Voice Hero: Present Mic meets...

By EllyAizawa

54 2 30

Quote: "Ok, do you know sign language? If so you can use that." Present Mic one of the most famous heroes had... More

Matilda and How First Meetings Went. Chapter 2:
Late Night Talk, Explanations, & Incidents. Chapter 3:
Explanations, & Incidents Part 2. Chapter 4:
Backstories & Comforting. Chapter 5:
'Home, A Place Where I Belong', & 1st Time @ UA Chapter 6:
Running Into Analogous. (+some aftermath) Chapter 7:
A Fun Time & Some Family Drama. Chapter 8:

The Meeting. Chapter 1:

21 1 14
By EllyAizawa

(A/N: Pic belongs to me. This book IS copyrighted. Also look I'm it's not his hero costume i just hadn't made it yet.)

It was an ordinary day in Japan much like every other day, and the Voice Hero: Present Mic had just started his break from his patrol. He decided he'd go to a fast food place for some lunch.

As he was walking he decided to take a shortcut past an alleyway. When he got near he heard crying.

"I think I hear someone crying. Better check it out." He thinks.

He walked closer as quietly and quickly as possible.

What he saw shocked him.

"Is- is that a kid?!"

He walked further into the alleyway and said softly but loud enough to be heard;

"Little listener?"

The kid shot their head up and he could see what seemed to be cat ears looked freighted and wined trying to scoot away.

"Hey, hey little listener calm down. I won't hurt you I promise look I'm just gonna stay right here ok?"

From what he can see the kid's a girl.

"Is it ok if I talk to you?" He asks his voice even softer, seeming to make her calmer and he slowly moves to sit down.

She nods.

"Good. I can tell you can hear me, but can you speak?"

She nods slowly.

"Do you want to?" He asks.

She vigorously shakes her head.

"Ok do you know sign language? If so, you can use that."

She nods once more.

"That's great little listener!" He says with a smile. "So what's your name darlin'?" He asks.

~"Elly. Elly Sora."~ She signs tentatively.

"What a beautiful name."

She smiles a bit and comes closer a little.

He smiles back as well.

"How old are you?"

~"10"~ She signs, coming closer and sitting about 3 feet away.

"She's closer!!" He exclaims in his mind. And he gives her a good look now that she's in what amount of light that shows through the alleyway.

"Is being a Neko your quirk?"

~"Sorta. I have 3. But I'll only tell you of one."~

"Alright that's fine I understand."

"The one quirk is called Neko-Ōkami. It's half Neko half Ōkami. I can do all the things of a cat and wolf."~

"That's amazing sweetheart. Can you also turn into an actual cat and or wolf or is it just the partial with ears, nose, tail, and claws?"

~"The first."~

She looks at him more closely, almost seeming to analyze the kind man with blond hair in a strangely familiar updo and then she sees the directional speaker and her eyes widen.

"A-are yo-ou P-pres-san-nt M-mic-c?!" She stutters excitedly.

He looks shocked then fondly smiles and says; "Yea! You a fan, little listener?"

"M-mh-hm" ~"You're one of my favorite heroes!!"~ She signs with the biggest smile and the widest eyes. Then she gets a look in her eyes and gets up and runs while limping to a bag and drags it back.

"She's limping... I'll definitely have to get her to RG after some food."

~"Can you-"~ She stops looking down.

"Go ahead sweetheart." He encourages.

~"Can you sign my notebook?"~ She signs with a meek expression.

"Of course!!" He says a little too loud.

She flitches a bit but continues to pull out a notebook and pen and flips to the page about him and hands them to him.

He signs it and gives it back. And she puts it back in her bag he asks;

"Are ya hungry darlin'?"

She looks down and nods a little.

"That's ok I was just about to go to a fast food diner and you can join me.

She looks up again. ~"Really?"~

"Yea of course!" He stands up brushing his clothes off then reaching out a hand to her.

She hesitantly takes his hand, her own shaking, along with the rest of her as she gets up and puts her bag on her shoulder.

He keeps hold of her hand as they walk out of the alleyway and to the diner.

When they start getting to where more people are she tightens her little hand around his big one and tries to hide behind him.

