The Untold Story (MHA Fanfic)

By Kittylyne_Moon

994 26 0

We've all heard for Midoriya Izuku's story,of how he became the greatest no.1 Hero,his rocky journey and hard... More

Act I
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XIII

Chapter XII

19 2 0
By Kittylyne_Moon

3rd POV (UA Academy;USJ Training Grounds) Main Plaza

Ignoring that thing impaling his ankle,Shigaraki commanded the bird-like creature still encased in ice.

"Nomu,go ahead and finish explosion boy over there.We need our key back."instantly,the Nomu that was encased in ice forced itself to stand up,it's arm and leg breaking off in the process as it stood to it's full height.

"?!"surprising Todoroki at it's sheer strength;"H-How is it moving...?!Half of it's body was snapped away...?!"Izuku yelled,eyes wide as he watched the Nomu stand up to it's full height."Stand back,all of you!"

All Might yelled,throwing his arms out as he blocked the kids behind him;"Isn't it's quirk is 'shock absorption?!What is that thing?!"they all watched as the Nomu stood to it's full height,it's arm and leg growing back rapidly.

"I never said that was the full extent of it's ability.As you can see,it also got 'super regeneration'.Nomu is a human sandbag artificially crafted to the height of physical fitness in order to stand your 100%."the Nomu leaned forward,getting ready to lunge at Bakugo who kept Kurogiri pinned down the ground.

'It's quick!'

All Might quickly ran towards Bakugo,disappearing as a white blur brushed pass the students.The Nomu sending a punch towards the spot Bakugo was standing on,white smoke filling the area as the trees swayed from the impact."KACCHAN!!!"

Todoroki grunted,using his ice to form a shield around him and Hinari,the ravenette still standing relatively quiet in her spot behind him.Slowly,the wind subsided,the students looking wide eyed at scene in front of them;"Kacchan?!Y-You dodged him?!How...?!"

Izuky screamed,looking at the as blond who sat dazed beside him,eyes wide in disbelief as he sat on the cemented ground."No,you fucking idiot."

'I couldn't see all!'

All Might stood panting near the wall,his arms crossed in front of him as he stood in a defensive standing,breathing heavily as he panted."Do you...not have mercy?"

'So he took one for that brat,huh?'

Shigaraki sighed,feeling the pain on his shoulder fading as the wounded slowly healed itself.The pain in his stomach subsiding as a new force of energy seeped through his whole body,the sensation giving him a taste of euphoria.

"We had no choice,we hand to save our ally,no?Just a little while ago,three of your kids tried to attack me.Two of them succeeded,while the other failed.That's short brunette..."Shigaraki pointed at Meimoto;"That brash girl..."his gaze then shifting to Hinoka who glared at him."And plain looking boy..."

Before settling on Izuku who sat on the floor beside Bakugo,worry and concern dancing in his emerald green orbs."They all beated me up with their strength,y'know?And for whom do you think they mustered up such touching acts of violence,hm?'Hero'?"

The pinch-like pain in his ankle disappeared,his red eyes momentarily watching the black tendril slither back into the ground below him before he comtinued;"Now listen here,All Might!I'm very ticked off!"spreading his arms out as he spoke at the top of his lungs.

"We're all categorized as either heroes or villains,but at the end of the day,violence is violence!And who gets to decide what's right and wrong?!Society does!The 'Symbol of Peace'?!Give me a break!You're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself!Violence only breeds more violence!And once we kill you,that'll be made known to the world!!!"

"You're mad!You oughtta keep your antisocial viewpoints to yourself.Besides,be straight with me.You just want to get your kicks in."Shigaraki paused,his head tilted to the side as his red eyes peeked through the gaps of the fingers on his face."You saw through quickly..."

"It's 3 vs 8,there's no way out for you."Todoroki muttered,eyes narrowed as he stepped forward,ready to attack;"And Kacchan exposed the mist guy's weakness...!"Izuku stepping up beside him with a determined glint in his eyes,followed by Bakugo who stayed silent."Yeah,let's get our games faces on!"Hinoka...

"Hmp,how pathetic."Meimoto..."These guys are outrageous but if we give All Might some support,then we'll send them packing!No problem!"and Kirishima,they were all ready to fight for All Might's honor.Except for Hinari,who as always,stayed in the back of the crowd,her tendrils going haywire on her back.

"No!Please escape!"All Might was quick to stop them,though.Holding his arm out to hold the students back from attack;"But if I hadn't come to support you earlier,it would've been bad."

