By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


107 10 16
By dreamerinmaking


I finished pinning the last strand of my hair and took a last look in the mirror. The dress fitted me perfectly and for once I could say that I liked the way I was looking. Wearing this dress was like a dream come true. All thanks to David. If it wouldn't have been him then this would have remained a dream. I can feel as if something is still missing. I just can't seem to point that out. I adjust my dress and leave the room.

I head downstairs and David is sitting on the couch. He's busy looking at something in his phone. He's dressed in a black tuxedo. His hair was styled to perfection. He looked really attractive. As I reach the end of the stairs, David looks up. I'm sure I saw his jaw drop. He puts away his phone and walks towards me.

"You look...beautiful." He's really nervous. I can make it out from the way he's talking.

"Thank you, David." I give him my biggest smile. Is he blushing? I think so.

"Anyways I have something else for you?" Now what is it? He has already done so much.

He pulls out a red box from his pocket. Is it what I am thinking? I can't be wrong. I have shopped there a lot. He hands me the box and I was right.

It's Cartier.

This was really too much now.

Before I get the chance to say anything, David speaks.

"I know that it's a little too much but please accept it. Please."

"I can't. The dress itself is really a big gift. And on top of that this."

"Please Kate. The dress is from Santa and this is from me." He makes that kid face he makes when he needs to convince me.

"No. I really can't. And the Santa is you so don't think you can trick me. I'm not a five year old."

"Okay. Let's make a deal. You accept all this and you can give me something in return." Should I? I can do this but....

"Okay. Deal!"

I open the box to take a look at his gift. Oh my god! There lies a pair of pink gold, diamond earrings from the Paris Nouvelle Vague Collection. They are so beautiful.

"David, these... are perfect." I look at him. His smile is breath taking.

"Thank you David." What can I say? He makes me feel like I'm really special.

"No problem. We need to leave now." He leads me outside.

I see his Bentley parked in the garage. I head towards it but David guides me in the other direction.

David leads me to the Vanquish Black Coupe ASTON MARTIN.

Is that supposed to be our ride?? It's like David read my mind and he spoke.

"That's our ride." I was fine with the Bentley too, you know.

David opens the car door for me and I carefully get in.


The fund raiser is being held at The Waldorf Astoria and the people who are organizing the fund raiser are David's parents. Yes. You heard me right. Apparently, David's parents are really reputed and of course, rich. I had no idea about any of it. I didn't even know that his dad was one of the most powerful business tycoons in New York. David didn't mention any of this in the past nor did he act like a multi billionaire's son. He always worked hard and even did part time jobs to pay his bills and everything else.

"You know, you could have given me a heads up about all this." I told David.

"I just did." He told me while we were entering the hotel.

"You told me right now. You could have told me before."

"If I would have told you all this before then you would have asked all those questions which are going on in your head at the moment and we would have got late for the party." He's right about the questions but he should have still told me.

"Now stop looking grumpy and smile. There are people watching you."

I looked around and they were many people looking at us. There were some paparazzi clicking our pictures as well. Why won't they? I'm with the son of the host. I put away all the questions and put a smile on my face. I should do at least this for David.

We enter this huge hall where the fundraiser is being held. David leads me towards a group. I look around. I used to attend these type of parties and events with my parents when I was in High School. I never liked these things. They were always boring.

"Kate." David calls me. I look towards him and there is a man and woman standing with him. From the look of it, I know that they are his parents. He has got a lot of his mother's looks.

"Mum and Dad, this is Kate." David's dad shakes my hand and his mum hugs me.

"We have heard a lot about you." David's mum tells me.

"I hope it's all the good things."

"Yes it is."

"I will go and get you a drink." David tells me and leaves with his Dad. They must be having important matters to discuss.

I talk to David's mum for quite some time. She knows a lot about me. I think David is pretty close with his mum. She seems to be a very kind hearted person. We both talked a lot about the project that I am working on. She even told me to contact her if I needed any help at any time. David's mum had to attend someone really important so she left. She had insisted me to come but I really didn't want to go. David still hasn't returned. He had sent a waiter to serve me my drink. So, here I am, with a glass of champagne, in a very fine hotel, attending a fund raiser. I don't know how I will survive this long night here. I really don't like such places. I roam around for a while. It's nearly an hour and David still hasn't returned. I am down to my fourth glass of champagne. What am I supposed to do here? I make my way towards the door.