He notices and tries to comfort her.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you're safe." He smiles at her.

She stays really close to him not saying a word. And as they continue to walk to the diner some people start shouting his name wanting different things from him.




Each time someone shouts she flitches hard and he feels it each time against his back and she grips his hand tighter for split seconds.

"Sorry, maybe another time folks I'm on my break!" He says making sure they can hear but making sure to control the volume of his voice so as to not scare her more.



"Bye Present Mic!!"

"Bye, bye my listeners!"

And they continue on towards diner now only a little ways away.

"So what kinda food are you in the mood for darlin'? They have all kinds of things."

She shrugs.

"I guess you'll just have to see the menu to find out huh?" He says right as they stop at the door.

He opens it. "Ladies first." He says with a kind smile.

He then goes in behind her and then leads her to his usual booth in a back corner.

A nice waitress comes and greets him.

"Hello Hizashi. How are you doing today?" She says while handing him a menu.

"Hey Ashley, I'm doing great. And you?" He greets back.

"Same but it's been a busy day." Then she notices Elly sitting next to him with her face buried in his leather jacket.

"Who's this cutie?" She asks.

Hizashi puts an arm around her back gently, willing her to look up and she does but then buries her face again and hugs him tightly.

He chuckels and replies; "This is Elly. She doesn't like to talk. She's very shy. I found her on my way over here through the shortcut past the alleyway."

"Mmm... I see."

"Yea I plan on talking her to RG y'know just to make sure she's ok."

"Right. Well, do you two need some minutes to decide what you want?"

"Yes, thanks Ash."

She nods and walks off to some more customers.

He gives her the menu and lets her look through it.

After a few minutes of reading and flipping through her eyes light up.

He sees this and asks; "Did ya find somethin' ya want darlin'?"

She looks at him and nods.

"What is it?"

She pointed to the spicy katsudon.

"You sure?" He asks tentatively.

"Mhm!" She hums, nodding enthusiastically.

"Alright, how about a drink now?" He asks, flipping to the back of the menu.

She scans it and sees 'rootbeer' and points to it.

"Rootbeer and spicy katsudon it is." He says.

Right when he finished the sentence Ashley comes back to check on them.

"Have you both decided?" She asks.

"Yes. She wants the spicy katsudon with a rootbeer and I'll take the usual please."

"Alright coming right up the drinks should be out in a few minutes."

"Thanks." He says as she smiles and walks off.

~"Who is RG"~

"Oh RG? She's Recovery Girl. She works at UA high school with me."

~"UA?!"~ She signs shocked.

"Yep. I have 4 jobs. I'ma pro hero, English teacher, DJ, and radio show host for 'Put your hands up radio'."

"~WOW!!"~ She signs amazed. "Wait! Do you know Midnight and Ingenium in person?!"

"Yep, they're two of my best friends actually! And Midnight teaches at UA as well as the hero history teacher."

~"Do you know Eraserhead?!"~

"Yep! He's my other best friend!" He says proudly. "Hey wait, how do you know about Eraser?" He asks quizzically. "Hardly anybody even knows of him."

She takes off her bag and pulls out a notebook he hadn't seen earlier and flips it open, setting it gently on the table.

~"He's like one of my top favorite heroes!! I learned everything about him! I have notebooks full of him and other pros. This is just one of many."~

"Wow!" He says softly though awestruck. "Can I look through it?"

She carefully picks it up and gives it to him.

He takes it looking at the current spot. It's open to show a hand drawn gray scale picture of his best friend during one of the battles with his hair up and his eyes are the only thing with color gently colored from red colored pencil.

He remembers that battle from 3 years ago.

He flips to the next page seeing a full analysis of the same battle from the previous page.

"This is amazing..." He says under his breath.

He skips a few pages to open to another picture of Eraserhead along with himself during a battle from 2 years ago. Everything in the picture is down to the last detail and it's incredulous. He goes to the next page seeing the analysis for that battle.

He gently closes it and hands it back to her and she puts it away.

"You got skills sweetheart. I'll have to show you off to them and introduce you." He says as she turns back.

