someone!

I tried.. God knows I really did.. to bring myself to like him but my heart always belonged to only one man and.. that was not him.

I hope one day, he will get the woman who will love him with all her heart and accept him for who he is.. I genuinely wish for him to be happy forever.

I walked out when the elevator reached the top floor. The girl sitting at the front desk stood up and greeted me respectfully.

"I will inform sir about your arrival, ma'am!" She was about to pick the intercom when I stopped her.

"No need to inform him." She nodded.

"Mr. Aberra is in his office. Mrs. Aberra," She gestured towards his office.

I walked towards his office, knocked twice and opened the door. I spotted Aiden immediately, his expression was grim, looking so dead serious and dangerous at the same time. I wonder why he is so serious right now?!

He looked towards the door and stilled. His eyes widened like saucers as he stared at me like he couldn't believe I was here.

I stared at the man in front of me with a lot of emotions. The stupid man I fell for, he is the love of my life. After everything that happened, my love for him didn't die but it did get lost somewhere in between hate and resistance. I refused to accept him again, burying my love for him deep inside of my heart, but there was nothing stopping me anymore..

I walked towards him with quick steps, his eyes followed my movements as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly with all my strength. I sensed his body still in shock before he wrapped his arms around me, confirming my presence in his arms.

"Am I dreaming?!" I heard his whisper as he buried his head in my neck. Without breaking our hug, I looked at him.

"No! You're not, silly!" I replied, he looked at me adoringly but still in shock. His eyes welled up as he touched my cheek ever so gently with his shaking finger. I smiled at him and his mouth formed a small 'o' in awe.

"Y-you are real. You're really here!!" He said, bewildered.

I chuckled before cupping his nape and kissed him first. He responded with greater intensity, pouring his all into that kiss.

I reluctantly broke our kiss, earning a small protesting grunt from him. I chuckled softly and looked into his eyes.

"How could you not tell me the fact that you did not cheat on me with Clara?" I looked at him seriously. His eyes widened.

"Y-you know?" I nodded.

His eyes turned somber as he caressed my cheek.

"I thought you didn't love me because you never confessed." He looked down as his eyes turned misty again.

"Gosh! I love you, Aiden. You're the only man I have ever loved. I love you so much." I cupped his cheeks and confessed. His lips parted in shock as he looked at me dumbfounded.

I couldn't help kissing him softly on his parted lips. I wanted to laugh when even in the state of shock, his lips still kissed me back. When I was about to pull away, he cupped my nape, deepening the kiss, not letting me go.

"I love you too, more than anything in this world, love. You're my everything!" He said, letting my lips go briefly before claiming them again, kissing me passionately.

"Get a room!!" My body stilled when I heard an amused male voice behind me. I glanced at Aiden and he was scowling at someone behind me. I pushed Aiden's chest gently and looked back in horror.

There were five or six men sitting on the sofa, dressed in business suits. They all were smirking, looking at us with an amused expression. I noticed Ryan and others. I know them. It was his friends!


My whole face flushed as I turned into a tomato immediately. I buried my face in Aiden's chest, hiding myself. He circled his arms around me, holding me tight.

I want to disappear right now..!

Hearing amused laughs behind, I blushed more. I felt Aiden's chest vibrate, indicating that he was also laughing softly.

I smacked his chest lightly keeping my face hidden and he laughed more. He opened both sides of his office coat and wrapped them around me while hugging me close and hiding me completely from guys.

"We will continue in the conference room. I will be there in a few minutes." He said to the men behind me.

"Why? I was enjoying the show. I want to watch the next episode." I heard someone whine playfully and a few laughs again. Oh my Gosh!

"Shut up Rafe! It's R rated." Another voice said and I heard loud laughs echoed throughout the room.

It's official! I am a tomato now.

"Leave before I kick you all out.. and you both so-called virgins can give us more of a show than any of us can." Aiden mocked, amused and they laughed again.

"We are waiting in the conference room." I heard Ryan's voice before he patted Aiden's shoulder and my head. I looked up and all of them stood up, ready to leave.

"Good luck, you know..." Rafe said, wiggling his eyebrows and immediately received a smack on his head by Ryan.

"Ow! You're cruel!" He said dramatically. He reminds me of Logan.

"Let's go." Ryan dragged everyone out and they playfully winked at Aiden before leaving the office room.

"Oh gosh! You could have informed me about them." I buried my face into his chest again. He chuckled.

"Is my love shy?" He cupped my chin and turned my face to him. I smacked his arm lightly and gave him a playful glare. He laughed and kissed my nose.

"I'm sorry, love. You were so cute and I was so shocked to see you here that's why I completely forgot about them." He replied apologetically and put his hand on my cheek. I smiled and leaned towards his hand.

"I still can't believe you're right in front of me, in my arms and not hating me." He said emotionally before kissing my forehead, eyes, cheeks and nose.

"I never hated you Aiden, even when I tried to and wanted to hate you so much but I couldn't." I pecked the corner of his lips affectionately.