"Kate?" Someone calls me. I turn around and see a guy approaching me. I really can't make out his face. I think I have had a little too much to drink.

He is just steps away when I recognize him.

"Cole." It had been a while since we last saw each other. He was wearing a black suit. His hair was the usual. He looked as good looking as he was back then.

"Kate." He speaks my name again. It's like he still can't believe that it is me.

"It is really me, Cole." I laugh at his look. He really can't believe it.

"Look at you. You look stunning." He tells me and then hugs me. I really missed him. He was always my life saver. He lets go of me.

"How have you been? What are you doing here? Where were you all this while? You could have called. I mean..." Cole bombed me with questions. How can that guy speak everything in just one breath.

"Hold your horses! One question at a time, please." He nodded his head in agreement.

"Firstly, how are you?" Good boy. He seems to have understood me very well.

"I am good. Thank you. How have you been doing?" I asked

"Never been better. There's so much you have missed."

"So, this means that we have a lot of catching up to do." Of course we do. It has been years.

"Oh Yeah. A lot! I have to tell you about all the girls I've been doing and....."

Seriously. I don't want to hear all his details. That's just..... Ugh. I literally shudder at the thought of it all.

" Cole!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to hear about your little hobbies." And of course, he was laughing and everyone was staring at us. This guy is a nut case. I had even suggested him to visit a doctor about some of his mental conditions. Obviously I was just joking about it.

"You know I really feel that you should consider meeting the doctor I had told you about." And now he was giving me his oh-do-not-go-there expression.

"Fine. I will go. But you have to make a deal?" What is it with these deals and me. Everyone wants to make a deal with me. I mean for once can't someone just listen to me without asking for something.

"No. No more deals. I'm tired of these deals." I really am. First, David and now, Cole. And by the way, where is David? It has been more than an hour and I still haven't seen him.

"Hey. Are you listening?" I turn my attention back to Cole.

"Ya. What?" I really don't know what he was talking about. I don't like zoning out. It can get you in big trouble.

"You zoned out on me. That hurts." He put his hand on his heart like he was so hurt. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you to the Dramatic Cole.

"Seriously." Yes. I made that weird expression of mine.

"I think we need to head there." Cole pointed at all the people gathering near the stage. We both walk towards it. We are the last to reach so we are standing right at the back. I look for David but I can't see him anywhere.

"Anyways, what are you actually doing here? I mean at this event." I turned towards Cole and asked.

"My mother knows the host of this event. She couldn't make it here so she sent me instead." Cole's mother was hardly around. She was always travelling due to business. She had to take over the business after Cole's father passed away.


"The same question goes for you? What are you doing here? In New York. At this event."

"I am here in New York due to some business reasons. And I'm here at this occasion with a friend of mine."

"Okay. So, is this friend of yours invisible cause I've not seen him yet." I haven't too. Where was David? I didn't even know anyone here and he had simply just left me.

"No. He is Visible enough for you to see. Actually, I think he got busy so that's why he hasn't been around." David was looking at me in a very peculiar way.

"So, it's a HE." Okay. Why is he giving me such weird looks?

"Ya. It is a HE. Why are you asking such weird things?" Cole quickly turned his expressions in a playful one.

"Just like that. You see, I'm really jealous."

"Oh ya. I can smell something burning." We both laughed together and some people standing in front of us gave us deadly looks.

I had totally forgotten that we all were assembled together here and someone was speaking on the mike. I looked to see who it was and I saw David's dad standing there and thanking everyone for their donations and how much it meant for the foundation.

When the speech was done, everyone clapped and started making their way towards the banquet hall where the dinner was being served.

"You hungry?" Cole asked me. I was VERY hungry.

"Starved." My stomach lets out a little growl.

"That I can see." We laughed again and then headed towards the hall.

"Kate." I turned around and saw David coming towards us. His blue eyes were sparkling. His hair was a little disheveled but that made him look a lot hotter.