Her eyes widened. ~"Really?!"~

"Of course."

Just then the drinks and food come.


After they finished their meals and he paid he says; "Alright you got your bag?"

She nods tugging on the straps on her shoulders.

"Good now you're going to go on my shoulders since I really shouldn't have let you walk while you have a limp."

She shakes her head no.

"Why not? It's not good for you to be walking with a limp."

~"I don't like heights."~

"Hmm..." He ponders. "What if I held you on my hip? Would that be better?"

~"We can see."~

"Kay." He picks her up with a little too much ease and his eyes widen for a brief moment but he goes back to looking happy as he places her on his hip and thinks; "She's too light... when was the last time she's eaten..?"

"How's that darlin'?"

She nods, burying her face once more.

"Why don't you take a little nap? It'll be a good while to get to UA since I have to go to my car and drive there and my car is about a 10 minute walk from here. Hm?"

She hesitates then nods knowing she's safe with him and wraps her arms around his neck and falls asleep to him humming a tune and the sound of his heartbeat in her ears.


When he got to his car and opened the door he gently unhooks her arms from around his neck and puts her down. He remembers how fortunate he is to have a friend that's always tired, otherwise he wouldn't have that pillow and blanket in the backseat of his car right now. He takes the pillow and gently puts it between her head and the car window and then puts the blanket over her sleeping form.

He quietly closes the door and then gets into the driver's seat and closes that door quietly. He puts on some soft music from his car radio and speaker calls his boss and 3 best friends to meet him there with RG and detective Tsukashi.


When he gets there he carries the sleeping girl in the blanket swaddling her like a baby. And he goes straight to RG's office.

When he opens the door everyone but Tsukashi was inside even Tensei's little brother Tenya.

"Zashi what's going on? You never call all of us together unless it's important." Tensei asks.

"This better be it's Saturday." The ebony haired man replies.

"Oohh~! What're you holding Zashi babe?" Nemuri asks her best friend.

"It's a girl I rescued from an alleyway. Her name is Elly." He says softly which surprises them.

Upon hearing her name she wakes up rubbing the sleep from her eyes and stretching a bit showing her tail and ears.

"She's Neko." Tenya comments.

"That's right brat." Shota replies. "Now Zashi gimme!" He says trying to reach for the girl but she clutches to Hizashi whining not realizing who's in the room with her.

"Shh~ It's ok." He whispers while petting her head. "Remember when I said I was going to introduce you to my friends and take you to Recovery Girl?"

She looks up at him and nods.

"Good." He says setting her on a cot without the blanket.

Then Recovery Girl comes over to her as Nezu watches Elly with interest.

"Hello dearie. Could you tell me where you are hurt?"

She makes a small sound looking to Hizashi.

"She doesn't talk. She's selectively mute."

"Mm... Well then dear you could just show me then."

She points to her left ankle and wrist.

Hizashi then realizes how she was doing everything with her right hand just thinking she was right handed.

"Hmm i'm going to put pressure just let me know if it hurts ok?" RG says.

Elly nods.

She starts to feel her ankle and Elly has to suck in a breath willing to keep the tears at bay.

Then RG moves on to her wrist and as soon as she touched it so much pain shot through Elly that she accidently morphed into a full cat.

Which surprised everyone but Hizashi.

Aizawa immediately uses his quirk after recovering from the shock.

She turns back but the ears, nose, tail, and claws stay.

"Well isn't this interesting?" Nezu says cheerily with a creepy smile.

At that Aizawa, RG, and Tenya turn to him with a 'Now's not the time' look and he just returns it with another smile making them all shudder.

Recovery Girl turns back to Elly saying to them, "It seems her wrist is fractured and her ankle is sprained but luckily the fracture isn't too bad and I can just use my quirk.

Hizashi lets out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. "That's great."

Recovery Girl proceeds to heal her, placing a kiss on the girl's cheek. Who in returns bows as a thank you.

Elly then takes the time to look around the room noticing everyone and knowing them all but two now that she's met RG.

~"You're Eraserhead, Midnight, and Ingenium!"~ She signs excitedly pulling out her notebooks.

