The Death That Follows

By samandcolbyenjoyer

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Hello! This story is not written by me, but by my best friend. She asked me to put it here for others to read... More

Dream's Dream
Wilbur Soot
Return of the Q
Unexpected Visit
One Year and Three-Hundred Sixty-Four Days Later
Cat Out of the Bag
The Ring That Started It All
Meeting House
The Final Battle
Homeward Bound
Bart Miller
Pillow Fort
The Final Sacrifice
Thank You!


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By samandcolbyenjoyer

TW: DNF, Karlnap, Brief Mention of S*x, Slight Mention of Homophobia


I woke up to soft, morning light streaming through the windows. The fear of last night's apparition having faded with the stars, I looked down at Gogy and smiled.

"I would love to let you sleep, but I really gotta pee." I said, and he groaned, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.

"You can hold it." He said groggily, and I chuckled.

"I'll make you breakfast if you get up." I said playfully, and he rolled over, looking at me with tired, disbelieving eyes.

"Dream, love, you can't cook for the life of you." He said, and I scoffed, faux offended.

"You don't know that." I harrumphed.

"Remember when Ran and Tubbo came over? You burned the spaghetti so bad, we had to use a sledge hammer to get it off the pan." He said, and I winced at the memory.

"People change." I said, and he dropped it, obviously too tired to keep arguing. "That's what I thought." I said, slipping off the couch.

After relieving myself, I went to the kitchen. It was well used, Karl and Gogy being the chefs of the household, while Sap and I admired them in their aprons.

"Okay. Where is the pantry?" I said aloud, glad Gogy was a deep sleeper, when he was trying to ignore my idiocracy. After opening almost every dark wood drawer, I finally opened the large, swinging door thing, and found it.

"Ahhah! Food!" I said, grabbing the pancake mix. I had seen George do this hundreds of times. This would be a synch, right?

After a couple tries, I found a bowl, though the cleanliness of said item was doubtful, and filled it with the white powder. After rearranging the dishes crowding the sink, I drenched it with water. "Stirring the pancakes, for my boyfriend, so he will not bring an end. To something." I hummed, stirring the mixture with a spoon I had found on the floor.

I put the batter straight on the flat stove, something I saw Gogy do before, and stared at it.

"Come on, stupid pancakes. Cook faster." I said, watching as they slowly, at an agonizing pace, bubbled.

I turned to put the bowl in the sink, having done all the batter in one batch.

"Dream!" Sapnap said, and I turned to see him in the kitchen awning, in between the living room and kitchen.

"Sap! How is Karl?" I asked, pulling him into a hug and pounding his back.

"Good. Gogy?" He asked, and I looked over to the couch.

"Asleep, actually, though I doubt he will be for long." I said, and Sapnap rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"How was last night?" Sap asked suggestively, and I blushed.

"Pretty quiet. We got pizza." I said, and my best friend looked at me, disappointed.

"You didn't ask him?" He asked quietly, and I shook my head.

"I don't know. I am so close, but It's never the right time, you know?" I said, and he shook his head.

"Soon, he's going to get tired of waiting and drop you." He said, and I hit him playfully.

"So much faith in me." I said, and he grinned.

"Hey, is that supposed to be smoking?" He asked, and I gasped, turning around.

"Gogy! They're on fire!! Help!" I yelled, and I heard something heavy hit the ground.

"People don't change, Dream. People very much don't change." He yelled, and I heard him stumble to a run from the living room. 

After a whole bag of flour, thoroughly burnt pancakes, three bowls of cereal, and a very angry Gogy, we were all sitting on the living room floor, eating peacefully.

"Well, that was fun." Sapnap said, and George scoffed.

"I told you." He said to me.

"Wow, I can't even try to do something nice for my boyfriend?" I asked, looking at him with fake hurt in my eyes, and he rolled his eyes, slapping my nose with his spoon.

"Not when you almost burn down our house in the process." He said, and I laughed.

"Touche." I said, and he leaned into me.

"But you are cute when you panic." He said, and I leaned down to kiss him.


I looked at Dream, the sharp slope of his high cheekbones as he chewed on his cereal, the way his thick, sandy hair fell over his ears. He was perfect, even more so than when we first met, if that is even possible. I loved him with all my whole heart, would die for him, if needed.

