Magic Of Blood And Sea (Trafa...

By nefes_fubuki

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She was always told to keep a low profile... But Feyre wasn't one to restrict her freedom... After 4 years of... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57

chapter 44

642 27 33
By nefes_fubuki


Today I was in a sour mood. Apparently my period is close.

As usual, after breakfast I sat with law in the library to continue our work. But today, Penguin joined us, he sat in a corner reading a book while we worked on the case. He wasn't so keen on doing any projects with law.

After some time, ikkaku joined us too.

Law gave her some homework to tackle since she was the only one on board with no medical knowledge or experience.

One look at the textbooks he gave her had me feeling sorry for her.

She would occasionally ask for clarifications on some spiralled up concept or word that would end up with law bickering with her for being too 'dumb' to use her brain cells.

"I don't even want to be a doctor! It's gross and disgusting." ikkaku folds her arms.

"What you call gross and disgusting is the only thing keeping the human race alive till now." law says in his calm tone that ticks her even more.

"Medical workers have to clean up shit and be treated like personal servants by their patients. Why would anyone want to do so much dirty work?!" she exclaimed.

That was the last straw. This is the third time in less than 30 minutes that I've had to intervene to stop a catastrophe.

And now ikkaku was insulting the whole crew.

Even Penguin looked up, his face frozen in fear when he sensed my anger.

I got up from my place and raised a hand at law who opened his mouth to give her a tongue beating. "Let me take it from here."

I walked up to her, my face the portrait of melancholy. "You do realise you just insulted the whole crew and a whole work force of selfless people who willingly sacrificed their lives and time and health in order to learn the most complicated subject so they'd be able to save complete strangers' lives?"

Ikkaku sighs, "look i didn't mean it like–"

I raised my hand to her, "No, honestly? This is so funny to me because I've been actively practising medicine for the past 4 years or so and I genuinely cannot remember the first time that I had to clean up poop, vomit or blood or anything that other people perceive as dirty." ikkaku doesn't say a word as i continue talking, "But i'll tell you what i do remember. I vividly remember the first time I saw a pulseless baby." ikkaku eyes widened momentarily. "I remember the first time I had to do chest compressions and the feeling of their ribs cracking beneath my hands. The first time I was part of a brain death exam. The first time I saw non-accidental trauma. And the first time that I heard the screams and cries of a person who was about to lose someone they loved or holding family members as they scream when their loved ones pass away. " Ikkaku was too stunned to even look me in the eye.

"Do you know what it's like to watch someone bleed to death as you try to transfuse enough blood to save them? Or watching people your age pass away? Do you know why I can't look at a bucket of red paint? Do you know why I get this colour exclusively in tubes? Or do you know why I choose to fight with enchanted daggers? Why i don't want to see my opponent's guts spilled on the ground? You could take a guess." my voice didn't shake once as i listed the horror of the medical field that really disturbed me.

"Did you ever assist in a bedside c-section where the mother was too sick to be taken to the OR in order to save her baby? Or watching a new mum take her last breath when her new baby that she never met was put on her chest?" I wave my hand in the air then walk back to my seat. "And I bet you never had to hug a parent after wheeling their child to the OR to donate their organs." ikkaku flinged at that. I sit down and cross my arms. "At the end of the day the body fluids are the least of your concerns. you find a way to do what you have to do with dignity. I truly believe that it takes a special person to be able to do everything a doctor or nurse does."

Penguin was scratching his head in the corner of the room while law's eyes were a little wide.

Ikkaku exhales deeply, "I'm truly sorry."

"Apology accepted." with that i strode out of the library. The walls were pressing in on me so I headed to the galley.

After a few minutes law showed up and sat beside me on the couch.

"What happened back there?" he asked.

"Nothing. Her words triggered something in me." I slouched on the couch.

Law said nothing waiting for me to go on. I sighed, "I have 3 rules." i raise 3 fingers, "don't talk about my mother. Don't talk about my career. And don't touch my hair. If anyone breaks these rules then they're on my blacklist.."

"Ikkaku-ya is on your blacklist now?" law asks in a dramatic tone.