Shota looks shocked then fondly smirks.

"Say kid, how do you know about me? It's extremely rare that anyone does." He asks.

She opens all three notebooks of each of them and when she opens the notebook of him she had turned to the second picture that Hizashi saw.

They all get closer simultaneously making her feel a bit crowded as she tries to back up.

"Don't crowd the poor dear." RG says scolding them.

They step back except for Shota who was staring at the picture of him and Hizashi in a battle from two years ago mesmerised.

When he finally looks up she asks them if they could sign her notebooks and they agree. But she flipped to the first picture of Shota that Hizashi had seen for him to sign.

Then she puts them away and pulls out three other notebooks that are blank with no cover name.

The first one a pastel pink. She switches out her pen for a mechanical pencil and looks at Recovery Girl drawing her. Then she writes the date and fills in the info of her quirk. Then closes it and puts in the section of the front of her notebook where it says 'title' and writes 'Recovery Girl'.

She proceeds to draw Tenya when she's finished she asks what his quirk is. He tells her with a quizzical look and she writes it down. And she does the same for Nezu. Before she gets to asks him he says,

"My quirk is called High Speck. It gives me an intellect that is far greater than that of any human."

Her eyes go wide then she smiles. After she writes his name down and puts the notebooks back she closes her bag.

"When should Tsukashi be getting here?" The blond asks.

"In about 5 minutes." Nezu replies. "Would anybody like some hot peppermint tea?"

~"I mean I'm not much of a hot tea person but I like peppermint. I'll try it."~

"Great! It's always good to try new things!" He says cheerily.

Sure I wouldn't mind some!" Nemuri says.

"Nemuri you and loud mouth over are gonna bust my eardrums one day."

"You overreact too much Sho~!" She says elbowing him.

He sighs.

"Sure, thanks Nezu." Hizashi replies.

"We don't mind." Tensei says.

"No thank you. I'ma coffee person only when it comes to hot drinks."

"Have it your way Shota~!" Nezu says creepily. Then goes off to make some tea.

"Creepy little rat." Shota mumbles under his breath.

"Uncle I thought he was a mouse." Tenya says, earning a laugh from his older brother and Hizashi.

"Doesn't matter he acts like one."

After a few minutes Nezu had come back with the tea and Tsukashi unsurprisingly.

Nezu passes out the tea and Tsukashi introduces himself to Elly.

"Hello, I'm detective Naomasa Tsukashi. I work with the police." He shows his badge.

She pulls out another notebook and does a quick sketch of him and even includes the badge ID.

"My quirk allows me to be able to tell when someone is lying. But in order for it to work I need to be able to hear people, unfortunately for you."

She was writing down about his quirk then stopped and stared at him with wide scared eyes. She puts her notebook down and looks at him.

He flips his notepad open and gets his own pen.

"Don't worry we'll start with a simple question. What's your full name?"

"E-elly-y R-rox-xan-anne S-sor-ra."

"Alright." He says writing it down. "How old are you?"


"Drink some tea darlin'." Hizashi says to help calm her nerves.

She does.

"Ok now, who found you and where?" He already knows but needs the verbal confirmation.

"P-pres-sent M-Mic-c. I-in a-an a-alley-yw-way-y."

He keeps writing. "How long have you been living by yourself?"

"I-I d-don't-t l-liv-ve by-y mys-self! I-I l-liv-ve w-with O-on-nii-ch-chan-n!" She says pouting at first but finishes with a smile.

"I sense you're not telling the full truth."

"W-well-l h-he's n-not-t r-rea-ally-y m-my n-nii-ch-chan... B-but-t h-he f-fou-und-d m-me wh-when-n I-I w-was-s a-alon-ne!

"Then how come I didn't see him darlin'?!" Hizashi asks, surprised and worried.

"H-he l-lef-ft t-to f-fin-d-d u-us a p-plac-ce t-to s-sta-ay a-and-d f-foo-d-d w-with-tho-out

s-ste-eal-ling-g... H-he's s-supp-pos-sed t-to c-come b-back-k i-in a f-few-w d-da-ay-s." She sniffles as tears start rolling down her face.

