Fire Escape

By ThatOneCringeGirl

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ever sense Error can remember, hes dedicated his life to giving his dying brother, Geno, a gift. the gift of... More

Prologue: hired
Chapter 1: a new morning
Chapter 2: Puke It Up.
Chapter 3: a rising suspicion
Chapter 4: everything is overthinking
Chapter 5: is it worth something I cant control?
Chapter 6: is this good news?
Chapter 7: once the sunlight is gone
Chapter 8: did you plan for the sun to rise?
Chapter 9: he never came home
Chapter 10: this cruel city
Chapter 11: home sweet home
Chapter 12: hes not home. Yet.
Chapter 13: what does this mean?
Chapter 14: whos better for me..?
Chapter 15: a very sudden change of feeling.
Chapter 16: dancing in the rain.
Chapter 17: a reason to cry.
Chapter 18: cold
Chapter 19..
Epilogue: a happy ending

Chapter 20: ..Nothing once more..

632 52 64
By ThatOneCringeGirl

( congratulations. You've made it to the last chapter. With the exception of the epilogue that is to come.

I hope you enjoy the reunition.

The forgiving.

And the forgetting.

But be weary.

Not all stories have happy endings.)


The newspaper was thrown back aggressively onto the bathroom counter, and Nightmate rushed out quickly. Accidentally slamming his hand into the candle that sat in a glass container.

He heard the shattering of glass, but was too blinded by rage and confusion to question the sound.

As the candle was knocked to the ground, the sudden wave of air from the candle being throw caused the newspaper to slowly flutter to the ground.

...Landing on the flame...

A small flicker of a fire alighted and slowly started to spread to anything it could. Until it found carpet out on the hall, and started to spread rapidly...

It engulfed and destroyed anything it touched.

Melting everything to ash...

( let the fire burn. )

Error POV: I felt the Ice block shatter at its core as I looked at my brother. The corners of my soul felt cold and numb, but the center was filled with a burst of emotions.

Confusion. Anger.

Fear. Terror.

Sorrow. Regret.

Horror. Paranoia.

I saw as tears slowly slipped down Geno's cheek, his mouth open slightly in shock. I saw a small lady try and pull geno out of the room, but Geno pointed at me, and said something under his breath. The lady turned and we made eye contact as well.

Mom immediately screamed in terror and shock.

Another pang in my soul.

Another burst of terror throughout me.

Most of the party went silent. All kinds of eyes fell onto me. But I didnt look away from Geno. My eyes glued to his.

My soul started to pound and I wanted to run, but my feet felt super glued to the floor that seemed to shift under me. My legs as stiff as a boulder.

Geno's mouth, which was parted slightly from shocked, Closed. His expression turned to confidence and sternness. A look that said, "your not running away from me this time. I'm not letting you be alone any longer. It's time I return all you've given me.

And I'm not taking no for an answer".

His protective glare returned to me as a threat. And the protectiveness faded into my soul. Changing into a feeling of helplessness and a growing feeling of terror that filled inside of me.

I realized that I couldnt run out even if I wanted too. They were blocking the exit. They knew I was alive now. Their was no running from that fact.

But that didnt stop me from trying.

The adrenaline broke the stone that seemed to cover my legs and the glue on my feet faded. I turned around and rushed through the croud. Trying to get to the stairs to rush up and hide in one of the rooms. Pushing past and knocking over strangers that started yelling at me. But the main voice that I heard was the screams of geno and mom, who where chasing me now.


"Wait! Get back here!! Stop him!!" ...Geno

As I ran, I finally reached the stairs, and tried to run up, but was met face to face with an angry looking Nightmare.

Pang in my soul.

Another burst of terror.

"Err-!" ...nightmare

I didnt let him finish before I rushed back down the stairs. Nightmare yelled from shock and confusion. Trying to get me to come back.

