The Ursus's Spuddles & Slice...

By FT7_NM5-P

124 15 5

Have luck hasn't been on your side?.. A busy kid was minding his own business running from the rain trying to... More



10 2 0
By FT7_NM5-P

With his eyes glued to the document. eyes scanned on every tidbit of information from trivial to crucial, he was stunned.
"Wait....THAT'S ALL OF IT??," The paper crunched from his gripping fingers, barely tearing.

Fafnir was taken aback by Daniel's honest reaction, to think that maybe Daniel's standards were too high up for Fafnir to reach "Were the clauses or perhaps the benefits weren't enough to your liking?" Upset, his whiskers falls flat dejected all written on his face.

Daniel panicked waving, Flailing his hands "NO!, no no don't misunderstand, it's just that... I thought you would at least write along the lines of (locked in my basement for years) Or (sign this contract or DIE) I suppose-." He sat back on the sofa deep in his thoughts, though the anger that is prominent to show in his eyes didn't ignite whatsoever, he was really thinking of the future between He and Fafnir, but alas couldn't really imagine living a life with him. A part of him wants to try, and the other is in shambles too hard to accept it, to the point of preventing himself from misunderstanding, assuming he has an ulterior motive as his face is painted blue-tinted white.

Didn't want to hurt his feelings or disallow his "Special Treatment." he couldn't bear to be loathed by others around him again. (Or the fact maybe because Fafnir is the only source of funding for his research)


Fafnir sank deeper into the sofa knowing his past actions came back to haunt him "I Fucked t'UP Big Time." He tosses his head up and arms dangling behind the sofa, his hair touched the hard tiles, slowly gazing at the bright chandelier up above the highest ceiling it hunged up, the wryly feeling he felt mixed, crushed, and blends with the addition of stupid decisions that he made becoming a smoothie punching his gut hard in guilt.

The twisting flavours of the guilt filled his mouth to his stomach making a sense of dread and awkwardness underlying the aftertaste of the horrific words that he'd thrown to Daniel freshly baked from his memory, Daniel witnessing things happening to Fafnir's mind though he couldn't care less IT'S just the fact after all they spoke, for he came to quiet for his liking.
'Is he okay? if he did really want me. what are you doing now?' biting his tongue.

Fafnir's cheeks rosed up and he huffed all that he can puffed all his frustrations out of his mouth.

'Hhhaaaahh' a smoke of mist fogs ran out between his teeth.

His mouth gapes though not a word is heard, he glanced his cold buttercup eyes to Daniel, torn by himself looking down at the floor "Maybe this would be the worst time for it. But........would you forgive me for everything that I've done" 'If he does want to leave me that's probably-wait!. ITS was all my fault' reflecting on the cold dark tiles as other doubts float to surfaces.

'Or maybe he doesn't want to be with a geezer like me, or I wasn't even meant to be'

*=another one=*

'Was it really necessary to bind him to a contract that you made, is it the rose-tinted glass that was blinding me...' as more it floated, smoke felt like drowning his nostrils.

A flame of hatred starts to flicker to his surprise it wasn't from Daniel, it was him who burn himself

Grinding his teeth, Glaring intensely as if his eyes were about to pop

"FAFNIR RYUGA KIMEKATTA!!!" Daniel screamed at the top of his lungs onto Fafnir's ear holes.

"Keep your head out of the Clouds!!, your. burning. the. SOFA!!," He points to Fafnir's tail, part of the glistening fabric ignited by his tail, patting it out with his tail. Fafnir apologetically slumped his head "I might-Did not gave you my best first impression-" "DID YOU!" snapping at Fafnir's face.

-"It was all because I was blinded and clouded. my judgment. my decision making i-ii-i couldn't think clearly or straight, to be honest. that's what I was trying to say" Sincerely he lowered his head Slowly His hand crawled into Daniel's hand putting his warm hand on top of his, he accepted it and lowering his guard "I'm trying to keep an open mind but Care to explain what did you meant by 'Blinded and clouded' and what were making you blind. old age perhaps?." He enquirers.

Fafnir's tongue rolls up and lips quivered 'didn't you say you knew about my feelings BUT still~ being this oblivious or is he just messing with me, it was all because of "Lo"-ve' his mind babbles leaking a part of his mind slips through his tongue, his eyes running back and forth with a drop of sweat running down his scales, Daniel glasses were fogging up as the cold air turned humid by the dragon's heat,i.e.,

(Daniel's info notes)

most dragons in high emotional states steams instead of sweating, due to their body temperature rising, if strong enough, they could emit heat waves radiating from their bodies.

"Lo?" Daniel asked prying closer his hand between his thighs and leaning ever so closely, his lime green eyes scanning the document in hand revising it once more and occasionally glancing back "Why did you stop at Lo, what's wrong cat got your tongue?." The ball of embarrassment clogged Fafnir's throat trying to say but it all fell on deaf ears coherent noises were all that he could mutter alongside his curling tail "If you're not going to take measures to communicate just tell me already, just like before secrets is. all.YOU.HAVE." Ticked off by Fafnir's stifle, he Averted his gaze down to the paper.

Several minutes past with the song of thunder the room was bright for seconds before the delay of it's voice. Cloudy grey cries its song mourning the day as afternoon comes to play, smokes and horns flew over the city, a Beautiful day filled with misery and hypocrisy at best is such a pity.