Hizashi goes to her and picks her up.

"Shh~ It's ok. It's ok." He whispers in her ears.

"How long have you both been on the streets?" Naomasa asks.

"E-erm-m... I-I th-think-k N-nii-ch-chan-n s-sai-id h-he's b-been-n o-on th-the s-stree-ets f-for t-two a-an-nd a-a h-half-f m-mon-nths. A-and I-I've b-bee-en f-fi-ive w-week-ks..."

At this point everyone is shocked and wonder how no one's found them before.

"Do you know his name?" He asks again.

"H-hit-to- e-erm-m H-hit-tosh-shi I-I b-bel-lie-eve... I-I d-don-n't r-rec-call h-his l-las-st n-nam-me..."

"That's ok how bout you tell me what he looks like."

"H-he's a-a b-bit t-tall-ler th-than m-me a-and w-we're th-the s-same a-age. H-he h-has i-in-nd-dig-go h-air-r an-nd e-eyes."

"Do you know his quirk?"

"H-he s-said-d n-not-t t-to t-ell a-anyo-one c-caus-se th-they'll c-call h-him a-a v-vill-lian c-caus-se o-of i-it. B-but I t-tol-ld h-him-m i-it's n-not-t th-the qu-quirk-k th-tha-ats b-bad, i-it's th-the pe-eop-ple."

"Very well said." Aizawa says, looking at Hizashi and Nemuri.

"Well if you tell us his quirk it'll be easier to find him and reunite you both."

"B-bu-ut I-I p-prom-mis-sed! H-he'll b-be m-mad-d a-and n-not w-wanna-a b-be m-my o-onii-ch-chan 'nym-more!!" She says loudly crying more. She buries her face into Hizashi's leather jacket, gripping it as tightly as possible making her knuckles starch white.

Hizashi rubs her back and tries to calm her.

"I suppose that's a wrap for today, But i do have just one more question; Do you think you know around where we could find him?"

She turns to look at him. Her lip is quivering and her eyes and cheeks are already super red and puffy with tears that seem never ending.

"He-he s-sai-id-d th-tha-at-t h-he w-was-s g-gon-na ch-che-ck o-ou-t th-the-e a-ab-ban-nd-donond-d b-buil-ld-din-ng-gs-s n-ne-ear-r th-the a-all-ley-yw-wa-ay."

Hizashi gives the address to that street as Naomasa writes it down.

"Alright then, thank you for your time. My team and I will try our best to find Hitoshi to reunite with you."

She turns back sobbing into Hizashi's jacket, drowning out the world.

"Hizashi, can I trust you to take care of her until we can get them into a foster home?"

"Of course I'd love to take care of the little darlin'. Don't worry 'bout a thing Naomasa." He says with a smile.

And with that Naomasa takes his leave.

"You do know that taking care of a kid is hard work Hizashi? It's not like you only get them for a short period of time then let them go to the next adult like teaching."

"I know Tensei. It's fine I've been taking care of kids since I was 15. I still help babysit Tenya."

"Yes but this time you're the one fully responsible there's no giving the kid back to their family/relative."

"I know. I know chill."

"Right, that's good 'n all boys but she's still crying." Nemuri points out.

"Hmm..." Hizashi hums.

Then a lightbulb moment happens.

He thinks to sing a song.

¶"Sleep soundly safe in his heart

You no longer have to face the evil in the dark

Just rest your mind

And leave your pain behind

Remember fondly

Of a time when the world was so bright;"¶

She looks up at him still crying but it's calmer and her grip loosens.

¶"You've fought so bravely, my dear

And so you can rest

For now there's nothing left to fear

Fighting onward

You dreamed unreachable things

But now your dreams carry you

To a place where these things come true;"¶

At this she starts to fall asleep.

¶"I'll hold your hand while you sleep

So don't be afraid, I won't let shadows touch your dreams

Maybe in time

We'll leave this all behind

We'll look up skyward

And the stars

They will shine in your eyes;"¶

But now she's drifted off into a more peaceful slumber although she still has tear stains on her face.