Once I got back to the bottom of the stairs, I made eye contact with Geno, who was too close for comfort. I dashed to the right and felt Geno's hand brisk my sleeve as he was inches away from grabbing me. But suddenly, I was stopped by fresh rushing in front of me.

suddenly, people of recognizable faces came rushing over, giving me an onslaught of questions. Surrounding me to where I couldnt continue to run.

Reaper rushed over to me, a photo of me in his hand. He was screaming.

Ink ran with him asking what the heck was happening and asking me to explain.

And Fresh... just looked at me..

My baby brother that never got to say goodbye.

we made eye contact.

Another pang.

Dream came over to check on everyone.

Killer and dust rushed over to check out what was going on and horror went over to try and calm everyone down that was yelling at me.

Nightmare pushes through the crowd and rushes over to me. He starts yelling at me as well. I could make out the words 'paper' and 'fire'...

I put two and two together to figure out what he was talking about.


Another scream.


An hand grabbing my arm.




Geno and mom rushed over to the group that was surrounding me. I realized Geno was the one that had a firm grip around my arm/wrist. He looked at me with an angry expression, but when he looked at me, I knew he could tell I was terrified.

His gaze softened.

But it didnt stop my panic..

He could tell I was scared of this.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but as he looked around, at everyone yelling. He understood that more yelling would only make me more overwhelmed.

He tried to give me a comforting look. But It didnt work either.

I found myself unable to think.

He had been looking for me. And he found me.

It made me sick.


Everyones emotions were going wild. Everyone feeling differently compared to others. Each one on the verge of breakdowns or questioning everything they knew about me. Rage filled some of them, and sorrow filled others.

Mom immediately ran to me and hugged me, crying and screaming profusely into my chest, holding onto me as if I was her only source of life, screaming and asking why I ran away from her. And how I was never to do that again. Geno let her have her moment and let me go.

Reaper noticed geno and ran over, trying to apologize for not listening and trying to find out if he was alright.

Fresh.. was crying.. he stood still as well. Unable to move from the wave of emotions he was experiencing. His breathing was slowly getting faster, yet patchy. He took off his glasses and I saw a wave of emotions over his face. Shock. Regret. Joy. Rage. Frustration. Everything.

He was feeling emotions for the first time.

Horror was confused and was still trying to calm everyone down, but when I looked at killer and dust, i realized that based on how everyone was reacting at the sight of me, they realized what was going on. They looked at me with looks of concern.. and pity..

Nightmare was confused, asking me what the hell was going on. Asking me who these people were.

But I found myself unable to respond.

Or move.

But once I was able to, I felt like it wasnt me.

I was scared..

Overwhelmed maybe.

Everyone was reacting different, and I couldnt calm everyone down.

I didnt mean to hurt anyone.. I did this to help everyone..

Why couldnt they see that..?

I ran away to make everyones lives easier.

I was useless. I still am.

So why did this happen..?

Why did they chase after me..?

How could I mess even this up..?

Why is it that everything I do.. has to end up in a f###ing disaster..?

I felt tears fall down my face and I felt my body begin to shake.

"No.... no no no what are you doing here...? your not supost to be here mom....! this isnt happening- it's not happening-" I say with a shaky voice, violently trembling, looking down at my crying mother. I Pushed slightly on her, Trying to get her off. The touch starting to make me feel like the walls were closing in.

"What are YOU doing here? Why didnt you tell us you were alright?? Why didnt you come home!!??" Mom yells, unburrying her head from my chest and loosening her grip around me. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Mom- stop.. hes getting overwhelmed-" said geno, Trying to step in. But.. it was already too late.

A frustration started to boil inside of me. And I used her moment of vulnerability against her. I violently pushed her off of me and I watched as she fell onto the floor with a loud thud. a shocked gasp came out of her as more tears rolled down her cheeks, she looked up at me fearfully. If only for a moment. Fresh rushed over and yelled for her. Looking at me with a shocked expression.

Everyone backed up and went silent. Shocked at my sudden outburst.

Mother seemed shocked as well when she stumbled back. Her eyes filled with a heartbroken expression. Fresh quickly helped her back up, and then stood in front of her. His expression looked at me with a look of distrust and disgust.

