Fifth Harmony/You - All That...

By swellsxoxo

289K 9.2K 6.4K

You've worked behind the scenes of the show X Factor which is now cancelled. During your time there you met t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 [Completed]

Chapter 42

3.7K 139 61
By swellsxoxo

I walked up and down the aisle of Target, not entirely sure what it is that I was looking for. It was Dinah's mom baby shower and the girls well correction Ally insisted that we get Dinah's mom a gift. Dinah had no idea that we were doing this.

"This is dumb" I muttered, as I stared at the duck stuffed animal.

"It's not dumb Y/N. Having a baby is an exciting time for people" Ally responded.

"How is pushing a baby out of your vagina come off as exciting?" I asked.

"Maybe it's something you have to experience to find out" Ally replied, with a smile on her face.

"If you say so" I said, as I followed behind Ally.

Camila and Lauren lurked behind us, but were too busy paying attention to one another to hear what Ally and I were discussing. They seemed to have become closer a lot lately ever since they took my virginity, which I couldn't really claim, was my first time but I have yet to mention that to the girls. I wasn't sure if I could be concerned or not, but my staring at them must've caught Ally's attention.

"Are you okay with them doing that?" Ally asked, rather shyly which was weird for her.

"Uh... I'm not sure" I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"I think I found a great gift for Dinah's mom" Normani interjected, holding a stuffed animal in her hand.

"That's it?" Ally asked.

"There are not many choices to choose from Ally" Normani responded.

"I think Camz and I gift is way better" Lauren said, holding up a baby outfit and a pack of diapers.

Ally sighed. "We'll just get both and that thing over there" Ally said, pointing to a play set.

"Ally, it's not going to care about playing with toys when it's born. All it's going to want to do is cry, crap, and eat" I said.

"Why do you call babies it?" Camila asked.

"Because that's what they are" I said.

"So, are we getting my gift or what?" Normani asked, ignoring Camila and I's conversation.

"Yes, I just want to get out of here already" I said rather annoyed.

We all stood in line to check out and of course the cashier wanted to make conversation, after she noticed all the baby products being bought.

"Oh, which one of you is expecting?" the cashier asked, looking at all of us.

"They're actually for a friend's mother" Ally said, smiling at the older lady as the total popped up on the screen.

A woman behind us eyed us suspiciously, as if she didn't believe a word that came out of Ally's mouth. Lauren kissed Camila's cheek and Camila let out a giggle and the woman looked down to Camila's stomach.

"None of us are pregnant" I snapped at the woman.

Ally and Normani looked at me strangely as they grabbed the bags.

"No one said anything Y/N" Lauren said.

I just shook my head and walked hurriedly out the store, while the girls followed me.

Once we arrived at Dinah's parents' house it was utter chaos. I was glad that Dinah didn't live here anymore. It was hard trying to sneak off and have a make out session without being walked in on. I swear every time I came to this house I would lose money or have to bribe Dinah's cousin to keep quiet and not tell her parents or their parents. Dinah's family really knew how to hustle me. Within this time, I was closer to Dinah than the other girls mostly because Ally enjoyed spending more time with Normani and I've already explained Lauren and Camila's situation so that just left Dinah and I.

"We should've wrapped the gifts first" Normani said, as we made our way up the driveway.

"Mani, we didn't have time" Ally replied.

"They are going to know we just went to the store before we got here" Normani said.

"That will be the furthest thing from their mind" Camila said.

Before we had a chance to ring the doorbell, the door opened revealing a girl who looked just like Dinah and her eyes landed on me almost immediately.

"Hey, uh..." Lauren tried to remember the girl name and looked at us for help but none of us were sure ourselves.

"Save it, just come inside" the girl said, opening the door wider for us to enter.

I was following behind the girls until the girl who was Dinah's cousin stopped me.

"Dinah said when you come to go up to her room" the girl said and then walked out of the front door.

I did as I was told and walked up the stairs and into the room where Dinah use to sleep. Dinah was lying on her old bed with her headphones on, but her eyes were closed. I closed the door behind me and then ran and jumped on top of her. I was expecting her to let out a squeal or something, but her eyes remained closed and her mouth was slightly open. I connected my lips to hers and ran my tongue along her body lip. There was still no response. So I slipped my hand underneath her shirt and began to massage her left breast. She stirred then and let out a moan and then her eyes shot open.

"Fuck Y/N" Dinah said, placing her hand on top of mine to stop my movement on her breast.