¶"Promise, you'll wake up in time

When you awaken I will be there by your side

There's a person

He'll fix the broken mistakes

I'll find him and journey on

I will save you, whatever it takes;"¶

He smiles at her, seeing her asleep now.

¶"No matter the fate I may face~!"¶

They all look a mix of surprised and amused by how she calmed down and fell asleep so fast.

Hizashi gently tucks a strand of stray hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead.

RG pats his leg with a fond, grandmotherly, type smile.

"What song was that? I don't think I've ever heard it. Let alone from you." Shota asks quietly.

"It's called The Apprentice's Lullaby." He replies back.


After some hours they all went back to Hizashi's house and Elly's still asleep.

"I'ma go put the darlin' in the guest room for now."

"K." Nemuri says.

Once she know he's outta earshot she asks, "Do you guys think he'll adopt her?"

"Knowing him most likely." Shota says then sighs.

"Well what about the other kid? Hitoshi right?" Tenya asks.

"We'll have to see how close they really are and their personalities." Tensei responds.

Tenya nods.

Hizashi walks back to them.

"Who's hungry?" He asks.

"Oh! Me!" Nemuri says with a smile.

"Me too." Tensei says.

"Ten, Sho?"

"I wouldn't mind. Could I help you uncle?"

"Of course!" He says smiling brightly at his honorary nephew.

"Sure." Shota says gruffly.


And so Hizashi makes dinner for them all.


Hitoshi had just found the perfect abandoned building for him and the girl he considers his little sister even if they are the same age.

"Alright, now to find a way to get us constant food. Maybe I could get a job..? But, who would hire a ten year old without being a suspicious person or a villain...?" He asks himself.

He sighs audibly and slides down the wall behind him. He opens his backpack that matches his sister's since she made it with what scraps she had from her old home.

He digs around and bumps a cool plastic. He takes it out. Sighing again.

"And get us new phones..."

He puts it back rummaging once more.

"Ugh, where's that scarf she made me!?" He asks, frustrated.

Then he feels the soft cloth brush his fingers.

"Ah! Here it is!" He says pulling it out.

His stomach rumbles.

"Ugh, not now. I have to figure out how to get food first and more importantly money without stealing..." He says as he finishes wrapping the scarf around his neck.

"I hope Elly's ok..."

He closes his bag and puts it on his shoulders and lifts his hoodie.

"Time to find a way to get some more money... We got lucky those few times when people were nice enough to give it to us. But yet they're not nice enough to care or wonder what we're doing by ourselves. Whatever. I can take care of us both. I don't need anyone else." He huffs out.


Hizashi was finishing up dinner with Tenya and said to him, "Thanks for the help lil listener I got it from here. Why don't you go see if Elly's awake yet and if not could you wake her and tell her it's dinner time?"

"Of course uncle." He says handing Hizashi the utensil he was using.

"Thank you." He smiles and Tenya walks away.

Tenya quietly opens the door to the guest room peeking inside before walking in seeing she just woke up.

"Elly?" He says quietly so as to not startle her.

She whipped her head towards him then when she realized she became calmer.

Now that he gets a good look it looks like she's been recently crying again.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

~"I miss onii-chan." She signs half lying.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure they'll find him soon. Would you like a hug?" He says.

She nods.

He goes closer and hugs her.

She hugs back slightly tight.

They pull away.

"Uncle said that dinner is ready."


And with that they go to the kitchen.

"Hey there kiddo. Did you sleep ok?" Nemuri asks.

She nods slightly.

"That's good."

"Hopefully I don't have any night- night- what did he say they were called? Oh, night terrors. Hopefully I won't have any while I'm here. I don't want to be a burden." She thinks to herself.

"Elly, do you like American food?" Hizashi asks but she doesn't hear due to being lost in thought.

"I really wish onii-chan was here. I hope they find Hito soon."

"Darling?" Hizashi calls once more, placing a hand on her shoulder while he's crouched in front of her.

She snaps out of her thought looking surprised.

~"Yes?"~ She signs with a meek expression.

"Are you alright?"

She nods with a small smile.

He sighs a bit.

"If you say so. But I had asked if you like American food."