He was protecting her from me.

He was thinking I was gonna hurt her...


That look of heartbrokenness wasnt what broke me in that moment. It was the split second look of fear in my mother's eyes. A look of question. A question asking, "what are you doing..? Dont you want to be my son..? Why are you pushing me away?

Are you even my little boy anymore..?"


........And to be honest..?

..... no....

I wasnt......

A son wouldnt hurt his family like this... a son wouldnt push his mother around.

A son wouldnt scare his family

A son wouldnt run away from his responsibilities.

A son wouldnt be this bad of a brother.

A son.... wouldnt be this worthless.

A hatred for myself bubbled inside of me, stewing with the frustration. A loathing for everything I stood for seeped into my pores. That feeling of uselessness settled over every part of me. And I found myself making a realization.

That hesitating or second chances werent worth it for me.

I wanted to grab a knife and plung it into my soul. Twisting and pushing it deeper until I couldnt breath anymore.

I didnt want to cut. I didnt want the chance of living afterwards.

I didnt want a noose. I didnt want it to be painless, nor a long set-up process.

I didnt want to drown. I didnt want me to have time to rethink things.

I didn't want to jump off a building. I didn't want the instant death.

I wanted to die. NOW. In the most painful way possible.

A death I deserve.

I wanted to burn.

I wanted to dissapear from everyones memories.

To become free from the grasp of this stupid f###ing world.

This cruel, taughting, messed up world.

I. want. to. die.

Why cant you let me





Everything became too much.

The room spun and the screams of everyone interlaced with the voices in my head that started to scream again.

I screamed and yelled as everything seemed to stop.

I broke down.

And I found myself not caring anymore.

"Dont you understand!?!?!? I came here to get away from you! So you could live without me! All of this was supost to help you! I was nothing, and I still am..! so why did you chase me here!??" I said tearfully, the frustration starting to boil over. My filter for anything morally good breaking.

"What are you talking about baby..?" Says mom, trying to get closer to me. But Fresh not allowing her too. "I never thought of you like that..!"

"Error, just calm down.." said geno, trying to take a step torward me. But I backed up, grabbing my skull in frustration.

Mom's expression was full of pity and remorse. Her regretful tone peaking through as she realized what I meant by all of this.

"Error.. what's going on..?" Asks Nightmare. No longer sounding mad. But stern and confused.

The frustration that churned with the self-hatred, formed into an undesirable rage.

I started yelling, not really thinking about what I was saying.

"Shut up!! Everyone shut up! This wasnt supost to go this way!! This was supost to help you!! If you thought I was dead then you could move on! You wouldnt have to deal with...... with me! My problems, my sh#tty personality, my ugly looks, my mental issues, any of it!!"

Tell them.

"I should have died in that fire and we all know it!"

Make them belive what you already know.

"I wish I had!"

Show them how worthless you are.

"I wish i had died and been burned to ashes! Screaming and in pain, because that's what i deserve! I'm nothing anymore! I never was anything..!"

Make them know that all of this could be better if you were gone.

"I had a noose waiting back at that apartment, and I wish I hadn't hesitated! I wish my dead body had burned with that rope around my throat! And that none of this had happened! So that none of you would have to feel this!"

Tell them everything.

"Im sick of myself! I'm sick of this world! Its tourcher! It keeps me here and watches as I hurt the people I love! It watches as I get so close to death and then keeps me here! Gives me a glimpse of hope, and doubles that hope with pain!"

Tell them.

"I Hate it!"

Tell them.

"I hate this!"

Tell them.

"I hate me!"

Tell them

"I hate everything!!"

Tell them

"And theirs nothing you could do to change my mind about that-"




Everyones attention shifts to a stranger that was standing behind the group of people, looking up the staircase.

"What..?" Asks reaper. Going over to the stranger and looking up the stairs. His face changes to and expression of horror.

"Fire.." he mumbles. Geno goes over to reaper, questioning what he said.