"Thank you for not hating me, even when you thought I cheated on you. Love, I swear by God and everything that's important to me in my life that I never cheated on you. I couldn't even think about someone else other than you and you alone." I looked into his eyes deeply. His eyes were raw and I could see every single emotion in them.

"I know, love. I believe you, but you should have told me all this earlier. We wouldn't have suffered so much if you had just explained everything to me." I said softly.

"I know, I am so sorry, love. At first, I didn't know that you had this kind of misunderstanding but when I knew, I was so scared that you might have stopped loving me and moved on thinking I cheated on you and that scared the heck out of me. There are a lot of things you don't know and I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't." He said looking towards the ground, guilty.

"It's okay, but now we have a lot of things to talk about, okay? And no more secrets." He nodded immediately and wrapped his arms around me.

"Just let me feel you first. Your presence, your scent and just you.." I smiled, wrapping my arms around him and looked up from his chest buried in his embrace. He gazed into my eyes and kissed me slowly.

His kiss was slow and gentle, before he deepened the kiss and cupped my nape.

"S**t! There goes my innocence!" I quickly pulled away, hearing a familiar voice and Aiden groaned looking at the man who stood at the office door.

Why is today so embarrassing!

"What the f**k! What do you want, Levisay!" Aiden said annoyed and Rafe pulled his hands up in surrender.

"Not my fault, bro! I knocked thrice, you know." He looked at us amused and pointed towards the table where there was a phone on top. He forgot his phone.

"Take it and leave, you a-" I glared at Aiden and he stopped his cursing immediately.

I heard Rafe laughed, taking his phone, "Good wife you got there! She is the only one who can keep you in control." He waved at us and before Aiden could reply, he was out.

"That little..! He ruined our moment." He pouted and I gave him a peck.

"Go and finish your meeting, I will wait here!" I said to him softly.

"I don't want to go." He whined like a kid and I chuckled.

"Go! I will be here." I pushed him out gently. He huffed, giving in.

"Okay! Give me 30 minutes, I will be back shortly. Don't go anywhere." He pecked my lips and hurriedly went out.


I sat in his office, waiting for Aiden. He came back exactly after thirty minutes looking angry but his expressions changed immediately as he spotted me. He walked into his office with quick steps before embracing me in his arms.

"Is everything okay? You looked angry." He tightened his arms around me.

"Everything is okay, don't worry!" He replied softly. I wiggled out of his embrace.

"No secrets! I thought we just agreed on this, Aiden." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked at him seriously. He sighed, looking at me and nodded.

"Let's go home. I will tell you everything." He came closer again and cupped my face, begging with eyes to say yes. I nodded and he smiled finally.

We drove to his penthouse because it was closest to his office. I gasped, entering his penthouse. Everything was the same except there were my pictures on every wall.

Aiden came from behind and hugged me, "When you left, I didn't know how to survive because I couldn't find you. For five years, I survived by talking to your pictures." He said in a very small and shaky voice. I felt him swallow a lump in his throat.

I turned to him and cupped his face, kissing him softly. Just as he deepened the kiss, his stomach growled loudly. I looked at him surprised, he scratched his head, chuckling nervously.

I was about to say something when my stomach growled too and we looked at each other blankly before we both burst out laughing.

"Let's feed your tummy!" I patted his packs and he smiled, replying, "Yours too!"

I went to his kitchen while he tailed behind me. "What do we have here?" I opened his fridge, only to find it empty. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him.

"I don't eat here!" He answered, almost avoiding my eyes. I turned to him and asked, "What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?" I asked sternly, warning him with my eyes to not even think about lying. He sighed.

"I take coffee for breakfast and skip lunch normally and for dinner.. I just eat whatever I find." I gaped at him. He literally starved himself!

"Since when?" I asked seriously. He eyed me cautiously and answered in a small voice, "since that day." I didn't need to ask him what day! It's the day we divorced.

"Are you crazy, Aiden? For five years, you have been eating almost nothing." I glared at him.

"Please, don't be angry at me, love. I promise, I will eat from now on!" He held my hands and looked at me begging. I sighed heavily. I was really angry at him but now was not the time.

"Let's order for now and no! I am not letting this matter go like this. We are going to talk about this later on!" He quickly nodded and took me towards the lounge.

He ordered breakfast for us and we sat on the couch, snuggling close to each other.

"Let's talk now!" I said seriously and he nodded.

"What do you want to know first, I will answer everything!" He replied softly.

"Firstly, when did you fall in love with me?" I remember he always treated me coldly and never acknowledged me.

"It was love at first sight!" He answered without hesitation. I recalled our first meeting when I was nine, and I went to him but he yelled at me. I gaped at him.

"You certainly did not give me that idea, you hated me back then and even yelled at me." I said without any accusation.

"I'm so sorry, love, for treating you like that before." He said, his eyes looking into space as regret and a lot of complicated emotions flowed through his face.

"And it was not the first time we met!" He said, looking at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.



Back together finally! Thoughts? 😚

Love, Lucertia! 💕

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