I wanted him to be mine, forever. I wanted people to see a band on his finger, and know that he was taken, and always would be. I wanted to grow old with him.

He looked up, his thick, dark eyelashes almost touching his cheeks, and grinned lopsidedly at me when he caught me staring. I remember when I wanted so badly to be able to reach out, to touch him like it was nothing. But now, I could. I brought my hand to his face, gently caressing the perfect skin over his perfect cheekbones. He leaned forward, his crooked smile slipping off his face, turning into something more serious, a deeper sort of happiness in his eyes.

"Yes?" He asked in his usual, playful way, and I smiled at the Reeses Puffs lodged between his teeth. I just smiled, gently touching the soft skin of his lips with my finger.

He was mine. And every day since he had asked me, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Just making sure this is real." I said, replacing my fingers with my lips. I loved how Dream kisses, how he takes charge, even when taken by surprise. It's easy to get lost in the feeling of safety that envelops me when I'm with him.

"Not to ruin the moment, or anything, but my cheerios can see you!" Sapnap said, and Dream growled, a sound that sent shivers up my spine.

"Well then, you will have to take your innocent cereal somewhere else. Because we are about to get way over PG." He said, pulling me on top of him, spilling my breakfast over the already stained carpet. Did I care? Not a single bit.

"You guys are so adorable, it makes me sick." Sap said, taking his breakfast out of the living room.

"Alone at last." Dream said, wagging his eyebrows, reminding me of a happy puppy.

"We literally spent all night together, and we fell asleep on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and eating pizza." I joked, still sitting in his lap like a child.

"Yes, but now I get to annoy someone while showing affection. It's a win win." He said.

"Ah, so you need a spectator to make out with me? How comforting if we ever. . ." I stopped myself short, ducking my head.

"If we ever what?" He asked. If we ever get married. That's what I was going to say. But I couldn't. Not yet. Not when I was trying so hard to build up. For so long, Dream had taken the lead in our relationship. Dream was the one to ask me out, the one to go in for the first kiss, the one to propose living together, but I wanted to be the one to seal us together forever. I wanted to get down on one knee, and make the love of my life mine forever.

"Nothing. I was going to say something witty, but I lost it." I said, and he chuckled, a sound so different from his usual laugh, it made me smile. This was a laugh that was just for me. It wasn't a wheeze, or a choke, or a tea kettle, it was like a secret. Low and quiet, one only meant for my ears.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Dream asked, playing with my hair as he resumed eating, me still lodged in his lap.

"I am actually going out." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh, where are we going?" He asked, and I smiled, his need for my presence sweet, in a way.

"I am actually going out with Karl, Quackity, and a couple of my friends. I would invite you, but it's no lovers. Just friends." I said, and he pouted, actual hurt flashing across his face. I hated to lie to him, but it had to be done. You couldn't tell your boyfriend about planning your proposal without explaining what was going on, could you?

"You could sneak me in your pocket." He said, burying his face in my neck.

"Sorry, love. Not this time." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Dream, I have to go. You can't come." I said, feeling hot and sweaty. I hated lying to him. Hated it with every fiber of my being. I wanted to leave as quickly as possible so that I could be back to him as soon as I could be.

"Oh. I'm sorry." He said, and I instantly felt bad at snapping at him.

"I'm sorry. I just need to do this. I will be back as soon as possible." I promised, kissing him softly before standing up.

I tried not to think about the sadness in his eyes as I went upstairs to get dressed.


I spent so long without Gogy, that even a moment with him out of my sight sends me spiraling. Usually I can hide it, this feeling. But without him here, my thoughts were spinning a mile a minute. He had seemed mad when he left, was he mad at me? What was he really going to say when he cut himself off? Is he offended by my need for him? Was he mad about the pancakes? Was that cereal really the best thing I could have eaten for breakfast? Did Sap miss Karl when George and I teased him? Could I keep George with me forever? Could someone invent something to let us keep mini humans of those we love so we are never alone?

I sat on the edge of mine and George's bed, spinning his ring on my finger, thinking. The biggest worry I had, more than if Sapnap was mad, or I was clingy, was that George would say no. We had been dating for almost a year, but, in that time, we had never talked about getting married. Our conversation about kids last night was one of the only real conversations we had had about our future. Sure, we weren't all fun and games, but we talked about our pasts, when we were serious. We talked about our families, and our friends, and everything under the sun. But not about getting married.