"Fire..! Its a FIRE!! Everyone out now!! Call the fire department!!!!!" Reaper yells suddenly, rushing over to the sink and grabbing the biggest pot he can find before rushing upstairs and splashing the pot of water up the stairs.

I rushed over to where I could veiw it, and saw a blaze covering all of the upstairs.

I instantly froze.

Memories of the apartment burned into my mind. The orange glow of the flames were identical to those of the burnt building and coexistant with the smell of cooking flesh and dust. The screams I heard that day held the same terror as those around me as people started to rush out of the house. Rushing out of the building. I felt someone grab my arm and scream. But I couldnt move.

Part of me was terrified.

But part of me wanted to stay here. Stay and watch it burn.

This was my chance to get what I deserved. But.. just like that night at the apartment, when I looked at the noose...

I felt scared...

I was unable to move.

I couldnt do it...

I was scared to die...

Why was I scared...?


I dont want to die-

My senses slowly came back to me. Screams of all kinds and a lot of familiar voices.

"Error! Let's go..!" .....nightmare

"Error. Now!"

"Brother.. Go!!".....Geno

"Please..!" .....fresh

But the thing that caught me off guard the most was how dust and killer rushed in front of me. Their faces stern, yet smiling.

"Hey bud?

We never got to make it up to you for freaking you out about the fire newspaper thing"....dust..

"Sooooooo. We're gonna make it up to you.

by getting you out of here" .......killer..

They look up at something behind me, and suddenly, an arm wraps around my waist and I feel myself get lifted off the ground. I panic and quickly turned to look at what was going on. I saw horror holding me from off the ground with his arm around my stomach and turned to the door, carrying me out despite my panic.

Mom, fresh, nightmare, killer, and dust rushed out. Horror followed with me not long after. I started flaring around, confused and scared, not liking the touch. Trying to get out of horrors grasp.

I watched as geno rushed over to reaper, trying to convince him to get out.

Horror carried me down a flight of stairs and we rushed out of the building with everyone else. I continued to flare, but even when we were out, he refused to let me go. He set me on the ground, but kept a firm grasp on my arm.

Despite how hard I pulled, i couldnt get out.

I looked up at the building and I noticed that the fire was starting to trickle out from some of the windows, the flicker of orange's and red's danced with the colors of white's and yellow's.

A fear fought for control against the feeling of awe that settled over me.

It was a beautiful sight, yet terrified me.

Their was screaming. Yelling things like

"Do you think it was one of the candles?"

"It was probably a cigarette that caught on some trash-"

"Is everyone out?"

"Where's Reaper?"

"Is everyone okay..?"

The screams were silenced by the blaring of a firetruck alarm that arrived to the scene relatively quickly.

I looked to the right and saw two firetrucks come to a screeching hault as police cars surrounded the building as well.

An ambulance pulled up and paramedics poured out, starting to check if everyone was alright.

Fresh and mom rushed over to me. Mom cupped her hands on my cheeks, thanking whatever god there was that I was alive. Fresh hugged me and I heard him sobbing. And mom joined in not long after.

But my eyes were fixated on the fire.

I loved my family. More than anything. And I loved nightmare. And the gang. And the small friends I made along the way.

But they all saw something in me that I didnt.

I should be in that fire.. but yet they dragged me out. Because they thought I was worth saving.

That was somothing I couldnt understand

It gave me a moment of realization before the terror set in of the realization from the question "Where's Reaper..?"

Because reaper was still inside.

And Geno was with him.

"WAIT! I yelled, starting to kick and scream. Trying to pull away from my family and Horrors grasp. "GENO'S IN THEIR. MY BROTHER IS STILL IN THEIR!"

I reached desperately for the building, but no one ran out. A feeling of dread covered everyone as they heard someone didnt make it out. Mom and fresh started panicking. And a few police officers came over with a handful of firefighters in order to figure out what was going on.

Tears fell down my face as I realized that my brother could be dead already. The fire was growing rapidly.

He could be dying, because of me.

The one thing I swore to protect might be gone...

All because he came to look for me.