"No. She didn't mean it like that but it's just— there's this thing...ugh nevermind." I slouch back into the couch.

Law half turns to me in his seat, "tell me about it."

"There isn't a voice in my head actually." I found myself saying.

"What's there in your beautiful head then?" law asked, amused.

"Many voices. They're not voices really. I mean, they can talk but i can also describe the way they look, therefore they are images. Like entities you know? "

"You said you think in pictures. Doesn't it make sense?"

"Maybe, but it's not the same thing. They're always fighting and telling me to do this or that. I almost act on my impulsive thoughts because of them."

"I feel you stressing, love."

I sit up right, "well, I do this weird thing where the stuff that I think about all day shows up in my dreams."

Law bunches his brows, "you mean what we pieced together yesterday? If it's affecting you—"

"No. This is totally normal. It's too late to back out anyway, it's already on my mind 24/7."

"You're stressed out. You snapped at your friend and you look like you can't stand a soul on this ship."

I groan and put my head on the table. "Should we look into the history of Dressrosa?" I ask, my head still on the table.

Law sighs, "probably. But you take a break today, go bake with ben-ya or something."

I was facing law in an instant, "but we just started yesterday!"

Law just ignored me and got up.

I rolled my eyes and mimicked what he just said.

He can be such an asshole sometimes.

A day later...

We finally arrived at the oceanic metropolis of water 7. It indeed looks like the city was built on a water fountain. People used sea-horse-like creatures that pulled carriages in the water, which I thought was so funny because it's literally a horse, but in the sea.

Sachi made that pun a minute ago which –to no surprise– amused no one.

Back on the ship, law made me swear to god that I won't wander around the shipyard that was filled with all sorts of bizarre pirates.

I'm sure he was more worried about all the single muscled workers out there. Not just the pirates.

But I need to find more on the smiles. This whole thing will eat me alive if I don't. And where can I hear more if not from pirates themselves?

Too bad law doesn't know I don't pray to god anymore.

So here I am now. In the middle of the shipyard watching the shipwrights lifting a huge mast to secure in the middle of what I assume is a ship's body. I've always wondered how they built stuff. How everything around us was placed just like that.

The square had pirates from various seas trying to land deals with shipwrights for the lowest price, there were others asking about the log pose and vendors roaming and yelling incoherent words that's supposed to be names of foods.

It was noisy. Noisy to the point of giving me a headache.

I shake my head and look around hoping to catch any pirate's thought of a bar or club or even a tavern. Any spot pirates visited frequently. I secretly hoped anyone would be thinking about smiles. I could easily slip into his mind, get what I want and be out in a second.

But that'd be too easy. Where's the fun in that?

Then I found it.

The connecting thread. All of those nasty pirates were thinking the same thing.

Go to the white pearl. Buy a bunch of drinks. Find a hot girl or two then get drunk.

It's always the same line of thoughts.

So this white pearl place is supposed to be a rendezvous point packed with all sorts of pirates.

It wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

So like the saint I am, I found its location through my methods. And I'm heading there now.

I need to see the place for myself.

I walked and crossed bridges, took detours and lefts and rights, now here I am.

A led sign reads: the white pearl.

I stared at the sign for what felt like forever, then I finally took a step towards the door and heard the most awful ringing in my ears.

Normally when this happens, whenever I'm about to enter somewhere, I turn around and go back home.

Ear ringing is bad news.

But right now it means there's something in there.

So I go in.

This place isn't what I expected it to be.

It looks like a place where business men and wealthy traders come to have a good time....

Not rowdy pirates.

The stage, bar, dance floor, and lighting were all rather great.

To my astonishment, there was no coloured lighting. The artwork on the wall is only illuminated by standard spotlights and yellow strobe lights. There were numerous little sit-in compartments along the wall in place of the conventional wooden tables and chairs. most likely to offer a little privacy.

The middle held the dance floor while the DJ was next to the bar.

And the music playing....The music was like nothing I'd heard before. It was deeper, thicker. Slowing, and then speeding up. It was...sensual.

I spied a fancy staircase near the stage with security guards.

So that's the private club where the dirty business goes down.

All in all, the people who come to this place sound like they know what scotch is.