"Nice to see you too" I chuckled.

"You could've just woke me up" Dinah said, removing her headphones.

"You and I both know that it wouldn't have worked" I said, connecting our lips.

I was dying to kiss Dinah ever since I was dragged to Target. Our lips moved in sync with one another, as she placed her hand on my lower back to pull me closer to her. I tugged on her bottom lip with my teeth, which caused a whimper to escape from her mouth.

"Take off your shirt" Dinah said.

I was about to take off my shirt when I hear giggling and I turned around to see Dinah's little sister staring at us with the hugest grin on her face.

"Shit" Dinah said, pushing me off of her causing me to fall to the floor.

"Ow!" I said, as Dinah got off her bed and picked up her little sister.

"You don't think she saw anything?" Dinah asked, as I got off the floor.

"Well she might have seen us make out and massage your boob other than that she's fine. Plus she's a toddler and can't even talk" I said.

"But they remember things" Dinah said in a panic.

"She's not going to tell your mom. She can't even speak" I said.

"You're right" Dinah said, picking up her little sister and carrying her to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Downstairs" Dinah replied, opening the door and walking into the hallway.

"But I'm horny" I whispered.

"I'm sorry" Dinah mouthed, when one of her cousins walked past her.

"This is so unfair" I said, following behind Dinah downstairs.

Dinah's mom opened gifts and thanked everyone. I got up to go to the bathroom, but the downstairs one was locked and I pressed my ear up against the door and heard moaning. I looked around the room and noticed that Camila and Lauren were missing.

"Lo and Mila get out. I have to pee" I said, but the girls ignored me.

I walked to the bathroom in the guest room, when the door swung open revealing Dinah's mom.

"Hi," I said, trying to be polite even though I felt like my bladder was going to explode.

"Do I know you?" Dinah's mom asked.

The answer to her question was no, but I wasn't going to tell her that. I failed to mention that those times that I came over to Dinah's parents' house that they weren't there at all and Dinah was supposed to be babysitting her cousins and siblings. So I never met Dinah's parents since I was mostly always sneaking out of their house before they arrived.

"I'm friends with Dinah" I said.

"That's odd... she never talks about you and I've never seen you around" Dinah's mom said, giving me a look that scared me.

"That's weird" I said, trying to make my way around Dinah's mom to go into the bathroom.

"Alright, cut the shit" Dinah's mom said.

"Excuse me" I replied.

"I know you're having sex with my daughter and it's ending right now" Dinah's mom said.

My face got hot in embarrassment as I stared at Dinah's mom in disbelief. I thought we were being careful, so we wouldn't get caught. I wouldn't be surprised if one of her cousins told, but when I looked down at Dinah's mom hand and saw something that looked like a walkie talkie it all clicked. Dinah's mom heard Dinah and I upstairs when Regina was in the room.

"It's not what you think. I love her" I said, it wasn't the best thing to tell someone's mom but it's the best that I could come up with within the moment.

"Dinah is not gay" Dinah's mom snapped.

"I didn't say anything about labeling Dinah" I replied.

"I want you out of my house" Dinah's mom yelled.

"But I didn't do anything" I argued.

"I mean it. I won't let you confuse my daughter any longer" Dinah's mom said.

I went into the bathroom and quickly used it and of course Dinah's mom was still waiting outside the door when I opened it. I thought I would be used to it by now, the yelling I mean but it still hurt. I couldn't fight the tears that welled up in my eyes, as Dinah's mom followed me to the front door. The door slammed behind me when I walked out of it and I sat on the side of the curb for thirty minutes and within that time I decided to just let the tears flow. I think Dinah realized I wasn't at the party because she came outside and she seemed sort of pissed.

"Y/N" Dinah shouted.

I sniffled and then tried to wipe my tears away. Dinah spotted me and sat next to me on the curb.

"Your mom knows" I said.

"I know, she just finished yelling at me about what I did was a sin" Dinah chuckled.

"I was going to go home, but I didn't know how to get back" I said.

"I'm glad you didn't" Dinah said, kissing me on the cheek.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked, looking at her as she wiped a tear from my face.

"I have no clue, but as long as I am with you that's all that matters" Dinah said, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.

I sighed. "I love you" I said, and then I realized what I said and started to panic.

Dinah chuckled. "I love you too Y/N" Dinah said, smiling at me.