Another blare of sirens.

More screaming.

More melting.

More yelling for-... help....?

I look up to see a set of two familiar faces yelling for help from the window of the burning building. Fresh and mom let go of me and turn torward the building, seeming overjoyed. I let go of a breath I didnt know I was holding as I saw who the two figured were.

Geno and Reaper were screaming to the firefighters for help, trying to get out before the fire got to them from the floor above and from behind them.

I heard myself scream in joy at seeing my brother alive.

But the happiness was short lived.

The firefighters brought out a net, and started telling reaper and geno to jump.

Reaper gestured for geno to go, but Geno was refusing to jump first.

But a panic set in when the cracking was heard.

Both reaper and geno looked up torwards the floor above them, the fire burning brighter as flares and ashes burned through the ceiling as it slowly started to collapse.

I saw geno look at reaper with a sorry expression. But reaper was to focused on looking at the ceiling.

I realized what his plan was.

"GENO- NO-!!!!!"

In the moment of distraction, geno pushed reaper out the window. Reaper screamed and fell, landing safely in the net. He screamed and looked up for geno. Geno got ready to jump but was stopped by the sound of a loud crack and crumbling.

It was already too late.

He looked up as the ceiling caved in, rushing backwards back into the building as the window was covered by debris and flames. Blocking the exit to the net.

Inside the mostly-melted block of ice that was surrounded by my soul, a flame started to burn.

A burning feeling that I couldnt get rid of.

A feeling fueled by fear and protectiveness.

A feeling of determination.

Sense the beginning of my life, I was given one purpose. Making sure Geno was safe and happy..

The purpose of protecting my brother.

Of protecting my family.

And I'll be dammed if I let them die without a fight.

I twisted my wrist so I was facing horror, who was too slow to look at me in time, and angled myself back, causing him to lean forward as I raised my foot. kicking him in the jaw with all of my force.

He let go in a moment of shock and groaned in pain, using his hands to hold onto his now-bleeding jaw. But this sudden action caught the attention of killer, dust, and nightmare.

Dust tried to lunge for me. But it was too late.

I sprinted to the building and ignored the screams of protest from nightmare and the others. I looked back one last time.

The police officers were holding back Nightmare, and horror was holding onto dust and killer. Who was looking at me with a blank expression. Mom and fresh noticed me and screamed in protest. They tried to chase after me, but Firefighters ran over and were holding them back. They were screaming and crying.

I smiled.

But I didnt stop.

I ignored the protests over everyone that saw me run in, and I rushed into the burning building and was surrounded by debris. The main floor was mostly fine, with the exception of a few holes in the ceiling that were dropping peices of trash that were still ablaze.

It was only a matter of time before the fire from the floors above caused the ceiling to cave in on this floor too.

I didn't have time to waste.

I rushed to the stairway and ran up, my soul pounding as the adrenaline rushed through me. only to turn a corner and be met with the burning of a roaring blaze.

Flames covered almost the entire hallway, with the exception of a few stops. Causing a maze of flames and smoke.

I saw a patch of ash on the floor, stopping any flames in that area, but it was blocked off by a wall of fire.

But I didnt have time to waste.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. I prepped and then I rushed through the flames and onto the one dry area. A burning covered my limbs as I screamed quietly. Looking down to see my shirt on fire. I patted it, but the fire only started to burn the fabric more. I didnt bother unbuttoning it. I tore at the fabric until I felt it tear off of me. I threw it to the ground and kicked it away so It wouldnt catch my pants on fire too.

I tried to wipe off any material that had melted onto my bones, but they had burned into me, and the pain to pull it off was to much to bare.

So I made sure their was no more fire on me, despite it being hard to see because of all the smoke, and continued forward.

The thick air burned my eyes and nose. And my lungs gasped for a breath of fresh air as the smoke started to get thicker.

I looked around in the hallway that I was greeted with. Patches of fire created a complex labyrinth throughout the halls.

