Voice Hero: Present Mic meets...

By EllyAizawa

54 2 30

Quote: "Ok, do you know sign language? If so you can use that." Present Mic one of the most famous heroes had... More

The Meeting. Chapter 1:
Late Night Talk, Explanations, & Incidents. Chapter 3:
Explanations, & Incidents Part 2. Chapter 4:
Backstories & Comforting. Chapter 5:
'Home, A Place Where I Belong', & 1st Time @ UA Chapter 6:
Running Into Analogous. (+some aftermath) Chapter 7:
A Fun Time & Some Family Drama. Chapter 8:

Matilda and How First Meetings Went. Chapter 2:

18 1 9
By EllyAizawa

When she finished, she walked out of the bathroom and to the living room greeted by the others.

"Aww you're so cute!" Nemuri says.

"Wow you have such long hair darling!" Hizashi says, smiling.

She looks down and blushes from embarrassment and her hair falls over her eyes.

"You two are embarrassing her." Shota says stotically.

"Can I do your hair?" Nemuri practically begs.

She nods shyly.

"Alright you go ahead and take my spot here on the couch and I'll go get my stuff."

She does as told.

"And you," Tensei starts pointing to Tenya. "Shower." Then pointing to the bathroom.

"Yes brother." He says then goes the same way Elly came from.

~"Did I take his room?"~ She asks, noticing he went in there.

"It's fine since there's two beds. There's a few guest rooms here so no need to worry." Hizashi says.

She nods and Nem comes back.

"Alright I got mirrors and a brush and hair tie."

"You haven't used them have you?" Sho asks.

"Of course not!"

"Alright chill. I'm gonna just-"

 He zips up the sleeping bag then casually falls to the floor.

Elly's eyes widened and he noticed.

He starts to sip on a juice pouch and says, "Chill, I'm fine it's fluffy enough where if I do that I won't be hurt."

She nods again.

Nemuri takes Tenya's previous spot.

"Ok can you turn your back towards me?" She asks and Elly complies.

"Ok I've got an idea for the perfect hairstyle! Just let me know if I'm brushing too rough, ok?"

"Mhm..." She hums.

Then Nem starts brushing the bottom getting the knots out. Then she goes to the top and brushes down to bush them as far to the bottom as possible.

Elly whines a bit unconsciously.

"Sorry." Nem apologizes.

"Hey, what if I tell you about how I met Shota and the others?" Hizashi asks.

Nemuri continues to brush her hair from bottom up again.

"O-ok-k..." She says.

So Hizashi tells her the story leaving out certain parts.

By the time Tenya comes back Nemuri has just finished brushing her hair and Shota woke up again.

"Oh, hey Tenya, I was just telling the story of how I met your brother and the others. Wanna hear?"

"Of course." He smiles sitting next to Shota on the ground.

Hizashi continues the story and Nemuri starts on a French Fishtail braid.


She finished the braid as Hizashi finishes the story.

"And that's how we all met and became friends!" Hizashi finishes proudly.

"Technically I was forced into this friendship but ok." Shota says, smirking.

"Rude!" Hizashi says.

"But you never left, did ya?" Nemuri says, smirking back, handing a mirror to Elly as she holds the other behind her.

"I- ..."

"That's what I thought."

"I hate you all except the kids."

"We love ya too Sho~!" Nem and Zashi say in unison.

Shota sticks his tongue out at them.

They do it back.

"Stop being childish, you 3." Tensei says.

"Whatever." The 3 say.

"So do you like it?" Nem asks.

Elly nods. "M-hm..." She smiles.

"I'm glad!" Nemuri says with a giant smile. She then collects her stuff and gets up and heads to her room.

Hizashi's phone rings.

He looks at the caller ID.

"It's... Tsukashi." He says.

He answers it.


*"Yamada! Ah, glad you picked up."*

*"Did you find him?"*

*"No, but I was wondering if she knows any other places he might be. Like a common place they always go to?"*

*"Yea sure, lemme ask."*


Hizashi covers the phone.

"Hey darling, do you know of any other places that Hitoshi could be, perhaps like a place you two visit often?"

