Enemies Or Lovers? || Shidou...

By Dakeda_san_

16.8K 385 257

"I thought you were gay?" "Who knows?" Love story with smuts :P More

Part 1||Enemies or lovers?
Part 3||Enemies or lovers?
part 4||enemies or lovers?
Part 5||enemies or lovers?
part 6||enemies or lovers?
part 7 || enemies or lovers?
part 8||enemies or lovers?
part 9|| enemies or lovers?
part 10||enemies to lovers
part 11||enemies to lovers?

part 2||Enemies or lovers?

1.6K 44 21
By Dakeda_san_

"Gosh I'm late", you say to yourself

You got home. Your mom opened the door and was shocked.

" Honey what happend to your nose!?"

"It's nothing mom." you said going inside.

"It doesn't look like it's nothing."

"I just got involved in a fight with a random guy"

"Oh my god what did you do? And why would a guy beat a lady like this?"

"Mom I did nothing he's just a weirdo. It's okay but his friends were so nice. They helped me treat my nose by taking me to the hospital"

"Ohh sweety.. Go get fresh. I'll make dinner for you."

"Okay mom"

You went to your room. You were so tired you fell on the bed. You were thinking of the incident.

"Maybe I shouldn't have kicked him in the first place" you said to yourself.

You realised if you hadn't kick him, all this wouldn't have happened. You went to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and saw your nose. Suddenly you flew into an extreme rage. Your hatred for shidou grew larger.

"I would kill that bastard the next time for sure", you said punching the mirror with your fist.

You took a quick shower as you're very tired. Your nose still hurts. After shower, you dried your hair and put on a comfortable dress. You took your phone and started scrolling through instagram lying on your bed. After watching a few reels you saw the time and it was 8 pm. You came down and saw your mom was cooking dinner. Suddenly you realised that your mom had something to do today.

You went to the kitchen and asked your mom, "Mom didn't you say you had a plan today? "

"Yeah sweety. I wanted to take you and your brother out to have dinner but I think I shouldn't tonight."


"I'm sure you don't want to go out with that state of your nose. So I thought we'll go some other day after you recover."

"Oh mom I'm sorry this happend all because of me"

"Sweety, don't blame yourself. It's obviously not your fault. Look I made special dinner for you today."

"thank you mom. I'm very lucky to have you."

"Hehe.. Tell your brother to come down"


You called your brother who was in his room and told him that you're having dinner. After he came, you all sat down on the table.

"Wait- sissy what happend to your nose?"

"It's nothing. I just bumped my nose"

"Ohh that sucks"

"Yeahh it hurts"

After having dinner you went to your room. You saw the notification on your phone about someone started following you on Instagram. You opened instagram and went to view their account. The profile pictured seemed similar to you. Then you realised it kinda looked like Bachira! You were surprised. How did he find your account? You instantly accepted his request. After few minutes he texted you.

Heyy! Is it Y/N?


I'm bachira

I figured
How did you find my acc?

It was on my suggestions
Your pfp looked similar
So I just followed you

Ohh I see

But goddamn your
so popular!

Well yes Ig

Btw is your nose ok?

Well it hurts a bit

It'll be ok
Make sure to have
the pain killers.

Yeah I had one

You going to school

Yes I have to

Wanna meet after school?

Sure why not?

Then I'll come to
your gate after school!


You had dinner?

Yeah Wbu?

Me too.
I'll head to bed now

Okay bye
Good night

Good night
See ya.

You turned off your phone and put in on your chest. Why would bachira suddenly want to meet me tomorrow? Maybe he wants to get close with me? Or maybe something happened and he needs to tell me? Why is he so concerned about me?- all these questions came to your mind.

"Well we'll see tomorrow", you said to yourself.