I ran up one more flight of stairs and passed patches of fire. Starting to cough under my breath. Covering my mouth and nose with my hands to the best of my ability to try and filter out as much smoke as possible.

The third floor was the worst floor of all. The walls were on fire and the ceiling was starting to burn as well, although the second story of the house had collapsed, the first floor was still somewhat in tact, besides the creaking of the ceiling and it threatened to break under the weight and pressure of all the flames.

I rush down the fire bent hallway, blinded by the orange and yellow glow of the blaze, and the thick fog of black and grey smoke.

I rush towards where the apartment room/house was, and as I get closer. I notice the sound of coughing. A rush of hope came over me. I push through the ashes and blazes and saw Geno laying on the ground, coughing violently.

As he laid on the ground and covered his mouth, I noticed a few things. His cloths were either gone, or burned on the edges. His scarf looked black due to the burns. He was covered in soot and dirt, and was trying desperatly to breath. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes in order to combat the thick smoke that continuously flooded through the building.

The feeling of joy that filled me cause the fire inside of me to burn brighter. The ice around my soul starting to melt slightly and I felt myself smile.

He was alive.

Injured with his right leg. A crack and some blood revealed it was broken.

But alive...

I rushed over and grabbed his arm, wasting no time. Throwing his arm around my neck and shoulder, and pulled him to his feet. He looked at me, and all kinds of emotions flashed through his expression.

Confusion. Shock. Fear. Disbelief.

He tried to speak, but was stopped by the smoke. He did manage to get out a few words before the coughing settled back in though.

"What-" cough. "Are you do-oing here..? Get out.." More coughing.

I simply started walking as fast as I could with him as I responded.

"Not without you."

His expression was one of protest, but he was too weak go fight back against me. We stumbled forward. The ceiling above us revealing holes that revealed the collapsed floors above. Rubble from the collapsed ceiling started to fall from the holes the fire created and littered the ash covered floor as the heat started to blister us. As I stepped, the floor bent and creaked, threatening to collapse due to the pressure and heat.

Sweat dripped from my every surface of my body and the stinging in my eyes caused me to start crying.

My legs started to wobble, and the smoke started to blind me.

I needed to get Geno out. But I couldn't find the stairs.

I couldnt see the light of the moon, or the lights of the firetrucks and police cars. Only smoke and fire.

I couldnt see any open windows.

I couldn't see any escapes.

But I didnt need to find one. Because it was already too late.

Before I could continue looking, the cracking of wood and concrete, and the tearing of carpet sent us plummeting down.

As the floor collapsed below us, I felt my ribs get slammed into a stray board and I was forced to let go of Geno, who screamed in pain, flying off into another direction.

The fall didnt last long before I felt the air get tore out of me when I was slammed onto the dirty ground.

I felt my body impact onto the rubble littered floor, a loud crack echoed throughout the building and I gasped in shock as my body went stiff. Rubble that was still ablaze fell from the ceiling and landed on my body, causing the air to come back to me. allowing me to scream as the fire burned into my bones. but the pain wasnt over, because my body caused an impact that the second floor couldnt take.

The floor collapsed once more as I felt myself fall again. The fire caught on my cloths and burned my arm and chest, causing my skin to feel like its burning and freezing at the same time.

When I landed again, An excruciating pain shot through my spine as i heard another loud crack again. Black spots filled my vision and the smoke seemed to clear, even if just for a moment. All the air left me once again, exept this time, it seemed to not want to re-enter.

I struggled to breath as I looked up and saw a large cobblestone slab break off a wall that it was barely holding onto and fall torwards me. It seemed to fall in slow motion. And my body was still paralyzed from shock. I could only watched as it fell directly torwards me.

I closed my eyes as I waited for impact, and sure enough, a seering pain shot through every fiber of my body. The sound of breaking bones and the slamming of cobblestone against a solid floor echoed throughout me. Singing alongside my screams.

I was hit with a sudden burst of air as the large cobblestone slab fell from the barely-in-one-piece ceiling above and slammed into my lower half. I screamed as loud as my lungs could allow, the pain echoing throughout the entire street and city.