~"Yes! I love it!"~

"Well," He says, standing back up. "That's great cause that's what I made for dinner.


So they all sit at the table and eat.


Hitoshi decides to take a shot at trying to get a job at the farmer's market that he and Elly always go to. Everyone seems nice enough and even the manager is nice.

When he walks in he was immediately greeted by the manager.

"Ah, Hitoshi. How are you tonight?"

"I-I'm ok thanks."

"Say what're you doing here at this time? You and your sister usually come in the mornings or afternoon's. Speaking of your sister, where is she?"

"Well I just found this place for us to stay not too long ago..."

"Mmm... I see. Why don't we go somewhere more private? So as nobody pries in your personal business."

Hitoshi nods his head.

Then they go to the manager's office.

He closes the door but leaves it partly cracked.

"So she's at this place you found?"

"No sir, she's at the place we're currently staying at. I told her to stay while I tried to find us a place then get some money and food."

"Ah, so you needed more food?"

"Yes sir. I was hoping maybe you could give me a job here so I could earn some money for us. I'm sure she wouldn't mind either."

"Sure I could give you two some jobs. I don't see why not. You're good kids." He says with a hearty chuckle and ruffles Hitoshi's hair.

"Wait, REALLY?!" He asks.

"Of course! I'm sorry I can't do much else for you two but it's the least I can do."

"Oh thank you so much!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" He says hugging the man.

He chuckles again. "No problem, really."

"How soon can we start?"

"Slow down there. How bout we get you two some food first huh?"

Right after he finished that sentence Hitoshi's stomach rumbled loudly.

He crosses his arms over his stomach and looks sheepish.

"I'll take that as a yes." The man says with a smile ruffling his hair again.


Everyone had finished dinner and was cleaning up.

"Hey, do you have any extra clothes with you, or is that all?" Nemuri asks Elly.

~"I have a few clothes left. Why?"~ She questions.

"Because silly girl, after we're done here, i'm going to make you a bath make I needed to know if you had clothes first otherwise we'd have to improvise with maybe some of Tenya's clothes if he wouldn't of minded."

~"Oh. Is this his house?"~

"Haha. No, but it's Zashi's and you'll be staying with him. Although your probably wonder why Tenya would have clothes here then huh?"

She nods.

"That's because we usually come over to each other's house's so much that we practically live with each other." Nemuri finishes.

~"Ok."~ Is all she signs.

So after they had finished cleaning up and doing dishes Nemuri led her back to the room she was previously in before dinner.

"You go ahead and get whatever clothes you need and I'll start that bath for you."

Elly nods.

She goes to her bag and gets the clothes she needs. One of them being one of Hitoshi's hoodies.

Nemuri comes back.

"Alright I have the water going I hope you like strawberries."

Elly nods once more."

"That's good since that's the soap I used. Here let me take you to the bathroom."

And so Nemuri takes her as she memorizes which way it is.

Nemuri walks over to the tub and sticks her hand in the water.

"Not too hot or cold in my opinion but you'll have to see for yourself."

And at that Elly walks over shifting the clothes to her right arm and gingerly sticks her hand under the water.

"Is it good?" Nemuri asks.

Elly looks to her and nods.

"Alright. And the water level should be good enough now." She says turning the faucets off.

There's 3 handels and Nemuri turns the two on the outside but Elly wonder's what the middle is for.

"Oh, before I forget, The hot is on the left, cold on the right, and to turn them on you turn towards the left and off is right. The middle switches it from a bath to a shower the same way." She says pointing up at the shower head.

"Left will turn the shower head on, right will turn it off and stick to the bath setting."

Elly nods.

"And there's a metal switch in the tub that drains the water. When you take a bath you want to make sure that it stays up since that's what keeps all the water in the tub. Down will release it all down the drain."

The girl again nods, making mental notes about it.

"Here give me those." She says referring to the clothes.

Elly gives them.

Nemuri sets them on the counter.

"Oh, and here's a towel. You can just put your dirty clothes in that hamper; they'll probably get washed tomorrow with the rest. I'm going to go out but if you need anything just knock on the wall, K?"

She nods slowly. Then Nemuri heads out and closes the door.


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