~"The Farmer's Market. It's our main source of food. We got to know the manager and employees there as well. Hito-chan said he's been trying to find us a job. He might've went there."~

"Ok thanks, that will help alot darling."

He uncovers the phone.

*"She said the Farmer's market in that area. That they know the people that work there including the manager. The kid might be trying to get a job there."*

*"Got it. Thank you both. I'll inform you if anything happens."*

*"Alright, thanks Tsukashi."*

Then they both hang up and Hizashi puts his phone back.

While that was going on Nemuri had put the brush in Elly and Tenya's room on Elly's nightstand and came back.

"Hopefully they'll find him soon." She said.

"I'm sure they will, Nem." Tensei says.

She gives a bittersweet smile.

"How about we watch a movie before the kids' bedtime and Shota's patrol?" Hizashi suggests.

They all agree.

"So what movie?" Tensei asks.

"We should let her decide since she's new." Tenya says.

"That's a good idea kiddo." Nem says ruffling his hair.

So Hizashi boots up Netflix and starts going through the profiles.

"Do you mind if we use your's Ten?"

"Go ahead."

And Hizashi picks Tenya's profile.

He hands Elly the remote and says, "Alright now go nuts listener."

She takes it and starts looking.

After a few minutes she comes across Matilda the 1996 version and her face lights up.

"Is that what you wanna watch?" Nemuri asks kindly.

The girl nods with a smile.

"K. Then press play babe."

She hits play and the movie starts. 


When it showed that Matilda's father just walked away after the nurse showed him her Aizawa was mad as the others felt bad.

And then when she was just slung in the back seat Nemuri said, "Oh the poor thing! How could they do that!?"


"Woah! She can already write her name!?" Hizashi asks.

"Impossible! She's just an infant!" Tenya says in disbelief.

"Calm down Ten. It's just a movie." His brother says.


"She's so pretty!" Nemuri says.

"Her parents are just gonna leave her alone?" Hizashi questions.

They all laugh when she throws the soup away.

"Nice, the problem child can already cook at 4." Shota says.

"And reads the newspaper?" Tensei adds.


"Aww she just wanted to read!" Hizashi says.

"I find reading fun and not everything revolves around a T.V." Tenya states matter of factly.


"Why was she lying on a table reading? That's quite rude." Tenya says.

"Ten, chill." Tensei says.


At this point they're about halfway through the movie.

"What is Lavender up to?" Tensei mumbles to himself.

"I don't like Trunchable." Nemuri and Hizashi say in usion.


"Aww I like Miss Honey, she's so sweet and motherly!" Nem says practically squealing.

"That kid could pass out!" Tenya exclaims.

"They talk too much, why can't they just watch in silence? Atleast Elly is quiet. They're gonna give me a headache. Especially Tenya and Nemuri." Aizawa thinks.


"Her powers are sooo cool!!" Hizashi exclaims excitedly.

"Could you not yell? I'm getting a headache." Aizawa mumbles but it's loud enough to hear.

"Sorry Sho." Hizashi pats his shoulder lightly.

"What's with those guys snooping around?" Tensei whispers.


"Oh no! Trunchable found her ribbon!" Nem says worriedly.

"Aww. The way she immediately went to Miss Honey and gave her the doll and chocolate."

"Ok but the way Matilda just yoiked the chocolate from her hand." Hizashi laughs.

"Yoinked isn't a word uncle."

"You get the point."


They laugh when Miss Honey pushed the jug of water down without realizing it, only seeing it in her peripheral vision.

"Well she believes her now." Tensei says.


They laugh again when Trunchable is attacked by the erasers. And as the kids throw things at her and chase after her.


"Wait... Does- she always carry her own adoption papers with her..?" Hizashi asks.

"I- that's a good question Zash... That's a good question." Nemuri says.


"Yay! Now she lives with Miss Honey and it's happily ever after!!" Nem and Zash scream.

Aizawa activates his quirk ahead of time before Hizashi accidently does.

When they had calmed down he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.

"Oh, sorry Shota. Hang on lemme just-" And he cuts himself off as he walks to his bathroom looking for the headache medicine.

He comes back with it and some water.

"Here ya go."