David came and stood with us,

"I'm so sorry. I know that I have been the worst date of the millennium, but I was just a little caught with the event. Dad wanted me to look through some things. I'm really sorry." He was speaking all of it so fast.

"It is ok. Calm down." I caressed his hand.

David then looked at Cole. There was a confused look plastered on both their faces. Before I could introduce the two, Cole put his hand forward.

"Hi. I'm Cole Knight. I'm Kate's friend." They both shook hands.

"David Holt. It's nice to meet you." Cole gave me the why-didn't-you-tell me look. It had actually not crossed my mind.

"You guys are heading for dinner, right?" David asked.

"Ya. But before that..." Cole replied to David and then turned to look at me "May I have this dance?" He held out his hand.

"Won't we get late for dinner?" I know that we won't because most of the guests just went there. It's just that I really don't want to dance.

"No, we won't." I held Cole's hand.

"But what about David?" I looked at David.

"Don't worry about me. I will sit here and entertain myself by watching you dance." I stuck out my tongue at him. He smiled at me and then Cole took me to the dance floor. There were some other people also there. An unfamiliar song was playing. As we both swayed with the music, Cole started with his questions.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were here with David Holt?"

"I really didn't think it was that important." What was the big deal anyway?

"Whatever." What is wrong with Cole? We both didn't say anything for some time.

"Kate." I looked up to Cole. He was thinking about something.

"Ya." I didn't have a good feeling about this one.

"I am your friend and I want you to know something." Where was all this leading to?

"Kate. I know that you met Drew." I froze at the mention of his name. I had been avoiding this. I knew that Cole would bring it up sometime. After all, Cole and Andrew are best buddies. More like brothers.

"I just want you to know that no matter how he behaved with you he still loves you. He has always loved you Kate. After you left, the Andrew that I met was like a little lost boy. It was like he had lost a part of himself. I don't know how you feel about him now, but just remember this that his feelings never changed for you." The tears had welled up in my eyes. I didn't want to cry.

"And if you ever want to talk, then you know where to find me." Cole looked down at me and gave me a smile. The song was just about to get over.

"Can I have the next dance with her?" David was standing on the dance floor.

"Yeah, sure." Cole spoke and let me go. I didn't want David to see me cry so I put on my best smile. Before Cole left, he spoke.

"Just think about it Kate." He walked away from the dance floor. David took my hand and held it in his.


The new song started playing. My thoughts were still at what Cole had told me. I have to stop thinking about it. I focused back to where I was now. I looked at David. He was looking at me like he had never seen me before.

"You are beautiful." David spoke so softly that even I wouldn't have heard it. He closed the little distance between us and held me close. I leaned my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I don't know why, but I always felt secure around him. He always cared about me. He always made me happy. He had always stayed by me. We were always the best of friends. Are we more than that??

No. It is nothing like that. We have always been best friends. That's all.

I listened to the song playing. I hummed softly with the music.

You're the song my heart is beating to...


Andrew's POV

"Did you say that she was with David?" I asked Cole again. I had heard it the first time, but I wanted to hear it again.

"Ya. Why? Do you know him?"

"Fuc*!" I picked up the glass and threw it at the wall. She was with David.

Of course, she will be with David. He's perfect for her.

God!!!!!!! I hate her. She makes me feel so weak and helpless. Why can't I let her go just like she left me. Love is so unfair. I am the one always hurting.

"Andrew, what's wrong?" I know that Cole is getting worried. He met her today at some event. He told me that she looked breathtaking. He had even clicked a picture of her without her knowing. She was laughing at something. She looked so carefree. She looked happy. I wish I could have been there, making her laugh like that. I'm so confused with my feelings towards her.

"Cole, David is the guy I had mentioned about." Cole just stared at me.

I had told him about my meeting with Kate. He was angry at me for messing it up.

"Andrew, listen to me. I have seen the way Kate used to look at you. She doesn't see David that way. They are just good friends. I know that what she did was wrong somewhere, but you have to give her a chance to explain. If you really want her back then you have to fight for her. You have to let her see your love."

Cole was right. I have to give her a chance to explain.

I love her. I will fight for her.







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