The sudden impact caused a burst of air, and caused the fire on my cloths to diminished. But it didnt stop the fact that I couldnt feel my legs.

The pain was excruciating, yet it felt so numbing. I gasped for air. Dust and smoke lingering in clouds throughout the air around me.

The crackling of fire casted a orange light that danced with the different shades of grey from the dirty air. My eyesight was blurry, but I could see the light of the police lights.

We had fallen to the main floor. And I could hear the screams of fear from my mother. The cries of my friends and brother, Fresh.

The yells of police officers and firefighters.

But... everything seemed so quiet and loud at the same time.

My body didnt want to cooperate. I would gasp for air before suddenly I couldnt move my lungs. After i started to run out of time to hold my breath, I would find myself able to breath again, but only for a second before I wouldnt be able to breath yet again. The tourcher of suffocation setting back in.

I struggled to gained any energy I had, and used it to push myself up slightly, and looked at myself. Crying and groaning in pain.

The concrete slab had completely crushed my right leg, and had halfway landed on my left leg. Leaving it crumbled and severely broken, but still there. The pain was excruciating, and even a small motion caused me to scream. My blood splattered all over the concrete and ashes.

The screams caused me to start coughing, and blood seemed to fill my vision and mouth. I felt the energy being drained out of me as the familiar feeling of bloodloss started to settle in. My thoughts seemed to slowly fade into nothing, and the black spots in my visions had started to cover my view.

But a familiar voice gave me a second wind.


I turned my head, looking through blurry and watery eyes to see Geno yelling for me. Pain and fear littering his voice.

When I looked up from my deathbed and saw Geno, i saw that he was blocked off from me by a large metal beam, a bit of rubble, and a fire that put up a wall between us.

Their was a crack on his already messed up eye, and his leg was worse then before. More of his cloths were burned and he was a lot more dirty with dried blood and soot, but he was standing. Limping and in pain. But standing. And I could see the exit behind him.

He could get out.

But he knew I couldn't.

We knew I couldnt.

Tears filled his eyes as he saw what had happened to my legs. The sorrow in his eyes was something that pained me. But the fire slowly getting closer to me was even more painful.

I couldnt move. I was trapped under the concrete slab. And I looked at what remained of my legs with a sorrowful glance.

I looked up. Only the back wall and the main floor had collapsed. So the front part of the apartment threatened to fall still. And without a back half of support, it looked like it threatened to fall backwards.

In my direction..

Both me and Geno realized something in that moment.

I would die in a fire. In a burned down apartment.

Just not the one in Baneville.

I realized... that I wasn't afraid of dying.

I was afraid of dying without reason.

I wasnt afraid to rush into the burning building, even though I knew I might die in the process. Because I knew I was doing it for Geno.

That's why I was scared of the noose. Or going into the fire when it first started.

Because i was dying carelessly.

But for my family..?

I would do anything.

Even give my life.

Just so they could live to see one more sunrise.

I looked up at my brother, his face distraught and fearful. He looked at me with a look that melted any ice I had left. My soul dripping with the remnants of anything melted.


I felt love.

For him.

For everything and everyone.

And..... in response.....

I smiled.

Geno's eyes widen and he starts to cry audibly. Covering his mouth to hold back sobs.

"Go.. geno..." I say with a small smile. Starting to feel fuzzy and numb, but not caring nonetheless

He starts freaking out and screaming.

"No! I'm not leaving you here! We can make it out! Both of us. Just stay awake while help comes. Please- just stay awake"

I smile wider and feel a tears slowly drip down my cheek. Staining me permanently. "Geno...." I mumble.

But he doesnt respond. Ignoring me and turning torwards the exit. He screams desperately for help. For anyone to come.

But.... nobody came....

I smile again and he looks at me with an unreadable expression. He whispers under his breath. "No... no no no... this cant end like this.. I still havent made it up to you... I need to make it up to you. You cant die.." he said. His voice trembling and wavering.