Nobody noticed me slipping in or out in the daylight. I made sure I used some enchantments so no one would recognise me when I come back later.

I'm going tonight when it's going to be packed to the brim, whether law likes it or not.

He shouldn't have gotten me involved in the first place if he doesn't want me digging around.

I grabbed a few things on my way back to the ship so I wouldn't look suspicious.

Law was in the medical bay and ikkaku was still out doing her shopping. I greeted Jean Bart on my way in then headed to the gym where I knew I'd find who I was looking for.

Indeed, sachi was boxing, his knuckles were bandaged as he was repeatedly abusing the sandbag.

"Hi sach," sachi turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh, feyre-san when did you come back? Wanna spar with me?" Sachi asks vividly.

"Uh, no. Actually I need your help with something." I say with equal enthusiasm.

"Sure, go ahead." he starts unwrapping his hands.

"But promise me, cross your heart you won't tell law." I say in a lower tone this time.

He stops unwrapping his right hand and looks at me surprised, "why?"

"Because, sachi, he would never let me do what i'm about to tell you. It's dangerous. And since you're the best trained fighter on board you're the perfect choice for my plan. You're strong and you can protect me, at least that way law won't be that mad when he finds out later and lectures me on going outside without an escort when there are tons of unlaws in the area." I bat my lashes at him.

"You don't have to compliment me like that, it's nothing really." sachi swoons and swats the air with his hand.

Everyone knows bepo is the best fighter on the ship. That bear's paw was going to break my nose once.

But in men's games never, never appear more masculine than them.

Meaning: never appear more in control than them, or more strong, or in possession of more power. Because that, in their minds, is a threat to their fragile masculinity.

If you want to get them to do what you want, they mustn't feel threatened by you. Always be the fawn in their game. A damsel in distress.

And sachi right now played right into my mind game. Compliment them to feed their ego and give them the feeling of superiority then ask them to do whatever it is you want.

I mean no harm towards sachi. He's a great person. But I have to do it.

Part of the reason was because my dreams have been more vivid than usual. My ears have been ringing more than usual. I started seeing things out of the corner of my eye... this is something important. Far too important for me to ignore.

I have a feeling this is connected to me. Somehow.

And my gut is rarely wrong.

I told sachi my plan, he objected the whole time complaining that it's too dangerous or saying the captain would definitely decapitate him because he agreed to this madness. Again, I give him a few encouraging and persuasive words and he's back in with me.

The evening passed by slowly, we ate dinner together then sat and talked about our day as usual. The whole time sachi was acting suspicious. I was sweating throughout what was left of the day in fear of him saying something. I should've just dragged him with me without telling him anything.

Before bed I sat with law for a while in his room. The painting is almost done now. Just a few touches here and there. Law still made no comment on the two figures in the middle of it, and I shrugged it away.

When the plan's execution time came by, I kissed him goodnight and headed to my room to sleep.

Miraculously, ikkaku was asleep. That girl was a night owl. Probably today's shopping tired her. That was in my favour. I got the things I needed and finished dressing up in the bathroom then I tiptoed to the main deck.

It was 10:07 pm. I agreed to meet sachi at exactly 10. I swear to god if he chickened out at the last minute i will–

The sub's door creaked open and sachi walked out in jeans, a plain white shirt under a button down brown t-shirt.

"Feyre-san, this is the worst idea. Captain will kill me...." Sachi drawled, the panic laced in his tone dying with each word as he gave me a once over.

"Well we're already doing this so suck it up sachi."

"Feyre-san.... You look..."

"I swear if you say beautiful I'm going to punch you in the face."

He made a motion of zipping his mouth and throwing the key then we descended the stairs on the side of the ship.

He wasn't wrong to give me that look.

I wore a black spaghetti strap dress that dropped below my knee, but it had a slit that I thought would be useful for mobility. I topped the whole look with a black overcoat because I could never walk the streets like that. I already feel exposed enough. And for the first time in 5 years, I actually put on a full face of makeup.

The slut undercover act was working, heads were turning to me as I tackled the bridges and paths to the white pearl with sachi.