"All Might,you've got blood...!And you're already out of tim- ah!"Izuku stuttered,slapping himsef for almost blurting out things he shouldn't say out in the open."Right you are,Todoroki-shounēn!Thanks a ton!"

All Might smiled,grinning widely as he sent a thumbs up at the bi-colored haired male."But I'll be okay now!All you need to do is to watch a pro show you how it's done!"

"How ridiculous."Kurogiri mutterrd,now floating beside Shigaraki after composing himsef of being freed from...detainment."Nomu,Kurogiri,do your thing.I'll deal with the kids."Shigaraki ordered,pointing at the seven students standing behind All Might.

'It's certainly true,I don't have even a solitary minute left in me...!The rate at which I'm weaking is also faster than I thought!I've got to end this!'

Shigaraki lunged forward,his hand stretched out as he ran towarss the students;"Let's clear the game and return victorious!"specifically Hinoka who had punched him in the stomach earlier.

'Why,you ask...?'

"He's coming,brace yourself!!!'Kirishima yelled,hardening both of his arms as he stood on guard."Bring it,crusty!"Hinoka crouching as she leaned forward with a huge grin.

'For I am the Symbol of Peace!'

Shigaraki watched as All Might lunged towards the Nomu,the bird-like creature extend it's fist towards the hero as it lunged to attack.Their fists meeting in the middle,which created a huge blast of wind."I told you before...He has shock absorption."

"I am- quite aware!"the two exhanged blows,the force of their attacks creating huge blasts of winds that pushed the trees and students back."A full frontal blow-for-blow?!- Wah!"

'I can't get any nearer...'

Midoriya yelped,feeling something wrap around his waist as he was lifted in the air,his emerald green eyes glancing at the female standing stiff below him;"H-Hinari-san!"the others were also lifted in the air by Hinari's tendrils,Bakugo and Kirishima on one tendril while the other carried both Hinoka and Meimoto.Shoto and Midoriya had seperate tendrils though,all six of them hanging in the air as Hinari hid behind the ice Shoto was created earlier,protecting herself from the harsh wind as the others watched the battle play out in front of them.

"It's shock absorption,not total nulification!It must have a limit,no?!It was created to withstand my 100%?!In that case,I'll just give it more than 100%!"All Might coughed,spitting out blood as he continued his attacks,the punches getting stronger and stronger at each blow.

'He won't stop spitting blood and yet...!He's not holding back!Don't fire away so recklessly...All Might!He's more than 100% into every single punch!'

Midoriya thought,watching the scene with wide eyes as he hanged in the air,the tendril on his waist keeping a firm hold around him."A hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle life puts his way!Do you know of what I speak,villain?!"

All Might bent down,using all his strength as he sent one last punch to the Nomu's jaw;"PLUS-"sending it flying in the air and through the dome."ULTRA!!!"sending the creature far away from their sight.

"What is this,a comic book?It's like he pounded the shock absorption out of that thing...The absolute meathead."Kirishima muttered,sweat dripping down his temple as he hanged pressed against Bakuko's back.The said spiky ash blond scoffing as he silently listened to Kirishima speak;"So that power was bullshit in the end...Even beat him to a pulp so fast his regeneration couldn't activate in time..."

'So this is the top...'

Shoto huffed,still suspended in the air by Hinari's tendril.Along with Bakugo who seemed to flabbergasted.

'So with the world of the pros...!'

"Hina..."Meimoto called,looking at her sister who still stood hidden behind the ice,the masked ravenette obeying her older sister and placed them all back down the ground,Kirishima and Midoriya thanking her while Shoto merely nodded in the gratitude.

"I really have gotten weaker...In my heyday,it would've taken 5 punches,tops.Now I threw more than 300 at the sucker..."All Might grinned,panting as smoke swirled around his buff figure.

'And now...Now I have no time left...'

"Now then,villain.We both want to put an end to this dance of ours,don't we?"All Might laughed,grinning as he looked at the agitated male."You..."scratching his neck vigorously in frustration.

"You used cheats!"




"Hehe hehe..."Kaminari and Rimoto hanged suspended in the air,the back of their shirt being held by a large villain holding them hostage.

"Hands up,and don't even think about using your quirk!The second you do,these kids gets it!"Momo and Jiro stood frozen in front of the said villain,eyes wide in fear and worry as they looked at Rimoto's pained expression.


"Damn,he's got us...We completely let our guard down...!"