Even with this feeling, though, I knew it was almost time. I would ask him soon, I just had to figure out when.

"Hey Dream." Sapnap said from my doorway, and I looked up to see him leaning in the doorframe.

"What's up?" I asked, and he walked over to sit next to me.

"Nothing much." He said, eyeing the ring I was spinning around my thumb. "He loves you, Dream. He will say yes." Sap said, reading my mind.

"I know he loves me. But what if I'm not good enough? What if he does say yes, and it's a mistake." I said, and Sapnap knocked against my shoulder in a brotherly manner.

"Do you really think, after years of watching you pine over each other, I would let that happen?" He asked, and I looked up at the ceiling, tracing the popcorn texture with my eyes.

"This is the right thing to do, isn't it?" I asked, and Sapnap took my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Come on, Clay. You are perfect for eachother. You will live a long, happy life together, and never regret a moment of it." He said, and I smiled. Maybe he was right.


"Ooh, what about this one?" Karl asked excitedly, pointing to one of the hundreds of rings encased behind the glass counter.

"I don't know. It's a little too girly, I think." I said, looking down at the silver band. I would wear it, but the delicate, multi faceted diamond and the leaves surrounding it looked a bit too gentle for him.

"Can I help you, sirs?" An older woman with wispy gray hair pulled back into a harsh bun said, appearing behind the counter.

"Yeah, I am looking for a ring, but none of these seem right." I said, and she smiled at me over her round glasses.

"Ah, I am sure, with looks like yours, your little lady needs the most special ring imaginable." She said, and I saw Karl laughing behind his hand.

"Um, I am actually looking for a ring for my boyfriend." I said, and I wish I had a camera to take a picture of the look of absolute horror on her face. But the other part of me, the rational one, felt a sharp pang of anger. How dare she.

"Alright, well. Looks like that's all we'll be needing." I said, pulling on Karl.

"But what about Dream's ring?" He asked under his breath.

"I don't want to get anything tainted with the hate of a homophobe." I said, and he nodded.

"But, that's the nicest jeweler in the SMP. Where are we going to find something better?" He asked, and I sighed, looking up and down the crowded street lined with shops.

"I am sure we'll find something." I said, beginning down the sidewalk, sticking my hands in my jean pockets.

"Ooh, look, a baby!" Karl said, almost immediately losing interest. I shook my head, smiling. Karl and Sap were made for each other.

We walked for hours, finding nothing. Anxiety quickened my step as I thought of being unable to propose to Dream because of a minute detail. That I couldn't find a ring.

"George, if we go any faster, we will break the sound barrier." Karl said, and I stopped, realizing Karl was farther behind me than I first thought.

"We are never going to find it." I said, my heart hammering, though not from almost running for a good hour.

"Gogy, look at me." Karl took me by my shoulders, and I looked down at him. "It doesn't matter what ring you have, it doesn't matter if you get married in a barn, all that matters is that you two were made for eachother." He said, and I felt tears stream down my cheeks, unbidden.

"But it has to be perfect. What if he says no?" I asked, and someone cleared their voice behind me.

I turned, startled, to see a girl, possibly, standing outside of a small, almost minuscule shop. She wore a dark leather jacket, and her hair was dyed black with silvery white tips. Her face was covered in piercings, the fierceness of her short hair and metal studs contrasting oddly with her kind expression.

"Are you looking for a wedding ring?" She asked, and I scrubbed my eyes, embarrassed.

"Yeah, how did you. . ." I trailed off, and she grinned crookedly, flashing braces with rainbow rubber bands.

"Trust me, there is no greater fear than that of a soon to be fiance." She said, holding up her left hand to show a beautiful, intricately carved black ring. "When I proposed to my girlfriend, I almost lost my --- with nerves." She said, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Let me guess, you just came from Nancy's Jewelers. That —-- is the most homophobic —------ you will ever meet." She said, and I smiled.

"My name is George. And, yeah. I have been planning my proposal to my boyfriend since we met, and I can't find the most important piece." I said, trying to sound lighthearted, but my voice cracked, giving me away.

"I'm Jamie, they/them, just so you know." They said, and Karl held out his hand.

"Hi! I'm Karl!" He said, and they shook his hand wryly.