Shota takes the bottle opening it.

"I'ma need like four of these to get through the rest of the night." He says then taking them with the water.

"Alright kids, it's bedtime." Tensei says. "So go brush your teeth and get in bed, we'll be there soon.

"Yes Tens." Tenya says.

Elly nods thinking to herself, "I'm glad I have a toothbrush at least... I wonder what Hito's doing currently..."


"I'm guessing that the hoodie she's wearing is Hitoshi's." Hizashi starts quietly.

"Well I mean she is close to him from what we know so is practically a given." Tensei says.

"Sho you should be getting ready for patrol."

"Nemuri, I don't tell you how to live your life so don't tell me how to live mine."


"No." He walks to his guest room and changes to his hero costume and comes back in like 2 minutes.

"I-" Nemuri is surprised at how short it took.

"Anyways I'll look for the kid while I'm on patrol tonight. If I find him I'll let you guys know."

Tensei nods.

"The little listeners should be done by now. We should tuck them in before they get suspicious. Alteast Tenya since he knows how it works."

Nemuri starts to lead the way.

They enter the room with the kids talking and signing as they waited.

"Alright, problem children, time for bed."

"Yes uncle." Tenya says getting comfortable as Tensei walks over to him with Nemuri following.

Hizashi and Shota walk to Elly who looks kinda anxious.

"Hey, you ok kid?" Shota asks.

"Hm? M-mhm."

"What's wrong darling? Are you afraid to sleep?"

She shakes her head.

"Do you not like the dark? Cause we already have a nightlight in the outlet over there." he says pointing behind him and to the right a bit. "We placed it in here so if there was a need to get up in the middle of the night no one would get hurt."

She shakes her head again. ~"Nothing wrong. I'm fine."~ "Not scared of the dark more like what could lie in it and worried about the night terrors... Maybe if I don't go to sleep I'll be fine. Or if I stay up most of the night..?"

"Are you sure sweetheart?" Hizashi asks again.

She just nods.

"Ok, just let any of us know if you wanna talk." He says then bending down kissing her forehead.

He backs up and Shota pets her head between her cat ears and she purrs a bit.

"She's purring! Perhaps I should keep her instead!" Shota thinks to himself while having a look of amazement on his face.

He stops petting her as they go to Tenya and Nem and Tensei come.

"Your face was priceless Shota~!" She said as they crossed the room.

He huffs. 



After everyone said goodnight, Shota left for patrol.

"I'm worried for the darling." Hizashi says getting some popcorn and soda as Nem and Tens flop on the couch.

"Hmm? What's it this time Zash?"

"I'm not quite sure Nem... She just kinda gives me the impression that she doesn't really sleep among many other things..." He says coming back with 3 soda's and a giant bowl of popcorn as he hands it to Nemuri since she's in the middle.

"Well if it makes you feel better, we can check up on them in an hour or so." Tensei states, grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it in his mouth.

"I suppose... But something seems so off about her... I wish I knew what."

Nemuri pats his back. "I'm sure everything'll be alright."

"Hey wait, I just realized we're all gonna be busy from mid or late morning to late evening tomorrow. Which is rare. But who's gonna take care of the kids on such short notice?" Hizashi says suddenly.

"Ah man! You're right. And what about Elly she's got a fear of people right?" Tensei asks jolting to a sit up position.

 "More so strangers as we saw with Tsukachi but yea you're on the right track."

Just then Nemuri receives a text.

She pulls out her phone and silently reads it.

"Umm you boys might wanna look at your text messages..." She says slightly creeped out.

"Why?" Zashi asks as they pull out their phones.

Then he and Tensei see it.

"Oh, that's why." Tensei says.

Nezu 🧠😨9:35 P.M;

-"I could take care of the kids for you 4. 🙂"-

He had sent as they looked at their phones in somewhat shock.

"I still don't understand how he can do that..." Tensei says.

"Us either Tens, us either." Nem says.