But of course I had my trusty black daggers and a small throwing knife.

Now I'm an armed slut you wouldn't want to mess with.

"Was the black wig really necessary?" sachi asks.

"Of course, I'm going undercover but I'm not changing my hair for this." I say as the white pearl finally comes into view. I pull out a mirror from my bag and reapply my red lipstick, then tuck them both back in making sure the handle of my gun is in easy reach.

I mentioned the gun earlier, right?

"You look lethal feyre-san." sachi says, amusement dancing in his tone.

"Sachi, stick to the script. You are gay remember? You shouldn't compliment me and don't look at any woman in there, got it? You. are. Gaaaaay." I clap my hands with each word.

"God, I hope captain lets me live after this. Please don't get yourself hurt. I would lose something very dear to me if you came out of this hurt."

I stifled a giggle at that. I know what law would do to the poor guy if something happened to me.

But they all underestimate me. I'll show them what an Orpheus woman can do.

We enter the club, and I'm immediately greeted by someone who takes my coat away.

When the first bite of chill air hits my bare shoulder the first thing I do is try to cover them and then all the bad ideas pop in my head. All the bad memories rush in and the insecurities follow....

This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have done this. I'm still not ready....

Then I took a deep breath and reminded myself why I was doing this. Then I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin and walked down the flight of stairs with confidence.

Sachi was right behind me, but as soon as we entered he took off to sit at a table in the corner and I headed to the bar.

I switched on my alter ego. The part of myself that had no problem walking in skimpy clothes in front of thousands of watching and judging eyes.

Women live in one of two energies. They're either open with their energy or they're closed off and have this wall around them.

I've lived in both, so I can confidently list the pros and cons of each. If you're too open, people can feed off of your good energy. And if you're too closed, people tend to be afraid of approaching you.

So all you need to learn is how to use both energies.

And my alter ego knows exactly how to use those energies to my advantage.

I almost forgot how easy it was to slip into this personality of mine. I would just flick a switch somewhere in my brain before I go on the runway, and I'd conquer it and capture hearts.

I haven't clicked into that self in so long I think I'm not doing it right. But as soon as I walk up to that bar and feel all eager eyes turn to me and whispers reach my ears, I know it worked.

Guess I haven't lost my lustre after so long.

Now the plan begins.

I ordered a drink and waited.

30 minutes passed...

An hour passed....

"You look like you've been stood up," a guy says as I peer up from my empty drink.


I arch an eyebrow as I study him. Good looking, mid-twenties, arrogant smile, dominant posture... He's definitely barking up the wrong tree though. "Actually, I enjoy sitting alone," I tell him with a fuck-off, sweet smile. He doesn't take the hint, because his eyes narrow with determination. Alphas prefer a challenge. I should have known better.

"I'm Craig. You're..." He lets his words trail off as he rakes his eyes over me, but I say nothing before sipping my drink. "If you don't give me your name, I'll just call you Beauty."

How original. His attempt at flattery is overtly untrained and certainly underdeveloped. He's obviously used to getting his way without much of a fuss, which means he never puts forth any effort after catching his prize either.

Considering his expensive suit and visible appeal, I'm not surprised. Plenty of women will overlook his arrogance, confusing it for cockiness, possibly even find it charming.

But I'm the wrong girl.

His head is empty and i have a feeling he won't get me to the vip room upstairs where i could snoop around

"How about calling me Not Interested? Because that's the most apt depiction of me at the moment," I tell him, leaning back in my chair, relaxed and fully in control.

"Apparently you haven't gotten a good look," he proceeds, leaning back and pretty much posing in a stance that gives me nothing more to look at than an arrogant ass.

"I've seen more than enough. Still not interested." His look darkens as he takes a step back.

"Fine. Fuck it. I don't need frostbite on my dick anyway," he says before turning and walking to the other side of the bar where another guy is sitting. Even though they're several stools away, I can still see his friend laughing and shaking his head as Mr. Arrogant plops down to his seat, surly and dejected. I resume eyeing my surroundings, until I feel eyes on me. Mr. Arrogant's friend doesn't look away when I look up and catch him studying me. He's trying so hard not to leer or even act interested. I'd say he's trying to read me, see if I'm dangerous or if he's seen my face somewhere, just the way I'm doing people now.