Daniel read through the papers peeling his eyes lifted his brow high. Eyes bulging with every words incline his mind, the warm felt of the paper on his finger tips as he slowly sink his nail deeper into the ink.

"Faf!. I think You misspelled something or....isn't this a contract....does this really say! [tax decreases] ? And this in the third paragraph [allowances, health insurance and Free health care] ?!!" He raised his brows even further beyond as the next paragraph made his mouth involuntarily drool like crazy "[an Access Card to the Anomaly Complex and increased in Research Budget and Funding *only available if project related/involving Ryuga or Fafnir's in addition to The Anomaly Complex] !!! IS THIS A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL OR A BRIBE!!" He wiped his mouth overflowing with desires in contrast with his eyes bulging out in disbelief not letting him read through his emotions 'as for the condition and terms it's more advantageous for me more than him, it feels like he's sugarcoating everything...but if he is serious and really willing to be with me does isn't it one of his tricks?. Should I accept, fabrications is easy but would he betray my trust once more?' Daniel with his hand on his chin thinks with a cloud on his head; unclear yet aloof.

Fafnir's still couldn't look him in the eyes but subtle movements suggest that he is taking this as a dire situation. SUDDENLY!

"Excuse me Sir," the door creeks as it's hinges squeaks

The doors bursts open


?(°Д°≡°Д°)?" With a flushed face she looks away.

"dd-d-did i come too soon. Did I interrupted something? "

"NNOO!¡!," Roared Fafnir, then Lowering his scales. "Actually it was getting quite parched, set the tea down first before you leave us be."

"If you may," Daniel added.

"Yes, excuse me, a teapot of Xihuan tea f-f..for Mr. Ryuga and p-pp-Пятьсот with Мед, the sugar are separated, if theres no need for me, may I be pardoned." MengPo eyes were glued to the floor With the tip of her high heel swirls the floor, "you may" Fafnir pardoned her with a swish of his wrist.

She plunges into the mist under her heel leaving the two by themselves.

"Should we....Con-tinue...or," with a heavy air as it is. Fafnir was lost for words after the awkward intervention, rubbing his nape, "Shall we drink the tea, before it gets cold ?" he offered passing the sugar bowl with his tail.

Sipping their teas that reflected each other, but none of them knew how to break the ice, between the hot tea and the stormy skies above. the cold silence spoke the loudest in the room.

Daniel mustering courage rose to say, but couldn't utter a word after he stood, The same goes for Fafnir, as they continue they're standstill the tears of the sky hitting the glass to a heartbeat, longer they stall. the harder it pounds.

As thoroughly as he could Daniel still couldn't answer, ticks and splashes chatters their empty bubble with the black leather supporting their butts and hearts. Even a moment passing with no words (again) even the flowers watching drooping away.


With pure honesty, this scene has ran lo-ong enough since "HE" put 6 asterisk that meant it took long enough to transition. GET OVER WITH IT JUST SAY SOMETHING OR I'LL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!.



The intercom has awoken, and as it spoke the ice bursts.

[Mr. Ryuga!. It's Po, I've felt Manager Zho is coming fast... Wait I meant he's STAMPEDING!!! TO YOUR OFFICE BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!] *crackle Sissle* *Buzz* * *ding dang dong*

The minute the intercom closed its mouth, the tea in their hands rippled, the vases struggled and the chandelier twirling by the second passes the intensity of the quake drew louder and closer Unti-


The doors bursts open


The stampede has stopped and the quake as the manager Zho broke through the door stopping him, he pants restlessly resting him self on the floor as his feet couldn't hold no more.

"Manager Zhō mind the pottery Next. Time." Ryuga visibly pissed

"But sir! *Pant* SIR! IT'S *pants some more* an EMERGENCY!!. UN URGENT TOPIC. UNPARALLELED CHAOS!!!" Zhō screaming frantically while he wipes his sweat with a comically small handkerchief with his trunk.

Fafnir and Daniel were wondering what could make Mr.Zhō (considering his speed, size and weight) ran from the 2cnd floor to the 7th in a short amount time.

Letting down their tea cups down the table, clockworks gearing on in Fafnir's head meanwhile Daniel holding his words close.

Interlocking his finger and resting his head before he crossed his legs and leaned back glaring back furiously. "What is it manager Zhō?" His tone change From a shaky doofus to a cold stern CEO sending chills to Mr. Zhō's spine, quaking with fear by intimidation

"What is it MA. NA. GER ZHŌ" brows furrowed and scales twitches, "An important discussion was taking place" ( they barely said anything for the past paragraphs {=⁠_⁠=} ), "What was something so important and dire that you had no other choice to interrupt me and Daniel?" He grits he's teeth and his tail flings back.

"Y-Yes!?" Discombobulated by fear his trunks shivered and lips started to shutter till his sweater had a double meaning.

"But SIR!. IT'S ACTUALLY ABOUT HIM SIR." He glares at Daniel from the door (was a door now ruble) "DANIEL WHO CAUSED THIS IMPORTANT MATTER SIR !!!" He pointed at Daniel stomping his feet.

Tapping his claws on the arm rest *ding. ding-ding* one by one, up and down counting the patience running out. "Report to me all about it post haste careful with your words or your paycheck will be missing some digits" as the tip of his tail swishing around and around with the teacups idling by.

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