"Great to meet you, Karl. And I think I may be able to help you." Jamie said, gesturing us to their shop. With a loaded look to Karl, we followed behind them. The store was packed with all sorts of objects, from Budha statues to a black dress so old that it looked like a moth could make it disintegrate just by flying near it.

"D.D, we have customers!" Jamie yelled in a sing-song voice, and a bang came from the back room.

"One second, love!" A high pitched, lightly accented voice said, and a tall girl with dark skin and long, unmanageable black hair popped out from behind the beaded curtain, carrying a big cardboard box. "I swear, if the next shipment we get isn't garbage, I will. . ."

"Uh, Kennedy, this is George and Karl!" Jamie said, blushing bright red. I smiled, knowing exactly what Jamie's wife was going to say.

"Oh, hello! If you couldn't tell, I am Kennedy." She said, brushing dust off her loosely fitted overalls.

"This fine young man, sorry for assuming, is looking for a ring for his boyfriend." Jamie said, taking me by the arm and practically dragging me to the counter.

"Ah, came from Nancy's, then?" Kennedy asked, and I nodded.

"I am scarred for life." I joked, and both Jamie and Kennedy laughed.

"Alright, let me see what I can find." Kennedy said, disappearing back behind the beaded curtain.

"You two own this place together?" Karl asked, looking at a stuffed chicken curiously, and Jamie nodded.

"Yep. My grandma gave it to me as a wedding present, and we practically live here now. Our sons, who are around here somewhere, work for pocket money." They said, and I looked at them, surprised. They couldn't be more than late twenties.

"Um, are the kids yours?" Karl asked bluntly, and Jamie laughed.

"They are actually D.D's nephews, but her sister got herself into some sketchy stuff, and we got custody of them when the youngest, Jacob, was a baby. D.D and I were still dating, actually." Jamie said, and Karl looked like he wanted to pick them up and keep them safe from the world. He was a simp for love stories. "How did you and this Dream meet?" Jamie asked, and felt my face turn into a big, dopey smile against my will.

"We were actually friends online for years. Us and our other friend, Sapnap, were as thick as thieves. Then, our other friend asked us to come live here, and I met Dream for the very first time in real life. I fell in love instantly. It took forever for me to actually tell him how I felt, well after the third date, actually. Now, we live together with Karl's boyfriend, Sapnap." I said, and Jamie smiled, clasping their arms in front of them.

"Ahh, that's so cute!" They said and I ducked my head, smiling.

"I found it!" Kennedy said, carrying three different boxes. She put them on the counter, and opened the first one, a blood red, satin box. The ring inside was beautiful, dark and simple silver, with a black line wrapping around the center.

"This one we got a couple years back. It's pretty simple, but it is made of real silver, and the band signifies never ending love, like an infinity loop." Jamie said, and I nodded. Kennedy opened the next box. This one was white, with dark blue etches, made almost completely out of stone.

"This one is made of quartz and sapphires, and we actually found this one on the side of the road. But don't let that limit the romance of it." Jamie said, and Kennedy opened the last and final box, and I gasped. It was perfect.

The whole band was made of a thick, inky black metal, etched into two identical dragons, intertwining together, their tiny wings encasing the other. But what really caught my attention was their eyes. One had a light, luminescent blue, while the other was dark, brooding green.

"This one actually came from the shop. And, if you look on the inside, the words amor qui non novit fines are etched. Meaning, love that knows no bounds." Jamie said, a smile in their voice.

"It's. . ." I trailed off, gently, with a shaking finger, caressing the ring. Dream's ring.

"Kennedy, do you mind putting it in a bag for George?" Jamie asked, and Kennedy nodded, smiling at my dumbfounded expression.

"How much?" I asked, knowing I would pay absolutely anything for it.

"It's on the house. As long as he says yes." Jamie said, and, in a burst of bravery I didn't know I had, I reached forward and hugged them.

"Thank you so much." I said, on the verge of tears. They wrapped their arms around me, unfazed.

"Of course. And make sure you bring your fiance around to meet my boys some time." Jamie said, and I nodded, backing away.

"Definitely." I said, and Karl put a bag, the bag with the box with the ring, in my hand.

"Thank you both so much. We have to go before Dream destroys the house out of worry." Karl said, a big, goofy smile on his face.

"Of course! Come back whenever you like. And we expect an invitation to the wedding." Jamie said, taking their wife's hand.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to ask him.

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