He looks interesting, the mysterious yet lethal aura surrounding him screams danger. I can tell exactly what type of guy he is without exchanging a single word. I've dealt with someone just as rotten as him in the past.

If i could embody how his energy looks, give the feeling i'm getting from him a face, i'd paint a creature covered in dark scales and nothing more, this creature would have a horrendous combination of serpentine features and a male humanoid body, it'd have long powerful arms that end in flesh-shredding talons, i'd give it razor sharp teeth and a silver forked tongue.

For those creatures like to lull their prey with their beautiful words, and women tend to fall for those lovely words... even if it came from such an abhorrent creature.

So I memorise the slants of his face and start sorting through the information in my head to see who or what genre of the society he belongs to.

Though I've already catalogued him in my mind under the band of people who need to be erased from this earth. The people who took things that weren't theirs without consent.

Instantly, my eyes darken, and i'm overwhelmed by the desire to stab him in the eye and pluck his fingers one by one.

Apart from that, he's nice looking, the perfect cover for the monster lurking beneath. I believe the women who fell victim to his preying hands would have turned around and ran away if they could see his soul rather than his beautiful face.

But his suit is not as expensive as the other guy's. My observation would lead me to believe they're work mates, but why is one dressed better than the other if they do the same job? He doesn't seem submissive or weighted, the way he would if he was working for Mr. Arrogant. Which means they're equals, but not paid the same? Or maybe Mr. Arrogant comes from money, and this guy doesn't?

Unconcerned, I return my eyes back to the club, pretending I don't notice his intense scrutiny.

I give sachi a sidelong glance then turn to the bartender and ask for the bill.

"It's already been paid," she says with a soft smile and bright eyes. "And you've already left a tip as well," she adds, winking. "A nice one." My eyebrows go up, and she motions back with her head as Mr. Arrogant's friend walks to the opposite side of the club. Mr. Arrogant is nowhere to be found. "He said to thank you for the entertainment," she proceeded to tell me while fanning herself.

Poor woman.

Luckily, there won't be any victims tonight. Not as long as I'm here.

After this mission I'm eliminating him. Discreetly.

"Thanks," I tell her, standing up and heading toward the mysterious man. No flirting, no leering looks of longing, and no waiting around to see if I would come to him after he paid for my drink.

Now that is a smart strategy. For someone like him who uses half a brain I gotta say I'm impressed. He's trying to manipulate me into approaching him, thinking that if he appears least interested I'd want him. Well played.

After all, humans desire mostly what they can't have. It's reversed psychology.

Unfortunately for me, I have to fall right into his trap to get what I came here for.

Would it be too early to exercise my powers now?

My eyes trail after the silent guy, watching him as he lingers by the stage. I also spot Mr. Arrogant, who is chatting up a pretty girl near the stage. She seems far more interested than I was. Deciding to supposingly 'appease' my curiosity, I head over to the silent guy just as he turns to me. His eyes snap up to mine as I approach, and his eyebrows raise as I pull out a twenty.

"I don't let strange men pay for my drinks. My mother taught me better," I tell him, waving the twenty in front of him to take. Men like him like a challenging woman. So when they tame the shrew, they can feel a sense of accomplishment and a thing or two to brag about to their friends.

A slow sinister grin crawls across his full lips, completely transforming his face, touche, he's been expecting this of me. His dark blonde hair is tousled just enough to be seductive without being bed head messy. His chiselled jaw is a stark contrast to his soft, blue eyes.

"I couldn't get a more entertaining show for so cheap. Trust me, it was worth the small bill," he says with a shrug, pocketing his hands, making a stance that he won't take my money, without using the actual words. Did I say they like persistent women? So they can tell everyone how she came on her own to him and brag about how he has all women wrapped around his fingers?

So I wave the twenty again.