He took a step torwards the fire, his leg wobbling as he gasps in pain. He ignores it and Tries to look for a way around the fire and stones that blocked us. Looking at me with a desperate longing in his eyes.

I tried to reach up to him, but i found myself unable to move my body anymore. All by abilities gone. With the exception of my words. And even that was fading.

The pain danced with the numbness throughout every limb that I still had. And my thoughts started to fade.

But I still smiled.

And my voice trembled as I cried. Because that's all I could do anymore.

"Geno.. you made it up to me when you came to search for me.." I say.

he sobs at my response.

"You proved to me that you guys cared. That I wasnt worthless.

You proved that I was cared for.

You helped me understand that I'm worth something.

And that's all I ever could have wanted.

But if you really want to make it up to me..

then can you do me a favor..?

Tell mom im sorry... because I didnt want to make her cry.... she didnt deserve that...... because she was an amazing mom. And I loved her with every fiber in my being. And it pained me to leave her.. and for that.... I'm sorry.

Tell fresh that I loved him.. because I did. I really did..... I loved him so.... so much... tell him that I hope he feels every single emotion the world has to offer. Brcause every single one is worth having. And that he was the best little brother I could have ever asked for.

And Nightmare.. tell him I'm okay... and that he'll be alright.. because I'm alright now. I'm with him every moment. Every time he reads a new book. Every time he laughs. Every time he smiles. I'll be their.. because I love him. And that he can move on.

And give the gang the biggest hugs.. because they deserve each and every one of them. They are the best to be around and made each and every day a little bit brighter for me.

Tell horror that his cookies were amazing and always made me happy.. his smile when he saw some fresh food was always amazing. And his compassion for everyone and everything was admiring to me.

Tell killer that his jokes were funny.. even when I didnt laugh.. and that every time he walked in the room I knew I was in for a good time. And that he was always the life of the party.

And that dusts presence was enough to bring me the comfort of not being alone anymore. His rare smiles made me feel happy. Because I knew that he was happy. And that I'm sorry for everything that happened to him.

Tell blue that ill always remember his mischievous little smile... how he trusted me with his every secret, and how I felt I could tell him everything. Because he was my best friend. The friend I needed for a long time."

"Error.... stop.... please.."

"And tell reaper that I loved his passion for his shop.. and for you.. his bad puns when I was in the checkout line always made my social interactions a little but funnier.."


"And tell ink and dream.. that's although I never really knew them that well.. they seemed like really nice people to be around.. and that I hope dream finds happiness with whoever he falls in love with. Because he deserves it. And I hope him and his brother live happy lives."


"And Geno...."


"Know that.... I love you...

I always have...

And I always will.....


Because you were my everything..

You are my everything......

Remember that.....


Can you do that for me.....?"


He didnt respond...

He just fell onto his knees and screamed. Crying hard.

The crinckling and popping sounds of fire seemed to be blocked by volume of his screams. And it caught the attention of others.

Three firefighters rushed in and checked on him, before grabbing geno and trying to get him out of the nearly-fully-collapsed building.. He screamed in protest. Trying to get to me. Kicking and screaming.

The firefighters noticed me and tried to think of a plan to get me.

But yet again..

It was too late..

A scream of terror came from geno as the fire closed in.

I saw my cloths catch on fire. But I could only stare. I couldnt feel anything.

And I couldnt talk.

I couldn't do anything.

The flames engulfed me. And the ice dissapeared around my soul. And the determination to save geno burned brighter.

Turning my soul.. and my body..

to ashes.

I heard the crack of brick and stone. And saw the collapse of the rest of the building as they dragged geno out. Crushing me once more.

And for my last moments..

I felt a feeling of bliss...

The feeling of no more pain.. or fears.

No more voices..



It was suprisingly comforting....

And for once...

I was happy....

And as my body disintegrated to dust.....

My soul glowed brighter.... before finally fading to the embrace of the wind and the flames..

And I was turned from Error sans, the useless brother. To an unavoidable, way-too-fond memory.

And I was nothing, once more.

Let the fires burn

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