I groaned as I tried to roll over, but couldn't because someone was lying there. I opened my eyes to see Dinah lying next to me with her mouth slightly open and she was asleep. I look at the dresser and notice a note saying I needed to drink water and take an aspirin. I did what the note said since there was a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin sitting on the dresser and then cuddled up to Dinah. I must've had a bad dream, but that thought process quickly went out the window when I heard crying from downstairs.

"I just fed him" I heard Normani yell in frustration.

"Mani, don't shout. It will only upset him more" Ally said.

"Maybe he's teething?" Camila asked.

"They are too young to be teething" Gretchen said.

"They don't even have names" Lauren said.

"Why don't we name them then?" Camila asked.

"Because they are under Y/N's care and we need to sort all of this out first" Ally said.

"But you have to admit they're really cute" Normani said.

I heard my bedroom door being pushed open slightly and then little footsteps and then something jump on my bed. Milo snuggled up to me and then stared at me.

"How did you know I was awake?" I whispered to Milo, as I pet him.

"You aren't as quiet as you think Y/N" Dinah mumbled.

"I thought you could sleep through anything?" I asked.

"Not when your heavy ass cast is crushing my leg" Dinah said, pushing my leg off of hers.

"Sorry... I want to take this stupid thing off" I said.

"And I want an ice cream sundae but neither of those are going to happen" Dinah said.

"You could always make Sharon take it off early" I said.

"I could but I won't and you also might want to take out your lip ring when you hold the baby. They like to grab things" Dinah said.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to go down there" I muttered.

"You can't stay up here forever Y/N" Dinah said, sitting up and letting out a yawn.

"Who says I can't?" I asked, as Dinah got up from my bed.

"I do" Dinah replied, picking me up in one swift motion and started walking to my bedroom door with Milo following behind us.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I said, as Dinah opened the door and made her way into the hall and down the stairs. The more we descended down the stairs the louder the baby cries became.

"About time Y/N woke up" Normani said, when Dinah and I entered the room and Dinah sat me down on the couch and sat down next to me.

"She fainted Mani" Camila said.

"So what do you want to do Y/N?" Ally asked, holding one of the babies in her arm that cried.

"I don't fucking know. Give them to an orphanage" I said and the room became dead silent as everyone turned to look at me as the baby continues to cry.

"She didn't mean that" Lauren said to Gretchen who looked like she was going to curse me out any second.

"They're perfectly healthy" Sharon said, walking into the room with a stack of papers in her hand and the girl's lawyer walking behind her.

"I've made it pretty clear that I don't want kids and these aren't even mine. Last time I checked I didn't give birth to two twin boys" I said annoyed.

Everyone in the room looked at one another before Sharon spoke up.

"Y/N one of them is a boy and the other is intersex" Sharon said.

"Okay, so they are like Sam and I. How is that my problem?" I said.

"Because they are legally your responsibility thanks to your crazy mom and step dad" Lauren said.

"Well technically they are legally ours" Normani said.

"Mani has a point since Y/N is our responsibility that this is our problem too" Ally said.

"Just because we claim Y/N on our taxes" Dinah said.

Ally nodded her head. I felt like I was going insane with the baby crying in Ally's arms and not shutting up.

"Will you make him shut the fuck up" I yelled, which only caused the baby to cry louder.

"Shouting will only make it worse" Camila said.

"Give him to me" Gretchen said to Ally and took the baby from her and rocked him until he became quiet.

"So, what are you naming them Y/N?" Dinah asked.

"I'm not naming them anything because if you name it then you will get attached to it" I said.

"Y/N it's a baby not an it" Sharon said.

"Don't bother trying to explain it to her. She's always seen babies as it" Lauren said, as she held the other baby in her arms. I noticed that this one was quieter than the other one as it looked up at Lauren.

"How come he's quieter than the other one?" I asked.

"It's a she Y/N at least that's what the doctor decided. It's in the record that was in the manila folder" Sharon said.

"Do you want to hold her?" Lauren asked.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves" I said.

"It was worth a try" Lauren said.

"I think we should let my dad raise them because there's no way we can raise two babies when the girls are gone majority of the time and I'm... uh... unstable to raise a kid" I said.

"Unstable?" Sharon asked rather confused.

"Y/N isn't unstable she's just incapable of dealing with children because her life is so fucked up. She has numerous people fighting for her attention and even her heart and she can't even get her shit together" Gretchen said angrily.