"I still have my rules. Thanks, but no thanks." His grin only grows. "You always so defensive?" he muses. "Are you constantly worried about the intentions of others? Or is it an extreme feminist position that keeps you on edge about a man doing something as mediocre as paying for your drink?" There goes the nonchalant act he's trying to pull off, trying to seem uninterested. Though I know for a fact he's already pictured me naked in fifty different positions. For some reason this thought sparks an underlying dread in me and the cheap suit suddenly makes sense, along with the tousled hair and the barrel of beer he was gurgling earlier.

He's a pirate. And pirates don't break their habits easily.

"You're a pirate, or at least you're affiliated with underground business." I note, holding my smile. His grin broadens. "What makes you think that?"

"You're in here for a meeting considering the attire. You've been profiling everyone around the room for a while now. Your friend has an expensive suit that he wears to impress, but yours is less flashy. Your posture around him and good-natured ribbing towards him leads me to believe you're equals, despite the financial difference. So I'm assuming he comes from money aka he's either the boss's son or something equivalent, and you've earned your own way. So am I right?"

The goal was to use mirroring manipulation. It is when someone with an aim to influence you within a short time mimics your body language, gestures, behaviours, and expressions to manipulate you into liking them. But I might have taken it a little too far and freaked him out.

Because this type of guy infuriates me the most.

He smirks. Poor guy thinks he caught a bird in his claw, little does he know he walked right into the serpent's nest. Unarmed.

I'll be damned if I let history repeat itself.

This is a misogynist's world. And I'm a woman. And this automatically labels me as weaker.

Physically? Yes, of course I'm weaker. But I compensate for that with my brain.

I'm the goddess of manipulation. And no one even knows it. I don't think even law knows that. He has a high IQ level. But what he fails to notice is, I'm a wounded animal. A deeply wounded animal.

And when animals lack other means to confidently defend themselves, they have to be far more aggressive than usual. My survival instinct was to learn how to be a master manipulator. Being able to read and manipulate my opponent when I know for a fact I can't physically overpower them has helped me get out of dangerous situations on multiple occasions.

A particular situation that still lingers in the back of my mind and still haunts me to this moment.

I really hate the way he continues to smile, as though he's only more intrigued instead of freaked out. Now I want to intentionally freak him out. "You're not a paid profiler, not a marine, and not affiliated with any military unit," he says, confusing me. "Your outfit is classic chic, meaning you're more worried about your outward appearance than with comfort. You came in with the guy in a brown button down shirt but you sit alone by choice, and dismiss any attention sent your way. At first glance, you're too feminist for your own good. At second glance, you're trying to find someone. Maybe the right person to spend the night with or there's someone specific in your head who you've been stalking non stop and just want a chance with who happens to come here tonight when you'll shoot your shot."

It would have been a huge blow to my ego if I was wrong about him. My mask almost slipped when he started pointing out things in my outfit that I purposely chose for the sack of beauty unregarding of comfort. But in the end, I wasn't wrong about him.

The barbaric pirate in him who thinks with his dick rather than head finally surfaced. But I must admit, he's far too good at reading people than I anticipated, he's not too empty headed in the end.

Must be the reason his boss or captain–however he refers to him– recruited him.

And by the looks of it, he looks strong, must be the reason the boss paired him with Mr. Arrogant since the guy literally spells stupid and weak on his forehead.

Wouldn't want the boss's little spoiled brat to die now, would we?

Now would be the best time to work my powers. See if I can pull anything useful.

I narrow my eyes at him, my smile still not faltering.

He saw me coming in with sachi.

"Actually, I've been stood up. My friend here is gay, and we're not sitting together because you're right." I say the last two words animatedly. " Don't want to ruin each other's chances of having a good night with someone. Both of us could use some life right now. The guy who stood me up wasn't even up my level, and his breath stinks." I shrug my shoulders and this man straight up smirks.

Good thing. The act is working.

But something's off about him. I can't read his mind. It's completely blank.

But not the same blankness I got from Kuma's pacifista back on sabaody.

If this guy was a piece of metal I'd know. He's flesh and blood.

But I can't reach his mind. Which means he's either been exposed to magic and knows what a mental shield is, or his haki is crazy strong. I'd never know.

Right as I'm about to leave, Mr Arrogant himself shows up, "Haven't lost my edge. That chick was just—" His words die when he sees me in an eye-lock with his friend.