You brushed your teeth and went to bed.
Tomorrow Morning

Your alarm rang. You woke up. It was 6. You went to the bathroom and saw yourself in the mirror. The bandage on your nose looks so weird. You're not feeling to go to school today. You thought about what'll everyone think about your nose. Then you realised you had a plan to meet bachira after school. You could've just said you don't want to go to school today so you can't meet. But you were curious about the reason of bachira wanting to meet you. So you had no choice but to go to school. So after becoming fresh, you had your breakfast and wore your uniform. You put a light makeup. You wanted to take off the bandage as it made you look dumb but you couldn't do that. You packed your back and started walking to school. Still thinking of bachira. After entering your class you went to your seat.

"Oh my gosh Y/N what happend to your nose?", your friend asked.

"It's nothing I just had a fight with a random guy and he just punched me in the face"

"Y/N! You can't just go and have fight with guys you know it's dangerous they can do anything!"

"Well he pissed me off so I had no other choice!"

"Huh...",she let out a sigh."It sure is useless to lecture you"


You were so tired of explaining people about your nose. The guys in your class were so furious and wanted to kill shidou.

"How can he just beat a beautiful lady like this!?"

"We're going to beat him!"

"Yeah I'll kill him!"

"Yeahh let's go!"

"Guys please stop it I'm not in the mood. You don't have to do anything. It's between me and that asshole. Stay out of this", you said resting you head in your hand.

The teacher came. The class was hella boring. You were looking outside through the window not giving any attention to the teacher and thinking of Bachira. The guy was actually very sweet person. You wanted to know more about him.

After the class is over, you put your things in the bag and went to outside the class. Walking down the hallway, you massaged Bachira when he's going to come. After you came out your school you took your phone and noticed that he didn't read the massage yet. So you waited outside standing by the gate holding your phone. After a while, still no word from bachira. You got annoyed. So you thought of going to bachira's school instead. So you walked toward his school. While walking to his school, you noticed a guy standing by the gate looking at his phone and it was no one other than Shidou! Sudden rage flew through your body. You wanted to beat him down but you thought you shouldn't. So you walked past him toward the gate. Shidou noticed you.

"Oh my! Look who is it! Isn't it the flat-assed whore you got beaten by a man whom she thought she could beat?", shidou said mocking you.

"Shut up you fucking insect!"

"Look you should be grateful you're alive. If it weren't my teammates, you would be dead by now. I'm not going to do anything to you right now. But if I get you alone again, I'll make sure you go to hell"

"Well it'll be you who'll go to hell. Now get lost and don't waste my time"

"Well what'll you do if I don't get lost?"

You clenched your fist and proceeded to punch him in the face but he hold your wrist tightly so you couldn't move your hand. You were about to punch him with your another hand but he caught that one too. You were amazed at how fast he reacts. He was holding your wrist so tightly that it hurt. Holding both of your wrist, he pulled you closer to his face and stared at your eyes. You were so scared. It seemed like his eyes were staring at your soul. He noticed you were scared so he smirked.

"Look who's scared"

"I-I'm not scared!"

"Well yes you are. It's written all over your face"

"Let go of me!"

"What if I say I won't?", he said with a smirk.

You didn't know what to do.

" Heyy Y/N- what the heck shidou!?"

You looked beside you and saw It was bachira rushing toward you.

"Shidou the fuck are you doing again!?"

Shidou released your hand. He put is hand on his head trying to cover his face.

"I told you not to bother her again! Y/N let me see your hand!"

"It's oka-"

"Gosh your hand is all red. How hard did he hold your hand!?"

"Well she was trying to punch me", shidou said pointing at you.

"You sure pissed her off so she had to do it"

"Okay okay Bachira let's not waste our time It's already late I was waiting for you so long"

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I had something to do so I didn't even have the time to reply to your massage"

"It's fine let's go"

"Wait- ARE YOU TWO DATING OR SOMETHING!?", shidou shouted.

" WHY THE HELL WOULD WE?" you and bachira both shouted together.

"Ohh I see"

"What a fucking insect with no brain",you rolled your eyes.

"You flat-assed whore!"

"Shut up!"

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