Most people would've been offended by what Gretchen said, but she was actually right which helped with my argument.

"My point exactly" I said.

"Can we name one of them Harry?" Camila asked.

"Mila, no one is naming one of Y/N's siblings Harry because you have an obsession with Harry Styles" Dinah said.

"That's not why I want to name one of them Harry it's because they were left on our doorstep like Harry Potter" Camila said.

"Camz, have you been in my stash of pills?" Lauren asked.

Camila rolled her eyes. "I'm being serious" Camila said.

"So am I because you're talking like you're high or something" Lauren said, as the baby stirred in her arms.

"You would know" Camila snapped.

"Okay, how about Camden?" I asked.

The girls exchanged looks with one another and Gretchen smiled.

"I actually like it" Gretchen said.

"So, we're naming the one that Gretchen is holding Camden?" Normani asked.

"I guess so" Ally said.

"Wait... hold up. How come he's named Camden? That is too close to Camren if you ask me" Dinah said.

"No one was even thinking about that Dinah" Camila said.

"She's kind of right" Lauren said.

"We are not changing his name. So it's settled that it's Camden" Ally said to their lawyer who typed something into the computer.

"What about her?" Lauren asked.

"Um... Hayden?" I asked.

"Where are you getting these names from?" Dinah asked.

"Fine then you name her" I said becoming irritated.

"She needs a unisex name" Sharon said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Y/N, she is intersex and much like Sam she will probably have a hard time growing up among other things" Sharon said.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Maybe when your sister becomes older she might not see herself as a girl. There's more to it, but you need to be prepared. Not to mention, she was supposed to be a boy" Sharon said.

"Well when we get there then we will deal with that issue. Dinah, did you decide on a name?" I said.

"Since after what Sharon said made since then we should just stick with Hayden" Dinah said.

The girl's lawyer looked at Ally and she nodded her head and he typed into the computer again and the printer started making noise. Ally walked over to it and grabbed the paper and handed it to me.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" I asked.

"Sign it" Ally said.

"Have you not been listening to anything that I've said?" I asked.

"Y/N, you have a court date where you're going to have to stand in front of a judge and tell them that you take full custody of your siblings" Ally said.

"Can't I get out of this?" I asked the girl's lawyer.

"You could..." the lawyer started to say but Ally and Normani glared at him which caused him to become quiet.

"I want to hear what he has to say" I argued.

"Y/N you aren't putting them up for adoption, dropping them off at an orphanage, or giving them back to your mom" Normani yelled.

"But it's my choice. None of you ever let me decide things for myself it's either your way or no way. What about what I want?" I said.

"No one cares what you want. Just sign the damn paper" Ally said angrily and tossed the pen at me.

I grabbed the pen and signed the paper and handed it back to her. Ally walked back to their lawyer and started talking to him.

"I need some air" I said.

Dinah gave me a sympathetic look and got up and picked me up. I didn't tell Dinah where I wanted to go, but she carried me to the pool.

"I hope this is okay" Dinah said, setting me down and sitting next to me while putting her feet in the pool.

"It is I just wanted to get out of there. I felt like I was suffocating" I said.

"Mani and Ally don't mean to lash out at you. It's just that their family is taking the whole them liking the same sex thing to an extreme. I thought my family was bad but theirs are ten times worse" Dinah said.

"I understand but I've always felt like I was being controlled by all of you and I could never make my own decisions" I said.

"Well it's a new year so maybe we can try to change that" Dinah said.

"I want to go back to school and I want to get a job" I said.

"What the hell you need a job for? You're financially stable. I would know" Dinah said.

I gave her a look and raised my eyebrows. "My point exactly" I said.

"Okay, I'm sorry but one step at a time babe. I will talk to the other girls about you going back to school" Dinah said.

"What about getting a job?" I asked.

"Let's not push it but I will bring it up" Dinah said.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked.

"No, not recently" Dinah said.

"I love you lots almost like an everlasting love" I said chuckling.

"You think you're so funny" Dinah said, a smile gracing her lips as she started to tickle me.

I couldn't help but miss these times with Dinah. I was always so focused on Lauren that I forgot about the connection that I had with Dinah. In a way, Camila sort of took that spot from me and grew distant from Lauren. I was on the verge of tears from laughing so hard and begging Dinah to stop, but yelling from inside the house caused us to both stop doing what we were doing especially when we both heard a familiar voice that neither of us wanted to hear.

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