He looks at the blue eyed man once again and says, "they're here, grab a few drinks, it's gonna be a long night." Then he pats the man on the back, winks, then leaves to the back of the club and ascends black metal stairs that are for VIP members only.

The stairs lead up to a balcony that overlooks the entirety of the club. It's where the rich, important people drink, staring out at us like a bunch of bugs trapped in a science experiment.

I can feel the atmosphere up there darker, denser, and it has a vibe that has my instincts flaring red. Walking up there feels like sticking my head into a hornet's nest.

The fact that they have access to the VIP rooms means one of two things, they've frequented this bar often enough to gain the membership, or they're here for a deal with a crime lord or someone important here on water 7 who has this membership.

I'd like to go with the second option, since pirates don't settle on land. It would be weird to have access to things in the club normal islanders could never acquire, which means i found the right guy.

If i play my cards right i'd ascend those stairs in five minutes. Now's the time to let out the maneater in me.

So I gave him the innocent head tilt and batted my lashes once, then I gave him a side smile and turned around. "Enjoy the rest of your night, Mr. Arrogant's friend."

I hear him scoff.

When the second click of my heel sound on the floor he says, "wait,"

Men like it when we appear interested, then all of a sudden back off because something popped up for them. They like to feel wanted and desirable. They like it when women pin the blame on lame things that stand between them.

So when the man cancels his plans or whatever obstacle that lay between him and the girl he plans to use, he can feel superior and more in control of his surroundings; giving himself and the woman the illusion that he is an important person in society who has people wanting him left and right and who can bend the hands of time.

No one can bend the hands of time.

I give sachi a long side look then smirk.

I turn back to the man with an innocent smile.

"Why don't we just..." he trailed off, "make each other feel alive?" he finally gets his hands out of his pockets.

I sigh dramatically, "oh, i'm afraid you have business to attend to, wouldn't want your partner getting mad." I motion to the second floor above our heads. "He doesn't look very...... patient." I scrunch my nose in disdain.

Another manipulation tactic. When approaching a friend group of guys, first observe from afar their hierarchy, who's always in control? Who's the appointed leader?

Then go for the less attractive and shy one, it'll make the rest feel insecure and jealous.

This makes the job easier the next time you approach them and go for the supposed 'leader' since this'll make you get into his head and the next time he sees you he'll feel a sense of pride that you chose him over who he now labels as his competition. And men like winning.

This trick works mostly for girls since you can easily spark their jealousy, but it's fine with men too, if you play right.

Which is what I'm doing now.

"Craig can eat shit for all I care, c'mon," he literally pulls me by the waist into him. Closing any room for further discussion. He acts like a kindergartner who got first to the play ground's swings and feels a sense of pride that he over everyone else got the swing. "You didn't tell me your name." he goes on, his hand straying south. I cringe from his liquor drenched breath but keep my smiling face, "tell me yours," i act like a silly teenager despite the panic i feel surging inside me from the position of his hand.

Even if I can't see it, I'm sure Sachi's jaw is on the floor. Because he knows that no one– not even law –is allowed to touch me like that, and i have my reasons for those boundaries...

I hope I get out of this night intact. And I mean mentality....

"The name's Logan, love." I want to throw up.

No one calls me love but my boyfriend who will whoop my ass once all of this is over. If I even walk out of here. I mimic his accent, "the name's Juliette, darlin'." I feel the bile rise to my throat, and dread swirl in the pit of my gut, but I keep a smile and continue batting my lashes.

I swear if i don't get all the information i want when i leave her after all this torture, i'm going to be so pissed off.

Three men and 2 blonde women are draped across a black leather booth formed in a half-moon. In the centre is a black marble table occupied by several glasses of amber liquid, along with a few crystal ashtrays. There's barely a hint of colour in here, the décor reminds me of a haunted house. I don't let the people sizing me up intimidate me. I try to keep the act up. I hope the beads of sweat lining my forehead don't give me out.

I try to remind myself that I'm the most lethal person in the room. That i can easily make them all turn on each other without even lifting a finger. I have a far dangerous weapon in my arsenal. My mind.