The masked villain laughed,holding both kids in one hand as his other sparked with electricity;"As a fellow electricity user,I don't wanna kill him.But if this is how it's gonna be,then there's no helping it."the villain threatened,still holding unto the two students tight.

"A surprise ambush after leading us to believe that we've wiped out everyone...To think something like that never occured to me."Jiro muttered,eyes narrowed as she glared at the villain holding both of her classmates hostage im front of her.

"An electricity user...!You must be the one Todoroki-san was talking about!The one who's interfering with the transmission!"Momo exclaimed,realization flashing in her deep gray eyes."I'm coming toward you,don't move a muscle!"

"Damn you,and goddamn electricity types are just born in the league of winning powers,aren't you?"Jiro asked,sweat dripping down her cheek as she smirked nervously."What are you..."Momo muttered,her eyes glinting once she noticed one of Jiro's jack snaking down behind her back.

"I mean,there are plenty of jobs available to you even outside the Hero Business,and you're always in such high demand.Just out of curiousity...Why did you choose to be a villain...?"the jack slowly reached down to her speakers built in her shoes,slowly and carefully making it's way towards the plug.

'Now I see,Jiro can use her plug for a no-motion attack!If only she can successfully connect it!'

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?"the villain growled,inching his sparking closer to the duo;"Kya!"Rimoto screaming in fright as the sparking hand neared her face."Shit!"instantly making Jiro freeze."Uwhey?"

"Only an idiot would fall for some teenager's shallow excuse for wits."Jiro's jack retreated back to it's place under her ear,her whole body tensing at being caught."Don't neglect the hostage,you hard boiled eggs.If you don't resist I'll let these two go free,understand?"

The villain muttered,growling as he narrowed his eyes at the two girls;"Choose wisely,your lives or theirs?Don't you move now...!"



Shigaraki growled,grumbling as he scratched his now red neck,muttering profanities as he glared at All Might.

"You've gotten weaker?You lie...We're overpowered!How dare you lay a hand on my Nomu?!You used cheats...!You cheater!You fucking cheat!"Kurogiri looked at Shigaraki with his glowing golden eyes.

Watching as the male started to get agitated;"There's no way you're any weaker now!Did she...Did she lie to me?!No,no,no!She wouldn't...My Ari wouldn't lie to me!Ari's a good girl!She's a good girl!She wouldn't lie to me!My good girl...!"

All Might stayed silent,his grin still present as he watched the male get frustrated,scratching his now bleeding neck profusely."What's the matter?Where'd your bravado go?What happened to clearing the game...?Try it if you can."

All Might taunted,provoking the agitated male as he stared at him with those deep blue eyes of his,glowing iminently winthin the depths of his dark eyes."UWOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAHHH!!!"

Meanwhile,the seven students stood far from the scene,still near earshot as they talked amongst each other."That's All Might for you,looks like we're not even players anymore."

Shoto muttered,face blank as he stood beside the quiet masked female,the ravenette standing beside him stiff as a statue."Midoriya!We oughta be drawing back now!Otherwise,we might end up getting used as hostages..."

Kirishima exclaimed,holding the freckled boy by the shoulder as the group slowly inched away from the scene.The greenette still looking at his mentor with wide and worried eyes.

'No...!You don't understand!It's just a bluff!It's getting mixed into all the dust that's been kicked up,but...It's the same sort of vapor he releases when he transforms...!'

Hinari silently watched the scene,her hand clasped unto Shoto's shirt as she stood beside the bicolored haired male,the male himself keeping a firm arm around her shoulder as they slowly stepped away from the battle field.

'I can't move anymore,that Nomu was too strong!To be frank,I can't even take a single step!And I won't be able to keep this swagger going for much longer!I'm going to snap back to my true form any moment now...!Mere seconds left...!'

"Well?What are you waiting for?!"

'Take the bait!Scurry home!If I can just maintain this form for a litte longer...!'

"If only Nomu were here!If it were Nomu it'd be able to face him without feeling a lot of pressure...!"Shigaraki grunted,his neck stinging from all the scratching he had done."Calm yourself,Shigaraki Tomura."

Kurogiri called,his mist-like body floating behind Shigaraki as he looked at the buff hero in front of them."If you look more closely,you can clearly see the damage Nomu succeeded in dealing him.Young mistress did not lie to you,she simply stated based on her observations."

Shigaraki nodded,slowly calming down as placed his hands down."Yes,you're right..."his eyes glowing dangerously as he spoke with venom.

"My Ari is not one to lie,after all."

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