Sho 💛😶‍🌫️😴9:35 P.M;

-"That kinda random can't lie."-

Nezu 🧠😨9:35 P.M;

-"You couldn't if you tried. At least, not with me. 🙂"-

Sho 💛😶‍🌫️😴9:35 P.M;

-"Right. But why was that said in the first place?"-

Nem(i) 🤍💮9:36 P.M;

-"That's cuz me and the boys we're talking about what to do with the kids since Zashi just remembered that we're all gonna be busy most of the day tomorrow."-

Zash(i) 😶‍🎤9:36 P.M;

-"And also trying to find someone that the darling would be fine with but she's only met us plus Nezu n RG."-

Tens 🏃🏻‍♂️💨9:36 P.M;

-"Then that's when Nezu texted."-

Nezu 🧠😨9:36 P.M;

-"So, what do you think? I mean who else would do this on such short notice? Plus I'll get to spend time with my honerary grandson and get to know more about our new pup."-

No one could argue with that. All of them- even though Shota isn't there- sighed in union and agreed.

Nezu 🧠😨9:37 P.M;

-"Great. So it's settled then. So who will be dropping them off and what time?"-

Tens 🏃🏻‍♂️💨9:37 P.M;

-"Ok so Nem has to leave by 9:30, Sho and Zash have to leave around 10:45 and me at 11-ish."-

Nezu 🧠😨9:37 P.M;

-"Alright then well I'll see you tomorrow at my place around 11 then. Have a good rest of your night my pups! 😄👋🏻"-

They all said goodnight to him in some way, then Shota went back to patrol and Nem and the others started a new conversation.


In the room Elly and Tenya share Elly is trying to get a game open. Her phone and Hitoshi's both had gotten pretty damaged a few weeks back.

"Please work! Please!" She had thought to herself. She looked over across the room and saw Tenya asleep. "This is going to be a long night isn't it?"

She suddenly feels part of the room's temperature drop on her right side.

^"I know you're there. Show yourself."^ She whispers.

^"Ehh, sorry kid, when I noticed you weren't with Hitoshi I thought it was best to hide."^ The 'person' says.

^"How are you and the others?"^

^"Well more or less the same. Y'know for being ghosts and all."^

^"I've missed you Riku, along with Minato, and Lily. I missed you 3 more than the others except Hito of course."^

^"We all miss you as well kid."^ He whispers.

^"Can you tell me again how it happened?"^


^"How you and Min met of course!"^ She whispers happily.

^"Hm, ok. I had met Minato when we were 7."^ I had to save him."^

^"Cause he was being bullied?"^

^"Because he was being bullied since he was a late bloomer with his quirk."^

^"And you shook the ground!"^

^"Yep, I shook the ground with my land quirk and they all fled but him."^

^"And then he said?!"^

^"He said 'Thank you. I'm Minato.'"^

^"Then you said?"^

"'I'm Riku. Nice to meet you.' And i offered my hand out and he took it asking-"^

^"'Can we be friends?' To which you replied?"^

^"'Of course!' Then he asked, 'Forever?' And I sa

id 'Forever. Know matter what comes between us!' And since then we've been friends and he also got his quirk a day later."^

^"Then when you guys were old enough you joined the Navy."^

^"Yes, then we joined the Navy."^

^"And then you both ended up dying... cause of a bad storm..."^ She says sadly.

^"Don't be sad, because now you know us."^

^"Yea but I WOULDN'T have if you we both still alive..."^

^"Look on the bright side, kid. You wouldn't know how me and him met and it wouldn't've been your favorite story."^ He says with a soft, fond, smile.

^"I-I g-guess-s..."^

Suddenly her ears perk up.

^"Someone's coming!"^

He disappears and she powers off her phone quickly shoving it in her bag and pretends to sleep.


(A/N: if y'all could tell  in the comments who to ship that'd be nice. I'm doing Shoto in the other story but I've thought about him for this. I've also thought about Tokoyami and Tamiki {sorry if there's poor spelling} but y'all can choose. {I might just use a picker wheel instead if no one hardly comments ships. lemme know if you need the main ships too} But choose ONLY class 1-a boys {minus Mineta TwT} and Tamiki. Thx and- I'ma regret this but- May the 4th b w/ u. {Don't expect me to ever do that again.} Fun fact my half birthday is Cinco de Mayo :D Have a good day/night.)

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