A man eyes the both of us with a predatory and calculated gleam. He looks eerily similar to the man who has his hand wrapped around my ass. Same strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes, though this one appears younger and a tad more wicked. The other man is equally handsome, sporting the same dark and dangerous type.

And the last man is.... Well, craig. The arrogant asshole.

"Tell me, pretty girl, do you know who we are? What we do?" the man with dark hair asks as his eyes trace the dips and curves of my body hungrily. My instincts spike again, telling me to pop the man's eyes out of their sockets and throw them over the balcony.

That spark of adrenaline sets my body on fire, and my confidence is back.

"So, you finally grew the balls and got her," the blonde man says, grinning devilishly at me. He's the only one out of the four that isn't eye-fucking me. Honestly, he looks like he'd be far more interested in eating babies for dinner.

There's a dark aura around him. If I could guess, the unsettling atmosphere up here derives directly from him. His energy sprouts and festers until it makes you feel like you're trapped in a room breathing in black smoke.

"We came like you asked, Connor," the man says from beside me, his tone low and full of warning.

I nearly rolled my eyes. He looks like a Connor. The frat boy that hangs around unoccupied drinks and sneaks a snail under girls' skirts to take pictures.

"Sit, please," Logan urges. There's plenty of room on the booth but the two of us decide to sit at the end, closest to the man with dark hair.

The second I'm on the soft leather connor is pouring me a drink and offering it to me.

Logan reaches over and hands me the drink, a smile on his face. his hand is still around my waist. If he pulled me any closer I'd get a good look at his blackheads. Maybe even start picking the ugly ones on his nose. He thinks he's getting laid tonight.

As soon as his hand is free of the drink I feel it on my exposed thigh.

Why did I think a slit was a good idea again?

Of course shivers run down my whole body, and unfortunately he notices. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "this shouldn't take long, soon we'll be out of here." he finishes with a wink.

I really hope they get down to business soon before I decide to chop off both of his damn hands.

I hope law is sleeping peacefully back at the sub, I really hope he doesn't wake up and come in search of me.

But knowing law, he's probably up by now because of a churning feeling in his gut.

And I bet I'm the cause of that feeling. That man can sense danger from a mile.

"Drink up pretty girl, don't be timid." the dark haired man tells me.

I give him a little smile and bring the glass to my lips. I feel Logan's hand travel up and down my side, exploring my body in a way nobody did in five years.

My hands turn clammy and I feel my body temperature dangerously drop and my heart palpitate.

This is not the time for a panic attack.

But if the only thing my nervous system is sensing right now is danger and all my eyes see are red alerts everywhere... How can I control it?

I prepared myself for this exact moment as much as I was capable of in such a short amount of time, but I'm not delusional enough to believe that situations like these are not going to rip open old wounds in a matter of seconds.

But I'm stronger than I was, and I will never bleed for the same reason twice.

I may be stronger than I was, but that doesn't mean that PTSD doesn't have me by the throat still. Trauma isn't something that just poofs away. I've been improving, but it's a work in progress, and I have a sick feeling Logan will roundhouse kick me back into that dark place it took me months to crawl out of.

But I have another problem on hand, once the alcohol travels down my throat, I'll need to get out of here within 45 minutes.

Because that's when the drug's effect will start wearing off since it'll be mixed with alcohol.

I knew I'd be forced to drink tonight, so I made preparations beforehand. I'm not stupid to go get drunk with dangerous men.

So I injected myself with Naltrexone right when I got here.

I sat and drank cranberry juice for the past hour or so waiting for my chance, so this is the first real drink I'm having tonight.

Naltrexone blocks the euphoric effects and feeling of intoxication from alcohol when you drink it. It practically conceals the effects of alcohol for later.

But like any drug, it has side effects, which is why I need to be out of here in 45 minutes or less. The side effects are things like nausea, headache, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia and drowsiness.

Law is so going to murder me for this.


yupp..... feyre is SO dead.

will she make it out sane?

stay tuned!

comment and vote~ i love reading what y'all think about the story and feyre and law's relationship dynamic. 

never stop smiling and always try to think positive!

sending love to every single one of you🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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